MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 4 Tiangong

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The chicken farm bought by Ebara Chenfei is located in the suburb of Wen'an, a very remote place. The rare thing is that the place is relatively spacious and complete with various facilities.

Owner Lao Qin is a local and is nearly sixty years old. With a big red face of a wine man, in fact, it doesn't stick.

There are about 3,000 chickens in the pheasant farm. The business is okay, but the livelihood is heavy. The old Qin is getting older and gradually moving, and the children are not willing to take over the business.

The price given is quite okay, which is very dissatisfied with Yuan Chenfei's full payment three days later, but Yuan Chenfei insists on this, and he can't help it. For this reason, it is specifically stated in the contract that the part that has been paid is chicken money, and the part that has not been paid is land rent. To put it plainly, he was afraid that Yuan Chenfei ran away with his chicken.

But after Yuan Chen flew in, Lao Qin knew that he thought more.

原 Because Yuanchen Fei didn't take his chicken away, he brought a large cart of livestock.

Looking at the fully loaded rabbits, ducks, and quails' cars, they entered his chicken farm and began to unload. They filled up under the direction of Yuan Chenfei, and Lao Qin stayed.

Even mice!

I looked at the boxes and hamsters, and Qin was completely shocked.

"Yuan ... Yuan Boss, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just bring some other animals along. This is called mixed breeding." Yuan Chenfei replied.

妹 Mixed breeding of your sister, your mixed breeding is all done in one farm?

Lao Qin had to remind him: "Different animals have different needs, and their cultivation methods are different. In addition, they must be cleaned regularly, and there must be special troughs and water channels. If the environment is not good, they will get sick. They can be placed casually like you Together, I am afraid that something will happen in a few days. "

"I know, rest assured, this is only temporary." Yuan Chenfei smiled.

当然 Of course he knows that such irresponsible mismanagement will cause problems.

But he doesn't need a few days.

He only needs two days.

"How do you feed?" Old Qin is nosy, old Qin knows whether to ask, but still can't help but want to ask.

"No feed." Yuan Chen Fei casually answered.

"Don't feed?" Lao Qin's eyes were almost glaring, and then he understood something. Haha smiled: "You're really joking."

But the truth is, Yuan Chenfei is not kidding.

Yuan Chenfei never planned to feed these animals.

He just wanted to starve them, at best he drank some water.

不 Do not eat or eat less for two days, these animals will not starve to death, Yuan Chenfei can also save a lot of energy.

In addition to all kinds of small animals, Yuan Chenfei also imported medicines. As for food and water, Yuan Chenfei didn't do much preparation.

After Lao Qin left, only Yuan Chenfei was left in the entire farm.

I looked at this empty chicken farm, Yuan Chen flew alone, and suddenly felt endlessly lonely.

This time, I was pressing everything on this shop.

Make a big bet!

I was simply crazy.

But already done, there is no way back.

Sugawara Chenfei can only choose to go down this road.

Yuan Chenfei was not idle for the next two days. He brought in some woodworkers and bricklayers and transformed the entire farm.

In addition, Yuan Chenfei also bought several knives in trust.

It is not easy to buy control knives. Yuan Chenfei took a lot of hands and feet to get two steel knives, a crossbow and a bag of crossbow arrows.

That's it, the knife still has no edge.

Hagiwara Chenfei bought a sharpening stone, sharpened it all afternoon, and opened it.

The most important change in the farm is still in the middle of that clearing.

A huge iron cage was erected in the middle of the open space.

The cages are large, and the most important thing is that they are all made of stainless steel. Each bar is as thick as an arm, and even the ground is covered with steel plates.

It is such a cage that it cost Yuan Chen to fly tens of thousands of yuan, which is also the main direction of the workers' busyness in the past two days. For this reason, these workers thought that Yuan Chen was crazy.

What does he want to do?

人 No one knows what Yuan Chenfei wants to do.

He just sharpened his knife in silence and exercised every day.

The temporary holding of the Buddha's leg for three days does not make his body strong, but it can significantly improve his physical function, make his sedentary body healthy, and his spirit fuller.

After three days.

This day finally came, Yuan Chenfei moved a stool and sat on the ground, watching the sky silently.

It's early morning.

The old-fashioned wall clock hanging in the room was ticking, and soon the bell at eight o'clock ticked.

There was no trace of change between heaven and earth.

Everything is still that quiet.

Sugawara Chenfei's mood was darkened.

With the experience of the previous robbers, Yuan Chenfei knew that Liu Yang's record of time was not absolutely accurate, so he did not immediately lose his expectations, but as time passed by little by little, his mood still irresistibly slipped into tension.

Until the blue mist rises to the sky.

The moment Chen saw the blue mist rising, Yuan Chenfei almost cheered.

But then I thought, is it too unscrupulous for me to do this? The world is about to change, the laws of physics are meaningless, the old social order will no longer exist, and everything will have new changes. In this change, many people are doomed to be eliminated and even die ...

I was cheering because of this change.

