MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 609 Faction selection

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"Are you all right?" Back to the second fighter, Yuan Chenfei asked in surprise: "Can you tell me how you avoided it?"

Yuan Chenfei does not think that Babos is cheating. This is meaningless to God, so he can have nothing to do without reason.

Sure enough, Barbos replied: "Your technique is good. You can blow me up by detonating minefields in advance. But there is a problem. The minefields you set are not accurate. The spacing of each space mine is different. In fact, there are some time gaps in the emergence of and there is a weak area. "

"That was the case." Yuan Chenfei suddenly realized: "You just use this time difference to avoid the past, but this requires very accurate judgment and induction capabilities, and the precise cooperation of the fighter itself."

"Yes." Babbos did not deny.

"This is the power of thinking, even if it is only unlocked by one tenth of a million, you can make a precise and subtle judgment on a starry sky and respond through a fighter plane." Yuan Chenfei sighed.

"Efforts to improve yourself, you can do it." Babosi encouraged Yuan Chenfei: "Of course, the premise is that you have to live."

"I will," Yuan Chenfei replied, "at least for now, I'm still trying to shoot you down."

"I look forward to it," Babbos answered.

Think Touch!

The root of everything is still thought.

After confirming the opponent's strength, Yuan Chenfei knew that when the strength reached the step of Barbos, all calculations were meaningless.

In this case, you can go all out.

He let go of his hand, drove the fighter with thought, and rushed out again.

At this time, he felt like he was a fighter, and the entire fighter was like an extension of his limbs, running with his arms like fingers.

Because of this one's life, Yuan Chenfei didn't try again and again, but rushed directly to the past.

At this time he had adjusted his mentality, and what wingman and tactics were all involved.

This is the fight of thinking!

It is a confrontation between all the power of one's current thoughts and the power of a **** on the tip of the iceberg.

Forgetting everything, only oneself, is like a shiver to shake the tree, and charge at all costs.


The fighter was flying in the air and began to attack violently against the other fighter.

Laughter from Babbs came, "Well, yes, it's interesting this time."

So, does the other party feel it too?

The opponent's touch has extended from inside the fighter to outside the fighter and into this starry sky. Because of this, he can acutely detect the gap between explosions, and he can see thousands of missiles as nothing, because in his field of view, all this may be as slow as a snail, and he has a complete chart to plan everything.

The only thing that can exceed God's plan is this one variable.

Realizing this, Yuan Chenfei also began to try to extend his thoughts outward.

Although it is a game void, the void itself is still vast and infinite. When Yuan Chenfei's thoughts extend out of the machine, it feels like a person swimming into the sea, facing an endless feeling.

In this feeling, all beings become slow and clear, but at the same time, there is a feeling of endless emptiness and lack of energy.

Quite contradictory feelings, where the touch is, everything is under control, but because it is in the endless void, there is an unknown fear and unconfidence for the touch.

Yeah, this is a huge void, how limited is my own sensation of touch, how can it be compared with God?

Do not!

This concept is wrong!

There is no difference in strength between thoughts, there is no possibility and impossible!

Yuan Chenfei focused all his attention and released his sensation of touch, like a sea swimmer who didn't know how to turn back, going forward madly forever.

There is a feeling of fear in my heart that if I swim too far, I may not be able to return.

Will Sitouch not come back?

Yuan Chenfei doesn't know, but he has ignored all this.

He just vented himself as much as possible, released himself, his mind was blank, and what was waiting was the crazy expansion of the mind in the endless deep space.

With this expansion, everything around him became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, an idea broke into his thinking sea and went directly into his vision.

It is the vision of both eyes, not the vision of the fighter monitor.

It's that God's fighter!

I saw him and touched with thoughts!

Yuan Chenfei was shocked.

Babbs laughed and said, "Well, yes, have you reached this point? Yes, yes, but you still have one step to shoot me down!"

Yes, in order to shoot down this fighter, it is not enough just to feel it.

Yuan Chenfei stared at the fighter plane, thinking like a eye, bringing him the image inside the fighter plane.

There is no existence in the fighter, so does this God of Babbos not even enter the fighter?

He just cast a consciousness on the heavenly palace, and thus manipulated the fighter to play against himself.

In this case……

Yuan Chen Fei stared at the fighter. He didn't do anything but just drove his fighter closer to the other side.

If you make this game starry sky into a small map, you can see that the two fighters are approaching quickly, and they will soon be close to each other.

In the virtual starry sky, the fighter planes of both sides are even as close as possible to ion missiles, or focused beams. As long as they are released, they can reach the side of the other side, saving almost all flight time.

But even so, nobody still hits.

Yuan Chenfei raised his sensation of touch to the extreme. As long as the opponent's fighter fired, he would know where to attack and where to avoid.

The same is true of the opponent, and the fighting between them cannot attack the opponent at all.

But Yuan Chen was not in a hurry.

Just then, the ultimate space boss finally appeared.

When the huge space robot appeared, it obscured the entire sky, and when it raised its hand, it was endless light bombardment, and it fell densely to the fighter plane of God.

