MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1137 Su God is crazy?

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Seven songs from the "Longevity World" time and space, the Buddhist music played by Su Shi, the influence is increasing day by day, not only occupying the top ten of the major music rankings for many days in the future, but also bringing great behavior and life to many people. Impact. They quickly spread to foreign countries and have a huge impact on people around the world.

India, an ordinary city, a man who looks ordinary, is walking down the street, he occasionally stops, closes his eyes, the black fog that ordinary people can't see, spreads around, explores the surrounding environment, seems to be looking for something .

For a long time, he stopped and sighed. Hidden in this body, it is naturally the undead that escaped from the time-space garbage station. These days he has been hiding the damage and trying to understand this strange place, looking for a place of gloom. However, this place made him very disappointed, because the heaven and earth aura is too scarce, and there is no place for gloom. It is more barren than any place he has ever been.

He even felt that there was no connection between the longevity and the longevity. He had long heard that some practitioners broke the void from other worlds and entered the longevity world. He thought that this should be such a world, so he was very cautious at first. Even if the world is not as good as the longevity world, and occasionally there is a strong person who can break the void, it will definitely crush him.

However, he found that the creatures in this world plane are too weak. He has observed the investigation and found that the strong people known here are weak ordinary people, and even do not know the practice. Su Shi, who forced himself to escape (he has already found Su Shi’s name), is completely different, as if he is not in this world. However, the Su Shi is different from himself. He has an identity here and is very famous.

"The Su Shi, what kind of existence, is it that he brought me here?" The undead thought in his heart, at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of a piece of music, and someone was playing music.

As soon as I heard it, the undead felt a little uncomfortable. Listening carefully, I couldn’t help but frown. This is obviously Buddhist music, and it is very Zen. The undead has heard that the powerful Buddhist music can surpass the evil spirits. Once I felt a little far away, I almost lost my soul. The Buddha music I heard at the moment is far worse, but it also affected his mood.

The undead looked at the sound and took a shot. The sound of Buddhist music was playing at the door of a shop in the distance. It burst open and shook the surrounding people.

The undead did not care too much, and was prepared to continue to search for the land of gloom. Of course, along the way, he would secretly kill a lot of people, absorb yang to repair the wounds, and also detain some people's souls and practice evil spirits for their own use.

However, in the next few days, the undead found that Buddhist music was occasionally heard wherever he went, and he was so upset every time. In addition, he also knows that these Buddhist music that can affect himself are all played by Su Shi. This made him even more hateful to Su Shi, if he did not taboo the angel light of the other side, he would have already killed it.

"When I return to the peak, I will refine my bodyguards and I will go back to destroy you. By that time, I can easily rule the world and transform it into my boundless hell. No one can stop me." Thinking sullenly, at this time, he suddenly moved his heart and pulled out a black plaque from his arms. The paper quickly burned into gray.

His face changed greatly, and he took out another black paper with the same look. He stared at it for a long time, and suddenly the paper was burnt to gray.

"Oh, the Su Shi's light is rapidly expanding." The undead hate the teeth. He is detained by the evil spirits who are in control. He will stay on the road. As a sentinel, there are no other monks here. No, there is no way to take evil spirits. At this time, it is suddenly destroyed. The biggest possibility is that Su Shi’s light has expanded.

"It seems that he is also strong and wants to get rid of me, then see who laughs at the end." The undead sneer, he decided to start a large-scale killing and accelerate his growth.

The speculation of the undead is not wrong. It is indeed the expansion of the Angel Light. The influence of the seven Buddhist music is too great. It brings a huge recovery to the time-space garbage station and brings a huge spiritual power to the angel badge. . Coupled with a wide range of charities, people who benefit many poor areas are grateful, and they have touched many people who look at them. The natural absorption of spiritual energy is even more. The diameter of the angel badge is hundreds of times a day. The speed of kilometers is expanding rapidly, and the whole of China will soon be enveloped and rapidly expanded outwards, which now covers one-fifth of India.

Of course, the hidden contest between the undead and Su Shi, the outsiders can not see, they only see Su Shi out of the limelight, lamenting Su Shi as a cow. However, even more fans, media, and people who are surprised are still behind.

On this day, at the World Magic Conference, one magician from all over the world showed their magic on the stage, which was pleasing to the eye and touching.

However, when the host introduced "the next player Su Shi", the audience was quiet for a while, Su Shi’s reputation was outside, everyone was thinking, is that Su Shi?

As a result, it is really Su Shi’s coming to power. Just as everyone is surprised, will Su Shi be magic? When he came to join in the fun, Su Shi performed an extremely shocking magic.

He is very casual, shorts, sweatshirts, compromises, and he is embarrassed to say that he is too eager to wear clothes, so give him some time to prepare. Then, he painted and cut on the paper, and even took out the trousers, suit, shoes, and tie from the painting, and put it on his body, as if it were real, handsome and handsome. However, he seemed to be dissatisfied. He took off his suit and threw it away. The suit even stuck on the paper and became a painting... After some tossing, he chose the one he liked. Then, I drew a comb on the paper and took it out and combed my hair into a head that looked even more handsome.

This is a close-up magic, but it is simple, but it is amazing, the judges in the field, the predecessors of the magic world, are shocked. The average audience is also amazed. No one can see how it is done.

How could they see it, because it is actually not a magic, but a spell, and Su Shi used the "paper-cutting car book" from the time of "Xian Yu". Since the spells are used, this magic naturally does not end.

Then, Su Shi cut and cut from the paintings, and actually released a variety of creatures, birds, dinosaurs, dragons, so that the audience and the judges were excited to stand up. This magic, spread quickly, shocked the magic world, and even became the legend of the magic world.

A few days later, in a Chinese painting competition, Su Shi appeared and shocked the world with a vivid shampoo of beautiful landscapes.

A few days later, Su Shi entered the extreme sports circle and broadcasted extreme sports, which challenged the eight extreme challenges of the extreme sports world, including the birth of the heavens (scheduled skydiving), the awakening of the earth (swallows tiankeng), and the wind. Moving (wing flying), master of life (hand climbing), etc., each Su Shi chose the most difficult, limit to the limit, creating one miracle after another, breaking the record of extreme sports and becoming legendary.

Then, in the Go game, the martial arts competition, the dance competition, the memory competition, and the Chinese talent show... Su Shi’s traces appeared in all walks of life. He seems to be omnipotent, every aspect is extraordinary, rolling down a few streets for everyone, refreshing the records of all walks of life, making all walks of life turbulent, but also creating one Guinness World Record.

The whole world was shocked and stunned. It turned out that even if Su Da Shen had been so bullish, he was still in a low-key. He is now suddenly high-profile, and even more people. At the same time, many people feel that there are some abnormalities. Su Shi has always been so "low-key". Why did he suddenly take the initiative to participate in various competitions and get out of the limelight? Is this crazy? As a person who eats melons, I want to catch him to study it and see if he is a human being.


Read The Duke's Passion