MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 34

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Yi Jia immediately replied to WeChat and asked what happened to Yu Yu.

After a while, the sacred stick sent a bunch of crying expression bags, and also sent you a bunch of negative heart.jpg, and then began to condemn Qian Jia: [Jia Ge, how did you tell me at the beginning, is How to tell me! You said that you don't want to disclose the things of the extremely yin body, please help me keep it secret. I am so loyal, I haven't said it until now, even my master did not tell. Now, "Ghost knows" sent the article. My master came to ask me what happened, I can't say that I don't know your physique, then... then my master will beat me half dead. Alright! ! ! 】

Yu Jia: [...]

[Jia Ge, how can you do this to me, how can you QAQ! My master said that I lost at least 100,000 points to the division, and he asked me to hand in all the points earned in the next half year. Jiage, master morning I had just beating, and now he says go out for dinner, come back and beat me. I don't care, Jia Ge, you have to protect me, you must protect me! 】

Although I feel very speechless, but I still tell the truth: [... I am in the province now, you are in the capital. I just fly and can't fly to you. Um, Saitama, you will give it a dedication. I will burn you money every year today. 】

Sui Yu crying: [Jia Ge, without this! ! ! 】

Yi Jia shook his head helplessly and told him about the situation he encountered in the ghost city of Xiangyang. At that time, Qian Jia was forced to be helpless. More than a thousand heavenly masters and tens of thousands of ghosts and ghosts all looked at him with his neck... and smashed the sword with his neck. If he said, "Because this sword is too bad, it will be irrelevant to me." The weights and measures may be able to hit him and kill him.

Of course, Saitama also understands the difficulties of Qian Jia, but he feels that he has been beaten up by the master and screamed: [Najiao, what should I do, Master, he can really kill me alive! Killed alive, very cruel! 】

After thinking for a long time, Zhai Jia made a suggestion: [You can't ask your master to go out and avoid the limelight before returning. 】

Saitama: [...诶? ! 】

After a long while, the scorpion stick sent a bunch of exclamation points with excitement: [Jia Ge, you are so smart! My sister is planning to go out and catch ghosts. I will accompany her. The younger sister is younger, this year is only 19, she went out to the door, how can I be assured of being a brother. Go together, you must go together! I want to protect my sister, hahahaha! ! ! 】

Yan Jia: "..." Such a simple method shouldn't you think of it long ago!

Saitama has already set about packing up and intends to go out to avoid the wind. Yi Jia put down his mobile phone and looked up. He saw one of Ye Jing’s hands holding chopsticks, holding the bowl in one hand, and staring at himself. The dishes on the table didn't move a bit, the rice in the bowl didn't move, and Zhao Jia and Yu Yu chat for ten minutes, and Ye Jingzhi waited for ten minutes.

In Jiajia’s heart, he asked, “Master Ye... Why don’t you eat?”

Ye Jingzhi’s expectation in hiding: “Wait for you...wait for you to eat together.”

Where does Jia Jia understand that Master Ye is careful, he only thinks that Ye Master is so considerate and delicate, waiting for him to eat together, lest he eat leftovers. So he picked up the chopsticks and chewed a piece of chicken and chewed it.

This dish has not been done before, and I didn’t care too much when I was eating it, but I took a bite, the meat was soft and tender, the entrance was instant, and the rich gravy penetrated perfectly, only the heavy meat. The thick feeling, bursting into a strong taste shock in the mouth.

Yan Jia surprised her eyes and looked at Master Ye: "It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Ye Jingzhi was biting the chopsticks and staring at Zhao Jia. Suddenly he heard this, his pupil was a little big, then he happily focused on his head and finally began to eat.

For a meal, the two were very happy.

Yi Jia ate all the chicken meat, and Ye Jingzhi saw that he had a good time and he was happy.

After the meal, Jia Jia went to the dishes and washed the bowl. He touched his stomach and couldn’t help but swear: "...I am fat?"

