MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 664 Immortal meaning

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Yuan Chenfei was certainly unwilling, but he did not say.

He just said, "Follow you? Be a necromancer? Sounds interesting. But I have a question."

"Say it."

"Is God eternal?"

This question does not stump the immortal king.

He shook his head: "No, God is not eternal."

This surprised Yuan Chenfei: "Did you say that God is not eternal? Are you afraid of God?"

The immortal king leisurely replied: "I am not an opponent of God, but I am not afraid of them. Since immortality, I have given up those boring emotions. If God wants to kill me, I will not be afraid. But since you ask me, I I will tell you that God is not eternal, but I am. "

Yuan Chen is happy: "God is not eternal, are you eternal?"

"Yes!" The Immortal King said with certainty.

Yuan Chenfei looked up at the sky, without any reaction.

The immortal king has said: "You do n’t need to read, I said this very early, God is also the default. God's power is stronger than me, but they are not eternal. This is a fact, as long as it is a fact, God does not Would be angry. "

"That's not necessarily true. Once I said a truth, I was chased and killed by God." Yuan Chen said.

The immortal king said lightly, "I know what you are. Is it the **** of original desire? A **** who is controlled by his own desire."

"Well, you are profane enough." Yuan Chen flew in, and the most crucial **** of original desire did not bubbling.

Sure enough, God's temper also looks at people?

"But in this case, why don't you try to transform God into immortality?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"I tried and failed." The Immortal King replied, "That's why the Necropolis is part of the game of gods."

"But those undead seem to have no professional?"

"The necromancer does not need to be a professional, but in order to meet the conditions of the gods, the necromancer has arranged some slaves as professional."

Isn't that the same as the Omniscientist?

Yuan Chen was happy: "You know how to turn around."

"Life requires understanding of compromise." The immortal king replied: "Just like to obtain eternal life, you must give up that skin and give up all emotions and perceptions."

"It turns out that you also know the price you need to pay after becoming a necromancer." Yuan Chen fly.

"Of course, I have communicated with many people, and many of them have sharp teeth. They will tell me that after becoming a dead soul, they will give up the happiness of the living, see no beautiful colors, smell no flowers, and lose the feeling of happiness Wait. But in my opinion, these are the necessary costs. You are human, and there is a reason you should understand that the same level of happiness is far less intense than the same level of pain. "

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei nodded: "It's like one person lost a hundred dollars and the other person picked up a hundred dollars. In the process, the person who lost the money has much more pain than picking it up. To the happiness of those who are rich. "

"That's right." The Immortal King nodded. "So you see, it's worth it, isn't it?"

"Indeed, it's worth it." Yuan Chenfei nodded.

Qi Jiji: "Boss, aren't you serious?"

Yuan Chenfei answered positively: "I just think what he said really makes sense. From his point of view, there is really nothing wrong with turning into a necromancy. Without pain, I have gained eternal life, and even if I lose a little happiness, I get Eternal peace. Only one thing ... the dead can be killed. "

"But there is no pain." The immortal king replied: "Any existence will perish. I seek immortality, not immortality. If I am immortal, then God will be under me."

Man, you really dare to say it, but the gods didn't respond, which means they allowed him to say that, and even acknowledged what he said.

Yuan Chenfei breathed a long breath, and he looked at Qi: "You still don't understand?"

Qi shook his head.

Yuan Chen flying: "The immortal king is boundless for thousands of years. The entire world has been turned into the necrotic realm, and even invaded a large number of sub-realms. In the process, many people must have told him the truth. But What else did you see succeeded? The theory of the Immortal King has long been a self-contained system. The most important thing is that this principle is not wrong, so no one can convince him. "

"Then you still tell him so much?" Qi asked in despair.

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "I have no intention of persuading this immortal king, I am just learning from him. In fact, from a higher perspective, maybe the immortal king is really right? Necromancer A truly eternal way? That's probably why the gods let the necrotic world go because they want to see it too. "

The immortal king made a few dry laughs. He didn't have a happy mood. This smile was forced out by him, expressing his approval of Yuan Chenfei's statement.

He had met many opponents who had falsely agreed and actually sought the flaws in his own words and tried to strike in his own mind, but none succeeded.

But now, Yuan Chenfei finally shows a sincere side, he is really agreeing with the truth of the immortal king.

He is satisfied.

He finally knew how to be satisfied.

"Gods ..." Qi dazed.

"Well," Yuanchen said, "the gods have pursuits, not just games. I don't know what they are pursuing, but I know that the so-called pursuit must be what they want to achieve, but have not yet achieved. God ’s means are nothing more than eternity, are n’t they? The gods do n’t have eternity, so they seek eternity. ”

"But what does this have to do with the games of the gods?" Qi puzzled.

"This is the problem." Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "Gods game, it doesn't seem to be related to eternity."

He looked at the immortal king: "Great immortal king, do you know what the gods are after?"

This question really stumped the immortal king.

