MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 32

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On the banks of Poyang Lake, it is dark. The night is shrouded in this vast and boundless lake. The Poyang Lake in May is a good season for the Spring and Autumn Period. Many tourists camped on the riverside and camped on the river. However, they never imagined it. At this moment, in the center of the lake in Xiangyang, Xuanxuejie The grandest ghost market rally has begun.

Yi Jia walked in the long wildfire channel for about five minutes. When he reached the end, Ye Jingzhi reached out and broke a fog in front of the two people. Everything suddenly became clear.

In this ghost city, thousands of ghosts and celestials have been gathered.

Yan Jia stood in the corner of the ghost city and looked at it. This ghost city floats on Poyang Lake and covers at least 100,000 square meters. At this time, Jia Jia is standing in a corner of the ghost city. There are countless ghosts who have placed small stalls on the lake. It seems that there is no rule, but in fact it is disorderly and orderly, forming a pattern of a decahedron.

Ye Jing's whispered voice: "This is a gossip array. Only the Tianshi who has the golden tip of the scorpion can enter the ghost market and walk on the Poyang Lake. In addition, any wild ghost can enter and exit. The main ghost city of Fuyang Participants are ghosts, and Heavenly Masters are just passing guests."

"This adult knows so much!" A loud voice suddenly sounded.

Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi looked around and saw a little ghost holding their hands and looking at them with a good look. The little devil had a big knife in his chest. He wore linen clothes from the beginning of the last century. The front half of his head grew a little short bristles, and the second half had long hair and shoulders.

Yan Jia looked at this person, and there was an idea in his heart. The little ghost said: "The little name is Zhao San, it has been dead for almost a hundred years. When the warlord was in a war, the small team joined Feng Dashuai, and later Everyone was sent home and lost, and they didn’t want to be killed by the enemy halfway."

This ghost said a lot. It saw that Jia Jia and Ye Jingzhi still did not respond. The eyeballs turned and directly said their intentions: "Do the two adults need a small lead? Small people come to participate in this Yang Yang ghost every year. The city knows the place here. If adults want to buy any magic medicine, small people know."

The mirror of the mirror: "Okay."

Of course, Yi Jia also understands the meaning of this person. He looks at Ye Jingzhi, and Ye Master explains this: "I have not been to the Ghost City for three years."

Originally, Master Ye did not understand the ghost city of Xiangyang. The two men simply took the road from this little ghost.

Zhao San really stayed in the ghost city of Xiangyang for a long time, because Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi just came to the ghost city of Xiangyang to play, and did not really want to buy something, he decisively took two people to stroll.

"Yangyang Ghost City is prepared for the wild ghosts who can't reincarnate. In this ghost market, we can have fun and use the paper money that the family people burn for us. In addition, our ghosts can earn mystery. For the points in the academic world, 'Ghost knows' will also appeal to us. As the saying goes, 'Ghosts know, I know, you don't know', where are there more professional gossip reporters in the world than those of us?"

Speaking of this, the little devil smugly raised his chest and the big knife in his chest shook.

"Let's weeds and ghosts, all over China's Kyushu. Once something happens, let's run for the first time, absolutely return the truth to the bottom of the picture, and then submit it to the 'ghost know'. We are a loyal reporter of 'Ghost Know'. The month’s "The Story that Yan Xiuzhenjun and his disciple Nanyi had to say" is what we offer."

Yi Jia is drinking a drink bought and sold in the ghost market. Suddenly he heard this and he was almost caught. "Yu Xiuzhenjun and his disciples?!" Zhai Jia has seen Yan Xiuzhen, and the people of Xiu Xiuzhen are really sacred, and they are handsome. But the point is that people are all one hundred and three years old this year!

Zhao Sanyi smiled: "The subtitle is "The Two-Three Experiences of Yan Xiuzhenjun Teaching Disciples."

Yan Jia: "..." Is there any professional ethics!

Zhao San has been talking nonstop. When the two men wandered around the outermost circle of the Eight Diagrams, Zhao San carefully said: "The two adults, this Xiangyang ghost city is a phaseless The composition of the gossip array is divided into two parts: the outer layer and the inner layer. The outer layer is basically for the wild ghosts who have no points and only paper money to eat, drink, and play. In the inner layer, there are many magic weapon papers made by the heavenly master. To enter this level, you need to have points. Just put your ink fountain on the door and confirm that there is a point in it, you can enter. Now we have reached the door of the inner circle."

