MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 625 rampage route

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From the appearance, it seems that it is far from the grade of the carriage of the Kunier family, but Ling Fei has seen no less than twelve kinds of rune barriers from the simple structure of the carriage, which means that this carriage I am afraid that the owner has indescribable defense and attack capabilities.

From this point of view, warriors still pay more attention to practicality.

Under the skillful driving of the coachman, the carriage drove very fast, and arrived at the banquet place in a short time.

After Ling Fei got off the car, he found that this was a luxurious three-story restaurant. Following behind the waiter who had been waiting for a long time, Ling Fei unexpectedly found that there was no one on the first and second floors.

After asking the waiter, he found out that the entire restaurant was booked up today, so he didn't have to ask who it was.

As the door of the box opened, Ling Fei saw three people, two of whom Ling Fei knew, one was the domineering Young Master Kai, the other was a half-step Sanctuary magister, and an ordinary-looking man was sitting in the middle Although he had never seen the middle-aged man, Ling Fei could probably guess that there was only one possibility for the person who could sit in that position, and that was Hastings' contemporary patriarch.

Seeing Ling Fei approaching, Young Master Kai took the initiative to stand up, swept away the bossy past, and smiled at Ling Fei:

"Mr. Ling Fei, please sit down. Let me introduce you. You should still have the impression that this is the Mislin magician."

Following Kai's introduction, Michelin leaned forward slightly to salute, which would be extremely impolite behavior in normal times, but Ling Fei smiled and nodded in return, not taking it as something serious.

Kaiyou pointed to the man in the middle and introduced:

"And this is my father, Russell, Hastings, who is also the current owner of Hastings."

Ling Fei showed a bright smile, performed an aristocratic etiquette to Russell, and said with a light smile:

"Mr. Russell's name, I have heard of it for a long time, especially the pair of fire eyes that can see through the elements are extremely powerful. Seeing it now, it is really extraordinary."

Russell smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Lingfei is polite, please sit down, I wonder if Mr. Lingfei's last name is convenient enough to disclose."

Ling Fei nodded without hesitation: "Since Mr. Russell is interested, I will obey my orders. My full name is Ling Fei. It's not surprising if Mr. Russell hasn't heard of it. After all, I'm just a mountain person."

But what surprised him was that Russell frowned and thought about it, and said seriously after a while:

"Speaking of which, the surname Ling is indeed relatively rare in the Rhea continent, but I have actually heard of this surname. I heard that people in this family take the violent route, and they use purple battle energy. In this way, You are really a member of the Ling family, but what surprised me is that you are gentle and elegant, which is rare in the rumors of the Ling family."

Ling Fei didn't expect that this Luo Su actually knew about the Ling family. Is it true that his clansmen were exiled here in Rhea Continent? Thinking of this, Ling Fei wanted to open his mouth to ask about the family.

But Michelin said indifferently: "Master Patriarch, you said that you are inviting a distinguished guest today, but I didn't expect him to be invited? I think I'd better go back early."

Russell didn't expect that Michelin would suddenly act so unfriendly and disrespectful to himself. If it was an ordinary person, he could still scold him a few words, but this person's own strength is already strong, and with the big backer behind him, he can only Can laugh and say:

"Why did Master Mislin leave so early? You and Mr. Lingfei may have had some misunderstandings because of the first meeting, so..."

"Correct me, this is the third time Mr. Mislin and I have met."

Before Russell could finish speaking, Ling Fei suddenly interjected to explain.

Michelin's eyes suddenly lit up, and Russell also asked in a puzzled way:

"The third time? How did I hear that this is the second time?"

Lingfei smiled faintly, looked at Mislin with deep meaning and said:

"That day, Mr. Mislin observed me in the sky for so long, did he see anything?"

Mislin finally became interested. He sat down again, looked Ling Fei up and down and said:

"Unexpectedly, in just five or six days, you have already advanced to such a level. You are worthy of being the person that that person likes. However, if you still participate in the **** matter of the city lord's mansion, I am afraid that your life will be very short. of."

From Mislin's tone of voice, Ling Fei could feel the other party's disdain for Fan Helsing, he smiled slightly and said:

"Does your Excellency really see through my cultivation? Or is it just because you can't see through my cultivation that you say so?"

Kai didn't expect that Mislin would become the main character at the banquet where his father invited the other party. The confrontation between the two of them completely put the father and son on the sidelines.

He was about to speak, but was stopped by Russell with a smile, as if in his eyes, this was exactly the effect he wanted.

"Hehe, I think Mr. Lingfei, you are too But I have to praise you, you can be regarded as a genius in the sky for being able to reach the middle stage of the Venerable so quickly."

Mislin squinted his eyes, and with a near-ignoring attitude, said lightly, although it seemed to be praising the other party, but in fact it really pointed out that the other party's strength was incomparable to his own.

Ling Fei also smiled: "So in the eyes of Mr. Mislin, my strength is only in the middle stage of the Venerable. That's fine. It's better to be underestimated and despised than to be valued and end up dead, isn't it? Is not it?"

Michelin's complexion changed, and he was about to refute, but seeing that Lingfei didn't give him a chance at all, he suddenly turned his head and said to Russell:

"Mr. Russell, this time I'm specially invited to the banquet. I'm really anxious. I don't know what's going on with Russell? It's better to make it clear first, so that I can eat and drink later, and I can have a better time."

Mislin suddenly felt a little annoyed. This guy obviously changed the subject on purpose, and even when the quarrel was won, he accepted it as soon as it was good. This made him very unhappy, but he knew that the protagonist of this banquet was after all Belonging to the Hastings family, belonging to Russell, since Ling Fei brought his idea back to the protagonist, he can't do unnecessary things, otherwise it will be disgusting.

Russell kept smiling and watching the bickering between the two. He thought the performance would last for a while, but he didn't expect that the call would bring the subject back in an instant, and he felt a little more fond of the young man in his heart.

He smiled faintly: "Mr. Ling Fei is indeed a member of the Ling family, and he still can't change his straightforward temperament, so I won't beat around the bush. In fact, I heard that Mr. Ling Fei was favored by a senior and gave him a purple devil as a gift." I just got interested, and later I heard that Your Excellency also has a kind of purple flame, I wonder if it can open my eyes?"