MTL - Game of Gods-~ 645 Rescue (1)

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Once the war begins, there is no room for turning back.

Suddenly, Yuan Chenfei had made a decision.

He flew down and said, "Ready to start the city."

"Starting the city? Now?" Han Feiyu was shocked. "Not yet that step?"

"This is the best solution." Yuan Chenfei replied, "There is no last fight, this is the last fight."

There is no need for the Qingkong clan to fight for a small piece of territory and Yuan Chenfei. What is worth their huge price is these twelve rich mining areas with detached beasts. Take it here and it all ends early.

The middle game is the final showdown.

Facing this situation, Yuan Chenfei chose to press all over.

After hearing Yuan Chenfei's words, Han Feiyu nodded hard: "Understand! I will start the city!"

With Han Feiyu's order, the mountains where the Giant City is located suddenly made a loud roar, as if something was exerting force below it, the mountains rose to the sky.

Hanging Mountain!

Yuan Chen flew and destroyed the Mountain Rain City and obtained part of the empty bluestone, coupled with the empty bluestone of the fairy fortress. After integrating it into the mountain where the giant city is located, this place has also been turned into a mountain peak. At this moment, it directly flew up to form a suspended mountain. However, driven by a large number of Cyclops, they flew directly to the mining area.

After more than 20 days of hard work, the Cyclops Giant City has completed its basic construction. Now it is like a fortress, which can not only defend but also attack.

The suspended mountain flew directly to the nearest mining area. In the air, you can see the ground of a mining area. The ground is tossing, and a huge wild animal is crawling out of the ground.

It looks like a stegosaurus, covered with scale armor, with reverse spines on its back, and three sharp horns on its head. At this moment it slowly climbs out of the ground and sends a violent call sign to the sky.

"Acanthosaurus, be careful, this guy has a bad temper." Qi shouted.

"What are the characteristics of this guy?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"Hard! Its scales are very hard and difficult to penetrate." Qi answered.

At this time, the attack from above had begun. Han Feiyu arranged a large number of turrets in the city, but the artillery hit the spiny-backed Canglong, but only a flash of fire appeared. When the smoke was dispersed, he saw the spine-backed Canglong No one was missing.

"Sure enough!" Yuan Chenfei mumbled.

However, being bombarded by this pass, the spiny-backed Canglong apparently exploded, roaring constantly into the air.

It is a ground creature and does not fly, but it doesn't mean it can't be helped.

At this moment a roar, a white beam of light has fallen fiercely on the suspended mountain. If the suspended mountain is bombarded by a boulder, the entire mountain recedes to the rear.

"Start the demon artillery!" Yuan Chenfei cried.

The magic artillery on the Feiyun battleship began to gather energy.

Along with the energy gathering, a black light hit the spiny-backed Canglong, and this time it finally worked. The thorny back dragon's hard scale armor was unable to resist the power of the demon artillery, and was instantly corroded away.

But compared to its huge body, this injury is obviously not much.

Rao is so, the spiny-backed dragon is still angry, and as it roars, it sees countless beasts rushing out in all directions, and a large number of raptors surge in. From the moment it awakened, all the beasts in the mining area listened to its command.

Faced with a large number of monster attacks, Cyclops also appeared around the city to face them.

Yuan Chenfei looked at the situation. Although this spiny-backed Canglong is powerful, it is not a big problem to fight against it with the power of a city.

The real problem is that there are six mines to be defended, but there is only one giant fortress in the hanging mountain. You have to wait for the battle to be solved before saving the other, because the day lily is cold.

Realizing this, Haramoto fly: "You are responsible for dealing with this, I will support other places."

Saying that the teleportation light has been taken out.

"But there are five places." Han Feiyu called.

"How much can be saved." Yuan Chenfei's light of transmission started to appear in the saltpeter mining area.

The saltpeter mining area is guarded by Qu Wei led by 3,000 Cyclops. The Cyclops here is also the strongest. The average level is now at 80. The average level of the giants depends on them to improve, so Yuan Chenfei rescued first. .

At this time, the battle had just begun. Qu Wei did not choose to face off, but instead let all the Cyclops return to the mine site.

When he appeared, the detached beast had just arrived near the mine.

This is a giant ape, which looks a bit similar to King Kong. He likes to hit his chest with his fist before shooting. Grab a towering tree at will, and threw it like a toothpick, hitting the wall of the stronghold, directly blasting the wall.

In the eyes of this great ape, the stronghold's walls are not worth mentioning.

As soon as Yuan Chenfei came out, she saw this scene.

Qu Wei greeted: "That big guy is hard to deal with."

"I saw it, give it to me!" Yuan Chenfei had no time to say, and had already flew out of the stronghold against the great ape.

Stand up in the sky.

"Roar!" He yelled a violent roar at the great ape, which was provocation and challenge!

