MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 662 1 dream 0 years

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The black sword of the black warrior is still pointing at Yuan Chen, still motionless.

Yuan Chenfei's armor had begun to change color and become as dark as ink. Even the grotesque blade was covered with various rust.

Following this procedure, Yuan Chenfei will be transformed into a black warrior.

A lordlike black warrior with great strength.

The rust had completely covered Yuan Chenfei's body, and black filled the whole body, from head to toe, except for one place.

His eyes.

His eyes are still human black and white. Once these eyes are transformed into blood red, it is completely transformed.

"Wake up soon!"

Qi yelled anxiously.

But no miracle happened.

Qi saw that Yuan Chenfei's eyes had begun to transform, black and white faded away, and red light rose.

at last!

A piece of blood shot from Yuan Chenfei's eyes.

Black Samurai Blood Eye!

The holy leaves disappeared.

Even the last life-saving relic is gone, and the transformation is complete!

Qi is completely desperate.

Yuanchen Fei died, and the competition failed.

Qi yelled aloud and cried: "Everyone said don't challenge the Maharaja, you just don't listen. When this is over, you have to go to the last task, and say that this is the normal sequence, and you will die directly. Come on. Whoo ... "

When I was together, I didn't feel anything. When Yuan Chenfei left, Qi felt a great heartache at this moment.

The black warrior lord slowly lowered his sword.

He glanced at Qi, after all, didn't do anything, just turned around and the black warrior transformed by Yuan Chenfei followed him, step by step.

This signifies that as a black warrior, he will follow the rhythm of the black warrior.

They went step by step outside the valley like this, and Qi was still crying.

He didn't know what to do.

I just cried and suddenly felt something wrong.

He looked up at the sky.

As a detached **** beast cub, Qi's induction is also strong.

He could sense that the thoughts of the gods were still here.

The competition is over, why haven't they left yet?

Qi is strange.

and many more!

Qi looked at Yuan Chenfei in surprise.

I do not know when, Yuan Chenfei actually stopped.

He stood there, motionless.

The black warrior also stopped.

He turned his head to look at Yuan Chenfei and raised his sword again.

Only this time, his sword was shaking.

Constantly trembling, the horrible rusty force swept out, and even Qi was wrapped.

A will descend from the sky, protecting Qi.

"This is ..." Qi looked at the sky in surprise.

A gentle voice said, "You're welcome, little one, that person doesn't want you to die."


Qi looked at the sky, and then looked at Yuan Chenfei, surprised: "He is not dead, right?"

"Well, this statement is not quite correct. To be precise, he did die, but death is never a terrible thing, and it is not impossible to look back."

Isn't death impossible to turn back?

Qi stayed blank.

He remembered Yuan Chenfei's experience of resurrection.

But this time no one gave him resurrection.

Looking at Yuan Chenfei again, he saw that the blood awns in his eyes had begun to fade, repeating black and white.

Next is the full body armor, which emerges from the black, repeating the light.

The sword of the black warrior trembled even more.

It was melting, turning into a drop of molten iron, and falling to the ground.

"It's useless." Yuan Chenfei's voice echoed from the land of Jiuyou: "The more you fight, the more you just let me know!"

The black warrior trembled with a humming sound, and every piece of nails on the whole body was striking, releasing a strange sharp sound.

The black on Yuan Chenfei's body has become iron gray, the rust has faded, and the vitality has reappeared.

The voice was still echoing in the heavens and the earth: "I never thought about it, the power is more and more mysterious and profound ... I have been immersed in a dream for a thousand years before I truly understand this power. Time is so long that I almost forget It's against you. But fortunately, I remember ... I'm back! "

With this "I'm back", Yuan Chenfei's vitality erupted suddenly, and all the rusty colors were completely dispersed. Yuan Chenfei had exclaimed, "Hug the real death!"

The light of life has flowed towards the black warrior magistrate.

The black warrior lord cut a half-edged sword into the ground, and there were countless black warriors rushing out of the ground, rushing towards the original Chenfei.

Qi shouted: "Cheating! This is cheating!"

The gentle voice had said: "He didn't cheat, this is his power originally. But don't worry ... the most dangerous moment has passed."

Sure enough, Yuan Chenfei laughed when he saw the Black Samurai Army appearing all of a sudden: "So, are you doing something like that? But it's useless!"

Opening the duel space, the escaping yak has appeared in the competitive valley.