When Jia Jia looked up, she saw a golden gate ten meters away. Many wild ghosts walked around the door, showing their envy, but each could not get in and could only stay at the door.

Zhao San continued to explain: "The inner circle of the ghost city of Xiangyang is basically the young talents of the metaphysical circles. Those seniors will not intervene in the ghost city of the city, only the younger generation of the major sects will sell their own things here. In fact, many things can be bought in the micro-shops of Tiangongzhai, but the adults also know that the production of Tiangongzhai is too high, and it is necessary to draw half of the profits. Only this Xiangyang ghost market will only charge 20% of the profits. In order to earn points, many younger generations of adults will set up stalls in the inner circle of the ghost market. Adults, do you want to go in and see?"

Ye Jingzhi looked at Yu Jia: "There is still a half circle, do you want to go shopping first?"

When she thought about it, she nodded and smiled. "I still want to finish this outer circle first."

Zhao San heard this and revealed a disappointing look. Ye Jingzhi raised his hand and gave him a golden light. Zhao Sanzhen took a moment and looked at Ye Jingzhi with surprise. He quickly squatted down and screamed again and again: "Thank you, thank you."

Ye Jingzhi said: "We already know about the outer circle. I am generally clear about the situation in the inner circle. You can go in and you don't have to lead the way."

"Thank you an adult! There are many celestial divisions in the inner circle of this ghost city. If the adults don't want to see the familiar people, go ahead and walk 20 meters and have a fifty-year-old devil. He used to be a mask before he was born. Two adults can Go to him and buy a mask and go in."

Then Zhao San gratefully smashed three heads, then took out a small gray ink bucket and pressed it to the door frame of the golden gate. The door opened and he stepped in and stepped in.

Yan Jia smiled and said: "Master Ye, have you given him the reward he wants?"

Ye Jingzhi's dagger: "Give him a little points."

The two did not stop here, continue to go forward, intend to visit the other half of the outer circle of the ghost city.

Zhao Jia has long known that there is no white lunch in the world. Zhao San could not be a guide for them for no reason, and kindly helped guide the way. Before Zhao San said that the ghosts and ghosts can also get points, because they can contribute to the "ghost know", if the road is higher, the wild ghosts can also kill the ghosts and earn points.

However, where is the score so good?

"Ghost knows" only publishes four articles a day, and a gossip message with several devils is included. There is no ghost between killing people and killing people. There is a gap between the strengths of the South and the North. It is difficult to kill a ghost.

So that Zhao San is afraid to give them a tour guide and get a little bit of points.

However, Zhao Jia did not expect that when Zhao San excitedly entered the inner circle of Xiangyang Ghost City, it just got in and was dragged by old friends.

A hanged ghost happily took Zhao’s shoulder and laughed: “Three children, which big man did you get points from? Come here, I just saw Tiangongzhai’s disciples stalling there. The big disciples of their family, the weights and measures, the weight-changing paper of the weight-measures adults now only sell 0.1 points! You have to buy one!"

Zhao San was nodded with excitement. He just bought a piece of shape paper, and he gave Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi a half-day tour guide.

Hanging ghosts: "Three children, see how many points the adults gave you? Maybe you gave 0.2 points, then you can buy two stereotypes."

"The two adults look very ordinary and very young. I have never seen them in the ghost city of Xiangyang before. They should not be disciples of the four major sects."

Zhao San opened his own ink fountain and turned his head and talked to his old friend. The hanged ghost was straightforward, and the tongue that was exposed outside his mouth fell directly from his mouth.

"Emma, ​​I rely! Three children! Ten points! Ten! I am not mistaken! You sent it!!!"

Zhao Sanmu stayed with the dog.

Facts have proved that Master Ye’s “one point” and “one point” in the general population are definitely two concepts.

Without Zhao San, Yi Jia was more free to stroll in the ghost city of Xiangyang. There are so many fun things in this outer circle. Some wild ghosts are very poor. There are no future generations who have burned paper for them. They simply took the things in their graves and sold them.

Most of these things have a history of one or two hundred years, and less is also something of the last century. Although most of them are just ordinary pots and pans, there are also wild ghosts who have come up with antiques. Yi Jia fixed his eyes and looked at it -

"Late Qing Ding Kiln Celadon Bowl, Two Points"

This kind of real antiques are all selling points, which can't be bought with paper money.