He lowered his head for a while and shook his head, "I don't know."

Yuan Chenfei asked: "Will the gods also pursue eternity and immortality, as you said, God is not immortal, but you are. But God does not want to pay the price you pay to obtain immortality, so God hope Is there a better way? "

"There is no better way, I have tried all the ways." The immortal king shook his head.

Yuan Chenfei smiled.

He finally found the logical flaw of the Immortal King.

He said, "But at that time, you, after all, were just a great magician, weren't you? You were no greater than God."

The immortal king stunned.

Even now, he is not greater than the gods, not to mention the time.

Yuan Chenfei's words did strike him.

Yuan Chenfei did not deny the significance of immortality, he just proposed a higher possibility.

The possibility of paying a smaller price.

The immortal king is unwilling to admit it, but cannot deny it.

Because he didn't know if the gods were pursuing this.

After thinking about it, he said, "What if God is not seeking eternity?"

"It's more worthy of attention. What could be more worthy of God's attention than eternity? It must be a higher level, let me wait for an incomprehensible level. If one day we can understand that level, then we want to come, Will it be a supreme greatness? "Yuan Chenfei's vision had appeared.

This is true.

From beginning to end, he did not speak against the Immortal King, because he was very clear that in the face of such existence, all the words against the intention were meaningless.

Only if he truly resonates with his mind can he escape this disaster.

Sure enough, the immortal king fell into meditation again.

Yuan Chenfei said again, "I still have questions."

"Say." The Immortal King is obviously very willing to talk to Yuan Chenfei about these pursuits, after all, this is the driving force of his existence so far.

"Among the gods, is there a **** in the form of a dead spirit? Or is it a **** in charge of death?"

"No!" The immortal king said with certainty: "There is a **** of death among the gods, but it is only mastery of killing and creating death, but it is not the death of a true chief. Death is a concept that represents the passing of life. Gods Only physical gods, no pure conceptual gods. Only gods that exist in fantasy can govern the concept of emptiness. When God really exists, it must have practical significance, and no pure concepts exist. "

"Not even thinking?"

"Thinking about omnipotence, but also omnipotence in this cosmic category, cannot do anything to change the rules of the universe's operation. Otherwise, it is true transcendence."

"True detachment ..." Yuan Chenfei muttered the word.

At that moment, strange brilliance appeared at the same time in the eyes of Yuan Chenfei and the Immortal King.

They all seem to understand something, but they don't say anything, they just jump to the side in a hurry.

After a while, Yuan Chen Fei Cai said: "God's pursuit, and your pursuit, which one do you think is higher?"

The immortal king considered it carefully: "It's hard to say that everyone should have his own highest pursuit, right?"

"But you do not respect the supreme pursuit of others." Yuan Chenfei said immediately. He could have said that my supreme pursuit was not to transform the undead alive, but he knew this was useless and persuaded by the difference in values. He must have done it before.

All efforts to make the Immortal King give up are doomed to no avail. Yuan Chenfei will never go again on the wrong path that others have gone through.

His only chance now is God!

God is above the Immortal King, and thus becomes an obstacle that the Immortal King is destined to bypass.

Sure enough, the immortal king said: "They are all just lost lambs."

Use this statement to negate the pursuit of others? Yuan Chenfei sneered: "But not God."

The immortal king is silent.

For a moment, he said, "I have a good chat with you, but this rhetoric is not enough to impress me."

Obviously, he also knows that Yuan Chenfei did not take the initiative to become a necromancer. After all, such people have seen too many before.

Yuanchen Feidao said: "I'm just thinking, why can't you pursue higher? Since it's immortal, why not try to climb higher mountains again?"

This finally worked.

The immortal king looked at Yuan Chenfei: "You mean ..."

"God's pursuit, you can also have it." Yuan Chenfei replied.

There is no word, it is more important than this.

The immortal king kept silent.

For a long time, he said, "This is the first time in ten thousand years that someone has told me such a thing. Yuan Chenfei, I ask you again, do you really not deny my opinion?"

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "Your view is correct. Necromancy is indeed a way to obtain immortality, but the world is mostly stale and unacceptable. Since you are thinking about the world and want to eliminate the pain, why not do it now After this step, take it one step further? Let immortality continue to immortal ~ ~ make the cost less? "

The immortal king laughed.

This was his first laugh, a dead soul who had lost his ability to laugh, and laughed as if he were really happy.

Then he stopped laughing: "It's a shame, obviously it's a very exciting thing, but I can't feel a little bit happy. The price is indeed a bit big. You're right, since I'm immortal, why not Make higher pursuits. God is so powerful and is still pursuing, why can't I go further? Yuan Chenfei, I like your statement, and most importantly, I feel your sincerity. You are so many years, the first One who really identifies with me. Now you can leave. "

Can go?

Can we go now?

Qi overjoyed.

Really still flickering past? Boss is the best!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "I haven't played against you yet, so it's a pity to leave?"

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