MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 672 Apocalyptic Decision (Part 2)

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"Let me go!" Qi shouted angrily.

Although his strength is improved, he still has no resistance to the Apocalypse.

However, Yuan Chenfei just looked at the Seiko clan indifferently.

He said: "Ki, but not in the treaty between you and me."

"I don't care about that," the Seiko cried, "If you want it alive, let him die!"

"Are you sure you don't care?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"Of course!" The Seiko cried.

Yuan Chenfei shook her head: "I didn't tell you."



A beam of light has fallen on the back of the Seiko tribe. The Seiko apocalypse quickly melted under the beam of light. He struggled and used countless means in an instant, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Sundial white feather has appeared not far away.

It lay there quietly and said coldly: "Your battle, I will not participate. But Qi is just a child, not to mention your fight range. Don't blame me for shooting outsiders."

"Mom!" Qi has happily flew past.

Bai Yu lovingly touched his son's head: "Good boy."

Yuan Chenfei's summoning herd is not enough to directly control the alien beast, so Bai Yu cannot accept his command to fight for him unless he voluntarily gives up control.

But somebody shot at her son, and she was rude.

"This match is not fair!" Apocalypse shouted when he saw that all the detached beasts had shot.

"Twenty to one, do you also have fair talk?" Yuan Chenfei laughed.

He grabbed it again, this time the apocalypse of the Red Wings was caught by him.

His Red Wing apocalypse screamed wildly, and the blood surged to form a blood mist, which was somewhat similar to that of the great witch of the Wu tribe.

This is indeed learned from the Wu tribe. This apocalypse once traveled to all walks of life. When he entered the Wu tribe, he fortunately survived and finally gained some capabilities of the Wu tribe.

Yuan Chenfei is quite interested in this blood fog ability, because this is also a kind of power at the micro level.

It can affect matter at a micro level.

Because of this, Yuan Chenfei did not rush to kill him, but kept analyzing.

While analysing the Blood Mist of the Initiator that day, he commanded the beast to fight. In fact, with his own strength, there are no beasts to deal with these twenty apocalyptic, but if you want to analyze, learn, comprehend, and break through in the battle, you will need some help.

Many of these twenty apocalypses have unique abilities, or talents, or their own breakthrough, or think about evolution, or accommodate other races, or simply the climax of system capabilities.

For those who simply talk about the system's power to the extreme, Yuan Chenfei kills them politely. There is nothing to learn from such people.

But for those who have unique talents, Yuan Chenfei is very careful.

Every one is treasure.

The Void tribe is good at space. Their breakthrough in space is unparalleled. As the apocalypse, they have transcended the racial restrictions and brought Yuan Chenfei a deeper understanding of space.

The Red Wings have a better understanding of the power of the essence of life. They are good at using blood, but it is actually the use of the essence of life. The most direct thing that Yuan Chenfei learned from them is that the fifth element was not only used for Recovery, as long as you grasp the meaning of it, it can also be used to attack.

Both the spiritual sucker and the soul tribe are good at the mind. The difference is that the spiritual sucker is good at the invasion of the mind, and the soul tribe is more comprehensive. They are also the only ones who can hypnotize the antigen Chen Fei, and can even use the original to the contrary. Chen Fei summoned the herd. So it is also the biggest trouble for Yuan Chenfei.

For these guys, Yuan Chenfei's approach is to forcibly kill by space, leaving an ability to digest him and further improve his hypnosis.

The assassination ability of the shadow clan is completely meaningless under the super induction of Yuan Chenfei, but they are good at hiding, running fast, and strong in emergency, but they are not easy to kill, so Yuan Chenfei doesn't mind shelving first.

The Rubber Clan is not only proficient in the fifth element, but also has a strong ability to understand and use thoughts. The second rubber tribe did not change the trees like Mantos, but constantly changed into the appearance of various people, and even used the corresponding abilities. This guy is a believer in the deceitful god. Combining the two can even simulate part of the power-he changes into the appearance of Yuan Chenfei, simulating part of the ability of Yuan Chenfei.

But unfortunately, he could not simulate the touch of Yuan Chenfei, he could not simulate hypnosis, and he could not simulate the power of annihilation.

These forces from the source level cannot be simulated, only those forces that have been abandoned by Yuan Chenfei, and the result is being crushed relentlessly by Yuan Chenfei. However, Yuan Chenfei still analyzed it fiercely, reminding himself of his magical ability, although this ability is not much used for him now.

The Apocalypse of the Seiko clan is perhaps the most obsolete. Their understanding is still limited to the level of science and technology. It lacks its own breakthrough, but it is vital to the human race. Therefore, Yuan Chenfei rarely hassleed his hands-first of all, Pick up the equipment, search his memory, and finally kill.

