MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 20 20th

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As usual, Xue Chong will stay in the bedroom and play games when he is not in class.

Unlike the players who are immersed in the game, for Xue Chong, no matter what game, it is just something to pass the time, so there is no possibility of indulging in it at all.

Wei Jie on the side looked at Xue Chong's indifferent face, as if it was the expression of daily punching, wearing holographic glasses, and suddenly remembered that Qin Chuan asked him what game Xue Chong played last time. Also play games? !

As if discovering something terrible, Wei Jie's eyes widened, and his heart began to thump.

It is impossible in reality ... But, can he, in the game ... close to Qin Chuan?

Xue Chong puts on holographic glasses, enters his account number and password, and logs in to the game. The next second, the system's familiar and cold prompt sounded in the ear.

[System Tips: Dear players, you are welcome to return to Apocalypse. 】

Due to the system settings, when the player goes online, it will be at the place where he last went offline. So Xue Chong appeared in the wild area after going online.

When the last time he went offline, Xue Chong's time on the Yirong card has expired, so he is not the first batch of unknown masters who passed the guild's perverted copy to ask the fish, but the famous and infamous endless night.

Although there are not many players in the wild area where Xue Chong is located, the emergence of Xue Chong has instantly stirred up thousands of waves.

Because Xue Chong used the Yirong card, the name Endless Long Night has been hidden for a while, so those players with full-level maps are speculating whether the Endless Long Night has abandoned the pit, or whether they are fighting for other games, or they are sick. I have no time to go on a business trip, etc ...

But for whatever reason, the disappearance of the endless night is a great thing for them.

Endless nights are absent, and they feel a lot more at ease when doing their tasks.

Just when a small part thought that the endless night would not appear again ... the endless night appeared again!

The most incredible thing is that the endless long night that rumors will never be able to join the guild actually joined the guild, and it was still [Tian Kai] Luo Shengmen, the first largest guild!

A lot of players in the wild area thought they were dazzling, and they stepped forward to look at it, and they were horrified to find that this was really the endless night.

Passerby A: "Haha, it must have been hacking. How could the endless night join the guild?"

Passerby B: "I guess it hasn't been online for three days, the estimate number has already been stolen."

Passerby C: "Since it is a dog that steals a number, then you are not afraid. Even if you steal a number, can someone else use that technology? Without that technology, what's the use of stealing? It's better to steal and forget Sichuan, the first guild President, Gee, the full weapon in his hand, is still the first in the wealth list ... "

Passerby D: "When I see this endless night on a weekday, I always look like a stranger. I want to see what happens if I touch it once."

So, the passerby D, who thought the number had changed, moved forward without fear of death ...

-A sword killed.

It is still a long sword that is familiar to all players, it is still a familiar expression to all players, and it is still a familiar gesture to all players.


The wild area was dead.

No one dares to doubt whether the endless night is himself.

Players who still expect to be able to avenge themselves in their lifetime don't dare to expect to be able to avenge themselves anymore.

But the second most important thing is ... to get in the other side, it means to get in the whole Luo Shengmen!

Endless long night, a piece of paper pale, Nanao, etc ... Finally, there is the president who forgets the river, and one of them can't afford it!

Damn this, let's not let people play!

At the same time as all the players were upset, Xue Chong's mood was not much better.

Because of the exception of joining the guild, some people began to question his identity, and even more so as to test whether he was the endless night himself, come up to find fault. Some players did not come up to find fault, but tried to make Xue Chong withdraw from the guild and join their guild.

——If there are endless nights in the guild, it is more effective than countless full-time veterans!

In short, Xue Chong is annoying.

Because of the same-sex approach, his face was unsightly for a time.

So, it didn't take long for Xue Chongcai to show his true body, so he drove to a special merchant on a horse and bought 68 Yirong cards for 68 soft sister coins.

After changing the content, the players who came to the door to find faults and tried to make Xue Chong join their guild disappeared naturally.

The advantage of the easy card is that all the appearance of the name will change, not only the appearance, but also the height and voice.

When being chased by a player or hiding, the role of the easy card is revealed.

It is a pity that there is a time limit for the easy card, and the name of the guild on the head will not change, and the last one is not good or bad.

Each time you change your face, you will change into a different look.

That is to say ... it won't be repeated, even if you use 100 Yirong cards.


Qin Chuan returned to his residence, took off his coat, and walked to the living room with two long legs, Xu Bu, his white and slender fingers picked up the glass on the living room coffee table, then opened the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of ice water.

