MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 641 Stonehenge

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Although everything is just speculation, according to the gods' urine, they always like to add many hidden designs to the task, plus logical inference, so everyone thinks this possibility is not small.

But this also only means one thing, that the troubles later may be greater.

The mission has passed for ten days, and the time has entered the mid-stage stage. The intensity of the battle is bound to increase, and everyone is ready to fight.

On the eleventh day of the mission, everyone launched a comprehensive attack on six major mining areas. The battle went smoothly and was won quickly without accident.

The stone demons are busy mining and building defenses, while Cyclops is busy fighting monsters to upgrade and collect scattered resources.

Yuan Chenfei is responsible for guarding the Luminous Crystal Mine and Crimson Ruby Mine.

The resources needed in these two mines are the least of the remaining resources, but they must be collected. Construction games are how many resources can be available, but as long as they are not enough, they cannot work. Unlike human construction, I don't have enough reinforced concrete, I can mix some cardboard, and it's ok to mix tofu project. As long as the mouse does not come, it can last for a few days.

Unfortunately, there is no tofu residue in the system building.

After winning these two mining areas, the stone demons will build the Stonehenge here first.

This is a super-planned building, which has also caused a strain on resources. Fortunately, some of them were collected during the previous collection, and the surplus was always there.

Yuan Chenfei began to miss the market.

There is a market building in Heroes Invincible, which can be exchanged for resources. Although it is dark, it can at least get unreachable resources.

Unfortunately, the gods don't give it.

Since the Qingkong clan's counterattack had to start the next day, Yuan Chenfei had nothing to do for the next day, so he continued to analyze the blue core from Qingri.

Different from the Qingkong clan, the Qingkong clan is based on the ability to use space supported by talents. Like the early Yuanchen Fei, they often know about space but do not know why, but Yuan Chenfei is established by understanding. of.

After understanding the nature of four-dimensional space, and being able to feel and observe the entire world from a four-dimensional perspective, Yuan Chenfei had a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe, but this understanding remained at the level of induction.

He can radiate his hypnotic ability from the four-dimensional space, because the thinking transcends the space itself, but also because of the reason of thought.

But to really be able to influence and use it, further improvement is needed.

The easiest way is to think.

Thinking touches everything and transcends everything.

But Yuan Chenfei didn't want to do this.

Thinking is a shortcut, but it also makes people ignore the nature of the universe.

From this point, the omniscient family is right.

They are not wrong in their pursuit of the truth of the universe, but they are too much in pursuit of the truth, ignoring the way beyond the truth.

God, instead of pursuing the truth, relies on the power of omnipotence to directly surpass, but also ignores it.

So, it seems that God also has weaknesses?

But Yuan Chenfei really felt that it was true.

He still doesn't understand what the real meaning behind the games of the gods is, but he has gradually realized that the purpose of the gods is not just games.

The game is the appearance. The gods must have deeper pursuits behind them, and this pursuit may be related to their weaknesses.

Being pursed means being out of reach, so starting with weaknesses is probably the best choice.

Because of this, even if Yuan Chenfei can solve the application problem with simple and violent thoughts, he is still trying to explore the real secret of space and the solution other than thoughts. Only when the two are combined is the perfect solution.

This search is more than half a day away.

Seeing Qingri's green nuclear in his hands vanished, Yuan Chenfei breathed a sigh of relief.

After analyzing this blue nucleus, Yuan Chenfei's four-dimensional vision is wider, but when it comes to the impact space, it is still impossible. However, Yuan Chenfei finally broke a little secret of the Qingkong clan's use of space.

Sure enough, it is not a touch, but a special touch.

Specifically, the unique structure of the Qingkong clan allows them to touch and perceive the real space.

This is like a person's hand reaching out into the air without feeling any existence.

But space is real. When Qingkong clan reaches out to the space, they can feel the existence of space.

This kind of perception has every Qingkong clan, but only after awakening to a certain degree can the influence on it be strengthened.

Therefore, there is no space force, but only the use of force.

As long as you master the corresponding method, you can apply your own power to the space and affect it.

The Qingkong clan has a blue core, and even if it does not have a four-dimensional field of vision, it can locally affect the surrounding space and create a space barrier. Yuan Chenfei first realized and grasped it, so it was a four-dimensional vision, and then transformed and used.

At this moment, after realizing, Yuan Chenfei tried to stroke in the void.

From a macro perspective, nothing seems to happen.

But from the spatial level, you can feel that this finger has actually touched the space, just like a fly falling on a spider web, causing a ripple of space fluctuations.

"I can only do this." Yuan Chenfei whispered to himself, but was not in a hurry.

As before, the first step is always the hardest, and what remains after the first step is accumulation.

The problem now is that he doesn't have much time to accumulate.

Then Yuan Chenfei began to try to use the power of thought.

