MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 468 Universe war

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When the black eggs took everyone through the walls of the Kowloon, everyone was in a very nervous mood. This is a time of seventeen years, and I don’t know how the universe will change in the next seventeen years.じ++じ

When you see what the universe is like now, everyone shouted out almost at the same time.

This is still the universe, clearly a ridiculous cemetery!

The wreckage of the battleship obscured the stars, everything was dark, and the beautiful colored nebulae, like the torn of the monster, became fragmented.

The gravel land that emerged after the explosion of the galaxy appeared in front of everyone, like a black star ring, surrounded by several giant, destroyed starships.

"The universe has a strong magnetic field distortion!" The circle uses its own electronic sensing device to detect the starry sky.

"I just scanned the space around the twelve hops and found no less than 67,300 warship wrecks, almost all of which belong to us, belonging to the Earth Army Robot Corps!"

"It's our wreck!" Yuan Yuan shouted in surprise.

Is there just more than 60,000 Earth Starship wrecks in the vicinity of the twelve hops?

Han Lang’s heart slammed into the cold lake.

"Go to the double horse field immediately!" Han Lang screamed.


The black egg spreads its wings and enters the dragon's unique super transition process, but since they are too far away from the double horse star field, even if the black egg has a powerful ability, it takes at least three days.

9527 and the busy work of various scientific tests, more and more people suppress the news.

Due to the distortion of the magnetic field, Han Lang could not be established with the Earth Army far away from the Double Horses. Their communication range was limited to the surrounding 12 brothers.

Magnetic field distortion is an extremely terrible supernatural phenomenon. Simply put, the order of the universe has collapsed. In the past, all stars, even black holes and white holes, were running regularly.

Now, all the laws of the past have been broken, and the black holes, stars, and stars have all been reversed!

As for the reason, there is no doubt that because of the war, as Han wave approaches the double-horse domain, they see more and more destroyed starships. They are like a dead zombie drifting in the endless river. There are countless loneliness.

In addition to the Earth's starships, there are also a large number of starships, the degree of loss of both sides is equal, but in a few hours, the round has scanned the remains of more than 3.62 million starships.

In terms of quantity, there are fewer wrecks of the Earth’s starships, but it’s important to know that the Earth’s army has been carrying out Han’s elite strategy. To build, the strongest starship is built, so the Earth’s army is the only one in the universe. Flagship Legion!

The army is up and down, in addition to some necessary special ships, such as scout ships, interceptors, electronic whistle ships, etc., the rest are flagship!

Therefore, the remains of these starships left on the battlefield, all of which belong to the Earth Army, are all large wrecks. Even the flagship of the smallest model, there is the size of the moon.

In this way, although the wreckage of the Earth Army is less, the loss is probably more serious than the tribe, because the Earth Army consumes all the flagship!

Pluto also brought bad news. The human task force, which he can’t now head to Chongyang, can’t know the last cosmos spores.

Everyone had to worry about it and quickly rushed to the Double Horse Field, where the Earth Corps headquarters, if they were still alive, should be there.

When I was nervous and entered the next day, the news of 9527 made everyone's emotions more depressed.

The dark net is no longer there, that is, the universe has been resurrected and no other species are allowed to enter his body.

This conclusion just explains why the family has so many starships. The number is far from the task force of the last spore, but the power of the whole family!

The ultimate mission of the universe is to swallow up the entire universe, digest it, and kill all the species in the universe except the family. Now, the engulfing is going on, but Hanlang has not seen the giant body of the universe.

When Han Lang approached the Double Horse Star Field for only six hours, the wreckage of the Death Star appeared in the round scanner.

That was the ultimate starship that Han Lang handed over to Longchuan before leaving. Every ship was as big as the solar system. It should have been an invincible presence in the universe.

It seems that Longchuan and the Robotics Corps have succeeded in the death star, but even the Death Star has failed to stop the family's offensive and fall into the Xinghai.

As for the number of damages of other flagships, it is impossible to count at all. I am afraid that at this moment, the wreckage of the starship has spread throughout the universe! The sheer size of this battle has transcended all historical records and surpassed the limits of human imagination!

On this road, Han Lang has never spoken, everyone seems to be very depressed, only round and 9527, constantly reporting increasingly unfavorable battlefield scan results.

The closer to the Double Horse Star Field, the more warships belonging to other forces, indicating that this catastrophe-like war is dominated by the Earth Army, but it also has the help of other forces. Perhaps it is the old saying that the human species is only The crisis will become united when the disaster strikes, and the crisis that the universe is about to be destroyed will make all human beings really fight together.

