MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1135 Super influence

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The audience was stunned when they saw Su Shi’s dress.

"I am going, how is your brother?"

"What are you doing? Read the scriptures?"

"Don't, although I know that my brother is very advanced, I am not interested in it, or is it fun to play the ancient piano, extreme sports, animal husbandry, etc."

"Look, I have a piano in front of my brother."

"Oh, really, still have to play the piano? But what about playing the piano?"

"Don't say that this brother, this body looks really different, even if you keep your hair, even young and handsome, it still gives people a feeling of sorghum."

Everyone is puzzled, and they have to do it. At the same time, I also lamented, how did Su Shi have such a high-spirited appearance? Saying that he is a young man, so versatile, has such a beautiful fiancee, how can there be so much time to study Buddhism?

Su Shi smiled and said: "Welcome all the friends to the live room. I am enlightened in Buddhism today and have some insights. So I am ready to share it with you. Now there are not enough people. Let’s gossip and chat, and the number of people will be broken by three million. enter the theme."

Everyone has a glimpse of Buddhism? Really chanting? Or talk about Buddhism? The people couldn't help but ask questions, but Su Shi deliberately sold the Guan, not to mention the point.

After a while, the number of people broke by three million. Su Shi’s hands fell on the strings, and everyone was stunned again. I don’t know what Su Shi is doing.

The melodious sound of the music sounded, and then Su Shi sang... All of them were horrified and then opened their mouths.

They finally understood that they were connected to Guqin for the sake of Buddhism. Was they playing Buddhist music? When this music is heard, it is obviously different from ordinary music. It is similar to the feeling of "Great Compassion Mantra" on earth, but it must be hundreds of times high.

The first feeling of everyone is whether there is any mistake. If you don’t play the good music, why should you play Buddhist music?

But when I listened carefully, I found it very nice. I couldn't help but listen to it. The more I listened, the better I listened. I slowly indulged myself and the whole person's mood was affected.

Lan Ruo Temple, Zhou Hongyuan just idle, see Su Shi's Weibo, then enter the live room to see, originally just a random glance, but when you listen to the song, suddenly the eyes shine, the more you listen, the more excited, and then Immersed in it. .

Some Weibo big v, journalists, I heard that Su Shi live broadcast, I will go in the first time, this is a good review material news material. When Su Shi was just about to play Buddhist music, they had a disappointment in their hearts. When they publicized Buddhism, the live broadcast didn’t have much explosiveness. However, they soon found themselves thinking wrong, but they forgot to sort out Data collection materials, I was intoxicated.

Wei Xiaoxuan, Su Shi, Zheng Nan and others, I heard that Su Shi live broadcast, they are very speechless, but also told them to collect the information of the limelight, and he turned on the live broadcast so soon. When they saw Su Shi wearing a shackle, they couldn't help but laugh, but after hearing Su Shi playing, the smile on their faces quickly became obsessed.

All the viewers who watched the live broadcast were drunk, even those who had only heard half of the viewers who were influxed.

Their state of mind has received an influence, feeling the kind of Zen of the "Spirit of Compassion", reflecting on what they have done, and a sense of compassion in their hearts.

After more than five minutes, Su Shi was playing, and the live room was really quiet, because everyone had not returned to God. After a full seven or eight seconds, some people continued to speak, and then they got hot, and the audience was crazy.

"Good, the original Buddhist music can be so good."

"It’s so good, I’m all drunk.”

"Is it my illusion? How do I hear that the whole person is sublimated?"

In an ordinary apartment, a woman in her 30s who wears slippers is playing a computer to watch the live broadcast. A little girl of about ten years old is mopping the floor diligently, and the small body is even struggling with the mop. It’s full of sweat.

This is an ordinary reorganized family. Women are the stepmother of this little girl. They don’t like this little girl very much. It is not very good for her. When she is in a bad mood, she will take her out. The little girl’s father starts. Speaking a few words, then one eye closed.

At this time, the professional women had just listened to the compassion curse, turned their heads and looked at the little girl's tiredness, and her heart raised a strong heart. Suddenly I feel that as a mother, how can I abuse my child like this? Even if she is not born, she is also the flesh and blood of her own lover, and she calls her mother every day. Such a well-behaved child, who actually bullied her, is there any compassion?

"Small, don't drag it." Middle-aged women said busy.

"Mom, don't be angry, I will move faster, and I will quickly finish it." The little girl thought that her mother would have to slow down as usual, scared and panic, and said quickly.

Looking at the little girl's flustered look, the middle-aged woman felt more and more wrong. She stepped forward and touched the little girl's head, took her to the bathing room, and gave the little girl water, saying: "Small, I used to be wrong with my mother. My mother is not good to you. I won’t be like that in the future. Forgive my mother. You are sweaty, take a shower first, I drag the rest, and then eat well, waiting for Dad to come back. Eat well together?"

"Okay." The little girl was alive and well, and she was somewhat uncomfortable with her attitude towards her stepmother, but she obviously felt a touch of warmth.

At the same time, in another family, it is also a middle-aged woman. While watching the live broadcast while holding the seeds, a woman of sixty or seventy years old is washing vegetables and cooking, and her hands and feet are not very profitable. Middle-aged women are the daughter-in-law of elderly women. Like many mother-in-law, the relationship is not good. Some family mothers are in power, their daughter-in-law is bullied, some family daughter-in-law is in power, and her mother-in-law is bullied. This family belongs to the latter. When the son grew up and had the ability, he forgot how his mother raised her own. All kinds of dislikes were naturally bullied by my wife.

But now, the middle-aged woman just finished listening to the "Spirit of Mercy", went to the kitchen, looked at her mother's busy back, and suddenly felt up in her heart, but perhaps it was too strong before, not good to say, just silent Going forward and helping. The mother-in-law looked at her daughter-in-law and suddenly helped herself, stunned, and then smiled and opened her face.

At the same time, in a combination of urban and rural areas, a van drove past, three comatose dogs in the back, a front seat and a front passenger seat, each with a youth. They are the legendary dog ​​dealers who have just taken away a few dogs in the village. The general dog in the village is still free-fed, and it is easier to catch when you run outside.

The 20-something young man with a lot of acne on his face in the front passenger seat is wearing a pair of earplugs to watch Su Shi’s live broadcast. He just listened to the "Spirit of Mercy". He didn't know what he thought, and suddenly he cried.