MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 396 The hardship of orphans

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There is no wolf organization in the world, only Han Lang's wolf tactics, but since others have mistakenly thought that the organization of the wolf teeth, Han Lang does not want to explain anything, they are thinking about it.

The general attack of the crushing did not last long, and it was impossible to kill all the tribal residents by the full surrender of the tribal area. After all, there are so many people living in the tribal area, so since the enemy has already served soft, Han Lang will They are not prepared to pursue the responsibility of those blind followers, only to kill all the patriarchs of these tribes.

When Han Lang walked into the cell where Hong Heqin was imprisoned, he happened to meet Zong Wudao. He used a **** hand to make a heavy shot on Han Lang’s shoulder. He whispered: "Unfortunately, they should wait for us to come, they You should know that we will definitely come, why can't we think so?"

Han Lang frowned and went into the cell.

Compared with Han Lang’s previous hearings, Qin and Hong’s couples, who are not tortured to death, commit suicide.

Although this will bring a huge psychological shadow to the young Xiaobao, Hong Heqin chose to break the self, the most cruel way to die.

The bodies were still on the ground, and the tribal alliance took their precious bones and left the temperature, and they drained their precious blood.

Bo tooth bit his teeth and said: "This is very strange, isn't it? Before I recalled, it seems that Yunsan once said that Hong and Qin did not resist, just because the Lion Six said a few words in their ears. What did they say? Will they both commit suicide and are related to those words?"

Han Lang shrugged his shoulder and said: "You ask me, how do I know? Maybe Hong and Qin have any handles on the hands of the Lion Six."

Bo's whispered: "Is there really a fate in this world? The people of the Ghost Face Tribe said that Hong and Qin are fatal, they will die, and Xiaobao is also."

"Do you still believe this?" Han Lang asked him.

Bo Ya shook his head and said: "I don't believe, I never believe in life, but this fact is too weird. Poor Xiaobao is so well-behaved, but lost his parents when he was a child. Hey, this child's life is too bitter. ”

Han Lang did not say anything, he crouched down and opened an arm of Hong.

As the eighth generation of water, Hong has eight huge arms of up to 100 meters, while Xiaobao is still young, and his arms are nine, each about ten meters.

When Han Lang turned over one of the arms of Hong, he saw a blue mark. It was painted with his own blood. After he died, he deliberately pressed the pattern with a long arm to avoid being taken by others. Find.

“A garden?” said Bo Yi, next to Han Lang: “I just heard Feng Taiji say that if it’s not the tribal alliance, you’ve found a clue to the magical garden in the territory of the Shushen tribe. Will it be this?"

"Feng Taiji has a big mouth." Han Lang said helplessly: "I and he did find a garden under the tree of God. From the clues given by the underground garden, we know that there is a place called the Golden Heaven Garden on the dark side of the universe. ”

"But it seems that there is a paradise for some high-intelligence beasts, and it doesn't have much to do with us."

Bo tooth swallowed a spit, Shen Sheng said: "Hu Hong and Qin are beasts."

Han Lang slammed and said nothing. He recorded the mark left by Hong’s death with a multi-recorder. It was a garden mark and there was a lighthouse in the center.


The history of the tribe is actually a **** occupation and occupation, slavery and slavery.

The mass slaughter of tribal leaders and warriors like Han Lang has not happened once in the history of the tribal area. The only difference is that this time the squatting hand is a group of guys from outside the tribe.

Yunsan told Han Lang that according to the rules of the tribe, they would re-elect the patriarchs and pledge allegiance to Han Lang. In this place where the weak meat is strong, whose fists are big, the new tribal patriarchs may not hate Han. Wave, if you don't get it, thank you for killing the old patriarch, otherwise they will be so fast.

Han Lang does not think about the loyalty of the tribe, but is more interested in the tribal map.

The value of this field is not changed, because there are many unexplained mysterious phenomena in the tribal areas. The dark ship will be strangely missing here, and the radar will suddenly lose its signal.

The gods group is very keen to kill Han Lang and 9527, because they do not have this tribal map, and they can't always drive in the main force. They can only wander around the periphery.

Assuming that Han Lang gets this map of the field, he will know where to go and where to go. When the gods group really got in, it is better to guard against some.

