MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 624 Multitasking

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The 70,000 Cyclops needs a lot of resources to be promoted to an average level of 60. Yuan Chenfei will never satisfy the resources of his own territory and buffer zone.

His strategy will always be more offensive.

After understanding what he meant, Liu Li pointed at the map and said, "If so, I suggest we build the city on this mountain. This is located on the edge of the territory, and there is a Qingkong city near us, separated by the middle It ’s a buffer zone. We also have the task of attacking the opponent ’s city. If we build it here, it will also be convenient for taking the initiative. ”

The charter said: "The problem is that the protected area is within one hundred square kilometers. Out of the protected area, it is the buffer zone, where they are not polite."

"We also don't need them to be polite." Yuan Chenfei replied, "If you choose them, you are not here to be friends. I think it is better here. You lead the Cyclops to level up, and I am responsible for hunting."

He said that the mark of the demon had been opened.

Demon system tips:

"You have accepted the task of slaughtering the Qingkong clan."

"Task content:"

"One: Hunt those **** blue sky clan. Every time you kill a blue sky clan, you will get the corresponding demon gold coins. These demon gold coins can be used to exchange valuable demon resources and services. But you must kill at least a thousand The Qingkong tribe would otherwise be regarded as a failure. This disease is not difficult for you, is it? "

"Two: Build a demon base and summon demons. If you can successfully build this demon base, then you will become friends of the demon. They will help you kill your enemies, and of course, you may kill your friends. But look They will not provoke you easily for your demon messenger and strong strength. How to control them depends on your means. We have confidence in you. "

"Three: the devil likes sacrifices, whether it is delicious life, rare treasures, or the blue cores of the strong blue sky tribe. Whatever you take, as long as there is a valuable existence, then sacrifices, you Will be rewarded accordingly. "

"The demons are generous. As the messengers of the demons, the demons are willing to open a door of convenience for you. As long as you have the harvest, you can start the demo mall to buy the help you need at any time. But because of your current basic permissions It is level one, so you can only buy resources or services under level one permissions. Your gods permissions are not valid here with the demon. "

"Not bad." Yuan Chenfei nodded.

Devil's tasks are as simple as their character, simple and violent, bloody, far less varied than the gods. But there is a benefit, that is, you can buy it at any time, without having to run into the trouble of Tiangong.

After the location of the city was determined, Han Feiyu took many Cyclops to the designated mountain and began to build the city.

The first is to establish where the tower area is located. Only with the tower area can Cyclops choose to obtain a life occupation and improve efficiency during construction.

After the address was selected, a holy light descended from the sky, and a high tower area was already formed.

Since this time it was a nation-building mission, the architect was particularly important, so Han Feiyu directly ordered 20,000 Cyclops to transfer. It is reasonable that Cyclops must first become a professional before they can get a life career, but this time it is a task directly targeted to them. The gods have avoided this procedure, which is a small concession.

With the 20,000 Cyclops specializing in construction, you can start building the city.

As for the other Cyclops, first go to the resource area in the territory to upgrade, and also search for other resources needed to build the city.

In order to ensure the promotion efficiency, Han Feiyu divided the Cyclops into thousands of people, and then went to the resource area in batches, taking turns to promote, and strive to give priority to a group of professionals, so that they can go out for promotion. This is a very heavy organizational work. Han Feiyu couldn't get by himself. Fortunately, Xia Ning and others helped.

The most important thing is that those Cyclops are awkward but obedient. They are very grateful to Han Feiyu, no matter how Han Feiyu arranges them, they have no regrets, which makes the execution extremely high.

Yuan Chenfei turned to go to the fairy gate.

From now on, even if the gate of the fairy is under the control of the giant territory, those Qingkong clan cannot come, but this does not mean that Yuan Chenfei cannot pass.

Entering the blue sky door, it is still quiet here.

At the beginning of the mission, the Qingkong clan has not responded yet.

But they didn't respond, but the elves had already reacted-before the mission started, Yuan Chenfei had already passed them.

So at the beginning of the mission, the Leprechauns immediately gathered heavy soldiers near the fortress.

They have not attacked because they are waiting for Yuan Chen to fly.

At this moment Yuan Chenfei entered the fairy world and saw the floating mountains in the distance, which was the Blue Sky Fortress, whistled, and ignored it, but directly bypassed the fortress and walked towards the fairy army ahead.

Those Leprechaun soldiers saw Yuan Chen flying and evaded.

A fairy general approached Yuanchen Fei and greeted Yuan Chenfei. "I have seen Mr. Yuan. I thought we would meet directly in the fortress."