Qin Chuan did not live on campus. One was because the dormitory was too small, the other was because the people in the dormitory were too mixed, and the third was because he was a bit clean.

Of course, the main reason is the third reason.

Qin Chuan lives near the school, nearly two hundred square meters, three rooms and two halls, live alone.

As we all know, the houses near the school are very expensive, and their city is still a first-tier city, so it does n’t need to be said how high the monthly rent is.

But what Qin Chuan lacks most is money, so the rent does not matter to him.

Because Qin Chuan lived in such a big house alone, Yun Baijian had tried to move in and lived with Qin Chuan. In the three rooms and two halls, Qin Chuan can only live in one room, and the other two rooms will be empty. Anyway, the empty room is also empty, and he is not allowed to move in to live together. Unfortunately, as soon as Yun Baijian spoke, Qin Chuan was mercilessly rejected.

Because Qin Chuan doesn't like people who are too noisy to stay together, like Yun Baijian. Of course, the main reason is that reason.

——He has a bit of cleanliness.

Without turning on the main light, the light box in the corner lit as Qinchuan's footsteps responded.

Qin Chuan's delicate and beautiful profile is reflected in the bright lights, and the other half is hidden in the darkness. He leaned slightly on the arm of the cold coffee table and took a sip of ice water, his expression thoughtful.

He could feel the other party's alienation and indifference towards himself, and he could even be said to be a little disgusted.

He prides himself on his good memory, but he ca n’t remember what he has done that makes the other person hate or even disgust.

In his life, he only did one thing that annoys him, but does not regret it. He didn't regret that he approached someone with a female number to deceive someone. What he regretted was that he didn't tell the other party the truth earlier, so he lost the other party by surprise.

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan's eyes were half drooping, and his eyes were slightly dim like water flowing.

He was actually ... preparing to confess ...

He doesn't know what the other party is like in reality, maybe it may be said like Yun Baijian, the other party may be a forty-year-old middle-aged uncle, or it may be just a young tooth, or maybe a girl Boys ...

These Qinchuans do not matter, he only cares about feelings, regardless of gender or age.

But now, the focus is clearly no longer here.

"Except for the class, I will stay in the dorm room and play games for the rest of the time ..." Qin Chuan whispered Wei Jie's words to himself, and then, it seemed to be associated with something. Eyes raised.


[Apocalypse] within.

Although the mission of today's guild is completely different from the previous one, but due to the first customs clearance of the previous guild copy, it gave the guild a lot of confidence. This time, even if the president was not there, they decided to give it a try.

However, on the issue of selection, several people had serious differences.

In the guild, several senior elders in Luo Shengmen fought for blushing and thick necks.

Meow akimbo said: "I said no, it would not work. If you kill the Thousand Armies at this critical moment, you will drop the chain. If you want him to be there, we can be destroyed at any time!"

Nanao coughed and said, "He is not an old chain ..."

Meow: "Nothing is an old chain? Just last time, I finally invited the chairman, and when I was preparing to enter the copy, the product was actually dropped!"

Meow gritted his teeth and pointed at the face of Qian Qian, who was silently looking at the sky.

Qian Qianjun said weakly: "I just dropped the line that time ..."

Pluto: "He is coming, I am the first to hack him."

Ten strokes painted Chang'an: "So if you don't find him, who will you come to? You said personally."

Qian Qianjun nodded quickly and looked at them with a look of ‘you have absolutely no other best candidate except me’.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in everyone's ear.

[System Tip: The president forgets to go online. 】

Kill Thousand Army: "..."

Meow did not want to think: "Okay, someone has chosen. Fuck off."

The tears and tears of the Qianjun were killed, and he also wanted to make a copy with the president.

Ten strokes painted Chang'an but said: "Don't be so anxious to make a conclusion, it is not necessarily the president's answer or not."

Meow snorted and said, "Even if the president doesn't go, just ask the fish to ask the water whether to go."

Having said that, he summoned the online list with a password, ready to see if ‘Ask the Fish to Water’ is online.

As a result, I rummage through it, but I don't see any shadow of asking the fish for water, it seems to have disappeared.

The face of Meow is inexplicable, is it renamed? No, this game does not have a name change function.


The king called me to patrol the mountain and threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2016-08-0708: 03: 45

Feng Muye threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2016-08-0701: 42: 14

Emperor Chi Sijun of Diguang threw a mine. Throwing time: 2016-08-0701: 40: 51

Thank you for the thunder ~

As for Bailian ... I personally don't like this kind of torn plot, so don't worry.

The abuse will definitely be abused, and the two will be together every day in the future 【smile】

The time has not yet come.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.