MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 50

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The marriage contract completely reshaped the world view of Zhao Jia, but Yi Jia did not have time to worry about this marriage contract.

Upon returning home, Yi Jia began to think about how to earn points.

The first reaction of Qian Jia is to go out and catch ghosts. A devil has a point, assuming that this ghost has killed a hundred people, that is a hundred points. There are so many devils in China, 100,000 points. How many devils can you catch?

Then, Yi Jia thought of the daily two or three things that he once gave to the "Ghosts".

Thinking of this, Yi Jia quickly found a small series of "Ghosts Know" and told the other party that this is true news and should be submitted.

Ten minutes later, Xiaobian will reply.

[Ghost knows: This Taoist friend, although your news is true, but now the entire metaphysical world, who does not know that Qin Shihuang and Qin San like to play dot reading machines in the mausoleum? Daoyou, your news is out of date. 】

[奚嘉: It was you who said that I was a fake news, or how it would be outdated! 】

[Ghosts know: Daoyou, give you ten points, hey, play. 】

Zhao Jia who got ten points: "..."

[Zi Jia: Why do you refuse to go to my manuscript? What I wrote is true! 】

[Ghosts know: Daoyou, if you hurt people, it’s not good to say it? 】

[奚嘉: In the end, why not submit my contribution! 】

[Ghost knows: As for the writing, dare to ask this Taoist friend, is your language taught by a physical education teacher? 】

Yan Jia: "..."

When Jia Ge was angry, he decided not to contribute to the "Ghosts" in this life. If there is any big news in the future, let you "ghost know" regret it!

It is very unrealistic to submit the "Ghost Know" submission. I think about it for a long time, and I really can't think of how to earn 100,000 points quickly. Ye Jingzhi did not know his distress. These masters of Tianye seriously helped the wife to clean the house every day, cook the dinner for her wife, and walked downstairs with her daughter-in-law at night.

In July, Sioux City is as hot as a big stove. In general, this kind of weather, Jia Ge is impossible to go out, but now there are master Ye. Master Ye has hand-painted a symbol on the heart of Jia Ge, which is cooler than air conditioning. You don't need to turn on air conditioning all day, and you will save at least 800 electricity bills this summer.

The weather was too hot, and only two people from Zhaojia and Ye Jing were walking in the garden.

The noisy buzzing sounded from all sides, and it was noisy. The setting sun has fallen to the horizon, leaving only a little residual glow reflecting the sky. Yan Jia looked at the sky with absent-mindedness, thinking about how to earn points in the end, and Ye Jingzhi took out a little stick ice made by himself from the Qiankun bag.

"Jia Jia, eat."

It is clear that it is a walk, walk and lose weight, but every time the mirror will bring a lot of delicious, Yi Jia has long been used to it. He took the ice and handed it together.

After eating the great ice, Ye Jingzhi took out the apple from the Qiankun bag. I ate apples and bananas. I ate bananas and pears...

The Qiankun package used by the Xuanxue circles to put the magic weapon, at this moment, is full of all kinds of delicious.

Ye Jingzhi looked at the singer's soul and did not keep his house. He frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yi Jia returned to God: "Nothing. Oh, yes, Master Ye, have you not used to go out to catch ghosts recently?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded: "It is almost seven and a half months, and the yin of the mortal is weakened. When it is July and a half, it will erupt together. The number of ghosts and ghosts will increase more than before, but the number of ghosts will be less. It doesn't matter if you don't go out often to catch ghosts. No big things will happen."

Yan Jia nodded and nodded.

Ye Jingzhi said: "Every year, in July and a half, the ghost door will open, and there will be a splendid tide. The largest scale four years ago is the heaviest one in the last 30 years. But according to the normal level, only Nan Yidao friends lead other friends to go to the ghost gates in front of the ghosts, they can cope. I stay here... accompany you." Finished, secretly look at Zhaojia.

However, Jia Ge did not pay attention to the shy and careful thinking of Master Ye.

Jia Ge is still thinking about how to make money.

Points are not people | coins, you want to earn or you can earn. Integrating this kind of thing, you don't even have a way to earn it.

Yan Jia thought carefully, Ye Jingzhi found that his wife did not pay attention to herself, a little wronged, but soon remembered another more important thing: "I will go to the capital next week for ten days."

Yi Jiayi: "Going to the capital?"

The mirror of the mirror: "Well. The Tianshi representative assembly was postponed, and the seniors of Yanxiu asked me to be present, saying that this meeting should discuss the things of the Tomb of the First Emperor. Jiajia, this conference is not fun, I am going alone, very Come back soon."

