MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 12 Blood

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Take a sip of blood.

Hagiwara Chenfei took a few steps back, covering his chest, and the sword in his hand could no longer hold it and fell to the ground.

There was a blur of flesh on the chest.

That's the rooster commander.

It's crazy pecking is really crazy, every time you peck it is no different from the steel gun coming. In addition, this **** commander also has the skill of flying claws. Jumping and catching it is no different from being caught by iron claws.

In this case, still under the condition of being hungry for two days, or in the case of experiencing hard work and promotion, and the physical exhaustion.

If it was the heyday, even if Yuan Chenfei was three levels higher, holding a weapon, and carrying a pet, he would still not be the opponent led by this rooster.

Fortunately, after all, Yuanfei Chen still won.

Relying on a series of preparations, which weakened most of the rooster's commanding power, Yuan Chenfei had a hard time hacking this commanding-level cock.

看着 Looking at the monster lying in the pool of blood at this moment, Yuan Chenfei couldn't wait to take a break, directly went up to the knife, dissected the monster's body with a knife, carefully searched, and his face was disappointed.

The rooster command is also a level, killing it without any additional benefits in experience, that is to say, this hard battle is in vain.

Hagiwara Chenfei didn't care, just sighed, and then took out the wound medicine prepared earlier and applied it to the wounded part of the body.

The gods games are naturally sold by medicine, but most of them are expensive.

With the current situation of Yuan Chenfei, I can't afford it at all.

Fortunately, the medicines produced by humans are still effective. Although they are not as amazing as systematic products and cannot be immediately realized, they are still useful as non-combat medicines.

So Zheng collected a large number of people before Yuan Chenfei.

Because the medicines are useful, with the paralysis of the large-scale power system and the production of system medicines, these medicines will no longer be produced in the later stages. As a result, later prices became more expensive.

使用 After using the medicine, Yuan Chenfei rested for a while, and then withdrew her pet from the cage.

The next 30 roosters were put in, which turned out to be a new round of blood fighting among the same family.

After the blood race of the Qiang ethnic group, a new rooster was born soon.

Hagiwara Chenfei was almost recuperating at this time. He rose to two levels of endurance enhancement, which greatly improved his recovery ability. He took the pet into the cage again.

I was again in a difficult battle, and the winner was still Yuan Chenfei.

It was a pity that when he dissected the chicken carcass again, he still found nothing but chicken.

"Ah!" Yuan Chenfei still just sighed.

Exit, come again!

Sugawara Chenfei is like a tireless warrior, making waves of blood in cages.

As he killed each of the roosters, Yuan Chenfei's body was covered with scars.

His face and body were full of traces of bites and scratches, and the medicine should not be used to cover the whole body with money. But Yuan Chenfei still did not give up, and still went into battle again and again.

There are more and more injuries on his body, and people are getting tired, but his eyes are still firm.

Even after a **** battle that day and night, it was a bit more fierce, cruel, and cruel!

Anyone who has killed so many lives will harden his heart.

Anyone who has experienced so many hard battles will become strong.

Hagiwara Chenfei is like this.

It seemed that there was no gain in the one-night battle. Even the ranks stagnated after being promoted to the fourth level, but Yuan Chenfei's personal will and combat experience have actually been greatly improved.

Moreover, the number of attacks by these roosters was similar. After the battle, Yuan Chenfei gradually became familiar with the number of attacks.

He would have been easier if he hadn't exhausted his physical strength due to prolonged fighting.

When the sky was bright, Yuan Chenfei faced the rooster commander for the ninth time.

After killing again, Yuan Chenfei still habitually dissected the body. Nothing was expected, but at this moment, a round red ball came out of the chicken belly.

Seeing this, Yuan Chenfei shivered and grabbed and cried, "Blood! Blood! Haha, finally out!"

Yes, Yuan Chenfei worked hard all night, killing hundreds of chickens, just for this thing.

I got blood, Yuan Chenfei was unwilling to wait for a second, regardless of blood stains, swallowed up.

As blood swelled into the stomach, a hot gas rose in the body and quickly formed an energy mass. However, this energy group did not enter his body, but instead poured directly into his chest and entered the totem mark on his chest.

In the Totem Mark, a number appears behind the skill point: 1.

In other words, Yuan Chenfei now has a skill point.

Yes, blood is a skill point.

It took me a whole night to give up the opportunity to upgrade quickly. Do n’t give up such a skill point with so many chickens and valuable blood fighting potions. Is it worth it?

Sugawara Chenfei's answer is too worthwhile.

Because the game of the gods has just begun, many people do not yet understand the rules and characteristics of the game of the gods.

According to the rules established by the gods, the professional can only have a maximum of one hundred levels, and each skill level gets one skill point.

多少 How many skill points do professionals need?

The answer is many.

Apart from that, there are ten general skills alone, and each skill has 20 levels, which is 200 skill points.

Twenty-one professional skills, including twenty regular skills and one ultimate skill.

Every 20 levels of regular skills, this is 400 skill points.