As I walked inside, Zhao Jia saw more and more antiques. The shortest time is also the furniture of the Republic of China. The longest time is actually a bronze wine glass in the Warring States Period. I don't know the baby from which the little devil came from. He sat at his booth and held the glass with a glass of death. He was afraid of being memorized by others. He had a sign in front of him and even had 50 points.

Zhai Jiake is not the master of the metaphysical world, not even Ye Jingzhi. He is a poor man, very poor, and often eats the old altar pickles last month. Although he started to take pictures recently, he only took a "Xuanwu". In essence, he was still a poor man.

Seeing this kind of antique, Yi Jia’s eyes are bright.

Ye Jingzhi also ignited the wind without knowing it at the side: "This wine cellar should be something used for sacrifice in the early Warring States Period. It works very well. This little ghost is lucky, and it should be stolen from which big tomb."

Yi Jia is a purebred science male. He took a B in history, but he also knows that in the early Warring States period, it was more than two thousand years ago! The child was mentioned to him a few days ago. The people at that time treated the sacrifice very harshly. The best things in the country were used for the sacrifice.

Isn't this wine glass worth the price? !

Ye Jingzhi just said: "The market price may be more than eight digits."

Qian Jia took a step forward, and Ye Jing’s questioningly shouted: “Zhu Jia?” He just returned to God and let go of his eager hand.

Well, I almost did something wrong...

Although Yi Jia wants to buy this wine glass, then turn it into a multi-millionaire, but he does not have points. This wine glass requires fifty points, and Zhao Jia can only look at it with a blush, and reluctantly turns and leaves.

Master Ye saw this scene on the side and his lips glimpsed.

Yan Jiacai just stepped out of the three steps and was suddenly pulled by his wrist. Ye Jingzhi stuffed something into his hand. Yan Jia looked at Ye Master in a wrong way. Master Ye’s face was reddish and gently lowered his head: “Give you... pour you wine.”

Yi Jia looked down.


You pour 10 million cups of wine!

Do you pour 10 million cups of wine? !

This extravagant, Wang tearing onions have to kneel down and call Dad! ! !

Qian Jia subconsciously wanted to return the cup, but he looked around and the little devil had gone without a trace. Obviously, he took the points and rushed into the inner circle to buy what he needed.

Yi Jia holds this hot potato, and it is difficult. He stuffed the cup into the hand of Ye Jing, some of which hurts, but solemnly said: "Master Ye, this is what you bought, too expensive, I can't accept it."

Master Ye stunned and stared at Zhao Jia.

Yan Jia smiled slightly: "Perhaps for you, fifty points may be like our usual fifty dollars, you can buy a gift for a friend without a blind eye. But for me, this thing is Ten million, I can't afford this gift."

Ye Jingzhi said: "Not expensive."

Looking at Master Ye’s serious look, Qian Jia thought for a long time and came up with a good reason for rejection: “Master Ye, this is also a cup of the Warring States. After thousands of years, it’s still buried in the ground, definitely above the ground. Bacteria. You can't pour alcohol at all."

Ye Jingzhi’s moment was stunned, and when he thought about it, he felt that it was very reasonable.

This time, Yi Jia finally returned the gift, he sighed heavily, and the two went to the inner circle of the ghost city of Xiangyang. He did not think that the quiet, seemingly honest Ye master had already bowed to open the micro shop of Tiangongzhai and entered a word -


Two thousand years of cups can not pour wine for the wife, the wife will be sick, then buy a good cup to pour the wife to drink!

Before entering the inner circle, Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi bought two masks. Originally, Jia Jia did not buy a mask, but Ye Jingzhi said: "There should be people who know me. If I go in, they may be uncomfortable."

Yi Jiayi.

Yes, there are the younger generation of Heavenly Masters. Not everyone is Hu Die, and they can not fear Ye Hao. Ye Jingzhi went in, they may be very uncomfortable.

The two took a mask and pressed the ink on the golden door frame.

When entering the door, Yi Jia unconsciously forgot that there was no point in his ink, and he went in, because Ye Jingzhi said to him at the time: "The yin is too heavy, it is easy to provoke the ghost. The yang is too heavy. In fact, it will also provoke evil spirits. Some evil spirits will choose mortals with heavy yang and start to absorb their yang as food."

Yi Jia immediately remembered: "Fox?"