However, according to those tribes close to the periphery, the Gods Group does not seem to have to break into the meaning of the cursed land. A large number of search fleets are gradually withdrawing, which is likely to be related to the upcoming war.

According to rumors, there are probably several wars between the major groups that control the dark network.

The power of these groups is intricate and incomparable. There are red bloodlines in the gods. The ones that are dominated by dark blood are hard to say who and who are true friends.

When talking about the pedigree problem, Han Lang couldn't help but think of the recent events, golden blood and blue blood, but I didn't hear that the dark net had a group of these two bloodlines. 9227 did not know, in his memory, They are all wars between the two bloodlines of red and black, or else they are civil wars.

Bo Ya is also blue blood, but was once fancy by the **** group, 9527 said, it is because of the mixed blood, his blood is not pure, can not be regarded as a real blue blood warrior.

In short, after they had a big break in Hanlang, the tribal area was surprisingly quiet, and the phenomenon of free and loose inside the organization was beginning to appear.

Ever since he got the secret of the underground garden, Feng Taiji no longer performed the task of the queen's arrangement, and he devoted himself to his own laboratory, and he also wanted to study the alien plants stronger than the king.

The same is true for Wuyun. Let Han Lang write down his own experience of integrating the genetic beast. He will go to the study. The once-in-a-bottle beast is completely annihilated, and the five clouds are abnormally heartbroken. His goal is to compare with A. The beast **** is a stronger genetic creature.

There are night blacks, he vowed to make more poisonous gas, just let the **** of war half-mutilate how to do it, now come to a higher level of the dark net, the **** of war is like a dog, we must let them all die.

In addition to this, there are many guys who don't listen to the command. Even Lance, who has always worshipped Han Lang, has learned badly. He feels that it is just a contribution to the team. It is not enough to reverse the influence of his origins in the evil family. He is determined to study the painting. Painting, to achieve achievements in art, in the future, his Lance family will no longer be a family assassination, but to cultivate their children in the direction of art.

Knowing that this news, Han Lang almost spurted out a blood, and finally had a top-level scout with a perfect stealth and super-power, and how to do art? The strong killing of the Landis family will not kill people in the future, they all go to learn to paint? Is this really outrageous?

9527 also let Han Lang to manage everyone, not to be so sloppy, but who can Han Lang manage? These guys, when fighting, they are united as a stone, consistent with the outside world, when they are not fighting, they are all a group of paranoia!

Han Lang is a good one. This person can't be idle. As long as he is idle, he will think about it. Now the piano is solo and loud in the camp from day to night. I don't know if this is a group of romantic Gypsies.


Han Lang was thinking about how to screw Lance over, and listened to a loud noise in the distance, and then a blue light descended from the sky. It was Ye Weiwei, I don’t know who she gave me today.

After a while, Zong Wudao ran over with a scorching hair, and plunged into the blue lake water and waved to Ye Weiwei: "It's okay, it's just a slap, and you can't die."

"I'm sorry, Grandpa is sorry." Ye Weiwei blushes, trotting all the way to chase Zong Wudao apologizes.

Zong Wudao did not care at all, laughing and said: "Shantou, who makes you so nonsense? I am Master Han Lang, with your relationship with Han Lang, at most called my master or uncle, this difference It’s a generation."

Ye Weiwei’s pretty face is red. In this camp, everyone has defaulted to a marriage contract with Han Lang. Han Lang has not denied it, so everyone often makes fun of this.

Speaking of Ye Weiwei's life here is still very happy, her grade is very low, is the lowest one, so even if Han Lang is not there, she does not need to wear heavy special leather clothes every day to suppress her super power, anyway, this The ability to fight against the guys is strong enough. If you can't die, you can't die. Just play around.

Some eccentric guys also like to take Ye Weiwei to bet, everyone is close, see Ye Weiwei's thunder and lightning.

Luo Ying also came, she and Ye Weiwei are inseparable, but do not know why, Ye Weiwei's storm lightning has never passed her.

9527 said that Ye Weiwei's super power is actually the natural defense department. The top level among the top super powers is not worse than Han Lang's extinct field. Storm lightning has self-identification function. Not everyone will be defamed. Only those who have her Threatened, suddenly close, in such cases, the lightning storm will suddenly burst.

