MTL - Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning-Chapter 12

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However, for the entire huge beast tide, it is really insignificant.

The iron armored rhino was very fast, and it was only a dozen meters away from the temporary fortifications.

Because the beast tide happened too hastily, the heavy weapons equipped on the train were still activated, and there was no chance to fire at all.

"Kill me out!"

Seeing that the beast tide was getting closer, Zhang Hu directly pulled out the long alloy knife behind him and jumped out of the fortifications built by the carriage.

In the face of the menacing beast tide, they must take the initiative to attack and break up the beast tide.

If they take the initiative to retreat, they will be surrounded by thousands of alien beasts within a few minutes, and they will be trampled to death even if they are trampled!

Zhang Hu, as the commander, rushed out first, which greatly boosted the morale of the crowd.

"Kill!" Someone shouted.

Hundreds of soldiers also rushed out.

A few seconds later, the soldiers and the beast tide officially collided.

Under the charge of several warriors and strong men, the beast tide was immediately opened and a gap was opened!

Hundreds of soldiers rushed directly into the herd.

The herd of beasts that were rushing towards the carriage was disrupted and became chaotic.

"They are very experienced and cooperate well. They should be the cave army."

In the fifth compartment, a boy with a thin body and glasses analyzed with a serious face.

Mo Tian, ​​Gu Bingwan, and others all looked at the boy suspiciously.

Because they were in the carriage, they were protected by the outer carriages, and outside the carriages, there were also a group of soldiers and the staff on the train.

They can't see what's going on outside at all.

"I saw it with my ability. By the way, I am an S-class superhuman type ability."

The boy adjusted his glasses and said with a serious face.

"What level are the alien beasts outside?"

Mo Tian asked curiously.

"At present, most of them are warrior-level, and there are more than a dozen warrior-level alien beasts on the periphery, which seem to be driving away the beast herd."

Speaking of this, the boy showed a sneer on his face and said:

"It's interesting, it seems that this group of alien beasts is organized!

If I guessed correctly, their target is us in the fifth carriage! "

Hearing this, all the special recruits in the carriage frowned.

If it is an occasional wave of alien beasts, it is estimated that these warriors will be able to support them.

However, if it is targeted, then they are probably in danger!

There were a few special recruits with poor psychological quality who immediately started to cry.

For the past eighteen years, they had all grown up within the city walls, well protected by their families and schools.

It was naturally difficult to accept such a change before the first martial arts school.

However, among the special enrollment, there are also those who were born in the army and have excellent psychological quality.

The short-haired girl who was waiting in the same room with Mo Tian before asked:

"How are the casualties?"

"It is not optimistic. On our side, ten soldiers have been seriously injured. It has only been a minute since the battle, and there will definitely be a large number of casualties in the future."

The boy with glasses replied solemnly.

Now, in the carriage, everyone panicked even more.

"I just heard from the train conductor that the support from the base will take half an hour to arrive at the earliest!"

"What to do, according to the current situation, the alien beast rushed in within half an hour of the people outside!"

"How about we run away now?"

"You're crazy, this is the wilderness, where did you escape? Do you know the direction of the base?"

There was a lot of noise in the car.

"Are you sure that the alien beasts outside are the highest level warriors?"

When everyone was anxious, Mo Tian brought the boy with glasses over and asked.

The boy with glasses looked at Mo Tian unpleasantly, and then raised his glasses, saying:

"Are you questioning my S-level ability?

My ability will never go wrong, and now the highest level outside is only the warrior level.

Moreover, around the route of the train, there are our human military bases, and there are strong warriors sitting in the base.

Once a war king-level alien beast appears, these war king powerhouses will be able to sense it immediately.

Do you understand it? "

After the boy with glasses finished speaking, he looked at Mo Tian with the eyes of a country bumpkin.

"That's easy to do..." Mo Tian thought for a while, opened the exit of the carriage, and jumped out.

