MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 10 New era (below)

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"Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei!"

下 Under the night, Duan Feng called softly to the fourth-floor window.

Then a girl's head poked out of the window, looked around, and made a shh gesture at Duan Feng.

A sheet came out of the window, one end was tied to the window sill, and the other dropped to the ground. The girl grabbed the sheet and prepared to slide down.

Jian Duanfeng looked nervous: "Be careful!"

Tong Zhangwei Aojiao's head looked up: "Relax, this girl is a hero. If this little thing is not done well ... oops ..."

Suddenly, he didn't hold the sheets firmly, but fell down.

Feng Duanfeng was frightened and reached out to pick it up, but with his small body, really catching it just crushed him to death.

瞬间 Just as Zhang Wei fell, a powerful hand grabbed Zhang Wei.

Ji Zhangwei looked up: "Brother!"

I saw the familiar, solemn and indifferent face before me.

Xu Zhangcheng looked at her sister, glanced over her head, and looked down. Duan Feng narrowed his neck and took a few steps back.

five minutes later.

Wu Zhangwei and Duan Feng resemble a pair of children doing wrong things, standing with their necks in front of the charter.

Zhang Cheng looked at his sister, and then looked at Duan Feng: "Now I'm in a good position, can I even jump the window?"

Zhang Zhangwei quickly said, "No, isn't this a world of change? It's an opportunity for all humankind. I heard that it can live forever?"

"Who heard that?"

Jian Duanfeng explained quickly: "With super power, someone has already obtained it. It can be obtained by killing a hundred monsters."

"Can you live forever?"

"That's not ... it's just a bit of strength." Zhang Wei whispered.

所以 "So if you want to kill a hundred monsters, can you grow a bit more physically? You can do it with more food."

Zhang Zhangwei pursed her lips: "Brother, you really are, why are you so disappointed?"

The charter sighed: "Which one of you is careful, I do n’t understand? I think it ’s going to change, and your chance is here? Come on, look at the history and know. Even if it ’s true, it ’s often better Still a big man in the old times. "

Kan Duanfeng was not convinced: "But even so, for those of us at the bottom, there is always an opportunity. To take risks, it may not be outstanding, but if we don't, we may really have nothing."

Wu Zhangwei also said: "That is, brother, this is an opportunity for everyone. Now many people are still watching. If we watch here, we will miss the opportunity!"

Zhang Cheng looked like his sister: "Have you ever played online games?"

"Um." Zhang Wei nodded.

"Have you ever cleared immortally?"

Wu Zhangwei shook her head: "How is that possible?"

Articles of Association: "How can you be sure that in the game of the gods, you can pass the game without death?"

Zhang Zhangwei was dumb.

Still Duan Fengdao: "Maybe you can't be immortal, but you don't necessarily have to clear the level. Life is not a game. We understand this truth. Participating in the games of the gods is dangerous, and we also understand it. But even if you go slower, you always Better than not leaving. Rest assured, Brother Cheng, I will take care of Xiaowei. "

Although Duan Feng has always felt unreliable, at least for the moment, what he said still touched the articles of association.

I was a little lagging, and the articles sighed: "It seems that it is unrealistic to stop you. But you have to ask my opinion, I will not rest assured that you will take risks."

"Brother !!!" Zhang Wei cried.

Although she is only a young girl, Zhang Wei has her own adventure.

The moment the gods appeared, and the moment the rules of the game were announced, Zhang Wei realized that the game she loved to play on a weekday could really be launched in reality.

I may be in danger, but Zhang Wei is willing to try.

Jian Zhang always thought that this was the encouragement of Duan Feng, but he didn't know that his sister's will was actually more determined in this matter.

I watched the charter slowly stand up, Zhang Wei's heart fell into a trough.

After the death of her parents, the siblings depended on each other. In any case, she didn't want to disobey the elder brother's intentions.

Then she saw the charter pick up the two machetes they had prepared and said, "Let's go."

"Huh?" Zhang Wei looked at her brother in surprise.

The charter slowly said, "I can't stop you, so I can only go with you. Who calls me such a sister?"

"Brother is the best!" Zhang Wei threw herself into the arms of the charter excitedly.


Shanglin Lane.

Luo Rouer was walking in the alley with a schoolbag and carrying a cardboard box in his hand.

I walked through that dark path and came to the door. I heard the familiar sound of Mahjong before entering the door.

Through the window, you can see the camels. They are playing mahjong vigorously, the smoke is wafting, and the strong alcohol is exuding.

It's really hard for them. At this time, there is still a mind to play mahjong.

Luo Rouer snorted into the door and went straight to her room.

When the camel saw it, he patted the table and shouted, "Dead girl, why did you come back so late? What time is it?"

柔 Luo Rouer ignored the door and closed the door.

"Oh, I can't hear you, right? Look at this girl, what is it like now? No education at all, how do you teach children? 80,000."

