MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 390 Is it a silver fox?

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Han Lang feels that he suddenly seems to be absorbed by some kind of force, and his body is suspended. It seems that this chair has some sort of mechanism and is also a space system.

When Han Lang looked around again, he found that everything had changed. He was outside a light door, and there were six characters at the door, "The Book of Spiritual Plants."

Han Lang touched his chin. The original master of the so-called Tianzang’s flower interpretation passed him a book. It was not a real book, but a space related to plants.

It is also reasonable to think about it carefully. After all, this is a highly developed universe civilization. Most of the time, the definition of a book is actually a data disk, or a learning space.

In addition to this, there is also the text left by the sky.

The original flower interpretation passed this space to Tianzang. There is no child in Tianzang. The apprentice does not know who to leave the space to. So he simply opens the challenge system. Whoever can challenge success is eligible to get this called [spirituality] The book of the book of things].

Two lights have been lit on the light door, indicating that there are already two challengers in the space. Needless to say, they must be black eggs and silver foxes. These two boys have accidentally crashed into the space.

Han Lang does not think that black eggs and silver fox have the potential to become masters of a generation of plants. This space makes them not surprised to enter Hanlang. After all, this space is a flower interpretation for Tianzang, and the identity of Huayu is A beast with higher intelligence, want to come to this space is the same for the beast or human.

"Since there is such a good opportunity, let me accept the book of spiritual plants." Han Lang said to himself.

Thinking of this, Han Lang walked in.

The world inside the light door surprised Han Lang, and countless giant cannibals were waiting for him.

These cannibals have tens of meters of extremely flexible branches, the tops of the branches, the oval mouth and the sharp stings, like the cobras that grow on the ground.

Almost at the same time, these cannibals attacked Han Lang!

"The demon!"


Han Lang did not hesitate to directly counterattack with the strongest demon in the six.

A black light appeared in Han Lang's hands, smashing into the distance and rushing into the distance.

Where the black light passes, the cannibals are all shredded, along with the earth.

From the place where Han Lang stood, it spread to the distance, the width is close to 200 meters, and the area of ​​more than ten kilometers is razed to the ground! The air is full of anxious taste.

Only one move, Han Lang cleared the obstacles ahead, although there are a lot of cannibal grass on both sides, but these guys can not reach Han wave, can only helplessly find their mouths, rushing to the waves of Han Lang.

Han Lang shrugged and walked along the road he had created.

As the only martial art that Han Lang learned, it is still sharp to annihilate the six roads accompanying Han Lang.

The most commonly used of the six Chinese and Korean waves is the demon road. This is the characteristic of the six lanes. When learning the way of the earth, the way of the earth replaces the road of heaven. After Han Lang learns the way of the gods, the Shinto replaces the former. Three.

Now Han Lang is already a preliminary master of the demon, so the demon road will replace the five roads that Han Lang learned before.

The reason is that it is preliminary, because the demon is too different, the demon is impermanent, and the impermanence has reached the point where sometimes Han Lang can't control it.

Don't look at the current Han wave with the demon road seems to work well, but it is really necessary to encounter a strong enemy, the Han wave to the emergency, he does not know what the demon road is like.

There is also a body method. Originally, Han Lang began to learn the rare body of the name of forgetting and annihilating.

The demon road also contains the body and even the martial arts, so the demon's body and martial arts of course replace the annihilation.

Anyway, the more you practice, the more you practice, the more you feel that it is difficult to master, because it is too big and too complicated.

It's like a child watching the world, father, mother, puppy, bottle, good food, bad things, the child's world is so simple.

But when the child grows up, the problem will follow, earning money, work, politics, intrigue, chemistry, mathematics, physics, geometry, molecular engineering, ocean, sky, land, solar system, universe, black hole, super Time and space...

The world is terrible for an adult because you can never understand it.

The demon road is also terrible. The more you learn, the more you feel that this martial art is too deep, and you are far from being completely different.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​Han Lang. After all, he has already stood taller. Many subtle problems can be found. Zong Wudao was the teacher who taught Han Lang to annihilate the six. His thoughts are different from Han Lang. He is now I just want to learn the magic road quickly, and then go to learn the demon road, otherwise it is very difficult to see, his student Han Lang has learned the demon, his teacher is still the magic road, how interesting this is.

When the Tao has no way to enter the realm of the demon road, of course, it will be as confused as Han Lang. Everyone thinks that the world is very simple, that is, they are not high enough.

In short, Han Lang was very annoyed to discover that he had learned a martial arts in his life, and he could not see the meaning of graduation. At least in recent years, he did not think about it. Han Lang felt that his body was still good. After the black egg, they both fought all day.

This fight does not matter, Han Lang found that the demon can also be extended, the black egg python has a quick attack, only need to disrupt the martial arts that he has learned, the method of coping is actually in the demon body and martial arts. Among them.

This is like building blocks. A large pile of wood is placed next to Han Lang. He can spell out a bridge, a house, or a complex aircraft carrier.

The demon road is like this, giving everything that Han Lang needs to him, what it looks like, depends on the realm and imagination of Han Lang.

After Han Lang used a trick of demon, he began to habitually think, and unwittingly walked out of this area of ​​cannibal grass and came to a closed door.

