MTL - Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning-Chapter 670

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This acropolis, named Jade City, is a small city dedicated to processing jade in the nearby big city, Hongguang City.

The people living inside are basically masons who carve jade.

At this time, it was already early in the morning, and there was still the sound of chiseling stones in the city.

Mo Tian didn't care so much, he walked directly into a yard where there was still noise, and under the surprised gazes of the two gray-headed masons, Mo Tian revealed his intention.

"Walk all the way down the street. The innermost is the temple. However, you must receive a golden bean for worshipping the gods, otherwise you will not be let in."

A mason saw that Mo Tian was wearing a servant's clothes and couldn't help but reminded again.

"Thank you."

Mo Tian nodded and left the courtyard.

Before coming to the temple, Mo Tian was a little excited when he saw the gate that was four or five meters high.

I'm going to worship God soon, I don't know what effect it will have.

Moreover, he has not yet appeared in the system.

Mo Tian estimated that the system would not be activated until he worshipped God.

Mo Tian walked towards the temple.


A foul-smelling wind hit, and a thin palm with a greasy oversized sleeve blocked Mo Tian in front of him.

"If you want to go in and worship God, you have to pay!"

A thin old man with a missing tooth grinned at Mo Tian.

Chapter 673 The System Appears, Worshiping God Successfully! (Second!)

"When did this guy show up?"

Mo Tian took a half step back alertly.

He clearly didn't see anyone around him just now.

Moreover, it was still in the middle of the night, and the other party appeared so suddenly.

"If you don't have money, you can't worship God."

The old man who was missing a front tooth withdrew his hand and shook his head at Mo Tian.

Seeing this, Mo Tian reached out and took out a piece of gold from the cloth bag behind him.

The gold was about the size of a finger.

"Let me worship God, and by the way, I will also worship God's mantra."

Mo Tian stared directly at the other party.

"No problem, no problem!"

The old man snorted and snatched the gold from Mo Tian's hand.

"There are three kinds of mantras for worshiping gods, "Worshiping Gods Mantra without Confusion", "Worshiping Gods Mantras without Body", and "Worshiping Gods Mantras without Sis"."

As the old man spoke, he squeezed the gold nugget in his hand with two fingers.

Knowing that the gold nugget was real, the old man laughed even more happily.

"What's the difference?" Mo Tian asked.

Wei Suo didn't have such detailed information about the curse.

"There's no difference, just look at the one that suits you better." The old man grinned.

"Then I have to learn all three." Mo Tian replied.

"Everyone have to pay extra!"

The old man hesitated and said.


Half an hour later, Mo Tian learned all three mantras.

In front of the temple where the statues were placed, Mo Tian was suddenly stunned.

"What's the matter, Mistress?"

The old man looked at Mo Tian suspiciously, and a faint red light lit up in his eyes.

"It's okay." Mo Tian shook his head and continued to walk forward.

The moment Mo Tian opened his mouth, the red light in the old man's eyes disappeared.

In the temple, on the high platform, the deity is a man with a scowling muscular knot, somewhat like a Buddhist Vajra Arhat.

Standing in front of the statue, Mo Tian took a deep breath.

Just now, the reason why he was stunned was because he found that the system panel appeared!

Host: Mo Tian

Grade: Where (70/100)

Skills: Forage Mastery (9/10) Cow Dung Cleaning (10/10)

Worshiping the Gods Mantra without Confusion (0/10) Worshiping the Gods Mantra without Body (0/10) Worshiping the Gods Mantra without Thinking (0/10)

Evolution value: 7950 stars

"There are even grades for the three gods worshiping incantations?"

Mo Tian was a little puzzled. He originally thought that the mantra was equivalent to a spell, as a medium for worshipping gods.

Now, it doesn't seem that simple.

As soon as his mind moved, Mo Tian directly raised the Worshiping God Mantra to the full level.

The two rows of numbers jumped, the level directly became (10/10), and the evolution value was directly deducted by 500 stars!

Fifty-star level!

"So much?" Mo Tian frowned.

Upgrading to the full level is equivalent to half killing half the evolution value of the ancestor level.

However, considering the special power obtained after worshiping God, Mo Tian could barely accept it.

However, Mo Tian temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​raising all three sects to the full level.

Let's see what's the use first.

"Later? What's the matter with you?"

The old man's voice sounded.

When Mo Tian came back to his senses, he saw the old man's wrinkled face and a pair of eyes with a strange red light, staring at him face to face.

Even, the other party's forehead will touch his forehead.

However, when Mo Tian regained his senses, the red light in the opponent's eyes disappeared again.

"What's the matter? Young man? You are always distracted like this, I'm afraid you will fail to worship God."

The old man moved his head and shook his head.

Mo Tian ignored this strange old man, walked directly to the statue, and began to chant a spell.

hum! boom!

A series of strange syllables converged into the simplest two vibrations.

Suddenly, the entire temple shook violently.

The old man next to him felt the movement and was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and quickly reached out to stop Mo Tian.

"Lady, wait!"

But, when he spoke, it was too late.

Mo Tian had finished reciting a set of mantras.


A strand of golden thread flew out from the statue's forehead and stabbed towards Mo Tian's eyebrows.

Although Mo Tian subconsciously wanted to resist, he still resisted the urge to avoid the golden thread.

The golden thread didn't penetrate between his eyebrows, and Mo Tian immediately felt a strange energy running down his head, spreading to the meridians of his whole body.

But, this is not over yet, the golden thread that did not go into the eyebrows is still connected to the idol at the end.

The golden threads are still flying out of the statues.

It took several seconds for the golden thread to completely sink into Mo Tian's eyebrows.


After all the golden threads flew out, the statue on the high platform exploded with a bang.

The toothless old man was dumbfounded when he saw that there was only a pile of powder left on the high platform.

This worship directly blows up the idol? !

Could this kid be a big Luo? !


The ground shook violently, and the old man noticed that Mo Tianhan was kneeling on the ground.

I saw that Mo Tian's body at this time was like a well-cooked shrimp, extremely bright red, and at the same time, there were bursts of white gas transpiring from the surface of Mo Tian's body.

"This is the first spiritualization?!"

The old man was really dumbfounded this time.

This happens only when the first time to worship God is successful and the body is spiritualized.

However, the mantra set by the opponent just now is more proficient than Daluo in the capital!

As for things like mantras, it is useless to practice out of thin air. Only when you worship God can you practice one or two.

Chi Chi!

Mo Tian stood up, and the scorching air spurted out around him.

The original coarse cloth clothes have been burnt to dry and cracked by the hot air, and the rags are swept around by the air current.

On Mo Tian's upper body, a golden thread ran along his chin to his belly button, and another golden thread ran across his chest.

One vertical and one horizontal, forming a very thin cross.

In addition, Mo Tian found that the muscles on his body were much clearer.

Of course, the biggest change was that Mo Tian felt that he had become stronger!

Under the skin, in the muscles and bones, there seems to be endless power!

Moreover, the perception has also become much stronger.

Even if he didn't turn his head, Mo Tian felt that the toothless old man walked around behind him.


The door of the temple closed.

The room was pitch black, and the eyes of the toothless old man were red.

"Youngsheng, you are so powerful that you have destroyed all the idols. Your worship is equivalent to ten years of hard work."

There was jealousy in the old man's voice, but also a little bit of excitement.

"You should have a treasure that increases your divinity, hand it over honestly, and I can let you..."


Mo Tian reached out and grabbed the old man's throat.

Mo Tian turned around and then stretched out his hand to clasp the opponent. This set of movements was approaching the limit. The old man was clasped his neck as soon as he reacted.

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