Ye Jingzhi stunned: "Fox is a strange, and in fact, they do not attract yang, they like to eat human flesh."

Yan Jia: "..." It is better to breathe yang!

These words by Ye Jingzhi mean that Chen Tao is actually quite dangerous.

Chen Xiaofei’s care for Zhao Jia was seen by Ye Master. For those who are good for my wife, that is good for me. For those who are good to me, I want to be a hundred times better for him. Moreover, Master Ye is a famous moral model in the metaphysical world. Now he wants to help his wife's friends to do something, such as buying a magical paper to give Chen Tao, so that evil spirits can not approach his body.

Ye Jingzhi is thinking, Yan Jia said: "Master Ye, what are the general magic weapons that can converge on yang, so that evil spirits can not be close?"

One of the mirrors is listed.

Zhao Jia’s head: “I will buy some from Chen Tao.”

Ye Jingzhi: "I bought Chen Tao..."

The sound suddenly stopped, Ye Jingzhi looked at Zhao Jia with amazement. I saw the young black-haired man frowning in a distressed way. After thinking for a long time, he looked up and said to him: "Master Ye, you said that those things are very cheap. It is estimated that as long as three or four points are added together, can I borrow some points from you to buy things for Chen Tao? 'Ghost knows' accepts submissions from all people and ghosts. I intend to go back and take some points to the child and write a story. Contribute to the 'ghost know', and then return the points to you. "You can only be sorry for the child first, anyway, he does not look at the "ghost know."

Ye Jingzhi looked at Zhao Jia with a dull look. After a long while, he stopped the grievances in his heart and said: "You can buy my points directly to Chen Tao."

Zhao Jiaying’s big eyes, confidently asked: “Why are you buying Chen Tao?”

Ye Jingzhi: "He is your friend."

Yan Jia is even more aggressive: "Yeah, he is my friend. Wait... Isn’t you Master Ye and you only met with him and become friends?"

Ye Jingzhi’s mind began to wander around with a few questions.

It is good for me to be a good wife, and my wife’s friend is my friend. No problem, it is a friend.

"Well, he is my friend."

Yan Jia: "..." Today, there is a new understanding of Chen Fatzi's communicative competence.

Although Ye Jingzhi said that he could buy a magic weapon to protect Chen Tao, but he also bought something. Before he bought it, he borrowed points from Ye Jing. Ye Jingzhi said directly: "You buy it."

Yan Jiali took it for granted that Master Ye had already transferred the points to him. Sure enough, when I bought something, the Tianshi who did not say anything, handed it to Zhaojia.

In the inner circle of Xiangyang Ghost City, there are a lot of ghosts and ghosts.

If there are almost all ghosts in the outer circle of the ghost city, only a few Tianshi are wandering around. In the inner circle of the ghost city, the heavenly master and the ghosts are in conflict with each other.

Most of the stalls in the inner circle are young celestials, but there are also some wild ghosts. They lived for too long, and their mana was deep, and they also got some implements. They sold for points.

In addition, most of the celestial divisions in the inner circle seem to be disciples of Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley. If you want to come, Yi Jia listens to Yu Yu, and the disciples of Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley refine the magic weapon and the medicinal herb, which can be directly handed over to the division and sold at the micro-shop of Shimen. They are disciples of this class, and they have a discount, which is 20% less than other celestial divisions.

However, they have to extract 30% of the proceeds from selling in the micro store, and only 20% of them are sold in the ghost city of Xiangyang. It is no wonder that so many Tianshi madly flocked to the ghost city of Xiangyang and tried to sell goods.

With a mask and a stroll, Yi Jia said with a smile: "If this ghost city is often held, Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley will probably close down."

Ye Jingzhi said: "The maximum can only be held twice a year."


Ye Jingzhi patiently explained: "In the first place, it takes a lot of effort to maintain the incomparable gossip. With my skill, I can only lay down four large arrays a year."

Yan Jia suddenly realized. Master Ye, but standing in the peak of the metaphysical world, Long Aotian, even he can only lay four big arrays, it can be seen that this incomparable gossip is indeed very expensive.

Ye Jingzhi continued: "Second, Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley cannot be allowed to be held in the ghost city of Fuyang. In fact, if they are not forced, they will not allow the existence of the ghost city of Xiangyang."

This Yi Jia can understand. If there is a ghost city in Xiangyang every day, whoever goes to Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley to sell things, will definitely come to the ghost city of Fuyang.