After the last super jump, Han Lang finally arrived at the Double Horse.

The universe is divided into two here, half of the stars are shining, and the other half is dark and deep.

In the half-sky universe where the stars are shining, there are tens of billions of starships. They form a wall and use violent shooting to hope to organize the darkness to move on.

And the other half of the dark universe is like an unstoppable dark night, approaching forward at a steady and slow speed.

Where the darkness went, the starship of the human race was destroyed and became a shining star in the universe.

The explosion of the starship and the fire generated by the simultaneous firing of tens of billions of starships completely ignited the universe. The universe is no longer dark here, but bright, like a flashlight, constantly igniting bright Rays.

"To Longchuan! They are still alive!" shouted excitedly.

"Go to him right away!" Han Lang Gao

Earth Army, flagship, Azure Planet Death Star.

The return of Han Lang caused a great sensation in the Earth Army. As a generation of standard figures, Han Lang came back at this time, which is tantamount to injecting a tonicity into the Earth Army that has been fighting for many years.

The black egg, the dragon, is even more exciting for the soldiers. After all, this is the top creature that is only in mythology. I didn't expect it to exist.

"Have you heard that? Han Lang is back!"


"That can still lie, he is not alone, but also brought a large number of cosmic powers, and even a dragon!"

"Dragon? What does it look like?"

"When you go to the private communication network, you can't see it clearly. The brothers on the Azure planet sent photos and videos. Now the entire coalition has been sensational, and the news spread like a big bang!"

"Well, I will go and have a look. In short, Han Lang is back, we will be saved!" The soldiers were filled with similar voices.

However, in the highest conference room of the Earth Army, it was still suppressed. Han Lang did not even have time to reconcile with Longchuan, and the combat briefing began immediately.

Seventeen years, enough to change a lot, such as Longchuan, Li Yu, Tallin, the appearance of the top of these earthly forces, Han Lang feels that they are much older than the past, after all, such a heavy burden is on their bodies, really Very not easy.

"Start now." Han Lang urged.

"You have to wait for a few people." Longchuan said faintly.

After a while, a group of obviously different fighters came in from outside the door. When they saw Pluto, they hugged him. From their conversation, Han Lang learned that this was the member of the special action group. The highest, with a red face is the sun, the sun's controller, the youngest is Xiaoyue, he controls the moon.

"Chongyang, this is Han Lang." Pluto patted Han Lang's shoulder.

There is not much to say, Han Lang and this group of soldiers who have crossed the ancient time and space, nod, even if they have met.

Longchuan Shen Sheng said: "Long story short, this war has been going on for 16 years. If they are not Chongyang, they will find me, I will not know the truth of the solar system."

Chongyang Road: "At the time, we had been forced by the task force of the family to go nowhere, and we just got the information. The Earth Army built thirty-eight death stars in a year in the Double Horse Field, so we came."

Longchuan went on to say: "Yes, this is how things started. In short, after we merged with Chongyang, the fleet of the clan was found in just three days, and then opened the prelude to this cosmic war."

"The battle was very fierce. Thirty-eight dead stars that had just been released were all sunk, and they paid more than 30,000 other flagship models."

"But the family did not take advantage of it. Their task force, under the attack of our coalition forces, was completely annihilated."

"When this battle is still going on, I have found several directors of the Army Corps, the Robot Corps, who were ordered to open up the Robotics Corps to maximize production capacity, full robots and death stars."

"In just one week after the first batch of 38 death stars sank, we built fifty more! Two weeks later, two hundred and seventy, three months later, the number of death stars exceeded 100,000. Ship, flagship 25 million!"

"Then the official opening of the cosmic war, the dark net suddenly stopped moving, and the darkness, that is, the awakened cosmic giant, woke up and approached the double-horse field at a rate of engulfing sixty stars every day."

"There are still families of fleets, and the number of simply killed can not be killed!"

"In the first five years, we were not the opponents of the family at all, and we were all back."

"With the increasing number of robotic corps, the number of death stars and flagships is increasing, we finally withstood the pressure! Started a counterattack!"

"But we can't stop the huge expansion of the universe, he is still getting bigger and bigger at the speed of sixty stars every day."

Han Lang listened, gently nodded and asked Longchuan Road: "How many starships we have now, the universe needs to be broken from the inside, and the starship of the family can only rely on the existing power, so we Need a fleet as strong as possible."

Longchuan Shen Sheng said: "As of now, the Earth Alliance forces every twenty-four hours, 10.5 million death stars! In order to find ore, the entire universe, we have hollowed out 3.89 million stars Domain!" (To be continued.)