MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 6 Mystra

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The game of the gods was announced at 6 pm. One hour after Tiangong replied to the federation, the federation announced the contents of the dialogue to the world.

But the real start time of the gods game is at eleven o'clock, which is the moment when the tower appears.

In other words, as a prophet, Yuan Chenfei has the opportunity to take one step ahead of others.

The time difference is seven hours.

This is a rare opportunity. Naturally Chen Yuanfei must firmly seize it.

Put down the phone, Yuan Chenfei took a knife and went outside.

There are a lot of chickens, rabbits and rabbits here.

三个 After three hours of immortalization, the body shape of these chickens, rabbits and rabbits has changed significantly, but most of them are not very strong.

Hagiwara Chenfei knows that at this time, they are only zero-level monsters.

Yes, since it is a game, naturally there is a level.

These little animals are zero-level monsters.

If you give them another five hours of growth, they will evolve into real first-level monsters.

According to the rules of the gods game, now that you have hunted and killed thirty first-level monsters yourself, you can officially start your career and become a professional.

This is not an easy task. Although the evolved rabbit is not yet as strong as humans, it is already extremely fierce.

But still win.

As long as you are a normal adult, you can win.

The premise is that you have that courage.

As of now, Yuan Chenfei has to hunt a whole hundred zero-level mice to start the profession.

Although a hundred is just a bit more trouble, Yuan Chenfei does not plan to wait for five hours.

探 He probed into the cage and grabbed a little mouse: "You are wronged, little one, although reluctantly, this is God's will."

"呲!" The little rat made a threatening voice at Yuan Chenfei's fangs.

Take a bite.

Just before the bite, Yuan Chenfei pinched the mouse, and the knife in her hand had pierced the mouse and nailed it to the ground.

The little mouse was still dead, shaking his head in front of Yuan Chenfei.

"Sure enough, after the transformation of the gods and demons, the vitality is strong, and you will not die without giving enough damage?" Yuan Chenfei was not surprised, but just murmured, but also stabbed.

The little mouse finally died.

A small amount of cyan energy floated out of the mouse's body and entered Yuan Chenfei's body.

There is not much energy, and Yuan Chenfei didn't feel any obvious changes in his body.

Hagiwara Chenfei was not discouraged, but continued to grab a hamster to kill.

虽然 Although these hamsters have grown significantly after being immortalized, they are still incomparable to humans. When Yuan Chen flew in, they were killed by one.

It's a pity that no matter how much he killed, he didn't feel the change of his body.

But when Yuan Chenfei killed the hundredth, he felt a sudden energy in his body, and swam his body. With this energy walking, Yuan Chenfei's body also began to change dramatically.

He can clearly feel that he is getting stronger, even the eyes that were originally short-sighted and see things are clearly clear.

This means that Yuan Chenfei's physical fitness has obviously increased. If he was still the physical fitness of ordinary people, his body can now be comparable to that of sports athletes, and even surpass the athletes in some aspects.

This is very science-incompatible.

After all, from a theoretical point of view, the evolution of life should be gradual, with a little enhancement, the moisturizing is silent.

However, the means of gods and demons made science no longer scientific.

The growth of life is no longer gradual, but a phased improvement.

Because this is the world of games.

Game of the gods!


"Congratulations, young man, you became the first player to advance in the world of the gods game. Unfortunately, there is no title reward for this game."

With Yuan Chenfei's promotion, a voice sounded in his ear.

Sugawara Chenfei looked around. There was no one, and he simply said to the sky, "It doesn't matter, at least I got God's attention."

Then the voice laughed: "I'm not God, I'm just a system spirit created by God for this world."

Hagiwara Chenfei also enjoyed: "God still has a system? Isn't that something on the scientific side?"

The system elf replied: "This is your misunderstanding. Either gods or science, there is no essential difference. Didn't you also say that the end of science is theology? Understand, all mythical abilities Can also be achieved through scientific means. Even if what you see now is irrational, it's just because your scientific knowledge is not enough. This is like the primitive people on the earth who looked at modern society and would think that you are God. "

Hagiwara Chenfei nodded: "It's true."

The so-called mystery is just not enough to understand.

Once you know it, it's science.

Science and God can be combined into one.

So gods use systems, and it's no surprise to have system spirits. To put it plainly is just a noun.

