MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 16

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Although in the past four months, Sioux City still has some coolness.

Yi Jia took another quilt from the cupboard and began to make a bed.

This time, Jia Jia and Ye Jingzhi slept in the master bedroom, and the cousin and his wife slept in the second bedroom. The cousin slept in the living room and used the camp bed for one night. Originally, Jia Jia didn’t make it very embarrassing for a cousin to go to the study room, but he didn’t want to let him and Ye Jing’s sleep in the living room. He said, “Xiao Jia, you can let us borrow and live. How can you let yourself sleep in the living room?"

Yi Jia resigns, but things can only be settled.

Putting the quilt on the bed neatly, Qian Jia carefully arranged the corners, and in the room, Ye Jingzhi looked around quietly.

This is the first time that Ye Jingzhi entered the room of Yu Jia, and the decoration in the room was simple and ordinary. There are very few furniture, one meter eight double bed, wide table, and a thin layer of gray on the wall-mounted TV. It is obvious that the owner of the room rarely watches TV. On the bookshelf next to the TV set, various computer books are placed. After opening the floor-to-ceiling windows, it is a balcony. From the far side, you can look at the Jingde Lake, which is quiet and deep under the moonlight.

It turned out that his room is like this...

Ye Jingzhi couldn't help but sneak a few eyes.

"Master Ye, do you like buckwheat pillows or down pillows?"

Ye Jingzhi immediately withdrew his gaze and turned his head calmly. He whispered: "Hey...the buckwheat pillow."

Yan Jiatou did not lift, took the pillow from the closet and placed it on the bed. He said: "I will go to see the situation on the other side of the watch. Master Ye, you should sleep first, I will come back soon."

Five minutes later, Yi Jia returned to the bedroom. As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Master Ye was still standing by the bed, standing upright and not sleeping at all.

Yi Jiayi said: "Master Ye?"

Ye Jing’s ear tip was red, and it took a long time to say: “I am not sleepy.”

Zhao Jia had already changed his pajamas and looked at Ye Jingzhi’s incomprehensible look. He gradually remembered the quilt that the other party had never touched before, and remembered the scene where the man cleaned the house and cooked the dishes. Saitama said that this person has been alone since he was six years old, and his peers in the mysterious school do not care much about him...

The lips evoked a gentle smile, and Zhao Jia climbed into the bed and patted the quilt: "Master Ye, let's talk, how?"

Ye Jingzhi was so sloppy on the bed.

Just going to bed.

Two people have a quilt and can't even touch their fingers.

The one-meter-eight bed can perfectly accommodate two big men. Yi Jia is not a good talker himself, but he can only be forced to talk about it when he encounters a less talkative Ye Jing. He began to provoke the topic and asked about some things about the metaphysical world. Every time he asked, Ye Jingzhi would return a sentence. Although I won’t talk about it, I have to answer it.

At the end of the day, Zhao Jia did not have any topic. He suddenly remembered the legendary story of Ye Hao, who had been said by Saitama: "Master Ye, I heard that the ghost door was wide open four years ago. You alone killed it. Nearly tens of thousands?"

The low-pitched magnetic sound of Ye Jing is more pleasing in the night. He patiently replied: "Four years ago, it was the 100-year-old Seto Yinyin. In July and the half, the ghost door opened, and the candlelight of the Heavenly Gate was calculated. The annual meeting of a hundred ghosts poured out, let our younger generation be responsible for holding the ghost door of that year, it is a experience. But the candlelight predecessors miscalculated the severity of the ghost door opened that year, there are even 100,000 evil spirits out of the ghost door. At that time, only our younger generation was near the capital, and the seniors came to the news."

"Well... only you guys..."

"Yes. At that time, the friends of Nanyi Road had not yet practiced the sixth heavyweight of the purple micro-starry. The rest of the friends were still young. The enchantments seemed to collapse, and I could only rush into the ghost gate with the incomparable Qingli. Delay time."


"Fortunately, not long after, the predecessors arrived in the capital, which avoided the catastrophe of the ghosts. In fact, I did not kill 10,000 evil spirits, but killed eight thousand..."

