MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 7 7th

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While Wei Jie was talking about the great things of Qinchuan, the school grass, Xue Chong had finished his meal.

After eating, it seemed that Xue Chong, who never wanted to stay here again, stood up and left.

At this time, Qin Chuan, who was surrounded by a group of people in the center, finally reached a critical point.

Qin Chuan didn't understand what fun he has here, but someone just likes to join here.

A trance, was squeezed out of the water.

From time to time someone pretends to be inadvertently, and his body is quietly pasted in his direction, and some even lean on the back of his chair, his head slightly lowered, creating an ambiguous and haunting scene.

Qin Chuan pressed his temple, feeling a little irritable.

He knew this would be the case in the school cafeteria, so he never ate in the school cafeteria.

If it weren't for Yun Baijian's death, he would never sit here.

On the side, Yun Baijian seemed to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by people, especially in the face of those charming schoolgirls, who were comfortable and contented. Qin Chuan looked casually and wanted to beat him to death.

Qin Chuan was too lazy to sit there and wasted time, so he stood up and was ready to leave.

Qin Chuan suddenly stood up unexpectedly. The people around him were startled and asked subconsciously, "Where is Senior Qin going?"

Where else can you go?

Qin Chuan was too lazy to leave Yunbaijian, turned and walked towards the exit gate.

Because there were too many people coming together, Qin Chuan only paid attention to bypass those people, but did not notice Xue Chong who came from the other direction. Xue Chong subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, and collided with Qin Chuan.

Xue Chong's footsteps stopped suddenly. A student with a meal behind him caught by surprise and bumped on Xue Chong's back. The soup in the dinner plate spilled Xue Chong's back.

Xue Chong frowned in an instant.

Not because the soup was sprinkled on the back, but because it hit Qin Chuan.

Although separated by a layer of fabric, Xue Chong's feeling of being in direct contact with others made him very uncomfortable. The most important thing is that the other party is still a man.

Xue Chong took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to take off his coat and top.

The man behind him saw that the plate in his hand had hit the back of another person and threw another person into a panic. Stuttered: "Sorry, I didn't mean it. If you don't stop suddenly, I won't hit you ..."

Qin Chuan quietly glanced at the traces of soup behind Xue Chong, frowned slightly, and said, "Sorry, the main reason for this matter is me. How much are you calling? I didn't bring cash or clothes. Pay you. "

With that said, Qin Chuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to write down Xue Chong's phone.

The onlookers were shocked.

My God ... Qin Chuan's phone number!

A phone number that no one can get so far!

Just when people around were envious and jealous, he only heard Xue Chong's expressionless expression, "No need, just an old dress, there is no need to leave a phone number."

Having said that, he lifted his feet and left the place, without looking back.

Qin Chuan froze slightly, staring at Xue Chong's unrelenting back, and a strange feeling came into his heart.

Qin Chuan looked at the direction of Xue Chong's departure, and hadn't moved for a long time. When Yun Baijian finally talked enough, when he found him, Qin Chuan still didn't move.

Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuan's line of sight, seeing nothing but the air.

Yun Baijian's face was inexplicably so: "What's wrong? What are you looking at."

Qin Chuan paused: "Nothing."

With that said, put the phone back in his pocket.

... Since the other party said no, then forget it.


【Apocalypse】 In the game.

[System prompt: The task fails, you will be cleared a copy after three minutes. 】

This is the twentieth time that the Thousand Army and others have received this system prompt.

Thousands of soldiers were standing on the spot, scratching their hair, and almost collapsed.

This time is much better than last time, the average number of deaths per person is 2 times less than the previous one. After several trials, they became more and more familiar with the copy, and the monster's skills and patterns became more and more clear.

But ... they still failed.

Each copy will have a time limit, and guild copies are no exception.

They already know the roots of the guild's copy. If everyone is playing well, there is nothing wrong with it. It is not impossible to pass the copy.

But the point is ... their attribute point, which is the output-not enough.

In Luo Shengmen, almost everyone has weapons such as gold.

Needless to say, the attributes of gold and other weapons, but gold and other weapons will also have a star rating. For example, in the hands of the Qianjun, Samsung is +1, and Vice President Luo Shengmen is five-star, which is +5.

For each weapon, such as gold, each time a star rises, it is a leap of more than 100 damage points. Absolutely not to be underestimated.

