MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 16 16th

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Xue Chong is offline.

This is the first time Xue Chongtou did not say goodbye to the other party, and went straight off the line.

Qingzhi, who was left alone, stared at Xue Chong's line and licked his lips.

... Um, really sweet.

The next second, Qingzhi dropped the line. One minute later, Luo Shengmen's long-disappearing chairman, Wang Chuan, went online.

As soon as Wang Chuan went online, the members of Luo Shengmen unanimously howled together.

Nanao: "Where have you been, no one has seen so many days ..."

Kill the Thousand Army "President, you finally appeared, oh, oh, I ... I ... I thought you abandoned us."

Ten strokes painted Chang'an, "Chairman, you can finally come back. The chairman is away for a few days. The group of grandchildren of the Third Guild sent us a war post. You are not there and you can't take it. The group of grandchildren posted on the game that we are Rogue ... "

Gone with the wind: "President and President-"

Forget Chuan: "The Third Guild?"

Although Wang Chuan had only four short words, these four words immediately lit up the eyes of all members of the guild.

——Their president is about to shoot!

On the same day, [Apocalypse] Luo Shengmen, the first largest guild, fought against the Qingyu family of [Apocalypse] the third largest guild.

The two major guilds were fighting, and the battle continued for several days.

In just a few days, Xue Chong, who has not been online, finally sorted out his thoughts.

He decided to confess.

Although this is just a game, and although the other party took the initiative to kiss. But even so, the traditional and old-fashioned Xue Chong believes that he should be accountable to the other party.

After Xue Chong clarified his thoughts, he put on holographic glasses and went to the game.

I had already prepared the confession, but after looking at the online list online and found that the other party was not online, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. But while relaxing, he felt a little lost.

But immediately, Xue Chong returned to normal.

The last time the task was completed before it was completed, it would be considered a time-consuming task.

Although the apprentice is not yet online, this time ... he will finish it alone. Now he doesn't know what kind of expression and state to face the other party, so let him calm down first.

Forget Chuan.

Because only the trumpet has Xue Chong's friends, only when he is on the trumpet can he know whether the other party is online.

In order to keep Xue Chong, Wang Chuan went online and offline again and again, landing on his trumpet. Over time, all the members of the Guild in Luo Shengmen also knew about the existence of Wang Chuan.

After seeing that Wang Chuan's trumpet hadn't joined the guild, the members of the guild tried to let Wang Chuan enter Luo Shengmen.

Obviously, as the leader of a while, why his trumpet did not even enter the guild! Is this still ridiculous!

Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that in the future, they will disappear after playing the trumpet. When they are on the trumpet, they will be able to find people.

However, when they made the proposal to let Wang Chuan's trumpet join Luo Shengmen, Wang Chuan refused what he wanted.

All members of Luo Shengmen's face looked stunned.

Uh ... This seems to be that they will grow their own guild, why do they refrain from letting their trumpets join their own guild? ? Have you refused? ? ?

excuseme? ?

As everyone knows, Wang Chuan just didn't want to arouse Xue Chong's suspicion because his trumpet suddenly joined [Tian Qi] 's first largest guild. Besides, he planned to enter the same guild with his old master. If his master is not present, other guilds, including even his own guild, do not plan.


Recently, because of the war against the Qingyu Family of the Third Guild, Wang Chuan's mood dropped to the extreme.

On the one hand, it was because of the reason to fight with Luo Shengmen, the chairman of the third guild Qingyu Family, Situ Qi, that the original goal was not a guild battle at all, but wanted to attract the attention of Forget. The so-called guild war is nothing more than a medium for Situ to try to approach Wang Chuan.

When Wang Chuan thought of a big Tang Tang man, with a shy face, he said to himself: ‘as long as it ’s you, it does n’t matter if I ’m below. At the same time, Wang Chuan couldn't help feeling sick.

The more important aspect is that it has been a long time since he waited for Xue Chong to go online.

I asked the chairman of the Third Guild, Situ Qi, to forget that Chuan came to the place where he was offline last time. Just saw Xue Chong's figure.

Because of the appearance of Wangchuan, the players around have crowded up and squeezed the surroundings. But for some reason, he just saw each other with a fair look.

Is it ... this is the legendary lover's eyes out of Xishi?

The corner of Wang Chuan's mouth unconsciously raised a smile, and then went offline without saying anything.

When he went online again, Wangchuan became the sticky apprentice who had been entangled with Xue Chong Yao all day long.


The task of finding people really grinds people.

Xue Chong didn't know how many times he ran back and forth on this street, but now his legs only felt a little soft.

The NPC said that the mission goal was in Liufeng Inn in the Imperial City. When he arrived at the inn, he asked the shop's second child, but was told that he did not know that there was this person, so he went to the second floor to find him. Following the words of the NPC, Xue Chong always found the last room on the second floor, and finally a passerby told him that the lady who bought rouge opposite may know where the person he was looking for had gone.