Seeds of dozens of plants are placed at the door.

Han Lang took a little thought and understood the meaning.

This question means placing the same type of seeds together, herbal and herbal, woody and woody, or according to the type of seed, flower returning, grass returning grass.

This is not difficult for Han Lang. The basic botany that has been learned from the night blacks is not as deep as Feng Taiji, and it is enough for Han Lang to cope with the current situation.

Han Lang spent ten minutes and finally completed the classification. The door opened and the Han Lang came to the second door.

Here is still a classification problem, which is the fruit of some plants, which will produce hallucinations together, improve the function of the body together, and put them together poisonously.

The second door is also open, followed by the third, fourth...


The so-called test is actually not difficult. The first test may be to test the survivability of the testee. After all, research botany should go deep into those dangerous places to collect plants, and those precious plants often exist in complex and even It is a sinister environment.

Next are some basic botany tests, classifying plants, avoiding toxic fruits, and so on.

Only some of the multiple-choice questions that appear in the later period are relatively difficult to deal with. The space will put together more than a dozen plants that are completely incompatible with each other, choose one of them at will, choose the right one, and choose three times in a row. To be eliminated.

On a few occasions, Han Lang chose the wrong plants in succession, and he was almost eliminated by a little bit, but he relied on his strong intuition to harden the past.

Han Lang felt that he was lucky and kept moving forward. He was full of confidence in his book that he could get this spiritual plant.

"Black eggs and silver foxes should have been eliminated early, waiting for me outside?" Han Lang said to himself: "I have to hurry, silver fox is good, black eggs are so bad temper, time It will be a long time to be born and wrong."


Just when Han Lang thought so, suddenly, a powerful force pushed him out.

Han Lang was in front of him, he couldn’t believe it, he was eliminated!

The reason for the time is too long?

Touched an organ?

What did you do wrong? How did Laozi be eliminated? ?

Han Lang’s heart yelled loudly. He couldn’t believe the result. From the book of the spiritual plant, Han Lang used to be so close, but now everything is finished!

Han Lang was directly kicked out of the space. He saw the black egg sitting on the ground with enthusiasm. The fat two arms were hugged together, and the golden eyes were rounded.

Obviously, this must be in the space, so he was kicked out.

Just, where is the silver fox?



Han Lang heard a little cute cry from the silver fox. He hurriedly saw it and saw that the silver fox was laughing out of the space.

"Weird, your kid is not kicked out, how come out?" Han Lang asked.


The silver fox rushed to Han wave and pointed to the green ring on his paw. The ring was like a clover, soft, but it could not be torn open.

"What is this?" Han Lang asked.


The silver fox pointed to himself and pointed to the space.

Han Lang carefully thought for a moment, suddenly his face changed greatly, screaming: "No? I am not eliminated, but because your kid got the first book of spiritual plants!?"


The silver fox jumped excitedly and kept swinging his furry tail.

Han Lang was speechless for a while, and he never dreamed of dreaming. The book of the spiritual plant was not himself, but the silver fox!

"Is there any truth!" Han Lang vented like a shout.

The silver fox saw the owner unhappy, curled up and looked sad. He knew that Han Lang would be so disappointed. The silver fox felt that he might not take the book of the spiritual plant.

Slightly smiling, one hand stroking the silver fox, sighed and said: "But think about it, the book of spiritual plants, it must be the most spiritual person to get, you actually pass the customs faster than me, indicating that your boy is better than I have spirituality."

"Moreover, let's divide each other. I am yours. Yours is mine. You can get this book of spiritual plants. Not only do I not blame you, but also reward!"

"Come, reward you with a big meat clip!"

Han Lang took out a fragrant meat clip from the mark of the moon and threw it to the silver fox.

The silver fox leaped high and grabbed the meat folder. After peeling off the vacuum package, it was chewed.

Han Lang not only did not blame him, but also rewarded the silver fox, making this little guy feel very happy.

The black egg looked at the strange look at the side, he never understood, what power is it? Let the silver fox, the round, and the blue star of the ghost claws and the claws incarnate, are all dead to Han Lang?

"In other words, can you control this space now?" Han Lang asked.


Silver fox points to his chest and is full of pride.

"I really want to try it, forget it, or go back first. Feng Taiji and Blue Star are still outside. For a long time, Blue Star will inevitably be anxious, or send us back first. Anyway, the book of spiritual plants has already arrived. Come back." Han Lang thought about it.


The silver fox then swayed the little claws.

A powerful force sent Han Lang, Silver Fox, and Black Egg back, still on the huge chair.

"Han Lang, where have you been!!"

Han Lang looked up and saw that he was actually Clark, and Blue Star and Feng Taiji were also in a hurry.

"There was an accident. When we were in the underground garden, someone sneaked into the tree **** tribe!" Feng Taiji said.

PS: First of all, the cold has been bad, and then the stomach hurts these days. I feel that it is just an old attack and it is not a serious matter.

Yesterday morning, I started to have a fever and fell asleep. In the evening, I burned to 39 degrees. I finally couldn’t help but go to the hospital. I had a bacterial invasive gastritis and I slammed some bottles until the middle of the night, so I didn’t update yesterday.

I feel better today, but I am still very weak, can't eat anything, no way, slowly recover.

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