Of course, the difficulty of raising stars with weapons such as gold is linked to damage. The more powerful weapons such as gold, the more difficult it is to upgrade. Some people even went bankrupt in order to upgrade weapons such as gold, which only rose to 2 stars.

In this [Apocalypse], the only one who has been upgraded to +10 star full level by gold and other weapons is only forgetting Chuanchuan.

So it can be seen how much money is forgotten.

Now, the six players with gold and other weapons are added together, and they still can't pass the copy even though they have a thorough understanding of the copy. Well, it means ... they want to complete the guild mission, and there is no other way than to find Wang Chuan to join.

The prosperity of their guild has never risen since the game was updated.

Fortunately, other guilds also seem to be caught in the guild copy problem, and the prosperity has stopped, so Luo Shengmen still maintains the guild's first ranking and sits firmly on the mountain.

But no one can guarantee that no one will pass the guild copy first. No one can guarantee that even if the prosperity of the guild does not rise, it can continue to stay in the first position like this and sit firmly on the mountain.

As the vice president, Nanao already has a serious sense of crisis.

So they decided to encircle their president.

After forgetting to go online, as always, he drove a crane and flew towards the mansion.

Ever since someone disappeared, it is as if Wang Chuan has lost interest in everything in the game, without doing tasks, chatting, or visiting the scenery.

After going online, I stayed in the mansion for half an hour before going offline.

Half an hour of lightning-free every day is very regular.

On this day, I made up my mind to keep the people who blocked the river in the place where the river might appear, and then quietly waited for the river to appear.

Nanao is at the gate of Daze City, Meow and Shibi Chang'an are swaying in the city, Pluto is a wild area, a pale paper is assigned to the guild, and the killing of thousands of troops is squatting in front of the gate of Wangchuan Mansion.

So, before driving the crane to the gate of the mansion, the first sight of Wang Chuan was not the magnificent red gate of the mansion, but the burly figure, who did not know what to watch for the destruction of the thousand troops.

It took five hours for the Destruction of Qianjun to wait for the appearance of his president. When he saw Wang Chuan, the tears excited by the destruction of Qianjun came out.

The tears burst into tears, and he flew excitedly towards the direction of Wangchuan: "Aoao, President, you finally appeared--"

Seeing that Qian Qian was rushing towards himself, Wang Chuan's body was almost subconsciously sideways, avoiding. Then I saw the killing Qianjun face to the ground, fell a dog to eat shit.

Killing Qianjun with a grievous face, he stood up and said to Wang Chuan: "The gang of grandchildren of the Qingyu family provoked us again! President, if we don't rub their enthusiasm, they really want to ride us Comes over the top of my head! "

Wang Chuan looked silently at the destruction of Qianjun, his expression a little indifferent.

Kill the Thousand Army: "Chairman, you haven't brought us a copy for a long time! Recently, the game is updated, one by one, the boss is abnormal, it is almost no one can beat! President, don't you want to go and see it?

Forget Chuan: "I don't want to. Let go."

Kill Thousand Army: "Hmph, don't let it!"

Thousands of soldiers were smashed and blocked in front of the gate of the mansion, not to let Wang Chuan go in.

After a while, the other members of the guild also followed.

Ten strokes painted Changan: "Chairman, do you want us no longer ..."

Pluto: "Chairman asks to bring a copy."

A piece of paper is pale: "We have tried many times, and now there is only one strong output. So the president ..."

Meow: "If the president doesn't come, the copy can't be beaten at all!"

Nanao: "Everything I want to say has already been said for me ..."

Forget Chuan: "..."

Xue Chong's bedroom.

In addition to games, Xue Chong no other entertainment activities.

The days are monotonous and poor, and very boring.

But he didn't want to change. And he also knows that he is a boring person.

Without hesitation, he refused Wei Jie's invitation to go to the school playground together. Xue Chong sat in front of the computer in the bedroom, put on holographic glasses, and entered the game.

At the moment of successful login to the account and the game, the sound of the system rang from Xue Chong's ear.

[System Tips: Dear players, you are welcome to return to Apocalypse. 】

Because the time of the transfiguration card will stop elapsed after the player is offline, Xue Chong's appearance is the same as that of transfiguration.

So he stood in the city of Daze with no one in sight, and no one noticed him.

Xue Chong stood on an arch bridge, and the players around him walked past him. No one looked back at him.

In this, Xue Chong heard his name.


Thank you for playing well. I'm sorry for the mines, and the mines of the friends ^ _ ^

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.