MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 9 Rescue Celia

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The girl was wearing a long purple dress, her long hair was hanging down her head, and her big bright pink eyes twinkled, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

Ling Fei stepped forward and rescued the girl.

"Who are you? Where's Jiang Anni?"

"Didn't she be brought to this room by a mysterious person, and you only need to complete the task to rescue her?"

Ling Fei was stunned. Where was Jiang Anni taken by that mysterious man!

"You mean the girl brought back by the devil, don't worry, she is safe, she was taken to another room by the devil."

"Oh, by the way, my name is Celia, thank you for saving me!"

Celia patted the sand on her body and thanked her.

"It's not too late, let's go to the next room and save Jiang Anni!"

Ling Fei didn't want to waste too much talk, and if he wasted another quarter of an hour here, Jiang Anni would be in more danger.

He didn't know what the man called the Demon King was going to do.

"Okay, go out the front door and you're there."

Celia continued: "You are a very good cultivator, but you don't seem to want to practice very much."

Ling Fei sighed, "Indeed, my talent is too poor, my spiritual roots are 50% developed, and I can't meet the requirements of cultivation at all."

Celia continued: "You can't compete with fate, but you can become a qualified immortal cultivator through acquired efforts."

Ling Fei sighed, his eyes full of bewilderment, "I hope!"

The two chatted all the way, and then came to the second room.

The furnishings are the same as the first room, except that there is a Throwing Goblin and a Cowardly Goblin.

Looking from a distance, Ling Fei saw that Jiang Anni was locked in a cage.

Don't worry, I will rescue you after I kill these goblins.

Ling Fei yelled angrily, holding a tree branch he had picked up from nowhere in his hand, Fu Ling's heart was in his heart, it seemed that various sword skills flashed through his mind, and the next moment, Ling Fei used it subconsciously. The sword technique flashed in my mind.

Three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, the immature goblin in front was killed by Ling Fei, and the throwing goblin in the back was also easily dealt with.

Suddenly, there was only an explosion, and the goblin walked out of the smoke and dust holding a three-foot long sword in his hand.

This is…

one! Commander!

The ten commanders' swords turned into shadows, and with a long roar, they flew towards Ling Fei.

With a tearing sound, the sword shadow shattered, and Ling Fei flew backwards.

Ling Fei inserted the branch in his hand into the ground, half-kneeled on the ground, resisting his body not to fall down.

Ling Fei spat out a mouthful of thick black blood. He knew that if he fell down at this moment, not only would he not be able to save Jiang Anni, but he would also risk his life.

Ling Fei stood up, waved the branches in his hands again and again, and phantoms flew out like springs. Overwhelming and majestic. These phantoms rushed towards one place.

The phantoms fused together in the next instant, turning into a sword aura more than ten feet high. stopped in mid-air.

"Let's stop here." Following Ling Fei's shout, the sword flew towards the goblin aggressively.

The sword qi was like a blade, cutting on the goblin's body, but the goblin didn't feel the slightest pain, because at this moment Ling Fei fell into a state of epiphany, and played ten times and a hundred times higher than himself. Strength.

In an instant, the temperature around Ling Fei dropped a hundred times, and a bit of cold air condensed into an illusory sword.

Holding the giant sword in his hand, Ling Fei felt the huge power in his body at this moment, and locked his target on the Goblin Commander.

At this time, the goblin was already trembling with fright, but it couldn't change its ending. After Ling Fei swung the long sword in his hand forcefully, the goblin was directly crushed into powder.

After the air wave subsided, how could there be goblins in place?

Celia on the side was stunned and praised repeatedly, "I can't tell, you are still a swordsman, and you beat the mighty goblin to the ground with a few moves."

Ling Fei scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm not a swordsman, but I just have a feeling that I can defeat it."

"I have never touched a sword since I was a child. This is the first time I use swordsmanship. I may not be proficient in it. I almost died!"

Celia was shocked, and killed the goblin casually, this was the first time she used swordsmanship!

How terrifying is this person's talent!

After chatting for a while, Ling Fei ran over and rescued Jiang Anni.

Jiang Anni looked at the little blood on Ling Fei's body, and said distressedly: "You have suffered, even if you want to save me, you don't need to work so hard!"

"You are so stupid, you were almost wiped out by goblins just now."

Ling Fei smiled, "It's my fault that caused you to be arrested, and you have to suffer."

"As long as I can rescue you and protect the loved ones around me, this little pain is nothing!" While the three were chatting, applause rang out in the room.

Several powerhouses came out of the void, and said with relief: "It seems that Lord Seagod told us that there are powerhouses coming soon!"

Ling Fei found out that the strong men had changed their rogue attitude before, and looked polite, "Greetings, my lords!"

"I don't know how to arrange this..."

The old man spoke first and laughed loudly, "That's right, this time is just a test for you."

"Since I saw you for the first time, your kindness, sympathy for the weak, and the indomitable spirit that spread in your bones are admirable."

"You have successfully passed the test."

The old man paused, and continued: "Lingfei, you are a very good practitioner, you need to guard this continent, just like you guard your girlfriend."

"Guard the mainland?"

The old man nodded affirmatively, UU Reading "That's right!"

Before the light of civilization on the continent of Arad shone, the world was a boundless universe that bred various forms of life.

These beings are scattered in various void worlds and underground castles, using their diligence and wisdom to create the prosperity of the world.

In various empty worlds, there is an object called "water of life", which can make the recipient have infinite life.

The appearance of the water of life has aroused the competition of life in different worlds.

A battle of destruction that changed the color of the world and caused heavy casualties. Blood stained the land of the demons red!

However, a thousand years later, a sudden change plunged the originally peaceful continent of Arad into a **** storm again.

A plague-like mutation transformed the animals and plants on the continent of Arad into evil monsters overnight. They were ferocious and bloodthirsty, devouring human life wantonly, and death and panic quickly spread across the continent of Arad .

Then a fire fell like a meteor in Gran's Forest. The raging flames burned most of the vegetation in Gran's Forest, and the elves disappeared from the forest completely.

Mutations frequently appear all over the continent of Arad, and the mutated animals and plants are becoming more and more crazy.

What is even more worrying is that the lost Sky City has reappeared on the continent of Arad.

With its appearance, all kinds of evil forces are ready to move: the black plague enveloped the human village, and all the people in the village died, and no one was spared; the dark elves took advantage of the chaos to launch a war against the human beings; Imperial occupation.

The chaos caused by the mutation spread across the continent of Arad, and the reappearance of various voids and alien worlds plunged the whole world into madness.