At this moment, Master Ye is sitting on the sofa and happily thinking: What to do for the wife tomorrow?

The next day, Master Ye worked hard for a long time, put the dishes on the table, and continued to wait for the reaction of Qian Jia. However, this time, Yi Jia did not say much, even if he only ate a bowl of rice and left half of the dishes in the plate, he stopped the chopsticks.

Ye Jingzhi’s chopsticks were stagnant in the air. He watched that Jia Jia had put the bowl on and started playing the mobile phone. He had been wronged for a long time and then he had the courage to ask: “Today... How can I only eat this today?”

Yan Jia raised his head: "I am full, Master Ye."

Ye Jingzhi: " ate two bowls of rice yesterday."

As soon as I heard this, Yan Jia suddenly changed his face. He touched his little belly and righteously said: "Master Ye, I usually only eat a bowl of rice. Really, I only eat one bowl." Only one The bowl of rice, he will lose weight sooner or later!

Master Ye grievously bowed his head to eat, but his heart was playing with the drums: he could not keep the stomach of his wife...

All day, Ye Jingzhi’s mood is not so high. When the ghosts come back at night, there are also snacks. He still bought a big watermelon back, helped him to pick up all the seeds, and then put it in a glass bowl and pushed it to him.

At this time, Jia Jia had already eaten half a watermelon. When he saw this half of the watermelon that had been dug, he had a big move and subconsciously took the watermelon. Seeing the shape, Ye Jingzhi suddenly brightened his eyes, but still not happy for a minute, Yi Jia swallowed a mouthful of water and pushed the watermelon back.

Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

Yan Jia: "Ye... Master Ye, I am full today, you eat, thank you."

Master Ye did not dare to refuse the kindness of his wife. He ate the watermelon a little bit, and he couldn’t swallow, and he was so grievous that he was about to cry.

This puzzle was not answered until three days later. Before this, Ye Jingzhi had been wronged for three days. No matter how hard he tried to cook the food, how could he try to make good food for him? Yi Jia always only eats a little, and then he no longer looks at it.

At noon that day, Yi Jia touched her little belly and suddenly found that a little bit of fat had disappeared. When he was cooking, he was happy to eat two bowls of rice. He saw the big eyes of Ye Jing, and he was so happy that he didn't know what to say.

After the meal, Yi Jia finally said the reason for his weird days: "Master Ye, you cooked the food is so delicious, I am fat! Can not eat so much, I must control the diet, then Being fed by you will definitely be finished."

All grievances vanished at this time.

It turned out to eat so little to lose weight!

Master Ye was happy and began to think: What kind of food is not easy to gain weight, and delicious?

In the next few days, the lives of the two men returned to their original state. I have never thought about going home, because Ye’s craftsmanship is really great!

How can there be such a good man in the world who is so kind, kind, capable, quiet and secure!

Qian Jia never felt like a lazy person before, but after living with Master Ye, he actually found that the number of times he moved was less and less. Every morning I went to bed together, my home was cleaned, and the fragrant breakfast was on the table. What do you want to eat for lunch? Master Ye will do it! What do you want for dinner? Master Ye can not re-sample for seven days!

Living with Ye Jing, I am afraid it is the ultimate wish of everyone.

Moreover, if he is gone... Will Ye Master become a lonely person again?

Zhao Jia slowly turned his head and quietly looked at the busy back in the kitchen. He remembered the words that he said when he sold vegetables, and he remembered Ye Jing’s remarks when he nodded and said hello. From small to large, no one has taught how this person should interact with others. He himself goes through the advanced spellbooks and tries to raise himself and integrate himself into the world.

He slowly became a very good person with a noble character and a soft heart.

But these, how many people know?

In the eyes of everyone, everyone’s only impression of him is the terrible strength. In addition to this, there is a "moral model" that is not understood at all and can only be said to be an objective evaluation.