The boy with glasses, and Gu Bingwan, who had been sitting there and didn't talk much, all looked over in surprise.

"Everyone, don't worry! The more critical the situation is, the less you can panic!"

"We must calm down now, wait in the carriage with peace of mind, and don't think about escaping first!"

"In this way, it will cause trouble to the soldiers who are fighting, and it will also cause everyone to panic!"

The short-haired girl who had been waiting with Mo Tian in a room at Yuzhou Railway Station before stood up and said.

After everyone heard his words, their emotions eased a lot.

In the car, it was quiet again.

"Someone went out just now."

At this moment, the boy with glasses suddenly spoke.

Others were a little dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Who is it?" the short-haired girl asked.

"I don't know, but he was sitting there." The boy with glasses pointed to Mo Tian's seat.

"It's Mo Tian!" The short-haired girl frowned, showing a look of disgust.

"This is a deserter!"

Chapter 13 System Mission: Repel the Beast Tide

As soon as the short-haired girl said this, many people nodded in agreement.

"We are all special recruits of the first martial arts school, no matter what, we must not lose the face of the first martial arts school!"

"That's right! What if the alien beast rushes in, we are all S-rank bloodline, even if we die, we must kill a war general alien beast!"

"I won't run away even if I die!"

In the carriage, a group of people shouted slogans excitedly.

At this time, when he jumped out of the carriage, Mo Tian was about to find a place with few beasts and kill a few beasts.

For others, alien beasts are something to be avoided.

But, to Mo Tian, ​​it was the evolution point of a group of walking!

According to his previous calculations, a warrior-level alien beast can provide up to 100 evolution points!

At the general level, he hasn't killed it, so I don't know.

His current King Kong does not have bad blood, and his awakening level is only 5/10.

Mo Tian really wanted to brush his awakening degree to 10 as soon as possible to see what new changes would happen.

King Kong is not bad bloodline evolution, Dragon Tiger King Kong?

Concentrating his thoughts, Mo Tian was about to act when a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding! The host automatically triggers the system task!"

"Mission released!"

"Task requirements: Please ask the host to repel the beast tide within half an hour and protect the burrow army participating in the battle. The fewer the number of deaths, the higher the task completion!"

Hearing the task prompt, Mo Tian was stunned for a moment.

Originally, he just wanted to kill some iron armored rhinos in a low-key manner.

But the system doesn't allow it!

They all rushed in to save people, why keep a low profile?

Mo Tian shook his head and took out the axe from the system backpack.

"Where did you get the axe?"

A guard on the train looked at Mo Tian suspiciously.

"This... This is what Sister Meng Wuyao gave me, let me go into battle to kill beasts and defend my family and country!"

Mo Tian said sternly.

"Dream without demons?"

The guard was restrained, Meng Wu Yao, that was a legendary figure!

When he slowed down, Mo Tian had already walked out.

"Wait! Come back, you can't go out! Quick, stop him!"

The guard yelled hastily.

When the other guards heard the words, they immediately surrounded Mo Tian.

However, Mo Tian bent his legs slightly, then jumped suddenly, jumping three or four meters, and fell outside the trench.

The guards: …

Soldiers:  …


At this moment, on the top of No. 3 carriage, the three laser cannons finally started.

Three blue lasers with the thickness of an adult's waist shot out instantly!


The laser swept away, and the bodies of more than a dozen iron armored rhinos exploded, and the flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

However, the iron armored rhinoceros was too rough and fleshy. After smashing more than a dozen iron armored rhinos, the power of the laser was attenuated by more than half.

In the end, only a few iron armored rhinos could be overturned.

"How long will it take to launch again?!"

On the top of the carriage, the conductor shouted to the operator on the battery.

"Ten seconds! However, the current energy storage can only support ten more launches!"

The operator replied, sweating profusely.

The conductor was silent for a few seconds after hearing this.

"Support the soldiers first!"