As soon as I heard the Tianshi Congress, the first master of Ye Jia’s mind had said that –

"The chairman will also attend the Tianshi Congress every year. 』

Yan Jia: "..." The amount of information is a bit explosive.

Ye Jingzhi’s heart is that the Tianshi Congress is not fun at all. Without a wife, the wife will be bored. What Jiajia thinks is, fortunately, this representative of the Congress is not eligible to participate, otherwise he will see the chairman at the meeting, how should he talk to the chairman? Could it be said that the chairman is good, your wife looks so beautiful hahaha.

Just boring.

The metaphysical masters of the mysterious world are different from ordinary people because they learn spells from a young age and catch ghosts and exorcism. Jia Ge is an ordinary person. The highest-ranking leader he has seen since he was a child is his university president. He is a hall-level cadre. On the day of graduation, Jia Ge was fortunate enough to be personally assigned by the principal, and took a photo as a commemoration.

If I suddenly crossed from the hall level to the ... level, Jia Ge was a bit unbearable.

The two continued to walk in the small garden. After eating everything, Ye Jingzhi lowered his head and looked at the right hand that Yi Jia naturally hanged on his side. His eyes stared silently on the hand, sneaking out his fingers and trying to hook the hand, but when he first encountered it, he shrank back a little shyly.

Re-stretched his hand, and Zhai Jia went to the side to let it go, just staggered.

Then I reached out and Yu Jia suddenly stopped, and Ye Jingzhi almost hit him.

Ye Jingzhi has not yet reacted, but Zhao Jia has surprised his eyes and pulled his hand.

Ye Jingzhi: "!"

Zhai Jiaxi looked out: "Master Ye, I remember you said that at the Tianshi Congress, because you can't bring more than ten kilograms, so when you get to the second half of the meeting, the masters have nothing to do, and they are better off. You said... can I sell them to them?!"

Ye Jingzhi: "Ah?"

Thinking of this, Yi Jia will do it immediately. He took the hand of Ye Jing, and ran home quickly, turning out many of the remaining Lingshi in the past few days.

Four days ago, Tiangong Express sent them a big box, which was all about burning the Tomb of the First Emperor. In order to cope with the terrible Qin Shihuang, the Xuanxue Circle established an emergency group called “How to Make Qin Shihuang Become a Dead House”, referred to as the “Qin Zhai” group. The people in the Xuanxue world are still kind. They provide a lot of money. In the future, Jia Ge will not have to pay for the food for the child.

In this matter, everyone is generous.

The things that Qin Shihuang wanted were not to be scored at all, and they could be bought at a random cost. Therefore, the great scholars in the metaphysical circles spent a lot of money, and each of them rushed to save money. It was quite a classmate who was rushing to give money. But this time, the masters are not talking about it, they really want to give money especially.

[岐山道人: 奚小友, the relationship between the old husband and Ye Xiaoyou is so good, you and Ye Xiaoyou are such a relationship, you quickly use the old man's money to buy an Apple mobile phone, and quickly use the old man's money to buy novels! Take all the money from the old man to buy it! 】

[Do not wake up master: Amitabha, Xiaoyou, five million has already hit your account, please pay attention to check. 】

[嶒秀真君: Three million past in the poor road, if not enough, Xiao Xiaoyou, always say with the poor road. 】

Yan Jia: "..."

Do the masters of the metaphysical circles have cat disease? No money for flowers?

That is not at all!

In order to let these masters contribute money, the four sects, "Ghost Know", Tiangongzhai and Tianjimen joined hands to set up a start-up fund for the "Qin Zhai" team, which has 500,000 points. Whoever makes a big contribution can get more points and divide them proportionally. When the group completes the goal one day (Qin Shihuang really became a dead house), this score is divided equally by everyone.

This is not to take money from one pocket to another. For example, the master is not the master of the four major sects in the Wanshou Temple, but his points are his points. The points accumulated by Dawanshou Temple for so many years belong to the public account, and he has no relationship with the half-money. It is impossible for the master to be able to directly use the public money, so he wants to get these points and can only work hard and dedication.

It stands to reason that in this point, Yi Jia must have occupied a big head, but at this moment he can not get this point, can only look at it.

Qianjiao Tianshi transferred the money, and Jiajia bought several of the most equipped smartphones and burned them to the children. The reason why those Heavenly Masters want to transfer so much money is because they think that Qin Shihuang is a ghost. The mobile phone he used is burned in the past and cannot be charged at all. Therefore, it is necessary to throw one with one, and not a few million can’t play at all. Mobile phone.

But Jia Ge can charge the baby.

Zhai Jia wants to give back the extra money to the masters. Those masters don’t want to avoid him. He is afraid that he will not use his own money.