Just a "moral model", where can you tell this person's good?

Those people don't understand Ye Jingzhi, and they don't want to know him at all.

Now even if he is gone, Master Ye will become a person again.

How lonely is the mirror of only one person?

Yesterday afternoon, Zhao Jia was watching a script from Chen Tao. He suddenly saw Ye Jingzhi take out a small paper man from the Qiankun bag, threw it into the air and drew a few golden runes. The little paper man immediately changed into a Big paper people without faces. Ye Jingzhi and the paper man were on the side of the bed, intending to turn the bed over.

Ye Jingzhi's house is very old, and the furniture inside is also common in the last century. Simmons on the bed is divided into two sides, one side is soft Simmons, when you are cold, you can sleep on this side, very comfortable; the other side is the board of the **, you can turn this side over in the summer, put the mat on the floor go to bed. This Simmons is very heavy, because it is made of solid wood, not the popular cheap particleboard.

When I saw Ye Jingzhi and the little paper man moving the bed together, Yi Jia suddenly stopped and stood up subconsciously and asked: "Master Ye, do you want to move the bed?"

Ye Jingzhi looked at Yu Jia and nodded gently.

Yi Jia did not understand: "Why don't you call me to move with you?"

Ye Jingzhi suddenly stayed, and after a long time, he whispered: "I... I used to be a person. When I was eight years old, I learned how to use paper people. I used to use paper people to help."

Only paper people will help him...

And did you learn this spell when you were eight? Before that eight years old?

Zhao Jia’s heart suddenly hurts. He strode forward and took the wooden board that the paper man had moved. He smiled slightly: “Master Ye, I am coming with you.”

Ye Jing's fixed look at him for a long time, the corner of his lips could not help but tilt: "Good."

Ye Jingzhi does not like to use too many spells at home, and Zhao Jia has already discovered this problem. He has asked Ye Jingzhi, such as why not use cleaning to clean, and why not use magic to move things. Ye Jingzhi replied in this way: "Master said that the spell is used to capture ghosts. We are heavenly masters, but even more ordinary human beings, to live the days of ordinary people."

Yan Jia deeply felt that Master Ye’s master was a wonderful person. It is no wonder that it is necessary to bring the disciples to live in such a lively residential area. This is called a small faintness in the wild, and it is hidden in the city.

Day by day, Zhao Jia saw three or four scripts, and finally decided a script with Chen Tao, and went to film next month. When I was eating watermelon on this day, Yi Jia hesitated how to tell Ye Jingzhi what he was going to do, but he did not speak, and he received another WeChat.

Open it and see -


Yan Jia gently smiled and put the phone back on the coffee table, no more glance. He looked up and said to Ye Jingzhi: "Master Ye, I am going to film in the next month. Um... There are still about twenty days. I will leave the province and go to Sichuan to film."

Ye Jingzhi is peeling the oranges. He just split the oranges into two halves. When he suddenly heard this, he looked up and looked at Zhao Jia.

Zhai Jia said: "My script is quite good. It is about a modern criminal investigation film."

Ye Jingzhi didn't know what to say, and slammed the orange into his mouth and ate it. Zhao Jia is still talking about this movie. At the end of the day, he carefully looked at Ye Jingzhi and asked softly: "Master Ye... Have you been to Sichuan?"

Ye Jingzhi’s sorrowful return to God, when he suddenly found himself in a hurry, he just ate all the whole oranges. He shook his head and nodded again. His words were chaotic: "I haven't been there... No, I have been there. I went there to catch ghosts and catch them. They are all located in the eastern part of Qingcheng. The last time I went there was four years ago. When I opened it, yes, I have been there."

Qi Jia did not notice that Ye Jingzhi was so anxious that he couldn’t even say anything. He hesitated for a long time before he gently asked: "Master Ye, Chuan Province... Sichuan has a lot of delicious food. I can't use it. How long is it just a supporting role, do you want to play with me next month?"

