MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 635 bet

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"The lion is fighting the rabbit, and you still have to attack with all your strength, but the current performance of the city lord is like a cat playing with a mouse. Once the mouse finds that the cat does not have the ability to swallow itself, it will bite!"

"Only the rats' constant struggle is interesting. If they lose their resistance from the very beginning, they will feel very boring as cats, won't they? It's just a business clan, I haven't taken it to heart yet."

Van Helsing said indifferently.

Russell's eyes flickered, and he looked at Fan Helsing carefully for a moment, as if he wanted to see something on his face, but in the end he could only talk and shake his head with a smile, and took the initiative to pick up the jug and refill Fan Helsing's glass, and said with a smile :

"Your Majesty, the city lord, is very polite. Anyway, since this is the case, I have an idea to make this game of cat and mouse more fun. Why don't you make a bet with me, the lord of the city?"

Van Helsing restrained his smile, looked at Russell seriously, and asked:

"I don't know what kind of bet Master Russell wants to make, and what kind of items are he planning to bet on?"

Russell turned to look at the son beside him, smiled lightly and said:

"Speaking of which, my son is a bit unfulfilling. He knows how to drink and drink all day long. As a father, I am a little neglected to discipline him, but there are mistakes. This kid met a member of the Kunier family in the gold selling cave a while ago. An elder of foreign affairs, speaking of this elder is called..."

As Russell looked at Kai suspiciously, Kai's heart moved, and he quickly replied:

"Father, that man's name is Ling Fei."

"Oh, yes, it's Ling Fei."

Russell said with a dazed expression: "Although it's a crooked attack, it's just right. I'll let my son make excuses and applaud him. After all, young people who have not experienced training, but a few meals of wine and meat, a few people, that boy will tell my son revealed a lot of secrets related to the Kunier family."

When the others heard Russell's words, they all remained calm. Only Fan Helsing showed interest and seemed to listen patiently.

Russell said apologetically: "Speaking of which, I asked my son to associate with this Kunier family member, but I didn't inform the city lord in time. I hope the city lord will give you a letter of guarantee."

Fan Helsing laughed and waved his hands, "Patriarch Russell is too polite, I don't know what useful information your young master has obtained."

Russell smiled and said to Kay, "You tell me."

Kai stood up respectfully and said: "My lord, as far as I know from Ling Fei, the other branches of the Kunier family have all concentrated in Popo City because of the continuous encirclement and suppression by our forces. It is said that their guards The number of people has skyrocketed to five thousand, and it is said that the two injured elders of the Kunigir family have also secretly returned to sit in the family, and their power should not be underestimated."

When the others heard this, their faces changed. Although the plan to annihilate and annex the branches of the Kunier family, and finally force the branches to gather in Popo City for the last swallow is a plan that their big families have designed long ago, and the plan is also going well. However, according to the news from Ling Fei, it seems that they did not achieve the effect they originally wanted. Instead, their number of troops increased to 5,000, which exceeded their expectations.

Their expectation was to cannibalize the young and middle-aged of a branch, and then force the remaining elites to run around with the old, weak, sick and disabled of the family, and eventually, because of food and other reasons, the Kunier family will be completely dragged down. For one thing, not only can they weaken the strength of the Shao Kunier family effortlessly, but they can also wait for work at leisure in the end, and obtain the greatest results at the smallest cost.

The master's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain. Using 2,000 troops to deal with the 5,000 troops who couldn't defend, and it was the situation where the opponent had already jumped the wall, it was foreseeable to fight to the death, and the success rate was too low.

As the purest merchants, with a little experimentation, they can estimate that this transaction is obviously losing money. They are not as big a family business as the City Lord's Mansion, and they are capable of cultivating such a city guard.

In the final analysis, the guards of the Hester family are the private soldiers of the commercial family. If they know it is a pit, they insist on jumping in. This is not in the interests of the businessman. Although the city lord may have paid a lot of money, he has his life to enjoy it. That's right.

Thinking of this, the head of the family subconsciously looked at the city lord Fan Helsing. After all, this lord is still in control of everything. As the lowest status among the several forces, they can only bear it. Now he only hopes that Fan Helsing can consider his interests. .

"Well, I probably understand what Patriarch Russell means. The Patriarch means that the city lord is a little careless. He wants to remind me. Van Helsing is grateful again."

Fan Helsing suddenly nodded earnestly and expressed his thanks to Suddenly his face changed and his tone changed:

"Nephew Kai said a lot. From the formal point of view, five thousand is against two thousand, and the opponent is defending, and we are attacking. The disadvantage is obvious, but don't forget, why do we have to wait so long? Will the weak, sick and disabled be a burden to consume the Kunier family? If they can reach 5,000 people who can form a combat force, then their family members may be even more, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned, and the master also heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that the city lord did not intend to use them as cannon fodder, but then the face of the master became a little ugly, and even he himself wondered why he There will be such a strange idea, but this idea is really a little scary, so that no one will notice his gaffe, he lowers his head very low, but the worry in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Kai stood there a little at a loss, and Van Helsing said:

"Based on what I know about Ling Fei, he will definitely not be a lustful person. On the contrary, he is young but has a lot of scheming. I think Master Kai may have been tricked by this kid this time. These news, I'm afraid he just wanted to tell me through your mouth."

Kai's face turned red, and he glanced at his father carefully, but Russell didn't seem to be angry, just smiled lightly and drank the wine.

But Van Helsing didn't seem to want to let go of the opportunity to ridicule the father and son, and said with a smile:

"Patriarch Russell, it seems that Nephew Kai is too young and doesn't understand the dangers of the world, so he was used as a gunman, but it's okay. When he was young, paying a small price can indeed make him a better person in his later life." Take less detours on the road, oh, by the way, Patriarch Russell seems to have mentioned a bet just now, right? Why don’t you tell me about it?”

Read The Duke's Passion