MTL - Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning-Chapter 6

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Killing, arson and robbery, as long as it is done cleanly, no one will know about it!

"Huh? Husband, I suddenly feel that this person looks familiar!"

Liu Xiaoyun, who was wearing super shorts and a black vest, said suddenly.

"Familiar?" Lu Ming stared at Mo Tian for a while, but didn't recognize it.

"I remember!" Liu Xiaoyun was a little excited.

"He's Mo Tian who awakened his S-rank bloodline from the third class of high school!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ming and the three big men were a little surprised.

However, immediately, Lu Ming showed an even more sinister smile, saying:

"S-level genius, not bad, I heard that you are very popular in school, right?"

Mo Tian didn't say anything, but slammed it hard, squeezing the silver light bird in his hand.

Then, Mo Tian turned his head, moved his muscles and bones, and made a clicking sound all over his body.

"Laughing to death, husband, he still wants to do something to us!"

Liu Xiaoyun pointed at Mo Tian and laughed.

Glancing at the corpse of the silver light bird, Lu Ming's eyes showed a cold light.

"Do you really think that you are invincible if you are S-rank?"

With a sneer, Lu Ming suddenly shouted:


Hearing the words, the three big men attacked Mo Tian without hesitation.

Mo Tian is of S-rank bloodline, and offends him. When they grow up, they won't have a good life, they might as well just kill them here!

Even if the S-rank is against the sky, the S-rank that has not grown up is still garbage!

In order to prevent accidents, the three big men all stimulated their own blood when they started, and their hands turned into thick wolf claws.

Sharp fangs also popped out of his mouth.

Beast bloodline!

Mo Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and instead of avoiding the three men's attacks, he punched one of the big men directly.

boom! boom!

The two wolf claws slapped on Mo Tian, ​​and the tattered clothes on Mo Tian's upper body were directly shaken into pieces.


With a loud bang, another big man was punched through the chest by Mo Tian!

Mo Tian closed his fists, without the slightest delay, and attacked the remaining two black-clothed men.

Seeing this, the two black-clothed men were taken aback.

Mo Tian killed a high-level warrior with one punch? !

You must know that the animal bloodline is generally known for its strength, and its physical quality can be regarded as the strongest among the three bloodlines.

As a result, I couldn't resist a punch!

What's even more terrifying is that the two big men found that after they slapped Mo Tian with their claws just now, Mo Tian was not injured at all!

The two suddenly had an illusion, in the end is Mo Tian from the beast bloodline, or are they from the beast bloodline?


While the two were terrified and distracted, Mo Tian raised his legs and swept across, directly smashing the legs of a big man.

The big man gave a miserable cry, lost his balance, and fell to the ground.


Mo Tian stepped down and directly stomped on the opponent's head!

Thanks to the stamina of King Kong's indestructible blood, Mo Tian did not feel tired at all after this series of actions.

Reaching out and grabbing, Mo Tian grabbed the neck of the last big man who was already frightened.


With a savage palm, the big man's head turned 180 degrees and fell to the ground.

Clap his hands, Mo Tian turned to look at Lu Ming and Liu Xiaoyun, who were completely sluggish.

"You said just now that you wanted to kill me?"

Lu Ming felt his legs go weak, thumped, and knelt on the ground.

"Mo... Mo Tian, ​​I, I, I..."

Even if Lu Ming is arrogant and domineering, he is only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, and his psychological quality is not very strong.

At this time, he was completely frightened, his body trembled, and he couldn't even speak.

"You want to beg for mercy?" Mo Tian looked at Lu Ming and said lightly.

Hearing this, Lu Ming, who was in tears, nodded again and again, and almost kowtowed.

But, the next moment.


Just like playing football, Mo Tian kicked Lu Ming's head!

A cloud of blood exploded, and the broken flesh splattered on the weeds and leaves.

Chi Chi!

Lu Ming lost his head and body, spurting blood, then lost his balance, slammed, and fell to the ground.

After dealing with Lu Ming, Mo Tian looked at Liu Xiaoyun, who was splattered with blood next to him.

At this time, Liu Xiaoyun was stunned and motionless.

When Mo Tian's eyes came to him, Liu Xiaoyun was shocked and came back to his senses.

"Mo... Mo Tian, ​​please don't kill me!"

Liu Xiaoyun cried and begged.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything!"

As Liu Xiaoyun said that, he tore off his vest and hood, revealing two dazzling objects.

Liu Xiaoyun does have a figure that does not fit her age, and at school, she is also the target of many people's expectations.


Mo Tian put his hand on Liu Xiaoyun's head.

Liu Xiaoyun's body trembled, and his chest also trembled.


Mo Tian spit out two words indifferently.


Just like a watermelon exploded, Liu Xiaoyun's head was crushed by Mo Tian's hand.

"Ding! Evolution point +250!" The system prompt sounded.

An average of fifty points per person?

Mo Tian was slightly surprised, this was much easier than killing alien beasts!

After killing everyone, Mo Tian looked around vigilantly, made sure there were no witnesses, and then began to touch the corpses.

Apart from a few bottles of evolution potion, there is nothing of value.

These bank card communicators are all bound with identities and cannot be used.

After doing this, Mo Tian calmly dealt with the scene, and then set off a fire.

After seeing the flames burn away all traces, Mo Tian left here.

Finding a small stream, Mo Tian rinsed off the blood on his body and put on a new set of clothes.

At this time, Mo Tian felt that his mood was a little ups and downs.

After all, that was his first murder.

He is not a murderous person, but since the other party wants to kill him, he can't let the other party go!

If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If anyone offends me, they will be wiped out!

After tidying up for a while, Mo Tian roasted the pig's mouth and sorted out his harvest while eating.

After a period of fighting, his combat skills have improved a lot, earning a total of 300 evolution points, allowing himself to be promoted to one level.

After killing Lu Ming and the others, they were promoted to another level.

Host: Mo Tian

Bloodline: King Kong is not bad bloodline (3/10)

Abilities: Giant Strength (Level 3), Toughness (Level 3), Endurance (Level 3), Self-Healing (Level 3)

Martial Arts: none

Item: Mountain Axe

Evolution point: 150/500

Luck: 4

"Now, I should have the strength of a warrior, right?"

Mo Tian pondered and took out the bottles of evolution potion he had taken out from Lu Ming.

Each bottle of evolution potion flashes with a special light, and it does not look like something that can be drunk.

However, such a bottle of evolution potion, which can easily cost millions, is a priceless thing.

It is said that the evolution potion is made by extracting evolutionary substances from powerful alien beasts.

Without hesitation, Mo Tian directly opened a bottle of evolution potion, snorted, and drank it.


"The taste is not bad!" Mo Tian smashed his mouth.

"Ding! Evolution point +200!"

The system prompt sounds.

"so much?"

Mo Tian's body lit up with light that only he could see, and the Awakening of King Kong's Indestructible Bloodline has risen by another level!

"There are three more bottles, just drink them all!"

Chapter 7 A Night with Dreams Without Demons

Opening the lid, Mo Tian drank the remaining three bottles of medicine.

"Ding! Evolution point +300!"

"Ding! Evolution point +300!"

"Ding! Evolution point +300!"

After three bottles of potion, Mo Tian added 900 evolution points at once!

Counting the 200 points from the previous bottle of potion, plus the 250 points obtained by killing Lu Ming's five people.

From Lu Ming, he obtained a total of 1,350 evolution points!

And his bloodline awakening level has come directly to the fifth level!

Host: Mo Tian

Read The Duke's Passion