MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 11

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It is urgent, not like Saitama, but can only stand still there, Ye Jingzhi's hand cloth under an enchantment, directly enclose the mother and child. In the enchantment, the little boy still squats on the ground and bite the meat desperately. Like a dog without humanity, the woman rushes to the enchantment again and again, but is firmly locked in it.

Ye Jingzhi looked at the mother and son, smashed the handcuffs, did not recite the spell, and raised his finger to the direction of the enchantment. During the time, a dark green line emerged from the child's body and connected to the woman's **** right arm.

Zhao Jia’s glimpse of what he suddenly understood, and Ye Jingzhi painted a spell in the air. Wherever he painted his finger, a golden rune appeared in the air. When the final stroke was drawn, the golden brilliance illuminates the whole room. At the broken right arm of the young woman, the golden light gathers into one hand, holding a hand in the hand. The faint golden light boy.

This scene is too ironic with reality. In reality, the little boy squats on the ground and eats the mother's flesh. Under the golden light, the woman holds the child's hand.

Seeing the golden light and the boy holding the unprovoked hand on his right hand, the young woman’s action of colliding with the enchantment suddenly stopped. She looked at the little boy who was gathered in the golden light, and finally fell to the ground and grew up. cry.

Ye Jingzhi glanced at it and turned to the first line: "The spirit is a kind of secret technique of Xiangxi rushing to the corpse. It is often to feed the body with blood, thereby holding the ghost's hand, manipulating the body, and taking them back to their hometown for burial. ”

The cold sound rang in the dark fog, and Yi Jia listened carefully.

"It’s rare to cut meat and take care of it. It’s not a dangerous secret. Just feed some blood. But this mother has no mana and should not be able to do it. So she used the meat to take care of her. The child's right hand is used as a medium for the spirit, and the flesh and blood are cited, leaving the child's soul in the mortal world."

Before the arrival of Ye Jing, Qian Jia followed behind Yu Yu, watching this **** stick carrying a compass and walking around; after Ye Jingzhi came, turning his hand was an enchantment, shutting the mother and son, and Kung Fu calmly explained the situation of the mother and the child.

Thinking of this, Yan Jia couldn't help but look around and look at the jade jade: If you compare with others, what is the gap?

裴玉瞪大眼: Can I compare with him? That is the king of Ye Hao! You ask a few people in the metaphysical world to dare to compare with him. It’s too late to hold his thighs. Okay!

Yan Jia hated iron and shook his head.

If this is his son, he will definitely return to his mother's womb.

Too much to die!

Ye Jingzhi only looked at Daiyu at this time. His indifferent face did not have a trace of expression floating, gently beheading: "裴道友."

Daiyu laughed twice, and the body unconsciously shrank back to Zhao Jia’s body. At the same time, he smiled slyly: “Ye Ye... Ye Daoyou!”

Ye Jingzhi didn't seem to hear the other person's words. He said faintly: "I sensed that my blood drop was broken, so I came to see what happened. I didn't expect it to be a friend."

Saitama immediately said: "I bought it, I bought it. I spent 72 points to buy it. This little devil is more powerful than I thought. I don't know why I can still break the blood drop of Ye Daoyou. I really don't know. It’s thick and thick. Ye Daoyou, I’ve collected this little devil so that he can’t mess again. Hey! Little devil, you’re coming!”

Said, Yu Yu took up his sleeve and entered the enchantment.

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jing's eyes glanced calmly and let the other party grab the points. He turned and looked at Zhao Jia. After observing for a while, his brow wrinkled and said: "Your yin is a bit more solid than what you saw before. This relic is worn on your body first, then I will be there every day. This relic has a curse. After forty-nine days, it can absorb your yin like the taishan stone. Now it can also help you cover most of the yin."

The place where this reunion was a bit embarrassing, Qian Jia took over the translucent relic in the hands of Ye Jing, and some embarrassed: "Is this... a little expensive?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "The ghosts like to eat yin and heavy mortals. After eating mortals, they can increase their skill and make it harder to deal with. If there is nothing to cover your yin, I am afraid there will be countless devils coming here to find you, causing the mysterious world. Great turmoil."

Yan Jia: "..." I am not talking about this!

After a few moments of silence, it is not easy to find a word: "Master Ye is really... compassionate."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

After a long time, after a long while, a low and indifferent male voice rang: "Thank you for compliment."

Yan Jia: "..."

Must be the moral model of the metaphysical world, did not run!

Qian Jia used to see only one side of the master Ye. Later, she listened to Yu Yu and said how terrible the other is, how scary it is. Now that I met again in this situation, neither of them knew what to say, but they could only talk about each other. However, for a long time, they heard a loud bang, and the two immediately turned their heads.

Daiyu was covered with a weed, and hurriedly said: "Run! The woman told me not to pay attention, actually took her son to run!"