A bit of Guanghua appeared at the fingertips of Yuan Chenfei, falling in the air, and then large spatial fluctuations appeared. This time, even in the macro vision, it was visible to the naked eye.

A space barrier has been formed.

"Sure enough, even if you master it?" Yuan Chenfei chuckled.

But Yuan Chenfei didn't care.

Space barriers are not his pursuit, especially using the power of thought to achieve it. Not even with deeper understanding can we be able to do everything. Besides, what he wants is space transmission, especially directional transmission.

Then Yuan Chenfei took out the blue nucleus from Qing Li.

Qingli's blue nucleus is much worse than the blue nucleus of Qingri, but after deep understanding of the secret of space, then reducing the dimension to analyze this cloud blue nucleus, the feelings are obviously different.

With the disappearance of clouds of blue clouds in Yuan Chenfei's hands, Yuan Chenfei's understanding also deepened.

However, until all the cloud blue cores have been resolved, Yuan Chenfei has not been able to transmit, not even the transmission attack like Qingri. It's just that the space barrier that can be made is larger, and the thoughts that need to be used are less.

"It seems that enough accumulation is still needed." Yuan Chenfei shook his head.

The more deeply he understood, the more Chen Yuanfei realized that he was far from being able to pass through the four dimensions.

And the more difficult it is, the more Chen Yuanfei suspects, he may not be able to do so even if he absorbs a few more blue nuclei in the air.

This frowned him.

Just then, Han Feiyu contacted him.

"The Stonehenge has been built."

"Okay, let me check it out."

Yuan Chenfei is now in the Yeguang Crystal Mining Area. When he comes to the mining area, the entrance is a huge stone circle.

The entire circle array is really made of megaliths, but it is made of a special heavy gold stone, which is engraved with the pattern of the alchemy array, but not carved by Han Feiyu, but given by Han Feiyu with the book of founding the country.

At this time, Han Feiyu was in the alchemy pattern on the Stonehenge, apparently trying to understand the mystery of long-distance space transmission.

"Did you see anything?" Yuan Chenfei asked with a smile.

Han Feiyu shook his head: "It's very different from teleporting the alchemy array. It doesn't feel like a way."

"Oh?" Yuan Chen was intrigued, squatting with Han Feiyu, "talk."

Han Feiyu replied: "The teleportation method used for teleporting the alchemy is not the four-dimensional smuggling you call it, but more like condensing the life to be transmitted into a single moment, and then passing through the physical space to a designated place. It In essence, it is not space teleportation, but forces the teleportation life to ignore the obstruction and reach the designated place quickly. Because of this reason, the space teleportation distance of the teleportation alchemy array cannot be too far. Because if it is far, the requirements of the life form are bound It will be high, and it is likely to recover halfway, causing the transmission to fail. "

"It turned out so. No wonder it feels uncomfortable every time you use the Alchemy Teleport."

"Not surprising, because it is a short-term distortion of your life. But this is not the same." Han Feiyu pointed to Shi Zhen and said: "This stone formation is a real spatial distortion. It is likely that you achieved it through four dimensions. The teleport effect, so you can achieve teleportation over a long distance. In a sense, it is a portal. But the portal is simpler and more convenient. This looks more complicated, but it is not as powerful as a portal. "

"Because the portals were built by the gods, they not only have an influence on space, but also the power of thought touch. And this ... has nothing to do with thought touch." Yuan Chenfei was very sure of this.

"Well, what's your interpretation of space now?" Han Feiyu asked.

"There has been progress, but not much, no teleportation is possible." Yuan Chenfei replied.

Suddenly he thought of something. When he looked at this stone formation again, his eyes flashed: "Wait, Stone formation was originally used for space transmission. If I can find the point of this stone formation in the four-dimensional space, can I choose from any point? Where is the teleportation here? If so, then I no longer have to teleport between the two stone formations, but can travel from any location to the stone formations. "

Han Feiyu stayed ~ ~ nodded and shook his head: "The theory is correct, but there is a problem. Even if you use the stone array as the coordinates, it only solves the problem. How do you get in? "

Yuan Chenfei's own strength could not open the space to enter the four dimensions.

Yuan Chenfei thought about it, and suddenly took out the light of transmission.

"This?" Han Feiyu paused.

Yuan Chenfei said: "The light of transmission is a technology product. It is not a material transmission that forcibly reverses the life form, but also a transmission by opening the four-dimensional space, but the landing point is random."

Han Feiyu was pleasantly surprised: "But with the Stone Formation, as long as you can perceive and influence the direction of the transmitted light, you can fix your own landing point. That is, you can direct the transmission, and it is beyond distance!"

"The only problem is that it can only land at Stonehenge ... but it's enough." Yuan Chenfei smiled.

"It seems we are going to collect more materials for the construction of Stonehenge, and it may be useful for a long time to come," he said.

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