During this time, Yuan Chenfei always killed a single gun in the fortress, killing the power, so that the fairy team responsible for the attack began to forget that he was the main force.

However, Yuan Chenfei can work hard for the human race, but he does not intend to work hard for the fairy race.

He said directly: "This time I am with you, attacking head-on."

"So what." The fairy general was a little disappointed.

This means that the Leprechauns will pay a lot of casualties for this.

But she also knew that such things could not be forced, and nodded: "Please, Mr. then."

"I will do my best." Yuan Chenfei said that he had stretched out the hands of six wizards, each holding a mythical gun.

Obviously, this time he made up his mind and focused on being a gunman.

The fairy generals were a little disappointed to see him. After all, a strong man can play a much bigger role than a charge on the battlefield with everyone, especially this time the opponent seems to be unwilling to stand in the front row. It would not make much sense to just say six mythical weapons.

The attack of six mythic guns is even higher, can it be higher than six hundred rare quality guns?

Unfortunately, this cannot be said, the fairy general can only recognize it.

She nodded back: "Let's attack."

A large number of fairies have flew towards the blue sky fortress in the air.

The Qingkong clan is not good at science and technology. There is no shield system for the goblin clan, but they have terrain advantages.

Suspended Mountain Fortress is difficult to function because it is in the air and a powerful melee warrior without flying ability. Coupled with a large number of alpine hunters who are good at highland operations, the long-range strike force is extremely powerful.

At this moment, a large number of fairy races flew up, and there were also a large number of blue sky hunters on the suspended mountain. They stepped on the ground, shot high, and dazzled with electricity, emitting a long arc of lightning, so the sky was covered with lightning.

Fighting with the Qingkong clan for many years, the fairies are naturally prepared.

All the fairies spread out at the same time, and the arrows lingering in the wind echoed back. Leprechauns are a race that is good at controlling wind. They are good at using speed and space to contain. The favorite thing to do is to drag the enemy into a protracted battle and fight with them. Endless silk **** is difficult to get rid of. Those thunder arrows fell on them, and under the interference of the endless wind, it was difficult to form a real threat.

In the face of this situation, the Qingkong clan is also very experienced.

They are firing in an orderly manner, and the space ripples are emitted from time to time in the sky, which is some kind of space mystery. Once it is cast, it can isolate all attacks.

Is it that much?

Yuan Chenfei was a little disdainful and even a little disappointed.

There are many ways of space. Absolute cutting, teleportation, storage, and the transfer of space for defense, which is formed by cutting the space, are also regarded as one type, but they are the least practical.

It's not that it's not good. Space defense has no defensive effect in terms of defensive effects, and even counterattack effects that absolute defense does not have. But like all abilities, no matter how powerful a power is, there is no limit to it.

Under the premise of limited usage, the effectiveness of space defense is far less than that of space cutting, transmitting such abilities.

The reason why Yuan Chenfei wanted to attack together with the Leprechauns was on the one hand because of the space characteristics of the Qingkong tribe, and on the other hand, he wanted to learn to see if he could learn something about space from these Qingkong clan knowledge.

However, it seems that these Qingkong clan only have space defense.

Is there really no advanced space capabilities?

Yuan Chenfei is unbelievable. It is more likely that this kind of Qingkong clan is not here.

He asked, "Isn't there a senior blue sky here? For example, a certain big brother?"

In addition to the professional level of the Qingkong clan, there are three levels of soil, cloud and air, which are mainly distinguished by racial talent.

The racial talents in different realms have different spatial abilities.

Most of these Qingkong clan are soil, and more soldiers don't even have space talent-this talent is not available to every Qingkong clan, and usually requires special awakening.

The Fairy General replied: "Airspace is also a relatively rare strong among the Qingkong clan. There is no such place in the Fairy Mountain, but there should be a few strong Cloud Realms. If Mr. Yuan wants to play against Cloud Realms ~ ~ Leprechauns are willing to create opportunities for Mr.

"I want to see it first." Yuan Chen flew to death without sighing.

The original Chen Fei, who has no space talent, is not in his eyes, but as long as he has awakened the space talent, one can count it as one-even if it is a space defense, he can cut himself in half . In Compound 3, the arm of the black dwarf is so missing.

Seeing that Yuanchen Fei could not move, the fairy general also sighed: "You are much more cautious than I thought."

"In your impression, I will only have no brains?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"This is what most servants think of you," the fairy general answered.

"Then I really want to let you down this time. Because this time, my main responsibility is to build and learn." Yuan Chenfei laughed.

"But you also took the killing task."

"That belongs to the inter-class movement." Yuan Chenfei replied.