"There is such a ghost city in the sun is quite like the double eleven." Yan Jia said with emotion.

Ye Jingzhi looked at him inexplicably.

Zhai Jia said: "It is quite like double eleven. I just looked over all the way, things are much cheaper. I saw it before in Saitama, the master of Ziwei Xingzhai, Nan Yi, his blood drop in the sky. Ezai sells 8 points, but on the booth of Ziwei Xingzhai that we passed by, Nanyi’s blood drop is 7 points. It is cheaper for a point. This way the buyer gets the benefits and the seller can get more from it. Profit. Hey, the original ghost city of Xiangyang is double eleven, or double eleven times a year."

Ye Jingzhi understood the meaning of Yi Jia, but did not quite understand: "What is the double eleven?"

Yi Jia thinks of a question: "Master Ye, you just said that you have not participated in the ghost city of Xiangyang for three years? How many years of history in this ghost city?"

Ye Jingzhi thought: "There is no inheritance of the mountain for four hundred and ninety-six years. One hundred and one hundred years ago, a ancestor took the incomparable Qing Li into the Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley, forcing the two gates to sign. The next contract allowed the Xiangyang Ghost City to be held, and the second year after the first Xiangyang Ghost City was held... It has been 200 years old."

Yi Jia gently nodded: "Two hundred years, that is much earlier than the double eleven, Ma Ying has to pay royalties to you!"

Ye Jingzhi couldn't understand the words of Jia Jia, but he nodded happily: as long as the wife said it was right.

The two found a place to sit down and rest. Zhai Jia is still feeling that this person who held the ghost city of Xiangyang is too far-sighted. This is simply a sale that is not profitable. But he just said half of it, suddenly turned his head stiffly, straightened his eyes, staring at Ye Jingzhi.

Master Ye skillfully sat in a chair and looked at Zhao Jia.

On Poyang Lake, people come to ghosts.

At the beginning of Ye Jing, he was still looking at him with Qian Jia. He could watch and watch, and he reddened his ears and avoided his sight. However, the next moment, Qian Jia trembled and asked: "Master Ye, can you tell me why the cow who had entered Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley had to take it with him? ?"

Ye Jingzhi raised his head and said of course: "There is no such thing as a township magic weapon."

Yan Jia: "..."

The body trembled for a moment, and Jia Jia swallowed a mouthful of water and couldn't help but ask: "Master Ye, would you please... This is no match for Qing Li, is that the one I know that has no youth?"

After listening to this sentence, Ye Jingzhi did not speak. A bronze scorpion flew out of his Qiangbao bag and smugly turned two laps in front of Qian Jia. Palm.

- It’s your uncle, I’m right.

Yan Jia: "..."

After a long time, Zhai Jia asked her last question today: "Master Ye, I have known for so long, I don't know, your martial art... What is the name?"

“There is no mountain.”

Yan Jia: "..."

At this time, a clear voice sounded not far away: "My God, fifty years of red hair flying corpse as long as a hundred points? bought and bought, these two flying bodies are mine, are Mine, hahahaha!!!"

Yi Jia is silent in his heart: a zombie hundred points, two are two hundred points. Two hundred points draw 20% profit... very good, forty points.

I haven't thought it before, but now I have heard countless voices in my ears.

"Fifty points? I buy!"

Hey, ten points to the account.

"Does this actually have three hundred points? This... this... well, I buy!"

Hey, sixty points.

"I have saved half a year's points, and I have to buy a magic weapon that can be used in the first half of the year." Daoyou, you bought this magic weapon! One thousand points, take it!"

Hey... two hundred points! ! !

Yi Jia did not have the strength to look at the face of the master Ye master, suddenly felt that he did not understand Master Ye, did you just accept the bronze wine glass.

Is there a lot of fifty points? For the master of the leaves, come to the hands, minutes!

He is wrong. In the eyes of Master Ye, the fifty points are not the fifty in his eyes. It is only five pieces, five hairs!

... heart is a little tired.

Because the heart is too tired, Yi Jia rested for a long time, Ye Jingzhi to accompany him to rest. When the two men went shopping again, Zhao Jia had been sneaking at the side of the master Ye, and finally understood: I wondered that Master Ye said that if he came in, it would be better to wear a mask to avoid other people being uncomfortable.