So I went to the opposite lady who sold rouge and waited to find it. The lady who sold rouge told him that if she wanted to know, she had to help her deliver rouge to the guests ...

In this way, after many setbacks, Xue Chong finally came here.

Xue Chong looked up at the sign hanging on the edge of the door, and some of them could not step forward. Because ... this is Chunlou.

That's where the players have fun.

Xue Chong just stood far away from the shop door, and he could already feel the atmosphere of lewdness in the shop.

Although he knows the flowers and crooks, he is just an NPC created by a game developer, just a bunch of virtual data. But he is still unacceptable. And ... since he has decided to confess, he has to step into this place, it seems ... not quite appropriate.

Just when Xue Chong was standing outside the door of the Chunlou shop, hesitated, Qingzhi, who had not been online for a while, suddenly appeared behind Xue Chong.

As always, ‘She’ blindfolded his eyes and asked, “Guess who I am?”

The familiar voice burst like Xue Lei in Xue Chong's ear. Unprepared Xue Chong was startled. His mind involuntarily thought of the scene of Qing Zhi kissing him a few days ago, and then blushed uncontrollably.

Obviously the opening is the same, the relationship between the two is as usual, but Xue Chong's mentality this time is completely different.

Xue Chong stood stiffly, daring not to move or speak.

Forgot to wait for a while, but the other party didn't respond. He couldn't help but stunned. He raised his eyes and saw only the other party's reddish ear roots, and then it became clear immediately.

Wang Chuan slowly let go of his hand, and then said with a straight face, he pretended to be angry and said: "Master didn't say goodbye to the apprentice last time and went offline. Master ... did you hate the apprentice?" I must be wronged.

Xue Chong panicked for an instant, looked at the other person's face sobbing, and felt helplessly touching the other person's head, saying, "No ..."

Wang Chuan buried his head in his chest, rubbed it quietly, then turned his head to look at the spring building behind Xue Chong, his expression suddenly became serious.

Forget Chuan narrowed his eyes and said, "... Master, what is he going to do with his apprentice?"

Xue Chong knew that the other party was a little unhappy, so he hurriedly explained: "It's for the task ..."

Forget Chuan: "Really?"

Xue Chong nodded.

Wang Chuan's complexion eased a little: "Well ... the apprentice believes for a while." According to his old-fashioned temperament, it is impossible to come here.

Xue Chong took a sigh of relief and let go of his heart.

Then, it seemed that Wang Chuan suddenly remembered something, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Forget Chuan: "It's too chaotic here, and I'll go in later. Master follows me obediently, don't run around. If someone talks to Master, Master will absolutely ignore it. Does Master know?" When he was hooked away, forgetting Chuan was uncomfortable.

Xue Chong didn't think much: "Okay."

After all, Wang Chuan grabbed Xue Chong's hand without thinking. The latter looked at the hands they clasped tightly and unnaturally looked away.

The Spring House is overcrowded, full-level and under-level players and NPCs are crowded into the Spring Building, which is not lively.

Everywhere you can see players flirting with NPCs. Whether it is a hall, a corner, or even a corridor ... it can be seen everywhere.

This is absolutely a stimulating sensory experience for Xue Chong, who is too pure. Although he knew that there would be such scenes in the holographic game, when he really saw it, he couldn't help but startle.

You know, in reality, Xue Chongke didn't even hold the girl's hand.

At the 70th level, Wang Chuan walked ahead, no wonder. Yet Xue Chong, who was held by Wang Chuan's hand, seemed to be frightened, his body stiff, and the road didn't know how to go.

Perhaps it's been a long time since I've seen such an innocent and innocent player. A NPC not far away suddenly shined, and his slender, soft body was soft and weak, and he rubbed towards Xue Chong.

NPC: "Officials and slaves are waiting for you ..."

Xue Chong was startled and retreated subconsciously. However, he hadn't had time to move yet, but he forgot to walk in front of him with a sudden thunder.

Forget Chuan smiled slightly, although there was a smile on his face, but there was no slight smile in the eyes.

Forget Chuan: "Sorry, he is my person, change the target."

In an instant, Xue Chongxin beats the drum.

Looking at the serious expression of his apprentice, he decided.

——When the task is completed, just confess!


? Jun? Yu Lan↘Throw 1 mine Throwing time: 2016-08-0221: 20: 00

Ye Jia jj threw 1 mine throwing time: 2016-08-0114: 26: 51

The goddess did not write the text when he got married. Ni threw a rocket. Throwing time: 2016-08-0109: 30: 02

The goddess did not write the text when he got married. Ni threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2016-08-0109: 23: 37

The goddess did not write the text when he got married. Ni threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2016-08-0109: 22: 17

Emperor Chi Sijun of Diguang threw a mine. Throwing time: 2016-08-0102: 25: 33

Baiye Luochen threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2016-08-0102: 07: 28

DingDing? Threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2016-08-0101: 30: 25

The general threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2016-08-0100: 02: 07

Thanks for the lost thunder ~

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your pen.

Read The Duke's Passion