MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1115 Comprehensive development

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I saw that the screen of the mobile phone was shining, and a picture of the beach scene emerged. It floated over the mobile phone and was completely three-dimensional.

"3d holographic projection." Su Shi took a breath and took a breath. This kind of scene is common in science fiction movies. In reality, many people are studying it, which is not unfamiliar. However, when I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

I saw that the beach is beautiful, close to the front, immersive, as if it is real. This is more than the current 3D movie, the real sense does not know how many times stronger.

This should be a video of the show. It will be finished in a minute, but it will make Su Shi’s mood unresolved for a long time. He knows that he has found a huge business opportunity.

"This mobile phone, it is necessary to study it well." Su Shi was very excited. He went to a cutting-edge science and technology research institute to hand over the deformed mobile phone and makeup face to the talent research under the hand, and then came back to search for garbage.

This pile of garbage from Marvel's time and space did not disappoint Su Shi. From then on, he could turn over all kinds of high-tech, and even pick up the garbage. It may be the technology that the Earth does not have. No way, Marvel has a lot of stars in the universe, leading the earth for too many years. Just like the modern garbage of the earth is thrown into the ancient times, it is probably high-tech for ancient times, which can make a certain technology of ancient times be replaced.

It can be said that this pile of **** makes Su Shi turn very happy, obviously it is like dumping the rubbish, but it is also because the amount is too much, and it has been turned over for more than half a month. Then it took a few more days to sort out the second time. After confirming it again, it will clear the useless garbage, put the useful and potentially useful garbage into the storage space, and the garbage station will be empty again in the upper hemisphere. , ready to meet the next garbage.

However, for the next month, the garbage was not dumped. Su Shi is happy to be free, more concentrated in the practice of the static word door, Xuan Shui Zhen Fa, Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva, since the more than the Lantian silver line rice, iron iguana meat and other nutritional products, Su Shi's strength In the further improvement, the spirit, the instinct, and the body are getting stronger and stronger.

After this month's concentrated cultivation and consolidation, the spirit has reached 890 kilograms of control. In terms of infuriating, it has been able to close the air for more than three hours. In terms of physical fitness, it has already printed the dragon elephant in the Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva. In the second type of giant elephant print, the direct punch can reach 2200 kilograms, and the dragon elephant method can be used to print the punch, which can reach 2800 kilograms. Of course, the power of using the dragon elephant method to print punches is not only reflected in power.

Su Shi will continue to work hard to practice, even when he is busy, he will take time out. In his view, the stronger the better. Now, he can't find an enemy on the earth, but the hot weapon still kills him, not invincible. Count the time and space of the time-space garbage station connection, then don't say invincible, even the power is not counted. Therefore, it still needs to be improved.

If you can, Su Shi does not mind to cultivate into a god, cultivation becomes an invincible existence, so that the dominance of the earth control overtime garbage station is no longer a problem, open the company to make money everywhere to earn recycling, I am afraid you can directly avoid it. It is a pity that the resources he possesses are only some garbage. After using them well, they can be gradually strengthened. It is impossible to step into the sky. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed step by step. People who dream of stepping into the sky but not taking every step in a down-to-earth manner are often destroyed before they board the sky.

In the past two months, the United States certainly did not have trouble finding the Time-Space Group. Other countries did not dare. As for the domestic market, no one dared to jump out again. The various industries of the Time-Space Group have developed even more. The rapid growth of Su Shi’s monthly income has risen from 330 billion to 360 billion to 400 billion. In just two months or so, the amount has reached more than 700 billion. On the Forbes list, others have become the foil of Su Shi. .

In addition, the research and development of various technologies brought by Su Shi to the cutting-edge science and technology research institute is also very smooth. There have been several breakthroughs. After all, there are ready-made ones. This is not a research and development. It can only be regarded as copying the results of others. Come out.

Based on these scientific research results, in order to further increase the recovery and energy value, Su Shi, who has been low-key for two months, decided to do things again.

On this day, Su Shi made a phone call to Wei Xiaoyu. The incident of falling down the building has been going on for a long time. Wei Xiaoxuan recovered under the treatment of Su Shi, and his body did not leave any scars, even more healthy than before.

"Boss, what is the order?" Wei Xiaoxiao smiled.

"Help me find a bigger place, I want to hold a concert." Su Shi said.

"Concert?" Wei Xiaoyu suddenly stunned, thinking that he had heard the wrong, the general singer to hold a concert, nothing more than three purposes, one is to make money, the second is to increase reputation, and the third is to give back to fans. The main purpose of this is probably to make money.

However, Su Shi needs to make money through concerts? The money earned by a star at a concert is quite a lot compared to ordinary people, but for Su Shi, it is simply a fur, not worth mentioning. As for the reputation? Giving back to fans? Su Shi does not mix entertainment.

"Yes, it is better to have a bigger venue, the bigger the better." Su Shi said.

"Hey, what are you doing at the concert?" Wei Xiaoyu had some doubts.

"Just give back to fans. When I was under various pressures, my fans stood up and spoke for me. Although it didn't play much role, I was grateful. There are such a bunch of fans. Behind the support, I feel good. In addition, I will also give a publicity to the new technology at the end," Su Shi said.

"That's good, I am going to prepare." Wei Xiao suddenly realized.

"In terms of tickets, the price is low, the meaning is enough, one for ten dollars. However, since it is to give back to the fans, try to let the fans give priority. I will set some selection criteria, and then let the artificial intelligence to count, Pick out the real fans and let them buy tickets first," Su Shi said.

"Okay." Wei Xiaolu has no words. Generally speaking, such a willful request, the broker should stop, but Su Shi is fully qualified to be so capricious.

After talking about it, Wei Xiaoyu prepared according to Su Shi’s request. Su Shi made another call to Wang Siya, let her help contact a few stars, Wang Siya heard Su Shi want to open a concert, and immediately enjoyed it. He used to enter the entertainment circle and he was not interested. Now he has developed to this point. It is the opposite of the concert, which is the trouble?

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