Ye Jingzhi stayed: "Ah?"

Yi Jia also felt that she was somewhat abrupt: "Nothing, Master Ye, I just said casually, don't take it seriously."

"go with!"

Yan Jia suddenly glanced and looked up at Ye Jingzhi. I saw Ye Jingzhi look at him seriously and said it hard again: "I want to go, I want to go." It seems that I feel too eager to act, Ye Jingzhi racked his brains and quickly explained: " There... there really is a lot of delicious food, I want to eat..."

The heart warmed up, and Jia Jia raised her hand to cover her lips, and her eyes blushed.

It stands to reason that the days should continue to go on until the next month, the two went to Sichuan to film and travel together. Until the early morning of this day, Zhao Jia opened WeChat and looked at the "Ghosts" today's gossip. After reading it, he was planning to close WeChat and suddenly saw the news sent by the gods this afternoon.

Yi Jia smiled helplessly and returned a message: [How, what's the matter? 】

He put down his phone and slept with peace of mind.

By the next day, Yi Jia had forgotten this news. He and Ye Jingzhi went out to buy food and strolled around Shuyang County. On the third day, I went to the barbecue camping in Poyang Lake and felt the infinite scenery of this beautiful lake. On the fourth day, when Jia Jiading decided to play the mobile phone, he suddenly found out: Wait, the **** stick didn’t reply to himself?

Jun Ting's brow slightly picked up, and Zhao Jia sat up from the bed and sent three WeChats in the past.

[裴玉? Why not reply? Do you have anything? 】

[裴玉? 】

[裴玉, see please reply. 】

Wei Jia waited patiently for five minutes and still did not reply. He stood up directly from the bed and walked to the door of the room, dialing the phone of Saitama. However, before he got to the door, there was a cold female voice on the phone: "The call you made is not in the service area..."

Zhao Jia suddenly stopped.

The next moment, he opened the door hard and quickly found the mirror that was washing the potatoes in the kitchen.

"Master Ye, is there a accident in Saitama..." The voice paused, and Zhao Jia’s eyes were serious. "Master Ye, Saitama seems to have something wrong!"

Because of the jokes of the past few days, Zhai Jia did not take the help information of Daiyu this time seriously. This person is really too unreliable, and he does not get along with him, but he also knows that he is a man on his mouth. If he says it, he can only believe three in ten words, including punctuation. symbol.

Yan Jia carefully looked at the message that Saitama finally sent to himself. This message was sent at 9 o'clock in the evening. There is no other information, only one word - save.

What is Saitama asking him to save?

Is it because I want to say that I have saved my life, but I have no chance to finish the word, and I rushed out?

After Ye Jingzhi learned the situation, he immediately found Tianci Tao on WeChat. He sent a message in the past. The strange thing is that after ten minutes, Tianci’s people did not reply.

Ye Jingzhi is a lofty man in the metaphysical world. They are only one person, and he is not deeply connected with other sects. He has the WeChat of the Heavenly Taoist, because the two of them participate in the Heavenly Masters Congress every year, which is quite familiar, but he does not have the phone of the Heavenly Taoist.

Yi Jia said: "The master of Daiyu does not reply, is he also having an accident?"

The correct color of Ye Jingdao: "Tianci Dao's mana is so high that it should not be an accident. If he also has an accident... I am afraid that this time, it is not that simple."

Can not find the Tianci Taoist, Ye Jingzhi thought, sent a message to the little monk of Dawanshou Temple. As I said before, Ye Hao Wang has only three friends who can be friends in the younger generation. One is Tiangong Zhai’s disciple, one is Ziwei Zhai’s disciple Nanyi, and the other is the small monk Muyu of Dawanshou Temple.

Dawanshou Temple is also in the capital. It is most convenient to ask the wooden fish to find someone.