When Han Lang saw Xiao Bao, his heart was not a taste. The little guy was too embarrassed. After his parents died, he didn’t cry or make trouble. He just held the corpse jar left by his parents every day and put the cold jar on his face. It is like being close to one's own parents.

After Hong Heqin’s death, their bodies and blood continued to merge and merge, and in the end, they became less and less. At first, they needed a huge sealed can to be installed. Now only a small can is needed.

Xiaobao lowered his head, holding a jar, sitting between Luo Ying and Ye Weiwei, constantly playing with thin and thin tentacles, which made Han Lang have an illusion, as if Xiaobao was the child of Luo Ying and Ye Weiwei.

Luo Ying put Xiao Bao into the lake, and he changed into a swimsuit and jumped into the lake. Ye Weiwei stayed on the shore.

"Why don't you come down?" Han Lang curiously asked, and others couldn't wait to jump into the lake. Ye Weiwei was abnormal.

"Not because of you?" Luo Ying said with a small mouth.

"Because of me?" Han Lang was a bit stunned.

Luo Yingdao: "Hey, Wei Wei is really so kind, so good to you, but you, usually very smart, but these things are like a coffin, can you still think about it? The longer a sister is in this lake, the faster the grade will grow, and the more it will cause trouble for everyone."

"Now Wei Wei will not only come to this lake, but even the practice room will not go, but also ask 9527 and the night black to help her downgrade."

Han Lang frowned and said: "This world is getting more and more chaotic, and self-protection is always necessary."

Luo Yingying said: "Is there not you and your brothers? In the past, Wei Wei was forced to do so. The whole family except her grandfather had only her single seedling, but now you have it, Wei Wei sister does not need it. Level, anyway, you will protect her, even Xiaobao, you have to give up your life, let alone Wei Wei."

"You little girl, good words are said by you." Han Lang smiled and gave Luo Ying a broken bean.

At this time, Xiaobao launched an arm on Han Lang and asked for Han Lang to hug.

Han Lang certainly won't refuse him, leaving the little guy in his arms.

Xiaobao’s eyes were very serious and handed the cans to Han Lang. Han Lang was a glimpse at the time. You must know that the bones of his parents are here!

Xiaobao saw that Han Lang did not pick up and opened the jar himself.

I saw that the remains of Hong Heqin have been turned into two blue five-star gems, which are unusually embarrassing, just like Xiao Bao’s innocent eyes.

"Death to go!" Han Lang was very rude and slapped the black egg. This is the energy for a living. After seeing the two gems formed after the death of Hong and Qin, the eyes began to turn around unwillingly. How can this be done!

"Give me?" Han Lang curiously asked Xiaobao.

Uh huh!

Xiaobao nodded seriously.

"But..." Han Lang hesitated. This is a jewel made by his parents and a precious memory of Xiao Bao.

Uh huh!

Xiaobao continued to nod, and a pair of Han Lang did not accept the posture of not stopping.

"Forget it, you will accept it, but you have to remember that this is not only a gift, but also a responsibility." Luo Ying's guardian banshee sighed with a sigh.

Han Lang finally nodded, took the gem, and put Xiaobao in his arms.

"I will protect you in the future. As long as I am still alive, no one can move you." Han Lang said with deep affection.

Xiaobao is a friend?

Do not...

Han Lang looked at Xiaobao and played with everyone in the lake. He was held for a while and was held for a while. Han Lang suddenly understood that Xiaobao is the child of all people. If he lost his parents, he will get the whole family. Love.


Dark net, tribal area.

The light and shadow disappeared on the surface of the water. It was the picture of Han Lang and Xiao Bao. It was clearly seen by the eyes of the three eyes.

"See it?" asked the three-eyed king.

"I saw that the relationship between Xiaoshui and Hanlang is not normal. Unfortunately, Han Lang’s promise can never be done. The wisdom of the water is a fate." The lion nodded at six.

"Exactly." Three-eyed Wang sneered: "Han Lang's commitment to Xiaobao is the weakness that we can use. After research, I found that Han Lang's biggest weakness is keeping promises and renewing promises. He used to serve him more than once. Hometown Earth is at its own risk and is the best example."

"What do you mean?" asked the Lion Six.

"It's very simple. Grab the small treasure and kill the Han wave!" The three-eyed king waved his hand and smashed the railroad.

Read The Duke's Passion