彩 Li Caifeng's feet are higher than the sky: "I go to your mother, and when it comes to education, it depends on me, did you **** him teach? Everything is on the old mother's head. Four."

The camel's eyes stared like Tong Ling: "Is the old lady tickling again?"

The aunt next to me said: "Okay, don't quarrel at all, play cards. I will eat seven."

"What are you going to eat, Lao Tzu is gone." The next big belly man turned the card down and opened the card.

"Go, it's your punch again. You **** fool, put your punch card." Camel shouted at the girl.

"Silly girl, this is how my mother plays."

"Yes, silly is Laozimei!"

Quarrel rumbling and rushing through the door, rushing into the ears.

In the room, Luo Rouer was teasing her beloved thrush.

"Xiaomei, I haven't been here for a day, I guess you're hungry again? No way, who told you to paralyze such a master. But don't worry, you can be free after today." Luo Rouer said as she opened. Paper box, the box is a small chicken, while she was talking, she took out a knife from the bag.

I thought of something. Luo Rouer turned her head and called out, "No need to cook for me, I have eaten outside."

The camel was stunned, and after thinking about it, he carefully discarded the fortune in his hand, and then angrily said: "Dead girl, the family is ready to eat, eat outside. Where do you get the money to eat out?"

Xiao Auntie said immediately: "I still need to ask, which handsome guy must have invited me to dinner. Now the little girl, as long as you are willing to make people cheap, eating a meal is not quite a casual thing. Second cake!"

"I eat."

"I know that the second wife loves everyone." My aunt was very dissatisfied with the second cake being eaten, and the tone became more and more difficult to sound.

彩 Li Caifeng was furious: "You are only 16 years old, Luo Rouer, and you are going to eat with a wild man now? Say, are you pregnant? And why do n’t you bring something to your family when you go out to eat? Seven ... no ...

碰 "Touch, let me down." Camel shouted.

"Put your mother on it, my mother made a mistake."

"You regret playing cards, are you human?"

"Your girl is going out to fooling around with someone, and it's not human to go to bed with a bowl of rice."

"That's your girl!"

Husband and wife quarreled.

In the room, Luo Rouer held a knife and cut the chickens' necks one by one. The chicks were fierce, but they still could not resist Luo Rouer, and the blood quickly stained the red carton.

The cormorant thrush bird jumping around in the cage was obviously frightened by this scene.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you, Xiaomei." Luo Rouer said to the thrush bird, while continuing her great slaughtering cause.

Her movements are not fast, but she is very stable. No matter how she looks, she doesn't seem to be a novice.

A little chicken was turned into an unjust soul under Luo Rouer's hands, but Luo Rouer's eyes were still bright.

柔 After killing the last chick, Luo Rouer frowned: "Why didn't you upgrade?"

She looked at the sky a little puzzled.

In the sky, the Tiangong remains.

Luo Luoer looked down at the chicks, and then began to count: "One, two ... fourteen ... twenty-eight, twenty-nine ... twenty-nine?"

Luo Rouer stayed blank.

I counted again, and indeed there were only twenty-nine.

The **** adulterer gave him one less.

Luo Rouer was stunned.

想 If you want to buy at this time, it is not realistic anymore. When she left, the live animals in the market were basically short. It is estimated that it will be difficult to buy them again in the future.

"Just one ..." Luo Rouer pursed her lips ~ ~ She slowly looked up and looked at the thrush bird.

The birdie jumped even more joyfully.

Luo Luoer poked his hand into the cage. Although the bird tried hard to avoid it, he could not get rid of it.

Luo Rouer came out holding the bird and stroking its head: "Little eyebrow, why have you been afraid of me after you have been with me for so long? Do you think I will hurt you? Am I the kind of person?"

Starlings struggling desperately.

Luo Luoer suddenly sank: "I am!"

抓住 She grabbed the bird's neck with her left hand and twisted sharply, her thrush's neck had been twisted.

The long-awaited voice finally sounded in the ear, and Luo Rouer closed her eyes, revealing an intoxicated expression.

She can feel the power flowing in her body.


The door was knocked open.

彩 Li Caifeng yelled with dissatisfaction: "Ask you, why don't you talk? Which wild man went out for dinner?"

Luo Luoer slowly turned his head.

彩 Li Caifeng saw her eyes, and struck a chill involuntarily.

What did she realize immediately, thinking that I was her mother, what am I afraid of her?

Xun's strong make-up mentality made her rush forward, slap facing Luo Rouer.

She was caught by Luo Rouer before her palm fell on her face.

"You ... do you dare to fight back?" Li Caifeng stunned.

Luo Rouer waved his hand, Li Caifeng flew out, smashed the door, and flew directly to the street.

A few people who were still playing mahjong suddenly stopped, Camel watched her daughter out of the room in surprise.

The whisper was cold: "From today, I am not surnamed Luo. Luo Rouer is dead, and there is only Rouwa in this world."

She left the house and never returned.