Muyu quickly replied: [Amitabuo, Ye Daoyou do not have to worry, wait for Xiaoyan to find Tianci seniors. 】

An hour later, the wooden fish replied: [The poor did not see the Tianci predecessors, but listened to his friends in the door, said that after the Yuxi Daoyou turned away from the house last week, Tianci’s people almost sighed with anger. Go, then retreat. Ye Daoyou, Tianci’s predecessor is retreating, and barrenness cannot communicate with him. Do you have any important things? 】

Ye Jingzhi told the wooden fish about the WeChat sent by Saitama four days ago.

When Muyu saw this WeChat, his look changed. He rushed to find the jade door and told the other party. The young disciples heard this and quickly contacted Daiyu and Xiaoshimei. Unexpectedly, neither of them can be reached.

This time, the young disciples are anxious to turn around: "What can I do? Muyu Taoyou, our master is sleeping in a closed house, he can't come out, no one can contact him. Wang Shishu went to the sea to exchange culture before the day, basically Can't come back. What should I do?"

The jade jade's teacher's door is called the bipolar faction. If you listen to the name, you know that there is no protagonist. The Promise is a first-class sect in the metaphysical world, but it is more than one step away from the four sects. There is no comparable sect with the singularity of the singularity.

If the metaphysical school is a class, then the four sects are the class leader, the study committee, the class representative, the schoolmaster is exclusive, responsible for maintaining the stability and order of the class; Wuxiangshan is the first learning class in the whole class. Not obeying the rules, but learning is good, not obeying. The bipolar group belongs to the top ten of the class, which is excellent, but not so outstanding.

The big disciple of the Bipolar School, Yu Yu, is currently ranked seventh on the ink list, and cannot compare with Nan Yi and Hu Die. Out of this great event, the Tianji Taoist and his younger brothers of the Bipolar School could not be the mainstay, and the disciples did not know what to do.

Because the bipolar faction is now in a hurry, Dawanshou Temple intervenes among them, and arranges the disciples of the bipolar school to first search for the whereabouts of the jade and the younger sister. As for the Taoci people, they will invite the predecessors of the metaphysical world to come and see See if you can call the Tianci people out of the retreat.

At the same time, Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi went to a certain city in the province according to the information given by the Bipolar School.

Four days ago, Xiaoyu’s younger sister had sent a WeChat to her girlfriend, saying that she and her brother arrived at the train station of a certain city in the province, and they were ready to transfer to the bus to go to Shuyang County. Yan brother said that there is a good friend who is at the edge of Poyang Lake. He wants to drop by to see the good friend.

This is the last message left before the two disappeared to indicate the location. Zhao Jia never imagined that the gods were actually planning to see themselves before they disappeared. This makes him feel awkward.

Saitama thought of him and came to see him, but he did not pay attention to Saitama's help information. After four days, he found that something was wrong. As a friend, he lost his responsibilities, sorry for Saitama.

The thick cockroaches made it impossible for Suijia to sit back and watch, let alone Saitama disappeared in the province, then he certainly went to see the situation. Ye Jingzhi also went with him. In this regard, Master Ye said: "There is no mountain in the province, more than two hundred years."

The implication is that the province is covered with no mountains, and it is covered by his mirror. In the eyes of his eyes, he can't leave it alone.

The two took the train that night and arrived in a city in the province. However, when it comes to the train station where people come and go, Yi Jia does not know how to continue to find someone. There are so many people in this railway station. Every day, thousands of people go up and down here. When Saitama came here four days ago, how can I still find clues?

As if to see the anxiety in the heart of Zhao Jia, Ye Jing's whispered: "Don't worry, you should be able to find them."

On the moon, there were fewer and fewer people in the train station, and Ye Jing’s fingers moved, and a yellow ribbon flew out of his pocket.

The yellow stencil floated in the air, and the red cinnabar on the paper shone in the moonlight.