Yan Jia: "..." You talk about what else you have!

Between the dark fog, where can I see the mother and son again. For a time, it was in a deadlock.

Daiyu is both angry and anxious. Yi Jia is speechless and can't wait to give a sign to tell the world that "I don't know this waste wood". However, Ye Haowang is the king of Ye Hao. The face of Ye Jing does not change color, and the left hand lifts: "No Xiang Qingli."

The small and delicate bronze scorpion was playing in the pocket of Zhao Jia. After listening to this sound, it suddenly shook twice. Looking at the eyes, curiously watching the ball, after a while, no time Qing Li quieted down, still decided to play again for a while.

Ye Jingzhi: "...nothing Qing Li!"

After the cold voice, a black and black 18-faced scorpion suddenly flew out of the pocket of Zhao Jia and fell into the palm of Ye Jing. As soon as he turned his fingers, the bronze scorpion immediately flew up and floated in the air. I saw that the eighteen bronze faces were constantly rotating, and suddenly one side stopped in front of the mirror, and the finger of the mirror was a little, and a golden sword was suddenly pulled out from the face.

The sword was squirted out... The smoldering black air suddenly stopped. Ye Jing’s right hand holds the sword and straightens a sword straight ahead. The sword is mighty, the golden light is shining, and the black yin is directly pulled out.

Where the golden light went, the yin retreated.

However, for a long time, the black gas completely dissipated, and Yi Jia actually found that he had returned to the seventh floor and stood on the stairs! The iron pot that burned paper money was still in the corner, and the doors of the two families on both sides were wide open. The old Taoist and the couple were lying in the corner, unconscious, and the empty seven floors had no movement.

Ye Jing's closed eyes closed, and then blinked, he said: "I am going here to see, you go there."

I have never been to this building before, but Ye Jingzhi has decisively entered the door of the mother and child.

Yan Jiadao: "Master Ye is so powerful, actually know which door is the mother and child?"

Saitama trembled and retracted: "...have the king of Ye Hao, who has no youth, no, it’s too horrible, I want to go home!"

Yi Jia couldn't help but slap a slap in the face: "Come in!"

Since Ye Jing chose the dangerous door, Qi Jia and Dai Yu are equal to walking in another door for a walk. The couple's house is the same as the house layout of Zhaojia. Yijia easily walked through the master bedroom, the second bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. When he finished the living room, he suddenly stopped: "If they used to be a family Five live together, the master bedroom is a husband and wife, the second bedroom is two children, where does the grandfather live?"

Saitama didn't even think about it, pointing to a door in the corner: "Is there a door there?"

Yi Jia frowned: "My house's utility room is there, only three square meters in size."

"Where can I live, can't I play the floor?"

Yi Jia did not answer, he stepped forward and opened the door. When the gate opened, the cruel and cold moonlight projected from the narrow skylight, and Zhao Jia slowly smashed the scorpion and stared at the old man who was curled up on the iron bed.

Saitama also followed up. When he saw this room, he was shocked: "Can this live?"

Yan Jia: "Yu Yu, look at your yin and yang eyes."

Saitama immediately painted, and when he looked at the room, he stared: "Ghost?!"

The room was damp and messy, and the messy things were piled up to the ceiling. There was a half-meter-wide iron bed in the middle of the room. On the bed, a skinny old man sat **** the edge of the bed, and a pair of black holes looked at Zhaojia and Daiyu. Slowly, he cracked his mouth and revealed the black teeth and the flesh in his teeth.

"Why... to destroy such a good world?"

As soon as the face of the jade was cold, he quickly took out a spell from the Qiangbao bag. Before he could even recite the curse, he was shot backwards by a strong yin.

"The big boy will take me to the hospital tomorrow, Dabao Xiaobao is still there, and my daughter-in-law has not been dying every day... Why, why should we destroy such a beautiful world?"

The old man on the iron bed stood up, the bones and the bones groaned, his limbs were twisted, and a blood hole with a bowl-sized mouth was broken on the back of his head. He climbed up to Zhao Jia, his face was a shouting smile: "Your yin is so strong, eating you is definitely more useful than eating that child. After eating you... the children and daughter-in-law can come back and I live... I ate you... I want to eat you!!!"

The screaming voice rang violently. The old man was like a spider, and his limbs climbed to the scorpion with the ground. Saitama immediately recited the curse, but it was swept away by the powerful yin and it was unable to resist.

He did not know that Zhai Jia stood in the most yin-filled place, his eyes wide and horrified, watching the red smoldering entangled in the old ghost.

"I want to eat you!"

The old man's mouth is big, the blood basin is big and the head is big, and the side of the body is flashing, still staring at the **** red yin.