From God's point of view, these attacks are simply equivalent to non-existence.

God drove the fighter easily to avoid, and even Yu Yu attacked Yuan Chenfei. But more firepower was poured on the space robot.

As long as the space robot is blasted, the clearance is complete.

Under the attack of the God of Warcraft, the space robot also constantly changes color.

It kept moving, emitting a large beam of light, but it was easily avoided by the God of Warplane. As the body continues to be broken, the robot's attacks are getting faster and denser, and even the God of Warcraft must be slightly careful.

Just then, a wave of the strongest impact came in the air. When Babbs was about to steer the fighter, he suddenly found that he had lost control of the fighter.

"Huh?" He cried in surprise.

This out of control was only 0.01 seconds, but it was this extremely short time. When Babbs regained control of the fighter, the fighter had exploded.

"Interesting, you even robbed me of control of the fighter." Babosaha laughed: "So is this your true purpose of approaching me? Is it for the last moment of this outbreak?"

Yuan Chen leaned on the fighter and touched the blood flowing out of her nose. There was still some faintness in front of her eyes: "I shook the tree, I can't shake it, but by the wind, all the power broke out. If we have a weak branch, maybe we can shake it a little ... luckily, I did it. "

"Good performance. With your current strength, players who hope to complete a five difficulty level pass."

is it? Babbs said that, that's probably ok.

"I'll try it back," Yuanchen said.

"Don't worry. I heard that you plan to have a duel with God?"

Yuan Chen fluttered and smiled bitterly: "It hasn't been decided yet, God will not be planning ..."

"Yes, when you want to have a showdown with God, I hope you can choose to fight with me," Babos said directly.


"Because I am the beast god, I control the beasts of the world. All beast trainers can be said to be my apprentices and descendants, and my successor is my power. Do you know why the beast trainers use the duel space as a way to obtain beasts? "

Yuan Chenfei's heart moved: "Besides taming animals, what are you good at is space?"

"Yes." Barbos directly said: "My **** Lord Palos is the **** of space. He can travel through the universe and freely travel to any area. All the doors of the outer world, teleportation props, and space secrets come from my master. Hengyu Tiangong. "

God? Tiangong?

This is the first time Yuan Chenfei has heard these words.

He shook his heart slightly and asked, "So, the Lord of God is the Lord of Heaven?"

"Yes. If you choose to have a showdown with me, as long as you win, I can help you unlock all the constraints of the duel space. How about? By the way, to maximize the benefits, it is best to be before the freedom get on."

"..." Yuan Chenfei thought for a while and said, "You know, why isn't this what I asked. I mean, why do you want me to choose a showdown with you?"

"Because you are a promising seed."

"Favourite seeds?" Yuan Chenfei murmured, "What then?"

"After the Freedom Day begins, the Terran will have a chance to choose. You will choose a guardian deity and join the heavenly palace corresponding to that deity."

Yuan Chenfei remembered the spirit **** of nature, the goblin artisan god, and the knowledge **** of the omniscient family.

So did their core deities come this way?

Yuan Chenfei asked, "Is there any use for guarding the spirit?"

"Under normal circumstances, it is useless." Babes' answer made Yuan Chenfei speechless.

However, if you think about it, no matter whether it is the elven world, the goblin world, or the omniscient world, you have been troubled like that, and you have never seen these gods.

"So why choose a guardian spirit? Choose a faction?"

"Because of that, we can let you fight on our behalf."

"Play? Who do you fight?"

"Of course a battle between servants. You wouldn't think that after the day of freedom, everything is over, right?"


Of course not. I've heard before that this **** gods game is the same as Yamaguchi Mountain. Full level is the beginning. A large copy of team battles is waiting for you.

It's just that it's still speechless to hear Babbs say that now.

Yuanchen Airway said: "What are the benefits of helping Tiangong to fight?"

"It's no good, but you can give the five heavenly palaces more opportunities to play and have fun. Victory is always happier than failure, so we will try to win as many races as possible."


Although I guessed this answer, it still sounds unpleasant.

"So, are you pulling me? Will you put water in the showdown of God?"

"will not."

"In this case, then I don't seem to need to choose Hengyu Tiangong?"

"Your treatment depends on your performance. Now you are only qualified to get attention, but not enough to get more attention."

"But if my performance reaches the point where it can be valued by Hengyu, then presumably other Tiangong will also value it?"


"So the conditions under which Hengyu can open ~ ~ can also open compared to other Tiangong?"


"That sounds like I never have to choose Hengyu."


"Aren't you going to make any changes to this? For example, give some rewards in advance, draw people's hearts or something? Although you are a beast god, the power of the fifth element should be controlled by the Changsheng Temple. You can buy my benefits. If anyone of them gave me some benefits in advance, wouldn't it be in vain for what you say now? "

"You can't get it ... God doesn't matter."

Is it really?

Sitting in the fighter plane, Yuan Chenfei was lost in thought.

After a long time, he suddenly said, "No. God does!"


Read The Duke's Passion