I would like to ask, if Ma Dad suddenly walked into the double eleventh venue in the double eleven, which Taobao shop owner is not scared to shiver? ! This is simply a leadership parade!

It is no wonder that Master Ye did not come to the Ghost City for three years.

Where do people need to buy and sell things, you are all working for others!

In the heart of Qian Jia, there is a mixed feeling, but Master Ye has also stiffened his body, his brain is hot, and he is a little overwhelmed.

Why... Is Jia Jia always watching him?

Isn’t the clothes he wears today look bad? His walking posture is not good? Or does he look bad?

... wrong, wearing a mask today, can't see the face.

But why is the wife looking at him! ! !

Master Ye will not leave the road, and he will work hard to show his own demeanor and try to let his wife see the most handsome.

As time went by, more and more lonely ghosts and celestial spirits entered the inner circle of the ghost city of Xiangyang. This lake is getting crowded. Ghosts have come to this ghost city, each has an entity, and it is impossible to wear it casually.

Yan Jia gradually felt a little crowded. He browed slightly and looked up at Ye Jingzhi. "Master Ye, let's go shopping too. Time is late, or else we should..."


A harsh explosion sounded from a distance.

Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi immediately turned to look at the sounding place.

"I rely on your mother's xipi! Dare to grab something from your grandfather? Dare to take away your grandfather's things? Laozi is Tiangong Zhai's disciple, you can give it to Laozi! Wait for Laozi to catch you and take you Throw into a hundred ghosts!!!"

The riots started from the front of more than 100 meters, and Qian Jia was too far apart to see clearly. Many of the celestialists around him talked about it.

"The brother of the class actually encountered the thief. The little devil fell for eight generations of mold, actually provoked the brother, it can be finished."

"It’s not that people who are so tempered by their temper, they’re so angry that they’re robbed of something very important.”

"I heard that the brothers have produced a superb ghost sword this year, and both the heavenly master and the ghost can use it. Is it the sword? The sword can be worth five thousand points! The brothers got the sale in the ghost city of Liyang, I am afraid only The top ten ink fountains only bought it. Grab the sword, and the brothers and brothers are not desperate."

Ye Jingzhi’s bow in the ear of Zhao Jia said: “The weights and measures are not good at catching ghosts, but they are also the top 30 in the ink. He can handle it.”

Yi Jia nodded.

However, this sentence was finished for a minute, and the crowded people were crowded. Yi Jia did not pay attention, and Ye Jingzhi was squeezed on both sides, separated by three ghosts and two heavenly masters.

At this time, a black shadow rushed from a distance, followed by a flat young man. The young and violently screamed: "Mother Xipi, you stand for Laozi! Nanyi, Nanxiong, Nandaoyou! Where are you, come over and help out! There are only four hundred years of wild ghosts... ? 叶镜之?!"

The weights and measures are staring at the master of the leaves in the ghost group, and shouted his name through the mask.

When the sentence fell, the scene suddenly rioted. The ghosts fled in horror, and the heavenly masters were scared to look at Ye Jingzhi. The wild ghost, which was only chased by the weights and measures, heard the words "Ye Jing Zhi" and was scared to death and was thrown to the ground.

The weights and measures haha ​​smiled: "Nothing, Nan Yi, they are on the other side of the ghost market. He doesn't have time to come and help. It doesn't matter. Ye Daoyou, fast, this wild ghost is fierce, I can't do it, you can help me. !"

Said, the flat-headed young man picked up his sleeve and took out a magic weapon from the Qiankun bag, and he planned to go to the wild ghost.

The wild ghost was so terrified that he was shaking, but it did not go to see the weights and measures, but looked at the mirrors not far away. It looked at it for a while, suddenly violently, pulling a human being around him, and he put the ghost sword that he had grabbed in the human neck.

"Don't... don't come over! Come over, I will kill this person!"

Zhao Jia, who was framed by a sword: "..."

Instantly murderous Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

The weight of the mouth twitching: "This wild ghost, you grab my sword, it is your fault, and now it is still hostage. You know, you dare to do this in the ghost city of Xiangyang, it is the rule of the evil ghost city." I have offended the mountain without a mountain. I don’t know the mountain, Ye Hao Wang is standing here. You are in front of his face in the city of Ghost City, do you think that you have this door today? You live for four hundred years. It’s not easy, isn’t it alive, why do you want to die?”

The wild ghost roared: "Close... Shut up! I will kill, I will kill!"