But ... I still can't help but want to be happy.

I did not waste anything for myself.

I also doomed ordinary life in order to say goodbye.

Yes, Yuan Chenfei knows that from this moment, life is doomed to be ordinary.


On this day, large swaths of cyan mist appeared at the same time around the world.

No one knows where it came from and why it happened, and the whole world is in panic.

政府 Governments have turned to the most famous scientists in their country, but scientists know nothing about it and can only say that they are working hard.

But soon they realized that they didn't need research at all.

Because only half a day later, the answer came out.

At 9:00 am on the same day, the second hour after the cyan fog emerged, a looming group of buildings suddenly appeared in the sky, as if a sky palace, across the sky.

Because of the angle, people can only see a heavenly palace, but in the eyes of governments with satellites, they can see five heavenly palaces, five airspaces appearing above the earth, and the architectural style of the five heavenly palaces. They are all different, but they are all majestic, grand and full of sacred breath.

They just appeared suddenly, without any sign before, as if they were born out of thin air, which shocked governments.

In this case, it is natural that governments will send a large number of drones to visit.

However, when the drone came near the Tiangong, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall and unable to enter. The most amazing thing is that they lost their speed, but did not fall because of it, but just hung in the air. If you order them back, you can even do it. It was just that the camera equipment carried on the plane failed to capture anything.

As if there was only a piece of air in front of their camera.

This shocked all countries.

At the same time, joint meetings of various countries in response to emergencies were officially convened. In the case of unsuccessful drone investigations, they decided to try to send communication requests to the five temples.

However, their communication request did not receive any response.

Instead, a new situation began to emerge.

The new situation appeared after the third hour of Tiangong's appearance.

同时 At the same time, major power stations around the world have found that their power supply is rapidly falling.

发电 Every power station made an emergency self-test, but no problems were found, but the power generation always decreased at a fixed frequency. To this end, the power station had to issue an emergency power outage notice. A major power outage that swept the world has officially started, and as power continues to decline, the spread has spread.

In the end, the power generated by a power plant can only supply the needs of a few machines. Governments have to concentrate most of the remaining electricity in government and key sectors to ensure external contacts.

However, people soon realized that this was just the beginning.

In fact, it is not only the electric power that is affected, but the entire energy industry.

Plutonium includes petroleum, coal, nuclear energy, and gas. All energy industries are experiencing large-scale efficiency declines at this moment.

问题 Problems in the energy industry have brought about a stagnation in the society as a whole, machines stopped operating, factories stopped production, cars could not travel, and some aircraft flying in the sky even fell directly from the air. Finally, there is a process for the reduction of energy efficiency. Most of the aircraft can be reduced in time, but there are still many aircraft, and the sea vessels are killed. This day has also become an accident outbreak area. Accidents are happening in crazy places everywhere, but it is the departments, agencies and enterprises of various countries. But it has been paralyzed, and the world is so upset.

All of this happened in one day.

In the fourth hour of the Tiantian Palace, at 11 noon, a large number of red towers suddenly appeared around the world.

Chita is nine stories high, and there is a blank area around the tower.

The locals tried to get in, but were blocked by invisible walls. If you break through this high wall, you will only encounter ruthless electric shock.

In the sixth hour of the Tiantian Temple, at 1 pm, the first riot caused by energy problems occurred in a country in the Western Hemisphere.

新 A new problem was discovered during the local government's fight against the riots.

Guns are also starting to get worse.

The shotgun was still a gun, everything was intact, but the bullets shot out became weak and weak. Flying up to more than ten meters, hitting people at most makes people feel a little painful, and their power drops to the level of toys. Even artillery and missiles are the same ~ ~ The eighth hour of Tiangong appears, and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, people make new discoveries.

Animals and plants everywhere began to grow wild.

This should actually start after the cyan mist appeared, and it should be the first change, but it was only realised after eight hours. Because in these eight hours, all the animals and plants have doubled in size, and their temper has also doubled-there have been incidents of pet injuries in the world.

因此 As a result, the governments of various countries are in a state of stagnation, and despite their exhaustion, they have never received any response from Tiangong.

The tenth hour of the advent of the gods, at five in the afternoon.

上 At the joint meeting of the countries, the receiver that has been sending communication requests finally responded.

That was a response from Tiangong.

The Federation asked: "Who are you? Gods or demons?"

Response: "It's all."

I'm all.

Is this the answer?

Shi Rongzhi, a scholar of the China Academy of Social Sciences and a well-known anthropologist, said excitedly after getting this answer: "Yes, it can really be counted. All creatures not from Earth can be called alien races, and this kind of The means of playing around with the entire planet ’s technology in applause can also be called gods and demons. When things develop to the extreme, they are one and only how to understand them. The end of the so-called science is theology, which lies in us The example before me is a living example! "

的 Understanding this, the federations were excited.

They asked Tiangong a second question: "What is your purpose?"

"Transform the world."

I naturally asked the third question: "Why reform?"


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