Saitama is anxiously loud: "Zhu Jia! You are coming over, this ghost is too powerful, too much than the little devil, we hurry to find Ye Hao Wang, only he can surrender this evil ... ghost ... lying! groove!!!"

When Jia Jia broke his fist, the old ghost did not take it seriously, and he still rushed straight to him. Then Saitama saw that this seemingly lethal fist slammed into the head of this old ghost, and the smoldering smoldering, the old ghost mourned in pain, desperately trying to run backwards, but Jia Jia A hand grabbed his neck and punched his face out of the big hole.

Sui Yu was so scared that she couldn’t even say anything: "Jia Jia... No, Jiajiajia... Jia Ge!!!"

Yi Jia’s left leg was stunned, and the old ghost was smashed to the wall. He just had a domineering side and a horrible evil spirit. At this moment, I saw what was the most horrible thing. The eyes had already been hit by the eye, only A little flesh is still in the eyes, it stared at Zhao Jia with amazement, trembling with the scorpion: "Who are you! You... you... ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Yi Jia is a fist to smash the past, completely smashing the eye of the old ghost. He took the old ghost's neck and pressed the evil spirit into the wall. His face was cold and he asked, "You have eaten a child, you... ate the boy from the other family?"

The old ghost shivered and didn't dare to lie: "I... I just died, he just knocked on the door, I... I, I, I ate him..."

Saitama immediately ran over: "No wonder, he is a ghost who has not done too many evil things in front of him. Even if he dies with grievances, he can't be so powerful. It was the soul of a child who got the child. Resentment and spiritual power."

"not only these."

Saitama said: "More than that? Jia Ge, what else?"

I didn’t care about the name “Jia Ge”. Yan Jia’s cold and ruthless gaze was like a death sickle, and it was coldly scraped on the old ghost: “You are... Why is there my yin? Say!”

The old ghost said in horror: "I ate the child and found that there were a lot of strong yin around, and I ate a little. I don't know, I don't know anything!"

Daiyu looked at Yan Jia and the old ghost in vain.

After listening to the old ghost's words, Yi Jia's suffocating suffocation suddenly disappeared. He closed his eyes and exhaled a breath: "So you hurt the child first, then eat my yin? You are Six days ago, six days ago... six days ago, that day."

Not me, not that I hurt the child...

Saitama asked: "What happened six days ago?"

Yi Jia took a look at the neck of the old ghost and turned back: "Six days ago, it was the day when I saw Master Ye. I had worn jade for many years. It might have leaked a bit of yin, just this ghost is here. It’s time to die, so I ate a little bit of my yin.”

When the voice fell, Yi Jia let go of the hand and kicked the old ghost into the corner. The old ghost was scared and shivered, and Yu Yu hid behind Zhao Jia, curiously watching Yan Jia go to the corner.

The sound of Qian Jia's indifference sounded in the narrow garbage room: "I saw what I saw in the thick fog, not reality, but the life you dreamed of. In fact, your son is not filial, your daughter-in-law is every day. I hope that you will die, but this is their fault, they are not filial, why do you want to harm an innocent child?"

As a goblin, the old ghost wants to say: What about the child I ate, just want to eat, you control me, don't eat me or evil spirits!

But now, it can only scare in the corner and dare not speak.

Yan Jia's cold eyes are like knives, shaving on the old ghost's body. His right hand is pinched into a fist, and the **** red yin surrounds his fingers. The old ghost was so frightened that the whole ghost stood on the wall and stood still. He wanted to find a place to sneak in, so that the horrible human being could not see himself, and Zhao Jia slowly raised his fist.

Just as he was preparing to smash the old ghost's head, one hand suddenly grabbed his fist and his waist was suddenly hugged. Like the scene in each dog's blood idol drama, Zhao Jia turned 360° in the air and fell steadily into a warm embrace. He leaned on the steady and reliable shoulders of the dog and looked up at him. .

Ye Jingzhi looked at him with a phoenix, and the cockroach in his eyes was extraordinarily quiet in the darkness. He whispered: "I didn't expect to be fooled by this ghost. The little devil is not a ghost, but was dragged. The spirit is left in the world, this old ghost is the mastermind of all this. Is it okay?"

Zhao Jia, who is held in his arms: "...nothing."

Looking at the dumbfounded jade: "..."

What can Jia Ge do? ! !

If you go one step early, or take a step late, you can see that our brothers are tearing the devils! ! !

The author has something to say: The strength of Jia Ge boasting the gods stick: my family Jia Ge, mighty and majestic! Playing CALL for Jia Ge!


In fact, the mirror should not have appeared so early. It was originally intended to let him play in the form of "hero saves the beauty", but now, I am going to write the hero of the dog blood to save the beauty~ even if we don't need him to save, then it is saved. That's why the dog is bloody, haha~

Come and bite me, OVO.


Thank you

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