MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 85 Anti-theft

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【Chapter 85】

Later, Qin Chuan dragged Xue Chong together to buy the ring. Qin Chuan looked at the brilliant ring on Xue Chong's ring finger and was satisfied.

Speaking of Yunbaijian, since the last time Pluto said to let him reach level 120 and then go to him, so Yunbaijian stayed in the game every night, just to upgrade. In addition, in order to solve the system's anti-addiction and mandatory offline settings, Yun Baijian also specially paid a large price and bought a mansion. Unexpectedly, [Apocalypse] is really difficult to upgrade. Yunbaijian can't stand it until he reaches level 20.

Yun Baijian thought that he was okay to do something with a man.

Yun Baijian thought about it and thought that he was just because of Pluto's two words. How did he feel like a **** guy? Then Yun Baijian stopped sticking to the upgrade immediately, and began to immerse himself in the fun of holographic games like other players, slowly upgrade, slowly fight monsters, and even made a few good friends.

But probably Yunbaijian was too tight before, and now Yunbaijian suddenly stopped coming to find fault, Pluto felt strange, so he couldn't help asking Qin Chuan about the current situation of Yunbaijian.

Hearing that Pluto unexpectedly asked him about his current situation, Yun Baijian was inexplicably so, when he arrived at the school, he came to ask Qin Chuan what he meant.

On the top floor of the school, Qin Chuan sticks to Xue Chong's side, holding Xue Chong's hand and playing with his fingers. The previous ring was too conspicuous, so it was hung on the neck by Xue Chong.

Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuan, frowned, and slightly distorted his expression: "What do you mean by this Pluto? What did he mean? I used to look for him every day, and he was unreasonable, now I won't look for him anymore. , He also asked me in reverse what happened? "

Qin Chuan hooked Xue Chong's fingers, warmed his belly through Xue Chong's fingers, and said without lifting his head: "I don't know, I'm not interested in knowing."

Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuan's appearance as a heavy friend, and couldn't help but scolded, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "There is another year to graduate, what do you plan to do after graduation?"

Qin Chuan has long thought about this question. Qin Chuan played with Xue Chong ’s fingers and said casually: “After graduating to start a small company, I will be the boss and someone will be the boss. When I live, I will buy a room and hall, close to the company. . And then buy someone a car ... "

Yun Baijian listened, froze for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you not inherit your dad's company? By the time you have finished your business, your dad will definitely let you go to the company for an internship. Besides, if you want to inherit Who will inherit Dad ’s company? After all, your family is your only child. "

Qin Chuan heard the last sentence, ticked the corner of his lips, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Even without me, someone will naturally inherit."

Yun Baijian raised his eyebrows, feeling that Qin Chuan's words were thought-provoking, but he never blended into Qin Chuan's family, so he turned his attention to Xue Chong and asked, "What is our infinite god?" Planning? What are you going to do after graduation? "Do you really start a company with Qin Chuan?

Xue Chong coldly said something, "I don't know."

Unexpectedly, Xue Chong's answer, Yun Baijian was stunned for a long time, and did not react for a long time. Because Xue Chong's image has always been rational and calm, Yun Baijian thought he had thought about it already.

Qin Chuan on the side heard Xue Chong's answer, and immediately said without thinking: "What nonsense you ask, of course, with me."

Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuan as he took it for granted, and his mouth twitched. Yes, he asked nonsense. Qin Chuan now looks like this haunting man. It is estimated that even if Xue Chong graduated and wanted to do something, I am afraid there is no such opportunity.

Xue Chong silently said nothing.

After coming down from the rooftop on the top floor, Xue Chong became more and more silent along the way. However, it is possible that Qin Chuan was accustomed to Xue Chong's reticent nature, so he was not aware of it.

After class in the afternoon, when the two returned home, Qin Chuan spontaneously walked towards the kitchen, preparing to cook.

Today, Qin Chuan's cooking skills are becoming more and more superb, which is almost comparable to a five-star chef. Not long ago, Qin Chuan couldn't even cook rice. But because he didn't want someone to work in the kitchen, Qin Chuan gritted his teeth and bought a book and learned a little.

Qin Chuan was about to enter the kitchen, and asked Xue Chong what he wanted to eat, but he didn't respond for a long time. He looked back strangely and saw Xue Chong standing in the same place, keeping the state of just entering the house, and had not moved.

Qin Chuan was inexplicably asked, "What's wrong? I'm sick? Or is it uncomfortable?" Then he was ready to step forward and reached out to explore the temperature on Xue Chong's forehead.

Xue Chong stopped Qin Chuan's hand and said quietly, "Nothing."

Seeing this, Qin Chuan was relieved. I didn't think much about Xue Chong just now, thinking that it was almost dinner time, so I hurried to the kitchen to cook.

Xue Chong watched Qin Chuan's back, his eyes deep.


A year's time is neither long nor short, but like a blink of an eye, it passed by so quickly.

【Apocalypse】 It is still the most popular game nowadays. Forgetting the River and Endless Night is still the most popular CP in the rotten girl circle. In this year, Yun Baijian finally rose from level 1 to 120, and the bitter tears of Yun Baijian did not want to mention it again.

Then in this year, Yun Baijian exploded from the beginning when he saw Pluto, and became provocative when he saw Pluto. After all, Yunbaijian's technology is not bad now, so he has a lot of confidence in the face of Pluto. Although it is a little worse than the fifth Pluto in the PK rankings, Yun Baijian believes that he will be able to surpass Pluto someday.

On the day of graduation, the students of Q University were very excited, pulling each other to take pictures, taking photos with each other and so on. Some professors also have their own joys and worries.