The ultimate skill is only three levels, but each skill level requires five skill points, which is fifteen.

Adds up to exactly sixty-five skill points.

Your natural growth skills point is only one hundred, but your full point demand is six hundred and fifty, this is the bleak status quo of professionals.

Of course, you don't need to upgrade the skill points, you can also improve your skills by just exercising.

But it's efficient ... I can only say hehe.

So, besides natural upgrades, what other way to get skill points?

The answer is blood.

Only blood can improve skill points.

If you want to get blood, you can only get it by killing monsters above the elite level.

In the gods game, monsters are divided into five levels under the same level, namely ordinary, elite, ruler, lord and emperor.

Among them, ordinary monsters have no blood. Elite monsters have a 1% chance to give blood, command 10%, lord 100%, and emperor 100% blood essence, worth 10 skill points.

However, the lord and emperor don't have to think about it. Just looking at how hard the original Chen Fei destroyed a weak period of command, you can think of how terrible the lord and emperor are.

And dominate the above, these monsters do not exist alone, but a lot of younger brothers. If the leader that Yuan Chenfei killed was not locked in a cage, as long as he cried, he could call a group of younger brothers to besiege Yuan Chenfei.

Especially the emperor. The emperor is the chief of the ethnic group. There will always be only one emperor in a race.

As long as he becomes emperor, he will always be surrounded by at least four lords, dozens of commanders, thousands of elites, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers.

This lineup, even a first-class monster group, can destroy you a city.

So don't take monsters seriously.

In short, under the current circumstances, Yuan Chenfei can only deal with the command.

Even so, it took him a lot of effort to get a blood, which shows how difficult it is to get blood.

The market supply is scarce, but the demand for professionals is strong. This huge gap has caused huge demand for blood in the market.

According to Liu Yang's notes, with the advent of this world change, although the game changes every time, there are many new discoveries, but the demand for blood has never stopped.

It will always be the most sought after product in the market. It is the most valuable currency that will never depreciate.

Amethyst? What is Amethyst?

Blood is the highest unit of currency.

In the future, it will be a loss for a blood to change a house, and that is a whole building to a whole building.

得 It may not be cost-effective to get a skill point with a precious night, but it is not cost-effective to earn a building in one night?

What a pity, this building has been eaten by Yuan Chenfei.

God opened his eyes and gave himself a chance to get a chance in this tide of change.

In this case, Yuan Chenfei naturally makes good use of it.

What is a building?

What he wants is not a building, but a strong one.

He is the winner in that cage!

Only in this way can he be qualified to peek into the world outside the cage and fight for freedom.

So he ate the blood without hesitation.

After getting a skill point, Yuan Chenfei added it to the duel space as soon as possible.

After the second level of the duel space, the strength of that battle pet also increased, which originally had only a quarter of combat power. At this moment, the quarter was unlocked again, and half of the strength was gained.

I did a good job with this matter, Yuan Chenfei did not continue fighting, but went to sleep after packing.

Even with the second-level endurance proficiency, Yuan Chenfei was exhausted after fighting day and night.

He needs rest.

During this period, Liu Li arrived and called him once, reported his joy and told him that he had become a professional.

It's not surprising that Chen Yuanfei has not got much information, but after all, he is one of the prophets. After confirming that Liu Yang's nightmare is true, Liu Li is really stupid without knowing what to do. But killing so many creatures in such a short time is not easy.

The reason why Liu Li can do it is not to hunt and kill the zero-level monsters like Yuan Chenfei, but to start directly from the first-level monsters-she went to the market and bought thirty ducks ~ ~ to be one of them Kill after level.

The system encourages leapfrogging, and leapfrogging experience rewards are also good. So despite being bitten green and purple by the duck, Liu Li managed to do it.

However, such things as leapfrogging can be done now, until the monsters in the back come up, it is impossible to leapfrogging.

I slept for four hours, and when Yuan Chenfei opened his eyes, it was almost noon.

After Xun woke up, Yuan Chen flew back to the cage, ready to start another round of blood fighting.

After the battle pets were promoted, Yuan Chenfei's strength was significantly promoted, and these chickens were hungry for three days. Become monsters to keep them from starving for a short time, but the state of weakness always exists.

As the years passed, Yuan Chenfei was at least a lot easier to fight than last night.

However, taking into account the quantity, Yuan Chenfei felt uneasy again.

There were originally 3,200 chickens in the farm. After one night's killing, Yuan Chenfei solved about 440, leaving less than 2,760, with one leader every 30 The ratio is exactly the 92 **** leader.

According to the probability of one blood per ten, that is, you can get about nine blood.


Being able to get ten skill points before the fifth level will definitely help Yuan Chenfei's strength.

But the key is to be fast, it must be done in two days.

The strength of the monsters has been growing with the moisturization of fairy. After two days, a considerable number of monsters will undergo further evolution, and some of them may be promoted to the second level.

The second-level leader is not something that this iron cage can stop, so Yuan Chenfei must solve these animals before that, and then go outside to find opportunities.

Read The Duke's Passion