MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 667 Goodbye loneliness (on)

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"These are just minor problems?"

Yuan Chenfei's simple and simple sentence calmed Xia Ning's impatience.

God knows how she spends these days.

"What did he say?" Fang Libo asked urgently, and beside him were still sitting Han Feiyu, Xia Ning, Qu Wei and Wei Zhijie, and the capture of most of the mythological team shocked the high level. All of them were waiting for Yuan Chenfei to return to solve the problem.

Most importantly, everyone was afraid that Yuan Chenfei would get angry.

"He said that these are not the problems, it seems he seems to know something." Xia Ning said weakly.

After hearing this, Fang Libo Wei Zhijie relieved first.

Not only because this reassured them, but also the attitude of Yuan Chenfei.

He obviously didn't blame anyone for anything.

"So, he also knew that he was going for him?" Wei Zhijie asked.

"Yeah, I know." Yuan Chenfei's voice came from behind.

Wei Zhijie jumped in shock, and saw Yuan Chenfei ghostly.

The call just hangs up every minute. Why are you here?

"As surprised as this?" Yuan Chenfei walked in with a smile: "It's just a few teleportation."

"But there is still a distance to come from the transmission point." Fang Libo was also surprised, without asking Li Zhanjun about them, first asked about the speed of Yuan Chenfei. Then I saw the Qi who was behind Yuan Chenfei. I fucked. It took only a few days to make this little guy so big.

"I said, there are several teleportation problems." Yuan Chenfei replied: "From the gate of the undead to the tower transmission point, drive to Wen'an, and then teleport here, a total of three." Yuan Chenfei spread his hands.

"Then you are so sure that it's not a problem, and you use the light of teleport all the way." Xia Ning stared at him.

"I use no teleportation light," Yuan Chenfei replied.

Everyone held together.

"Have you broken through in space?"

Yuan Chenfei thought about it and answered, "By the way."

He broke through the duel space, but duel space has its own space attributes, and even the space folds can be easily leveled by him. Orientation transmission within a certain distance is not difficult for him.

As he said, he really didn't work hard in this area, which was incidental.

But everyone didn't know his experience during this time, and looked at him with disdainful eyes together.

Still Liu Lidao: "The thing behind this is obviously directed at you. What do you think?"

Yuan Chenfei replied: "Simple, since it came to me, then they will find me by then. Just wait."

"I was afraid they would ask for it ..." Fang Libo worried.

"No." Yuan Chenfei replied, "They will not use this requirement to keep the gate of the other world."

"Why?" Wei Zhijie was puzzled.

Still Qu Weidao: "Because it doesn't make sense. Even after the month of freedom, the gate of the other world is still not indestructible. It is not meaningless to exchange important captives that have been easily captured for the gate of the other world."

"That's why they locked their focus on Feizi? Wouldn't they ask Feizi to exchange their lives for it?" Xia Ning worried.

"No." Qu Weidao: "First, this is impossible. They make such a request is simply a delusion. They will not do so much work for an impossible goal. Second, the gods are not allowed .Every apocalypse is a promising seed of the gods, and will not allow them to kill each other easily. "

Qu Wei understood the rules of action between the eight thousand aliens better than Yuan Chenfei.

One of the important reasons why Yuan Chenfei was able to stand up in all walks of life is that he has never encountered the Apocalypse.

Of course, races like goblins have no apocalypse at all.

But the three-eyed tribe, the sword tribe, the spirit sucker, and even the elven tribe have too many races that have apocalypse, but they are never allowed to deal with apocalypse.

The gods have higher expectations for the Apocalypse and will not allow them to easily kill waste.

Until now.

Xia Ning looked at Qu Wei: "Why now?"

Qu Wei shook his head: "I don't know, but I guess, this is the test that the apocalypse must go through. The day of freedom has come, and the growth of the apocalypse has been completed, and it is time to fight. It is like the boxing champion competition. Level events, there are different levels of players. "

"So Feizi is in UFC?" Liu Li asked.

"That should mean it." Yuan Chenfei nodded. "But it may not have arrived yet."

"So what is UFC?" Han Feiyu asked.

"Well ... such as the level of the immortal king, or a higher level, between gods?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Everyone was taken aback.

Duel with God?

This is not deification.

The question is why?

Why should the gods be so trained to let them come up duel?

Fang Libo has begun to adapt to the game thinking: "First fight the dogs, then the dogs, and finally the people."