Yan Jia: "..."

This year, there are still people who ask for money!

In this case, the remaining money, Qian Jia can not be used by himself. He bought a set of the most comfortable Simmons round bed for the child, all kinds of good furniture, all burned. Zhao Jia has long known that the third layer of the First Emperor Mausoleum, which was often treated by the child, has been empty. For two thousand years, the baby has been sleeping on the ground and never slept.

It’s got it, a lot of furniture has to be burned.

In addition, Yi Jia also burned some snacks in the past. Although Zi Ying has always said that he does not like these things, he hopes that Jia Jiaduo will burn some books, but he wants him to know more about the world outside.

Since then, Zi Ying seems to be really not interested in snacks, but yesterday he took the initiative to find Yi Jia, said that he would like to ask Zhao Jia to burn a little more.

Yi Jiayi: "Children, do you like to drink?"

Ziying said helplessly: "I don't like it, it is the father's favorite. The father said that this wine is not bad, barely can taste a product."

Yan Jia: "..." It turned out that the first emperor's father was not doing business, drinking and enjoying...

After a moment of silence, Zhai Jia asked: "What brand of wine did Qin Shihuang like? I remember that I burned a lot of past, there are blue classics, Luohe, Luzhou old man..."

"It seems to be called Maotai."

Yan Jia: "..."

The first emperor's father is not the father of the first emperor, the selection of wine has chosen the most powerful!

If you want to shochu, please ask Master Ye to help, otherwise the wine will only burn directly, and will not burn to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. However, when he learned that Jia Jia wanted to burn a little Maotai, Ye Jingzhi said silently: "The bottle of wine was the special wine given by the chairman when I attended the Tianshi Congress last year. I never drink, so only one bottle."

Yan Jia: "..."

In this case, in order to let the Emperor of the First Emperor drink Maotai, the masters of the Xuanxue world have generously donated their own gifts, and they have given away the wine at the bottom of the box.

Having said that, after the yin gas charging treasure was burned to the child, there were still a lot of Lingshi that could store the yin. Ye Jingzhi drew a few spells on the white stone, and took the yin from the body of Zhao Jia and put it into these stone.

The two men made a bang, directly transforming ten yin and stone charging treasures.

Qian Jia asked: "Master Ye, how much electricity is there?"

Ye Jingzhi, who is not very good at grades: "Should...should be a lot."

Qian Jia thought for a moment: "Can I fill a few Apple phones?"

Ye Jingzhi took a charge and took a look. After a while, he looked up and said, "About five or six."

Yi Jia excitedly blinked red eyes.

The opportunity to get rich is finally here!

It is not too late. On the evening of the same day, Yi Jia asked Ye Jingzhi to help, and hang these ten Yinshi Lingshi charging treasures in the micro shop of Tiangongzhai. The customer service staff responsible for the shelves of the goods heard that Ye Hao Wang actually wanted to sell the yin gas charging treasure, and he was very happy. He turned his head and said to his colleague: "Ye Ye Wang actually sells Yin gas charging treasure, hahahaha."

Colleagues also laughed: "A hundred years of devil's yin can only be converted into a one-time electricity. To make a charging treasure, it is better to sell this hundred-year-old ghost to our Tiangongzhai, maybe even get a point."

The small customer service nodded: "I will take a look at how many points that Ye Haowang's charging treasure sells..."

After three seconds.

"I rely! Eighty-eight points for a charging treasure? Why don't you grab it!!!"

The figure of eighty-eight is that Yi Jia thought for a long time before he decided to come down.

Chinese people are paying attention to "fat". One hundred words seem too expensive, and fifty points are too few, so I finally chose the price of eighty-eight.

An hour later, the Lushan people were boring to brush their circle of friends, and they had nothing to do with the micro-shop of Tiangongzhai. Suddenly they saw Ye Jingzhi actually selling new things.

"Oh? Is Ye Xiaoyou refining something interesting magic weapon?"

The Lushan Taoist took a look and the eyes suddenly lit up. He will look at this price again.

However, for a long time, Ye Jingzhi’s cell phone rang and opened it.

[岐山道人: Ye Xiaoyou, you said that you can charge five Apple mobile phones, and only cherry is so heavy, really? The old man is old and there are not many books. You don't want to lie to the old man. You come so much. 】

Master Ye never lie, seriously reply: [It is true that at least five mobile phones can be charged. 】

Lushan Dao people are excited to say nothing: [This... this is this, Ye Xiaoyou, you see that I am also your elder, what relationship do we have, is the eighty-eight points too expensive? In this way, the old man wants to buy ten charging treasures, a total of five hundred points, let's go. 】

[Ye Jingzhi: No, a total of eight hundred and eighty points. 】 This is the wife's points, not less.

