MTL - Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning-Chapter 662

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Mo Tian was not ashamed at first, but when Yan Cheng said this, he completely relieved his psychological burden.

"Okay, I'll find you if I have something!"

Mo Tian nodded.

Then, Yancheng strongly requested to take a photo with Mo Tian.

With Yancheng's enthusiasm, Mo Tian had no choice but to take a picture with him with an unnatural expression.

"Mo Tian, ​​goodbye, I'll report to the City Lord's Mansion first."

"Well, I'm leaving too."

Yan Cheng and Mo Tian said goodbye to each other, then turned around.

The moment they turned around, Mo Tian and Yan Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm embarrassed!" Yan Cheng felt relieved.

"Enthusiastic fans are trouble." Mo Tian sighed and thought to himself.

"Mo Tian, ​​who is that guy?"

Meng Wuyao, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

Following Meng Wuyao's line of sight, Mo Tian saw a tall figure with a bloated body and strangely shaped limbs staring at him resentfully.

The eyes of the other party made Mo Tian very familiar.

Mo Tian is no stranger to the breath of the other party.

However, the combination of the two made Mo Tian unable to remember who it was for a while.

At this moment, three stout Titans walked towards the bloated man.


Artest happily stepped forward.

In addition, the big man wearing a red and blue headscarf looked at the bloated man with a complicated expression.

Hearing the other party's words, Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao were both taken aback.

"This is Bo?!"

What the **** has this guy been through?

The idea popped into the minds of both of them.

Before on Manu Star, Bo was just a thin, somewhat morbid teenager.

Compared with the current image, it is simply a world of difference.

"He has the breath of Kezu!"

An electric light flashed in his mind, and Mo Tian reacted instantly.

"Bo became like this because of Kezu?"

Mo Tian guessed in his heart.


Thinking that the other party might be related to Kezu, Mo Tian frowned tightly.

Mo Tian thought of the beast gods on earth, and his image was similar to Kezu.

Moreover, Mo Tian always felt that after coming to the real universe, Kezu was always targeting him.

"It seems that we have to find a way to kill Kezu too!"

Mo Tian's heart was full of murderous intent.

Of course, with his current strength, he would definitely not be able to solve Kezu.

According to Xi's words, Kezu is a very peculiar existence in the chaotic camp, and he is only one step away from becoming the master.

As for why Kezu didn't rise to Star Lord first and then become Lord, Xi did not say.

"When the mission is completed, I will kill Bo!"

Mo Tian planned in his heart and had already arranged Bo on his schedule.

Bo this guy, you can see from the look in the eyes just now, this guy can't stay!

Concentrating their thoughts, Mo Tian and Xi flew out of the Primordial Star and flew towards the edge of the Primordial Universe.

Due to the order of the Lord of the Primordial Universe, the use of any spacecraft in the Primordial Universe is prohibited except for those entering and exiting the Primordial Universe.

Therefore, Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao adopted the method of flying.

"Sister Meng, I have a colon, so I can fly faster."

As Mo Tian said, he called out his **** to cover his entire body.

"Come on, Sister Meng, I'll take you for a ride."

As Mo Tian said that, the thick genital mecha's palm stretched out towards Meng Wu Yao, wanting to embrace him.

However, as soon as he touched it, Meng Wuyao's body floated away like a shadow.

"Let's go."

In the ear, came the voice of Meng Wu Yao.

At some point, Meng Wuyao sat on Mo Tian's shoulder.

"Sister Meng, sit tight!"

Seeing this, Mo Tian exerted his full speed and headed towards the edge of the primordial universe.

Because of the colony, it is not a complete machine, but a kind of extended biological existence.

Although the surface of the **** is hard and looks like a machine, in fact, like the flesh, it can grow and heal.

At the same time, there are also biological perceptions.

Therefore, at this time, Meng Wuyao was sitting on the shoulders of the genitals. Under the extremely fast flight, Mo Tian could clearly feel... trembling.

"What's wrong?"

Meng Wuyao noticed that Mo Tian was a little different.

"Nothing." Mo Tian shook his head.

It's better not to talk about such embarrassing things.

After flying at full speed for more than ten hours, Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao came to the edge of the primordial universe.

A ring like a galaxy appeared in front of Mo Tian and the two of them.

The entire annular belt, hundreds of miles wide, spreads toward both sides to the depths where the end of the universe cannot be seen.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Meng Wuyao's figure moved and flew into the annular belt.

Mo Tian put away the **** and followed.

After entering the annular belt, Mo Tian discovered that the entire annular belt is extremely deep, with at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers in it!

Among them, there are a large number of meteorites and death stars.

Occasionally, a lot of spaceships showing strange cutting marks can be seen.

There are even ancestral ships.

"It's so big, how can I find the boundary stone?"

Seeing the entire endless loop, Mo Tian had a big head.

No wonder it was a level 9 mission.


Just as Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao were getting acquainted with the surrounding environment, the surface of a Death Star that had been split in two, the space trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a jet-black ray shot out from it, and instantly slammed into Meng Wuyao across countless distances.


Meng Wuyao reacted and turned his head quickly, his purple eyebrows furrowed tightly.

The power of this ray... is ancestral!

"Be careful!"

At this moment, a black shadow flashed past, and Mo Tian, ​​who was wearing a genital body and holding an axe, appeared in front of Meng Wuyao.

The Star Extinguishing Axe slashes forward!


The space and the dark universe are split in half, and the two rays are directly divided into two halves along with the split space.


The meteorite belts on both sides of Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao were emptied at once.

"Star master-level colony?!"

"Damn! How can a world master have a star master colony?!"

On the Death Star, in that spaceship, a group of dwarves wearing black cloaks panicked when they saw Mo Tian's star master-level colony.

The space on the surface of the Death Star fluctuated, and the spacecraft was about to enter the dark universe.

But, bang!

The entire spaceship shook violently.


A mecha palm stretched out from the top of the spaceship.

A minute later, in the spaceship, Mo Tian and Meng Wuyao frowned and looked at these dwarves.

When Mo Tian shot and smashed their spaceship, all the dwarves surrendered, and none of them dared to stand up and resist.

This group of dwarves was the only non-mechanical, life race, the Hobi, once recognized by the Haman Empire.

After the disintegration of the Haman Empire, the Hobi people, relying on the technology of the former Haman Empire, wandered among the Jedi in the universe, in order to avoid being caught by other forces.

After all, the Hobi people participated in the research and development of many high-tech weapons in the Harman Empire, and were familiar with many technologies unique to the Harman Empire.

Of course, Mo Tian was not interested in these.

At this moment, Mo Tian frowned, his face a little unsightly.

"You guys, really haven't found a single boundary stone?"

Mo Tian was still a little unconvinced.

After the surrender, this group of Hobi people scrambled to explain everything.

Including them coming here for more than two months, they have not found a single boundary stone.

However, killing some ancestor-level or world master masters made them a small fortune.

"Mr. Mo Tian, ​​we can be your subordinates and help you find the boundary stone, provided you don't kill us..."

An old Hobi man whose beard was dragging to the ground said pitifully.

Hearing this, Mo Tian frowned even more.

It seems that this is the only way. With so many people looking for it, it is better than just blindly looking for the two of you.

"Then..." Mo Tian was about to speak.

Beside him, Meng Wuyao suddenly reached out and stopped Mo Tian.

Mo Tian turned his head suspiciously and looked at Meng Wuyao.

"Find? It's too laborious."

Meng Wuyao shook his head, "Why don't you just go grab it!"