Along with the roar of the yak, the turbulent yellow air vortex has swept out, covering all the black warriors.

The black warrior has once again raised his sword.

But before he could do anything, he saw countless phase beetles flying.

With the power of the black warrior's rust, the phase beetle should have flicked his fingers and died, but Qi saw that the black warrior was waving his sword under the attack of the phase beetle.

The big sword is melting faster, and only the hilt of the sword is gradually left, but he just dances frantically and can't fight these beetles.

Yuan Chenfei has stepped forward, exuding divine light all over his body.

"I really didn't expect that if I just picked an opponent, I got such a special one. What black warrior lord, you are not at all. There is no black warrior lord at all, you, just a pair of armor!"


Qi looked at Yuan Chenfei in surprise, and then looked at the black warrior lord.

"His!" The black warrior lord finally uttered, it was a shriek from hell-like anger.

The rusty armor was rising with yellow and black smoke, which had condensed into the shape of a fierce ghost.

"Meaninglessly!" Yuan Chenfei waved his hand, and the appearance of that ghost was gone.

Yuan Chenfei has come to the black warrior. Behind him, the yak is slaughtering those black warriors, but in his eyes, there is only this special existence.


This armor is the black warrior lord!

The phase beetles bite on the armor frantically, making a crunching sound, and the rust gradually peeled off during the phase of the beetle's engulfing, and those beetles gradually faded into an iron gray.

"An unyielding samurai resentment attaches to this armor, grows, and eventually becomes a king in the necromancy world. You are also a wizard, thank you for the death you gave me, and let me understand the death The real mystery is, at least, no distinction. "

Yuan Chenfei said, having raised his hand and pressing the hole in the helmet, the twisted struggle became more intense.

Yuan Chenfei presses on the dark space, but there is an entity: "I have been wondering that the dead from all walks of life clearly belong to the realm and will not enter the necromancy realm, then there is no predecessor necromia realm, where did it come from? Soul. But now I understand that the so-called Necropolis is not a real existence. It is some of the worlds of the Star-Rank, formed after the abandonment and abandonment. Your previous life was before the birth of the Necropolis. Life of the undead, and the realm of the dead has a unique feature that allows all the dead to exist here in another special form. You use this as a source to expand your world. The reason you are passionate about killing In fact, it is not killing. Because in your opinion, you are creating life ... Killing is the beginning of a new life in the necropolis! "

"Hisse !!!" The black samurai lord hissed with pain and long hissing.

Yuan Chenfei continued: "The so-called transgression is not to kill you or send you into reincarnation, but ..."

"No!" The black warrior screamed an unprecedented roar.

Yuan Chenfei continued: "Let you return to the form of life."


Under white light, black gas dissipates.

The armor of the black warrior fell, and a humanoid light and shadow had appeared in front of Yuan Chenfei.

It was a warrior with a stern face, with a firm gaze and a steely will.

He was an invincible general who was guarding his own country, but I do n’t know when it will happen, the dead in this world will be resurrected, the injustice will not be scattered, and everything will be reduced to bones.

He fought bravely, but after all he was unable to return to heaven.

The moment he fell, he saw the world collapse.

Once the world was dying, what stood up was the eternally dead world of dead souls.

From that day on, he was attached to his armor and continued to fight, but this time, he was no longer fighting for a living life.

His resentment rises in the armor, and the power of corruption continues to sublime. Once the old part returns to his Majesty, the name of the black warrior monarch gradually condenses.

He has completely forgotten the past, only knowing that this form is correct and eternal.

He pursued the footsteps of the immortal king, constantly fighting, transforming one world after another.

Only by eliminating all souls and turning them into dead souls, life is eternal.

Until this moment!

Once memories are back at this moment ~ ~ The restless soul also calms the restlessness.

He looked at Yuan Chenfei, with a faint smile on his rough face.

"Thank you," he said.

Then, like a plume of smoke, dissipated in this world.

"Excessiveness !?" Qi stared at Yuan Chenfei with a stunned expression. "You have surpassed a great king?"

"No difference," Yuan Chenfei replied.

Transcendence is transcendence. Whether it is a majesty or a bone, the essence is the same.

Just say this to Qi, he will not understand.

That was his dream for a thousand years, and he finally realized it after experiencing life and death.

Millennium time!

"This dream has been done for a long time. It is another cycle of life and death." Yuan Chenfei sighed.

Read The Duke's Passion