[岐山道人: Six hundred points? 】

[Ye Jingzhi: No. 】

[岐山道人: Seven hundred? 】

[Ye Jingzhi: No. 】

Lushan Taoist: "..."

Ye Xiaoyou, he changed! He is no longer the kind-hearted Ye Xiaoyou who loves to talk! ! !

At the end of the day, Lushan Taoist honestly gave 880 points and bought the ten charging treasures. But he just bought it, and someone came to buy something. Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi quickly turned the yin into the Lingshi and made hundreds of charging treasures.

The celestial division who bought the yin gas charging treasure is going to participate in the Tianshi Congress. These celestial masters are the great predecessors of the metaphysical circles. Everyone is rich and rich. Only the charging treasures they can buy are eighty-eight points. Only they have this urgent need. They have to buy a full charge before the next day’s Tianshi Congress. treasure.

After Yuxiu Zhenjun also bought the charging treasure, Ye Jingzhi looked up to Zhao Jia: "The Tianshi who participated in the Tianshi Congress, in addition to me, there are 30 seniors. They have bought it."

Zhai Jia swallowed his mouth: "How many points are sold?"

Ye Jingzhi: "Two thousand four hundred and forty points."

Yan Jia: "!!!"

In one night, I earned more than 20,000 points!

Those spiritual stones that are used to transform yin, only one point for one hundred. Yan Jia's yin does not need money, that two hundred pieces of charging treasure, the actual cost is only two points, blood earns more than 20,000 points!

However, Yi Jia also knows that this is the Tianshi Congress, and his charging treasure will be sold out of stock. After that, they will never buy such a precious charging treasure. However, it does not matter, first to get a wave, with this path, Yi Jia has begun to think about other ways to make money. It’s a big deal when charging the treasures at the next day’s Tianshi Congress, it’s up to you to buy or not.

A week later, Ye Jingzhi left for the capital to attend the Tianshi Congress. Yi Jia also happened to pick up a play. There are very few plays, just a guest appearance. I can come back in the crew for two weeks.

The two left Qicheng. Because Yi Jia wants to make a film, it is not convenient to take care of it, and Ye Jingzhi takes it away.

On the day of the Tianshi Congress, Master Ye calmly put the little black cat and his own Qiangbao on the scale, and the staff shouted in surprise: "Exactly ten kilograms!"

Master Ye picked up her cockroach and took it back to the conference hall.

This year's Tianshi Congress, in addition to Ye Jingzhi's carry-on items more than ten kilograms, the rest of the heavenly masters brought nothing more than one kilogram. The Lushan Taoist people sat in the side of the mirror and smiled and said: "Ye Xiaoyou, I heard that you actually brought ten kilograms of things this year. It’s awful, you haven’t brought anything in the past, listen carefully to the meeting. This year. How did you bring so many things, ah, with a little black cat."

Lushan Dao Ren reached out to tease, licking his paw and smashing his hand: You don't look good, don't touch it, hehe!

Lushan Taoist: "..."

With the yin gas charging treasure of Qian Jia, all the celestial divisions entering the conference hall this year are all smiling. In particular, a group of monks, such as Masters, who are not awake, cannot pray for the Buddha. In the past, in order to bring in dry food every year, these masters could not bring the treasures. On the second day of the conference, the masters fell asleep on the table. .

This year is not the same, with the yin charging treasure, the masters can finally play the game!

After the start of the conference, Yan Xiuzhen took the podium and began to speak. Tianshi sneak a sneak peek at the mobile phone under the table, enjoy reading novels, watching TV, playing games, and not afraid of no electricity. When Yan Xiuzhen was half-satisfied, he succumbed to the clothes of the arched mirror, and Ye Jing immediately took out the Qiangbao bag, and then... took out a small dried fish and fed it into his mouth.

See the mountain of the mountain: "..."

I dare to love you, this is a small fish with ten kilograms? ! ! !

Ten days passed by, different from the previous years, the shape of the bones, the life is not as good as death, the heavens are all ruddy, and they walked out of the hall of the conference hall. Ye Jingzhi walked in the end, holding a donkey.

The little black cat slept in his arms lazily, and Ye Jingzhi walked slowly, halfway through, the phone vibrated and opened.

[Zhu Jia: I did not expect to come back in advance. Master Ye, when are you coming back, can you catch up with lunch? What do you want to eat at noon, I will do it for you. 】

The eyes were suddenly bright, and the mirror of the leaves accelerated, surpassing more than twenty heavenly masters, and flew to the city of Sucheng.