"What should I call you?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"You can call me Mystra."

Sugawara Chenfei raised an eyebrow: "Magic Goddess?"

有 In the DND rule system, there is a magic goddess named Mistral. She is in charge of the magic net of Feren's world and gives magicians the ability to use magic.

意义 The system elf calls himself Mistral, and its meaning is self-evident.

Sure enough, the system wizard Mystra laughed: "Yes, Mystra controls the magic net, and I control the game systems of this world. All your skills must be acquired by me, so I'm this There is nothing wrong with the magic goddess of the world, right? "

"It's true. This should really be what you said just now. On the mysterious side, the system elves on the scientific side have become the magic goddesses of the magic net. The two are just different nouns and have essentially no changes." Yuan Chenfei also laughed.

Mystra also laughed: "You are very interesting, human. You have not only become the first professional to be promoted before the announcement of the games of the gods, but even in the face of all these mysteries, it is not surprising that you look as if you have already know."

"If I say it's just a nervous bar, do you believe it?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Mystra laughed: "Oh, you don't have to hide anything from me, God won't care about it. Even if you really know some information in advance, it must be because of God's arrangement."

"God didn't arrange for me to know this in advance."

"That has nothing to do with me. To God, this is just a game. Even if anyone gets some benefits because of knowing in advance, it has no effect on God. As if you have some pets, you care about the gains and losses between pets. ?"

Sugawara Chenfei thought for a while and nodded, "Indeed, I don't care. So what do the gods care?"

"As you know, this is a game. What do you think the gods care about in the game?" Mystra asked.

Wu Yuanchen froze, and looked down for a moment, then whispered: "Since they are here to play games, of course they are the ones who bring them fun."

Mystra laughed and said, "The answer is correct!"

God does not care if you are open or cheating.

They only care about who can bring them fun.

"Thank you very much for your hint." Yuan Chenfei said seriously into the air.

"You're welcome." Mystra replied: "Anyway, there is only one of you who is promoted now, and I'm very free. When there are many more promoters later, I will become very busy. At that time, I will not have so much time. Gossiping with you. "

所以 "So even a magic goddess can't chat with thousands of people at the same time?"

"God is not omnipotent, they are just powerful enough. Me too ..." Mistral said meaningfully: "I can deal with many people at the same time, but for me it is also very troublesome. Unless there is anything interesting Things, otherwise I wo n’t chat. "

"It turns out that the magic goddess also likes funny things."

"I am God's system, and God's preference is my pursuit." Mystra was serious.

I heard that suddenly he was so serious, Yuan Chenfei had a feeling that this boss was coming to inspect.

I wondered, and he asked, "So ... what does God like? I mean, what makes them happy?"

"Then you need to find the answer yourself ~ ~ Sure enough, Mistral no longer cooperates with the answer, but more so, he even said:" Well, young promoter, start your choice now. . What kind of profession do you choose to become? "

He said, a total of twenty career options have appeared in front of Yuan Chenfei.

In this game, there are currently 20 professions. Twenty professions are divided into five categories: warriors, assassins, archers, mages and summoners. There are four categories under each category.

However, Yuan Chenfei knows that there are actually 21st occupations.

But that has nothing to do with Yuan Chenfei-not every hidden career is a good thing. Although the hidden occupation in the gods game is powerful, it is definitely not a good occupation. The cost of gaining power is too high for you to imagine, so don't bother.

Hagiwara Chenfei took a brief look at it, and there was no change from what he knew, and he replied, "I choose the branch of the summoner, the tyrannical trainer."

"Viocious Tamer ... Okay!" Mystra's voice was rigid and impartial.

With his promise, a beam of light shone on Yuan Chenfei.

After bathing in this glory, Yuan Chenfei felt a strong burning sensation in his chest.

For a moment, the burning sensation stopped, Yuan Chenfei looked down and saw that a strange beasthead tattoo had appeared on his chest.

This is the totem of the Tyrannical Tamer.

图 The main role of this totem imprint is to officially open the professional skills bar.

At this moment, the mind enters the totem mark, Yuan Chenfei has seen his physical attributes.

Sugawara Chenfei, Terran, Male, Profession: Tyrannical Tamer.

Tyrannical Beast Tamer: A summoning class that uses domesticated beasts as his war pet.

Next is the skill bar below.

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