The sound suddenly stopped, and Ye Jingzhi bowed his head, but saw that the young man who was still asking questions closed his eyes at this moment and was already asleep.

The faint breathing sounded in the room, and the mirror of the mirror held his breath, no longer dare to speak. He was nervous and confused. He didn't know if he should lie down at the moment, or he should be honestly stiff, lest he should be awakened.

In this way, for ten minutes, Zhai Jia suddenly snorted and slammed his hands and found the quilt with both hands. The good quilt was overlapped by him, and half of the body was so violent | exposed in the air. The look of the mirror was condensed, and the quilt was carefully covered back.

The quilt once again covered the body of the young black-haired man. Before he woke him up, Ye Jing’s heavy sigh of relief.

It was only three minutes before this, and the young people who slept very poorly slammed their legs on the quilt.

The eye of the mirror is wide-eyed, and the quilt is pulled up again and covered again.

As a result, I have been tossing until midnight, and the youth officially fell into a deep sleep state, and the sleeping position was slightly stabilized. At this time, Ye Jingzhi has been anxiously sweating.

To gently cover the quilt, you must never wake people up. I can't help but cover the quilt. Now it's still cold. What if I get cold?

Four years ago, I rushed into the ghost gate of the capital, and directly took the time to delay the slaughter of 8 461 evil spirits. The king of Ye Hao was calm and unwilling to die. At that time, Ye Jingzhi did not flow a drop of sweat, only the evil spirits of the evil spirits were not scattered, and they were unwilling to wrap around the whole body.

Now, he is sweating.

However, this time, Jia Jia was only stunned for two hours and began to move again. Ye Jingzhi is like an enemy, he is still nervous than the evil spirits who have met the 100-year-old road. He hastened to cover him with a quilt, for fear that he will freeze a little. But after finishing the arm, the leg ran out again; after finishing the leg, the quilt was pushed away!

When the morning came, Zhao Jia opened his eyes and found himself sleeping on the pillow for the first time. He did not turn 180° and slept to the end of the bed. At this time, there was no figure of Ye Jingzhi in the bed. Yan Jia was grinding for a while: "Do I know that Master Ye is at the side, so I slept very honestly?" Well, it must be like this, not running.

When Yu Jia got up, Ye Jingzhi had gone out to catch ghosts.

Xiao Juan’s cousin gave him a bowl of hot porridge, and Jia Jia and his cousin chatted while eating breakfast. After breakfast, the cousin washed the bowl very diligently, then took his parents to Sukhumvit, and bought furniture by the way, and moved into the rented house in the next few days.

Waiting until the evening, Ye Jingzhi came back in the night, and Jia Jia was surprised to find: "Master Ye, today's devil... is it amazing?"

Ye Jing's face is not very good, obviously with his skill at the moment, even if he does not sleep for a month, going out to catch ghosts all night has no effect, but there is a layer of dark circles under his eyes.

- Giving a quilt to Jia Ge is more challenging than catching a ghost.

Ye Jingzhi listened to Zhao Jia’s words, but he suddenly thought of something: “Yes, this evil spirit is a bit powerful. I will not come back to sleep these few nights. I will swear for you first, then go out and fight later. Kill that ghost."

Yi Jia is awkward.

Master Yeh-ye said that the powerful devil is so powerful. !

Not much to say, Ye Jingzhi began to swear to the singer. In the evening, Yi Jia held the quilt and began to think about his coming to the city for so many years. I really didn't see too many powerful ghosts. Did the ghost appear recently?

Of course, I don’t know, since this evening, the devils of Sioux City have fallen into the blood of eight generations, and they have been connected one by one.

Incomparable Qing Li is also worn on the body of Zhao Jia, but to deal with these little devils, where the Ye Hao Wang needs a magic weapon, direct **** to close, one finger down, the ghosts will fly away. However, a few days, as soon as the night came, the streets of Sioux City were empty, and even a wandering soul could not be found, which was even cleaner than the capital that was enveloped by the dragon.