One of the mirrors pointed on the cinnabar paper, closing the eye and meditating the spell. Suddenly, the paper was burned without fire and turned into a white smoke. The strange thing is that the white smoke did not immediately drift with the wind, but fluttered in the air.

"Tian Ling Tian Ling, Yu Luo Daming. Troubleshoot, the central government. Sweep, in addition to evil, guard Yuan Zhen. Hurry as law!"

The voice fell, and the white smoke morphed into a small circle in the air. At the end of the circle, a white smoke slowly stretched. Finally, the long white line was topped with a white circle, three turns in front of the mirror, and then flew forward.

The white smoke was extremely fast, and Yi Jia had not had time to react. One of the mirrors took his hand and took him forward. Ye Jingzhi’s speed went very fast, and Yi Jia couldn’t keep up with his speed, but the white smoke obviously floated faster, and the mirror’s twilight glimpsed, suddenly grabbing Qian’s waist and smashing him Start.

Yu Jia stupidly, lying in the arms of Master Ye, let him hold his princess.

After picking up Jiajia, Ye Jingzhi’s speed accelerated again, and this time he steadily kept up with the white smoke. After a moment, Master Ye’s body was stiff, and he slowly lowered his head and looked at him.

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

With a bang, Ye master red-eyed and hurriedly explained: "I... I am afraid I can't keep up, I am afraid I will lose it!"

Zhao Jia is also a little blush. He is so big, he was the first time he was held by a princess, and he was still held by a man princess. "It doesn't matter, this white smoke does fly too fast, I can't keep up with it."

After listening to this, Ye Jingzhi quickly shifted the topic: "It can fly up to 20 meters in one second and can reach up to 100 meters in the fastest."

Yan Jia also followed the topic of rigidity: "No wonder I can't catch up, it's too fast."

Ye Jingzhi: "Yes."

Yan Jia: "Yes."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Along the way, Yi Jia is relying on the chest of Ye Jing, and he is holding himself. When I was there, I wanted to say something: Master Ye, I think you can carry me on my back. So old, I am so embarrassed... But when I say it, I can’t say anything.

Ye Jingzhi is even more uncomfortable. He hadn't thought it before. He found that he was holding Qian Jia, and he was so tight. The red ear was a small thing, and the whole face was red. Fortunately, the white smoke flew more and more, flying away from the urban area, there is no light in the darkness on the road, otherwise I am afraid that I will find his red face long ago.

The white smoke flies from the train station to the suburbs, and then the faster it flies. After a long day of rushing, and chasing white smoke for a few hours, Yi Jia finally couldn’t help but lean on the chest of Ye Jing’s chest and quietly slept.

The steps under the foot of the mirror are suddenly a meal.

Because of the need to chase the white smoke, Ye Jingzhi's walking speed is so fast that he can't see the human eye with the naked eye. The extremely fast speed made the wind violent, and the wind blew the hair of Yi Jia, so that he couldn't help but turn his face and buried it in the chest of Ye Jing.

Ye Jing's gaze was soft, and he blocked his hand in front of Zhao Jia's face, blocking the violent wind for him, then raised his head and stared at the white smoke.

White smoke is not always flying fast. It suddenly stops and swings its tail against a stone.

Here, Saitama has been here.

Every time a white smoke stays, Ye Jing will carefully investigate the mana fluctuations and confirm that there is no wrong way.

When the sun rises, Ye Jingzhi has already embraced Zhao Jia and chased the deep mountain from the urban railway station.

The rolling hills cover the sky, and the thick and scattered clouds are wrapped around the peaks of the mountains. The dense woods decorate the hills into a green shape, and the silent mountains make the city's voice impossible to pass here. It was quiet and scary.

Yan Jia's eyelashes twitched and woke up with his eyes open. He looked down and suddenly shook back in horror.

Ye Jingzhi hurryed and hugged his wife, for fear that he would fall.