The most powerful of the sword clan is actually not their way of using swords, but the method of practice they have learned from the Xiu world, but what they are good at is only Kendo. However, for Yuan Chenfei, the strongest sword of the sword family does not make sense. On the contrary, it is the sword family's most basic and most common way of tossing him. It can be a glimpse of the secret of repairing the world and complement Yuan Chen. Fly's lack of cognition.

The three-eyed tribe are old friends, and their abilities need not be said further. However, the two three-eye families in front of them are a bit special, their vertical pupils are no longer their fatal flaw. When Yuan Chenfei defeated their erect pupils, the two three-eyed apocalypse quickly reappeared. But their light of destruction is still strong, even stronger.

Yuan Chenfei discovered after fighting the burn of the destroyed light that the two three-eyed tribe had hidden the true vertical pupil in their body, and the external vertical pupil was more like a projection incarnation.

It turned out that Yuan Chenfei was interested in the power of projection.

Therefore, through these two three-eyed clan, Yuan Chenfei understood the way of parting the shadows, and as a result, he created a clone on the spot.

God knows that he had never made a similar attempt before, but he had mastered it in the instant learning.

The strength of this avatar is average, and you can't leave Yuan Chen to fly too long, but these are not the problems. There is a threshold from scratch. When this threshold is resolved, the rest is a matter of time.

But this is not the demand of Yuan Chenfei, he just learns by instinct, supplement, just understand. It is not his path to incarnate to solve problems.

In addition to providing projection, the Three Eyes is also the light of destruction.

The light of destruction is similar to that of Yuan Chenfei's annihilation. It is also disintegrated from the molecular level, but with different methods.

Yuan Chenfei's analysis in wartime could not be so comprehensive, but she still multiplied her annihilation.

This is a real ascension. With the method of present ascension, he punched out that nasty lava clan with one punch.

The lava family provides elemental power, which is not the pursuit of Yuan Chenfei, so after analyzing the power of the fire element, Yuan Chenfei collapsed him.

In the process, Yuan Chenfei found himself on the same old path again-greedy!

He is interested in every kind of power that he has not mastered, and he has to analyze and learn, just as he kept acquiring system skills.

But that's not all.

Because Yuan Chenfei already knows how to give up.

It's just that he must understand before giving up.

It's like a toy. I can't play it, I can't use it, but I can't help but own it.

Only the owner is entitled to say no.

It is as if only rich people are qualified to say that money is not important, and poor people are not suitable to say that.

So Yuan Chenfei still followed his old ideas, owning before giving up.

It's just that his evolution has reached the point of acceleration at this moment, whether it is the speed of possession or the speed of giving up, it is a bit fast.

And in this process of possession and abandonment, it is the death of one apocalypse after another.

Seeing Yuan Chenfei killing the apocalypse like chopping melon and cutting vegetables, all alive apocalypse were panicked, afraid, and afraid.

Yuan Chenfei, who I knew before, isn't that terrible?

Why does he have the power of annihilation? Why does his hypnosis reach this point? Why did his battle evolve so fast?

Everyone can't figure it out, but they know that this defeat has been set.

"I give up!" An apocalypse shouted and wanted to exit the duel.

"I haven't heard that the duel arranged by God can still be given up." Yuan Chenfei grabbed the person who opened the day and answered while analyzing.

"It really isn't."

Onlooking sundial, Bai Yu shook his lips.

"No!" Silverwing had shouted.

After a while of effort and strong vitality support, his mouth grew again, but the first word he shouted was the word "no" full of despair.

Then he ran away.

He even wants to run?

It was a pity that before he could run far, he heard a roar: "You are so disappointed in me."

No action was seen after that, and Yinwing's body quietly dissipated.

To others, that is the indescribable punishment in words, the punishment from God, the obliteration!

But in the eyes of Yuan Chenfei, that is oblivion.

It is an annihilation at a more microscopic level, a more subtle annihilation than the atomic level.

Yuan Chenfei couldn't do it, but at least he could see it.

That's right, that's the power!

Beyond everything!

Yuan Chenfei smiled ~ ~ He said: "I have learned everything and understand everything. Thank you for giving me this lesson with your life, but now the lesson is over And the battle should end. "

"It's time to end!" All the gods looked in the sky together.

So Yuan Chen flies.

With that wind blowing, the remaining apocalypse fell down, decayed in the breeze, and died.

"The power of rust!" Qi shouted, "Don't you say you don't?"

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "There has never been any rust force, no force, only the basic force. When you master the basic force, you ..."

He wants to talk about controlling everything, but think that this is far from being in control.

So he said, "You become a god."

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