"Very well, congratulations, Hiko, you are now in the fighting dog level." Xia Ning said.

Yuan Chenfei was also happy: "Everything has not been set, I will know when I get it."

"Then you better make some preparations. They catch people first, and then trouble you, obviously they don't intend to use any fair means." Liu Li concerned.

"It doesn't matter." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"You better not be too embarrassed." Xia Ning Zhengzheng said: "They are strong, we are not opponents together."

"I know, I know better ... they let you escape, right?"

Xia Ning glared at him: "We are not that weak."

Yuan Chenfei said, "But believe me, now all of you, together with the arrested guys, all shot at me, and I promise you will not escape one of them."

Liu Li and others opened their mouths in surprise.

Although Yuan Chenfei's strength is very strong, at least before that, he couldn't do it.

But now, he even said such a thing, so that everyone can not understand what level Chen Yuanfei has reached.

Still Liu Li noticed that Yuan Chenfei was wrong: "What about your bracelet? And what other equipment?"

Yuan Chenfei smiled: "Broken, except Feiyun battleship, almost everything else. By the way, what about your ancient horn?"


"Let me crush it."


For the rest of the day, Yuan Chenfei was sitting in the yard and looking up at the sky.

He didn't read anymore, but just looked up at the stars, as if thinking something.

Until that familiar chuckle.


He appeared next to Yuan Chenfei, his funny face moved closer to Yuan Chenfei, and then made an exaggerated gesture: "You look so bad, nothing, nothing?"

"If I talk about assets, I have a lot of land left. In fact, I can buy a bunch of mythological equipment at any time. But the question is, do you really think this is miserable?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"Of course not. As you know, you are on the right path. But ... is it right? Who knows?" The clown thought his chin.

"Don't know?" Yuan Chenfei wondered.

"Why does God have to know? Do n’t you already know that God has pursued it? Since God has pursued it, it ’s not surprising that there is something I do n’t know," answered the clown.

"Is that so?" Yuan Chenfei narrowed his eyes lightly. "God doesn't know, what is the right way?"

"Hmm!" The clown nodded seriously.

He is rare and serious, but his look is even more funny.

Yuan Chenfei can understand: "So you have been looking for? What are you looking for?"

"Looking for life walking on different roads and seeing which one will reach the end. Are you satisfied with this answer?" The clown replied.

Hearing this, even Yuan Chenfei was a little bit excited.

For the first time, he heard the clown admit one thing.

Yes, this is the game of the gods, but more ... is the experiment of the gods.

What are they experimenting with?

The road to becoming stronger?

Not like.

What is that

Yuan Chenfei looked at the clown in doubt.

The clown waved his hand: "The years are long, and when one day you come to us, you will naturally know."

Yuanchen Fei blurted out: "But if I come to this step, will it represent a way out? Just like you, you will never reach the end point? And the end point in your eyes is the real end point?"

This problem stumped the clown.

He thought for a while and replied, "The end point in human eyes is like the smallest step in God's eyes. For God, the end point is not necessarily the end point. When, as you said, the way is step by step Yes, there is nothing after the end, only after you get there. But I admit that you are right, if one day you come to our level, maybe you will be stunned, like us, not to the end. So, in this case, how would you choose to go? "

"I don't know, I don't even see the end point in your eyes, how can I go?" Yuan Chenfei asked back.

"Well, this question is quite interesting." The clown touched his chin. "But I can't show you yet, you can't bear it."

Can't afford it?

What kind of end point can't even look at?

Yuan Chenfei couldn't help thinking of the lonely god.

When he comes in contact with a true god, even chatting is a luxury.

The contact of that second ~ ~ gave him a sense of endless vastness.

I just don't know what will happen now if he chats with the lonely **** again.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chenfei suddenly said, "I want to chat with the lonely god."

"Hah !?" The clown was frustrated by Yuan Chenfei's thoughts, and then angrily said, "You broke my sword, I'm here to settle accounts with you."

"Then make up for it with part-time work. I think I can chat a little longer this time."

The clown looked at him, then burst out laughing wildly: "This is very interesting. In this case, I will give you a chance."

With this, Yuan Chenfei has disappeared.

But he found that he didn't come to the hut of the lonely god, but appeared directly in the endless star sea.

"Loneliness is eternal. If you want to chat with the lonely god, then feel his loneliness here."