This time, without the support of the mirror, Zhai Jia hugged the waist of Master Ye from his own death: "! Fly in the sky?!"

Ye Jingzhi beheaded blankly: It’s strange that the wife does not know that he will fly?

Yes, Qian Jia has long known that Master Ye will fly. When I was in Chang'an, the unreasonable masters of the Xuanxue world flew directly from the air into his room, and the bedroom was so leaking. After that, Jia Jia also watched the flight of Ye Jing, but it is one thing to watch others fly. It is another thing to fly.

Master Ye will fly well, he can't fly at all, he still has a little fear!

The more I thought, the more I held up the Ye Jingzhi, and I wanted to tie myself to him.

The daughter-in-law was so dying, and Master Ye was so blush that he could bleed. He couldn’t help but hold back. “You have left the train station for more than four days, and it’s hard to find them. I was last night. The train station has applied a spell. I think that since they have been to the train station, they may have any mana fluctuations left at the train station. Fortunately, I really found a little mana fluctuation. Because there is no mountain in the province, except In the ghost city of Xiangyang, there are very few Taoist friends in the province of Yunnan. The mana fluctuations have only been left in recent days. I think it should be a friend of the Tao, so I will follow the spellcasting."

Holding a mirror, Qi Jia asked curiously: "Master Ye, is your heavenly master in the metaphysical world wherever you go, will you leave mana fluctuations?"

Ye Jingzhi is silent. After a long time, he said: "No. Only with the use of spells, will the mana flow be left behind."

A glimpse of the heart: "What do you mean, Saitama used a spell at the train station? Why did he use the spell at this train station? Isn't he just standing down here and taking the bus to us?"

Ye Jingzhi’s voice calmed down: “They may have had an accident at the train station.”

The place where the people in the train station come and go, the jade jade actually has an accident, how is this possible? !

Yi Jia is puzzled.

I don't need him to think too much. The white smoke flies quickly in front. When it flies between the mountains, it suddenly stops and then instantly scatters.

Yan Jia looked at this scene, but it is unknown. Ye Jingzhi said: "The last mana fluctuations of the Taoist friends are between the mountains."

Ye Jingzhi lowered his head and looked around. His gaze swept through each mountain. After reading the second mountain, he felt his chest being poked twice. Master Ye bowed his head and saw that Jia Ge, who had a slight acrophobia, had a reddish eye at this moment. He raised his throat and looked at him: "Master Ye, can we go down first?"

The handsome young man blushes with such a request, and Ye Jingzhi suddenly stunned. After returning to God, he hurriedly took his wife and flew below.

With his feet on the ground, Yi Jia has a little sense of security. He sighed heavily and the timidity in his heart disappeared. Your brother is still your brother, and Jia Ge calmly observes the surroundings.

Observing on the ground is definitely more difficult than observing in the sky, but Ye Jingzhi flies to the highest mountain, and all the situations are unobstructed.

The two eyes condensed and each chose to start observing. Zhao Jia looked carefully and saw a lot of yin, but it was very weak yin. Many animals will form yin after they die, which is probably the scale.

In the end, the two did not gain. After looking at each other, Zhai Jia said: "Master Ye, I saw two villages over there. Do we want to go there and ask, maybe they know the whereabouts of Daiyu and his sister?"

Things can only be done now.

Ye Jingzhi’s holding Yi Jia quickly flew to the nearest mountain village.

The two fell to the ground three miles outside the village and went to the village together. Just walked to the entrance of the village, I saw three or four children playing in the village. These children all have the appearance of seven or eight years old, perhaps because of insufficient nutrition, not tall enough, and may not be this age.

When I saw Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi, the children hid behind the trees and secretly looked out at them.

Zhai Jiaben wanted to ask a child if there were any adults in the village, but the children who saw him ran and did not give him a chance to speak. Looking forward, Qian Jia saw a middle-aged woman carrying firewood coming from the mountain road.