The measure is good and persuaded: "Friends, killing people is a devil, do you really want to kill?"

The wild ghost was hesitant, but one of the mirrors pulled the mask off and walked up to it.

The surrounding Tianshi saw Ye Jing's mask, and they took a breath of cold gas and went to the side in horror.

Yi Jia has never seen Ye Master so angry, and no one has been photographed from the Qiankun bag by his palm. He rotates around his body and gives off a strong suffocation. The black scorpion in the depth of the right eye of Ye Jing is faintly reddened, and gradually returns to its original state. The sly scorpion is constantly changing its color, and the entanglement around the mirror is constantly changing.

At this time, Ziweixingzhai, Shennong Valley, Longhushan... all the heavenly masters gathered here.

As the master of Longhushan, Hudie was originally to take a look at the excitement. By the way, he laughed at the weights and measures, and the magic weapon was stolen. But he suddenly saw Ye Jingzhi, and then looked at the masked Dai Jia, who was held by the wild ghost, and suddenly "squeaked" and suddenly flashed a picture in his mind.

That is the picture that Yan Jia grabbed the old ghost and threw it into the oil pan.

Hu Die thought that he had forgotten it, and now suddenly thought about it again.

On the Poyang Lake, the wild ghosts of the four hundred-year-old road will have a thick and sinister ghost sword across the neck of Zhao Jia. It took a moment to look at the anxious weights and measures. After a while, look at the metaphysical sects who had already arrived. Finally, its eyes stayed on the mirror of the mirror that was cold and step by step.

Ye Jingzhi wore a black trench coat, his eyes were dark and his eyes were cold and scary. He squatted on Poyang Lake with one foot and one foot, and each foot fell, which provoked a turbulence in the lake. It was like an earthquake, and all the bodies of the heavenly masters and ghosts standing on the lake were trembled.

"Let him, otherwise... I am going to suffer from the 18th floor of Hell, and I will never be superborn!"

The cold and cruel voice came out one word at a time from the seams of the teeth.

The wild ghost trembled, and the hand holding the ghost sword was not stable. It watched one of the mirrors step by step, and did not dare to block it. Seeing that Ye Jingzhi has reached the front of the three meters, the wild ghost screamed like crazy: "I have said that Ye Hao has not participated in the ghost city for three years, who is lying to me! Who is lying to me! It’s death, you have to pull a back, ah ah ah!!!”

The voice fell, and the wild ghost smashed down to Zhao Jia’s neck.

The eye of the mirror is big, and the black scorpion at the bottom of the right eye is completely blood red. A little bit of blood permeated from this little cockroach, and it was half-eye immersed. His right eye was half black and half red, and it was a terrible horror. He frantically rushed forward and prepared to grab the sharp sword with his hand.

However, Ye Jingzhi rushed to the air, and he could grab the ghost sword with bare hands.

Weighing and measuring the urgency: "My sword is made of four sinister corpses of five hundred years. It is sharp and sharp, and the toucher is dead. Ye Jingzhi, you can't touch it, it will be hurt by yin..."


A crisp voice rang on the vast and innocent Poyang Lake.

The four-hundred-year-old wild ghost held a half-sword of the ghost sword in his right hand. It took out his eyes and looked down at the other half of the black sword. He fell into the Poyang Lake and sank into it. In the water.

The ghost city of Xiangyang is dead.

Ye Jingzhi's hand reached Zhai Jia back, and his eyes were red, but the blood red in the right eyelid slowly faded and returned to the little one.

The wild ghost stood on the surface of the lake with a stunned expression and was overwhelmed.

The weights and measures widened his mouth. He suddenly slammed down and slammed the lake with his head. The magic disease repeatedly said: "My sword can't be broken, it can't be broken... How is it possible? Broken! How could it be broken!!!"

The best ghost sword of five thousand points broke into two halves in the moment of encountering the skin of Yi Jia. Half was taken in the hands of the wild ghost, and the other half fell into Poyang Lake.

Yan Jia touched her neck and seemed to have no feeling. He suddenly felt as if Mang was on his back and turned to look at it.

Tens of thousands of celestials and ghosts stared at him.

Poor hostage, Jia Jia: "..."

The sword is broken, blame me?

The author has something to say: C+:...but what am I doing wrong? PS: Today's Ye Master, a bit rich and handsome...


Every day, you need to roll the nutrient solution and wait for you to irrigate. . .


Thank you

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