Some professors rejoiced that they finally no longer need to see these noisy and troublesome students, and some professors were sad to send away the students they admired. Among those professors who are reluctant, one of them is the extinct teacher too.

The extermination teacher walked in front of the two students he admired the most, and then said seriously: "After graduating, I am most worried about the two of you. I heard that you will start a company together after graduation? It ’s as light as you say in your mouth, and you need to understand a certain number of ways. Although the teacher does not teach finance, but there are also involved in this area. If you encounter difficulties, then come to the teacher. "

Qin Chuan didn't expect the Extermination Master to take care of them this way. He was surprised and then smiled, "Thank you teacher for your care."

The exterminator too waved his hand and left with the textbook in his hand.

This day Yun Baijian's appearance is not very good, the whole person's spirit is languishing, as if hit by something, it can't lift the spirit at all.

Qin Chuan glanced at Yun Baijian, who was mentally weak, and asked casually: "What's wrong with you? What was given to you?"

As if Qin Chuan was right, Yun Baijian immediately blushed, and the decadent appearance instantly became angry. Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuan impatiently, and said angrily: "Why don't you tell me that Pluto is ... is ... same ... **** ?!"

After hearing this, Qin Chuan looked at Yun Baijian in surprise, and asked, "Hades is gay? Why don't I know."

Yun Baijian remembered the situation last night, and immediately became more angry, "What is he like to be gay?"

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows, "Which one?"

Yun Baijian couldn't be more angry, "I finally found a sister who was married to me yesterday, but the result was halfway through, and the goods suddenly rushed out--"

Qin Chuan answered: "Have the girl taken away?"

In the process of getting married, you can robbery. However, a group of guests must pass through on the way to take people away. Moreover, guests can attack relatives on the way, so it is not so easy to rob relatives.

However, for Pluto the fifth in the PK rankings, he will not take a few guests into consideration.

Speaking of the object of the abduction, Yunbaijian will support us, "It's not ... he stole ... it's me."

Qin Chuan continued to ask: "Then what?"

Then ... Yun Baijian couldn't talk anymore.

Yun Baijian did not speak for a long time, and Qin Chuan did not have the patience to continue to wait. So he held Xue Chong, who had not spoken from beginning to end, with a grin on his face, and said softly: "Master, after graduation, shall we take a few photos as a souvenir?"

Xue Chong has never loved taking pictures, so apart from the single photos of Xue Chong who Qin Chuan himself secretly took on Qin Chuan's mobile phone, none of them was a group photo of Xue Chong and Qin Chuan.

Fearing that Xue Chong refused, Qin Chuan was a little cautious when he proposed it. He stared at Xue Chong, his eyes full of hope.

Xue Chong glanced at Qin Chuan quietly, lowered his eyes halfway, and then agreed.

Xue Chong: "Good."

Qin Chuan's eyes widened incredulously, and he immediately thought about it and wanted to hug Xue Chong into his arms. Qin Chuan ignored the occasion, but Xue Chong did not forget that it was under the public court, and before Qin Chuan got up, he reached out and pushed him away.

Qin Chuan is now full of joy and not frustrated. The only thing he feels a little bit depressed is why he did n’t bring the DSLR in his apartment today. The pixels of his mobile phone are too bad.

Although Qin Chuan could not be rejected, but because Xue Chong was the first time he promised to take a photo with him, Qin Chuan took Xue Chong and took pictures in almost every corner.

When there was a little electricity left at the end, Qin Chuan suddenly thought that the photo of him kissing someone had not been taken yet. When he was about to look up at someone, he was given a cold glance as if he had seen through his mind. Glanced.

So Qin Chuan had no choice but to dismiss this idea.


After taking the graduation photo, even if it is a real graduation. Although there are still a lot of things to be handed over to the school afterwards, they are all afterwards.

Qin Chuan drove away Yunbaijian who wanted to come with him and returned home with Xue Chong.

After returning home, Qin Chuan was subconsciously preparing to go to the kitchen to cook, but suddenly heard Xue Chong in the living room said: "Don't cook today."

Qin Chuan thought that it was the reason for graduation today, and he wanted to go out to celebrate, so he didn't think much. He leaned out of the kitchen and said, "So let's go out to eat?"

Xue Chong said lightly: "Buy it and eat it."

Qin Chuan, who regarded his wife ’s words as all the rules, immediately put down his phone, put on his jacket, picked up the car key, and walked toward the entrance. While wearing his shoes, he asked: "What does Master want to eat? come back."

Xue Chongmian said without changing his color: "The chestnut on the other side of Nanwan is brought back."

Nanwan and Qinchuan apartments are almost one in winter and one in the west, not far away. Even if Qinchuan drove, it took almost an hour.

But Qin Chuan said nothing. Since someone wants to eat, he buys it. Even if it is as far as a thousand miles, it is correct.

But before going out, Qin Chuan couldn't help but grind again. He stood at the door, staring straight at Xue Chong in the living room, and said coquettishly: "Madam, please kiss before leaving."

Xue Chong gave him a cool look.

Xue Chong's eyes silently told him the answer. Qin Chuan pursed his lips, took the car key out of hand, and muttered in his mouth, "Mrs. Really unsympathetic."

Xue Chong watched Qin Chuan's aggrieved departure until he could not see Qin Chuan's figure, and then slowly withdrew his sight.

After taking back his eyes, Xue Chong stood up and began to silently look at the scene in the apartment. There was a silence in his eyes, like a dead sea, and there was no more waves.


Thank you Goggles, Shuai Duotian, 21775554 mines, and Tiny's two mines.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.

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