MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 664 Rune's Secret

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Mo Ni finally regained her composure. After listening to Ling Fei's words, she also realized that Fan Helsing's behavior was indeed a bit weird. According to Fan Helsing's strength, after they rejected him, they had every reason and ability to kill them with a thunderous blow. .

However, not only did the other party fail to do so, it seemed that they had deliberately given them a buffer time of nearly a month. If at that time, he did it as a necessary means to gather all the branches of the Kunier family in Popo City, then Now it is obvious that he can be crushed directly, but he keeps probing again and again. Is his purpose really to tease this kind of evil?

Shaking, Mo Ni put the doubts in her heart behind her, looked directly into Ling Fei's eyes and said:

"Whether he is arrogant or has other reasons, we can't understand it. What we can do now is to bite him."

Ling Fei was taken aback for a moment, and it was indeed a little strange to speak from a delicate girl's mouth, but it was in line with the current status of the Kunier family, a fight between trapped beasts, a desperate fight.

"Hahaha, okay, then we'll bite off a piece of his meat."

Ling Fei laughed heartily and said proudly.

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Ni asked:

"Then... how can I help?"

"You're really helpful here."

Ling Fei said directly, Mo Ni raised her eyebrows and was about to refute a few words, but Ling Fei continued:

"The elemental storm is basically out of control. Adjust the direction, it will go straight all the way, and then it will transport the magic power. You can't use your specialties here. The power of heaven's punishment is extremely powerful, and the attack range is also very wide. It's not as good as you, Miss. It’s better to go back to the council hall and evacuate and deploy people, firstly, it can reduce casualties, secondly, if you sit in charge, you can also stabilize the fluctuating minds of the clansmen, at this time, there must be no confusion behind the scenes.”

What Ling Fei said was very sincere, Mo Ni's lips squirmed for a moment, and finally she didn't say anything more, she nodded, turned around and left, halfway there, she stopped suddenly, raised her arm, and threw a few more blue Vial:

"Promise me to live."

The simple words represented Mo Ni's greatest wish. Ling Fei took the magic potion and laughed loudly:

"Don't worry, I will definitely live longer than you."

Falcao glanced at the young man meaningfully, followed Moni's pace and walked towards the inner courtyard, while Luca and Bai Ruisi looked at each other, and followed Moni to the council hall.

It wasn't until the girl's back disappeared that Ling Fei's smile slowly faded from his face, and turned a bit more dignified. He turned around and looked at the twenty guards who were vigilantly patrolling around, and said lightly:

"You guys retreat too."

These young Kunier youths were all startled slightly, but none of them retreated, but looked at Ling Fei at the same time.

Seeing that no one moved, Ling Fei frowned. He could see stubbornness and unyielding in the eyes of these young people, but in the face of absolute power and the spirit of not admitting defeat, it became ridiculous.

"I know that you are very brave and are not afraid of death, but not being afraid of death does not mean that you want to seek death. No matter how humiliated or angry you are, you must not lose yourself. If you want revenge, you must live first. If you can't keep it, what are you going to do to get revenge?"

Ling Fei's voice was not loud, but it hit their hearts.

After a moment of silence, someone finally took the lead. An older young man among the guards put away the weapon in his hand, bowed deeply to Ling Fei, and then turned and left. With the first one, the other young men also followed suit. They all imitated their companions, bowed, and then left.

When Ling Fei was the only one near the entire console, he took a deep breath, raised his head, set his eyes on the gradually widening gap again, and said to himself:

"I want to see what you want."

"My lord, are you still planning to use Heaven's Punishment to tease them? Wouldn't it be better to give them a good time?"

Seeing Van Helsing who once again condensed a drop of blood from his hand and threw it into the air, Russell frowned, a little displeased. This was not because he sympathized with the Kunier family, although Van Helsing was indeed stronger than him, and he was In Popo City, he is obviously at a disadvantage, but as the patriarch of Hastings, a noble family that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is naturally impossible to be willing to be manipulated by others, and it is such a child's play, it is a waste of time.

"Why should Patriarch Russell be so impatient, it is reasonable for me to do so, since your Excellency is so impatient, I will speed up a little."

Hearing Russell's complaints, Fan Helsing was not only not annoyed, but laughed, and quickly slid his fingers in the void.

The next moment, a flash of fire suddenly appeared in front of Fan Helsing, and then a complicated rune appeared out of thin The rune was completely composed of flames, shining with a faint light, Russell was startled, and just wanted to concentrate Look, go and listen to Fan Helsing's mouth, the flame rune turned and swished, and disappeared in place, and the next moment, it appeared in the sky thousands of feet above the head, flashed and flashed, and finally disappeared into the flames. Disappeared in the cloud.

"My lord, this is?"

Russell was a little surprised. His fire spirit eye claimed to be able to see through some rules of fire, but at that moment, his fire spirit eye was completely unable to analyze this flame rune. Obviously, the composition of this rune was extremely ancient. It is absolutely impossible to be a product of the civilization of the current Terra Continent, but what made him even more astonished was that he faintly felt the breath of death from the flame rune, which was beyond the profound meaning of the rules of the flame itself.

Fan Helsing laughed, turned around, and did not answer the question directly, but did it again, with a relaxed tone:

"The patriarch was invited to our Popo City to participate in the grand event. Naturally, I am not willing to neglect. This drama is too plain, and it really doesn't make people interested, so I will add a little bit of gimmicks. It is useless to say more, let us watch it slowly. Bar."

Russell was extremely depressed. He wanted to ask about the secret of the flame rune, but was blocked by this old guy, and he slowly appreciated it. This old boy was obviously avoiding the truth, so he could only snort and stop talking.

Rumbling, there was another burst of thunder, the gap in the sky had extended to a thousand feet, and finally stopped expanding. Ling Fei touched the remaining four vials in his arms, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky, because his magic power was originally Not much, I didn't expect that when it was recovering, it would actually take advantage of it, but two bottles of magic potion, more than half of it had been recovered in a quarter of an hour, this is probably the best news.

Read The Duke's Passion