Sure enough, that giant ape's attention was attracted to Yuan Chenfei, the orangut looked at Yuan Chenfei, the giant face showed a humanized disdainful expression, and then punched out in front of Yuan Chenfei.

A huge fist fell like a mountain outside the sky.

Yuan Chenfei was not as big as his fist. At this moment, when he returned to fist to meet, he saw an incomparable force coming, and the next moment he flew out.

The Cyclops were also expecting Yuan Chenfei to show his mighty power. During this time, the performance of Yuan Chenfei made all Cyclops confident in him. At this moment, he saw this scene at the same time.

"So fierce!" Yuan Chenfei wiped the blood off his mouth.

Even if she wore a light armor, pure power confrontation, Yuan Chenfei is still not the opponent of the other party.

The strength attribute of this giant ape is estimated to be over one thousand, which directly crushes the system strength.

Fortunately, Yuan Chenfei used the retreat to unload most of the power, and the next moment he flew back. Six shots reappeared, and he launched a roaring attack on the giant ape.

The bullet hit the giant ape. The giant ape just slightly blocked it. Although its defense was not as strong as the spinosaurus, the damage caused by these bullets was only nine cows and one hair. At this moment, Yuan Chenfei seemed to be encountering King Kong with an ordinary gun. Although the firepower was fierce, he could not help his opponent at all.

Seeing this, Yuan Chenfei simply closed his gun and drew out his sword.

Unexpectedly, the next moment the giant ape grabbed the sword body and slammed down.

Yuan Chenfei did not expect this change, he was directly smashed into the ground, and a large pit was blasted on the ground.

"I fuck!" Yuan Chenfei spit out blood.

He has always been playing tricks on people, and this time he finally talked about being smashed by his opponent.

Then he saw the great ape's big feet stepping down at him.

Yuan Chenfei hurriedly started hypnosis, the giant ape just stagnated, and then continued to step on his big feet.

Damn, this big guy also has a strong will.

Yuan Chenfei's hypnosis technique has been raised to a very high level, and the idle hundred-level strongmen inevitably have to be recruited, but in the face of the existence of super-class beasts, hypnosis is again weak.

Fortunately, while taking advantage of it, Yuan Chenfei ran out of the trampled range, and flew up again, and the sword gas swept towards the face of the giant ape.

This guy just blocked his face with his arm. It can be seen that the eyes and nose are still the key points.

The giant ape snarled and blasted out with a fist, blocking all the attack lines of Yuan Chenfei, without saying, smashing again like Taishan topped.

Yuan Chenfei retreated sharply, the sword in his hand continued to wave, and space ripples struck out.

Space barrier.

However, he released multiple space barriers in an instant and continuously in the process of retreating.

This is the difference between understanding and talent.

Talent is quick to grasp, but understanding can be transcendent.

Through deep understanding of space, Yuan Chenfei can use it continuously and quickly as long as he meets.

The next moment I saw the giant ape's arm banging like a pillar of sky, and plunged directly into the space barrier.

The space barrier distorts the space, cuts everything, and destroys everything, even the giant ape cannot resist.

But this giant ape ’s arm is so large, the space barrier rushes over, and the huge force shakes the space, directly returning the twisted space. Although each space barrier will cause damage to it, the limited space seems to be infinite. The quality of the damage that can be caused is limited.

So Yuan Chenfei saw that the space in front of him was rippling, and the ape arm splattered with blood was still rushing ignoring everything, hitting the grotesque blade, and blasting him out again.

As a meteor crossed an arc in the sky, Yuan Chenfei flew for several kilometers in an instant, and told the next time to rush back.

"Roar!" The giant ape was also obviously irritated by the undead cockroach. It roared, and a large number of strange beasts in the rear rushed out. It launched a strong attack on the stronghold. It caught a large tree and flew towards Yuanchen. These giant trees are like toothpicks in his hands, but with a wave of hands, they are the "toothpick" rain in the sky, appearing in the eyes of Yuan Chenfei and the Cyclops, but it seems that the tree boundary is coming down, and the rain of giant trees is mad.

Yuan Chenfei inspired the grotesque blade to the extreme. In the grotesque field, all trees were chopped into powder by him, but even so, many giant trees fell to the stronghold, and the stronghold smashed everywhere.

"It's so **** hard." Yuan Chenfei gritted his teeth.

He can now be sure that in the face of detached beasts, he may use the power of space to hope to win ~ ~, but it is bound to be a hard battle.

The problem is that he cannot afford to fight hard!

There are four other mining areas waiting for his rescue. Li Zhanjun, Xia Ning, Simba and others are in the mining area.

If you can't get there in time, then maybe they are waiting for the end.

"Feizi, where are you? We have been attacked by a big guy here, it is too strong!" Li Zhanjun's voice was already ringing in the intercom.

Sure enough, they have been unable to carry it.

How to do?

How can I kill this big guy quickly?

Yuan Chenfei's mind has flashed countless thoughts.

Is there any other way?

Maybe ... one more!

Read The Duke's Passion