Fly home at the fastest speed, just opened the door, and the rich dishes are coming.

Zhao Jia was putting a dish on the table and suddenly saw Ye Jingzhi. He was surprised: "So fast, it is only eleven."

Master Ye put the cockroaches in his arms on the ground, and no one had quickly flew out of his pocket and played happily with him.

It seems to be the simplest and warmest family. I am waiting for you at home, I am going home only because of you.

After Jia Jia put the dish on the table, he smiled helplessly: "I still have no vegetables to cook, Master Ye, isn’t it about home around twelve?"

There is a place where someone has a home.

Ye Jingzhi fixedly looked at Zhao Jia. For a long time, he suddenly clenched his fingers, as if he had enough courage to step up and walked to Qian Jia. Zhao Jia looked at him unclearly, his lips were slightly open and his eyes were clear. The two men looked at each other for a long time, and Ye Jingzhi's line of sight moved to the rosy and full lips a little bit, but every time he turned quickly and couldn't help but look at it.

Yan Jia smiled: "Master Ye?"

Ye Jingzhi’s moment was deflated, his face turned and he turned into the kitchen: “I... I am going to cook.”

Yan Jia laughed softly. He touched his lips and looked thoughtfully at the slightly flustered back of Ye Jing. He whispered lowly.

After dinner, the two went out to the supermarket. When I got home, it was already in the evening.

Ye Jingzhi cut a large watermelon, half gave him a digging to eat, and the other half he carefully took out the black seeds and waited for him to eat. After Jia Jia finished his half of the watermelon, Ye Jingzhi quickly handed over the freshly dug watermelon flesh.

Yan Jia was crying and laughing. He found the most red and sweetest flesh in the center of the watermelon. He dug it out and whispered: "Master Ye, you eat this."

The mirror of the mirror is awkward.

Yan Jia smiled and said: "It's delicious, open your mouth."

Under the mirror, the mouth opened consciously, and the sweet and delicious watermelon flesh entered the mouth.

Looking at the mirror of Ye Jing, she looked down and couldn't help but smile. He ate a watermelon bit by bit, and the reddish juice stuck to his lips, which was more crystal clear.

Ye Jingzhi could not help but see.

Qi Jia did not notice the abnormality of Ye Jingzhi. He bowed his head and concentrated on eating watermelon. Suddenly he heard a weak voice ringing in his ear: "Can... can kiss..."

Yi Jiayi, looked up and asked: "Master Ye, have you just spoken?"

Ye Jingzhi suddenly blushed his face, and for a long time, he whispered: "Can you kiss... can you kiss..."

Yi Jia vaguely heard a "pro" word, and the others could no longer hear it. He put down the spoon and asked, "I still don't seem to hear it clearly. Can you tell me again? Master Ye?"

Ye Jingzhi’s drum is full of courage. He just wants to speak out loud, and when he comes to his mouth, he becomes a mosquito cockroach: “You can kiss...”

Yan Jia: "Well?"

Ye Jingzhi bowed his head: "Can you kiss me..."

Master said that it is good for the wife, and everything must be approved by the wife in advance. Well, although he now wants to kiss his wife, he can't kiss without the consent of his wife.

I really can't hear the words of Ye Jing, and Jia Jia simply shut down the TV: "Master Ye, what did you say?"

Ye Jingzhi looked up at Zhao Jia. His ears had already been red and bloody, and he had been stunned for a long time before he had the courage to prepare again. But just as he was just about to say it, a crisp doorbell sounded.

The two men turned to look at the gate.

As soon as the door opened, Lushan Dao people looked at Ye Jingzhi with excitement. He said directly: "Ye Xiaoyou, the old man probably has a little thought, how to subdue you this age. In this world, only your master Yi Lingzi has a way to solve this problem. But nineteen years ago, he died in a tomb with a thousand years of droughts and droughts. Now, in the 20 years, I can't find a way to suppress your anger, and the tomb will soon be opened again. We can go to the ancient tomb to see if we can find clues from Yi Lingzi's friends!"

The author has something to say: Mirror: Master said that everything must be approved by the wife, and can't want to kiss the pro...

C+: Who said, Master Ye, you want to kiss and kiss, what do you want to do, of course, no problem.

Mirror [Bright eyes]: Really?

C+: Yes.

after a long time……

C+: You don't want to move! ! !

Mirror [grievance]: QAQ is obviously a daughter-in-law who said that I can like to kiss and kiss, what do you want to do?


By the way, you don’t feel that calling "Master Ye" is a kind of love.

Today there are two more, recently the body is not good, sleep and write


Thank you

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