When the black robes harvested ghosts and exorcism, in the high-end community beside Jingdu Lake, the handsome young man held the quilt and fell asleep on the bed.

When Jia Jia’s arm was lifted, his arm ran out of the quilt. This time, no one patiently covered the quilt for him, but saw a small yellow paper man suddenly climbed up from the bottom of the bed, and the thin calf climbed hard to the quilt of Zhao Jia, then Start with a thin paper arm for the quilt cover.

After finishing the arm, Yi Jia left his left leg and crossed the quilt.

The little paper man hurried to the end of the bed and went to pull the quilt. When it pulled the quilt panting, Pan Jia completely turned over and pressed the quilt underneath.

The little paper people stayed where they were, as if they were at a loss. It looked at it for a long time, only to pull the quilt out of Zhao Jia's body a little bit. Perhaps this time the movement was too big, and the bronze scorpion on the neck of Zhao Jia suddenly shook with joy.

Incomparable Qing Li curiously wanted to see this little paper man, but was tied to the neck of Zhao Jia by a rope. Wu Xiangqing struggled hard. When it finally pulled the rope and flew to the little paper man, Yan Jia grabbed it with a sleepy eye and frowned: "Nothing Qing Li?"

Nothing was awkward and violent, and Zhao Jia looked at it in confusion and then tied it back to the rope.

Already awake, Zhao Jia will simply wear shoes and go out to the kitchen to find some water to drink. He did not find that a small yellow paper man quickly flew to the bed legs when he woke up, nervously clinging to the bed legs, until he left the door, and then relaxed back to the bottom of the bed.

Just woke up from his sleep, Yan Jia went through the living room and went to the kitchen.

The living room was silent, the air was still, and it seemed as quiet as no one.

When I walked to the kitchen door, Yi Jia pressed the switch, but found that the kitchen lamp seemed to be broken, and could not be opened. He accidentally pressed a few more times, the lights were still not bright, so he muttered a phrase "Change the lamp tomorrow", then found the cup and the kettle in the dark and began to pour water.

The sound of the sound of the water echoed gently in the kitchen, and the living room did not know when the sound of the clock was moving, and the dark night shrouded the entire house. Yan Jia filled the cup full. He picked up the cup and looked up. He saw the figure in front of him, reflecting a figure in a white dress.

The heart suddenly tightened, and Zhai Jia held the cup and looked at the man standing behind him calmly.

The man stepped out of the darkness step by step, and the clear face in the day was not known at the moment, but it seemed to be somewhat stiff. Xiaojuan’s cousin slowly raised his mouth, his voice sounded like a machine, and his tone did not rise and fall: “Cousin, come out to drink?”

Zhao Jia looked at her silently. After a long time, she turned and smiled. "Well, it’s a bit thirsty... It’s a bit hot." He said, Xiao Jia slowly took off the no-phase that had been worn on his neck. Qingli, smiling and looking at the young girl in front of him.

Xiaojuan nodded: "The cousin, go to bed early."

"Okay, cousin."

Xiaojuan turned and left, the long white dress slowly disappeared into the rich night, and the smile on the lips of Zhaojia gradually disappeared.

Incomparable Qing Li was very dissatisfied with how Jia Jia took himself off, but Yi Jia did not care about it this time, still staring carefully at the back of his cousin. In his pupil, the girl in a white dress did not have a trace of blackness, but it was slower when she walked.

There are no evil spirits, no yin.

"...Is it wrong?"

After drinking this glass of water, Zhao Jia returned to the bedroom, thought about it, and slowly fell asleep.

In the living room, the clocks hanging on the wall suddenly stopped moving. In the silent living room, the girl in the white dress lying on the camp bed stared at the ceiling, staring at the ceiling, zombie-like face, pale and bloodless.

The author has something to say: Mirror: The wife is not sleepy, what if he is frozen, so worry!


Has been discussed with the editor, the day after tomorrow will be V! Only one day left, I can only update one chapter to wave, wave, and grievance! Come and comfort the baby, this is a shocking QAQ!


Thank you

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