Qian Jia stepped forward: "Oh, hello, I want to ask..."

The sound came to an abrupt end, and the woman opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Jia with horror. Then she picked up a stone on the ground and squatted on him. The look of Ye Jing was cold and stopped.

The unkempt woman threw the stone and quickly ran away with firewood. Zhao Jia looked at the back of the woman with a stunned look. The two stood at the entrance to the village. From time to time, someone quietly looked at them from a distance, but no one came forward to talk to them.

Until the evening, a white-haired old man and a middle-aged man came to them.

The man opened his mouth and asked, "Where are you from?"

This man said a thick dialect of the province, Yi Jia did not understand, Ye Jingzhi replied: "Yangyang."

The man frowned, and the yellow and yellow faces were all vigilant and impatient: "What are you doing here?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "Look for someone."

The man and the old man glanced at each other. The man had extended his fist and seemed to want to swear, but he was stopped by the old man. The man looked at the old man inexplicably. The old man stared at the mirror and stared at Zhaojia. He finally smiled strangely: "We don't have the people you are looking for in the village. But if you want to find one Look, we don't object."

The man immediately called: "Auntie!"

The old man turned and said that Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi would follow.

Zhao Jia stared coldly at the old man and the man. He did not see a sigh of anger from both of them. He turned to look at Ye Jingzhi, Ye Jingzhi also gently decapitated, whispered: "They are really not ghosts, people."

This time, Zijia put a little snack, and the two followed the man and the old man to the village.

Along the way, every household quietly opened the door. After a bang, the short wooden door reveals a black lacquered gap. A child or a woman hides behind the door and sneakly looks at Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi.

Each of them was dressed very worn and had black mud on his face. That pair of eyes stared straight at the star, and looked with a trace of red | naked | naked meaning, straightforward and indifferent, seeing Jia Jia is uncomfortable.

He used to be in the heart of Poyang Lake and was stared at by tens of thousands of wild ghosts, but he did not feel the cold in his heart.

Yan Jia frowned uncomfortably, and Ye Jing suddenly pulled his hand. Yan Jia turned around and saw that Master Ye pointed his finger at the side of the road. When Jia Jia fixed his eyes, the whole person was kneeling in the same place.

I saw it on the side of the road, and it was a row of gravestones!

The piles of uplifted mounds are arranged together, and the rough tombstones are inserted in the top and bottom, and at first glance, there are at least twenty tombstones!

The last trace of sunshine hurriedly fell to the west, and the earth instantly fell into the night.

Zhao Jia slowly turned to look at the old man and the man who led the way. His look gradually cooled down, and his palm slowly tightened into a fist. At this time, I saw the old man turning his head and grinning at him. The yellow and yellow teeth were exposed: "Do you know why you are not allowed to come in?"

The **** red yin entangled at the fingertips of Zhaojia. The next moment, Ye Jingzhi stepped in front of Zhao Jia, staring coldly at the old man and the man.

Who expected the old man to laugh miserably, he reached out and pointed to the dense grave next to the road: "Because within two months, we lost twenty-three people in Yuanjiacun! Twenty-three people! You two strangers Come here suddenly, what do you want to do!"

The voice fell, and the door in the village was opened. Dozens of women and children took the shovel and the **** and rushed out, and all eyes stared at Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi. There are only a few men in the middle. They are the main force, standing next to the old man, staring at Jia Jia and Ye Jingzhi.

The hateful desperate look made the scalp scalp numb. The night of the mountain village also officially started.

The author has something to say: Mirror: Today, I have a wife, and my wife is still sleeping in my arms (*??`*)

C+: The focus now is not on the things of this village? Master Ye! ! !


The mirror really likes C+, not because C+ is a fiancee.

God, you really doubt the true heart of a pure (stupid) mirror?

By the way, most of the spells in this article are based on some Taoist spells, and some are direct references. It is stated here that many are not original.


Thank you

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