MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 619 spread terror

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Following the words in his mouth, he made a movement of cutting his throat, and the one who spoke first showed the same expression:

"What you said is true? The arm of the Contrala was cut off by him? Then we'd better be careful, Master Contra's strength, we are not opponents, if you offend this evil star , I'm afraid neither of us will have any good fruit to eat."

The other person smiled and said: "It's not as serious as you think. I heard that this person has a strange purple fire that can attach to the warrior's true energy and devour the warrior's elements, and that's why my lord caught it." Right."

The person who spoke first exhaled: "So it's like this, hey, wait a minute, is the purple fire you mentioned the one on your back?"

"Don't talk nonsense here, why do I have purple fire on my back, did you scare me on purpose?"

The other person laughed in a low voice, and subconsciously looked behind him, only to find that a faint purple fire appeared in front of his eyes, turning his eyes purple. , suddenly got into his mouth directly.

In just an instant, his face turned livid, and with a bang, his forehead completely burst into powder.

The person who spoke the most, opened his mouth wide, and could only hear the voice of ah, ah, he was obviously scared to death, but he heard a faint voice from behind:

"Go back and tell Contra that if he dares to send someone to monitor me next time, he will send some powerful ones, and don't use you as a trash fish to perfuse me."

The watcher didn't dare to move his head, he just nodded his head helplessly. He didn't know how long it took before he dared to turn his head and look behind him. At this time, his whole body was already drenched in cold sweat.

And in an alley in the western suburbs a few miles away from the market, two people were walking leisurely.

"Why do you kill one but let the other go? If you kill both, wouldn't it be completely safe?"

Youmu finally couldn't help but express the question in his heart.

Ling Fei smiled, and said calmly: "Do you think there is anything more terrifying than death?"

Youmu tilted his head and repeated his words: "Worse than death? What could it be?"

Seeing that Youmu couldn't figure it out, Ling Fei smiled and said: "Rumors. I'm so scary. The dead can't spread it, but the living can. Only by spreading my horror, they will be afraid of me. Even if Contra or Van Helsing will send someone over to watch me next time, they won't be so blatant, understand?"

Youmu nodded half-understanding, and stopped talking. At this time, both of them were wearing ordinary poor clothes and walking in the slums, which would not attract anyone's attention.

Walking to a T-junction again, Ling Fei asked, "Where are you going?"

Youmu pointed to the most inconspicuous graystone house at the end of the left road and said:

"There, there is my home."

Pushing open the somewhat crooked heavy door, the dark room finally had a little light, and a faint female voice came from the room:

"Is it Youmu?"

Youmu felt sour and shouted loudly: "Master, I'm back, and I brought a doctor to see you?"

Following Youmu's walking direction, Lingfei saw that the small room was divided into two rooms. The inside room was where Youmu's mother lived, with a wooden bed and a few stone piers, and the outside room was slightly larger. Well, Lingfei could still see some books in the impoverished room.

"Doctor? Youmu, our family should have no money to hire a doctor, right?"

Youmu's mother is a skinny man with protruding cheekbones, dull eyes, and thinning hair. It seems that he has been ill for a long time. She lay on the bed and asked in surprise.

Youmu was already a little choked up at this time, Ling Fei stepped forward and said with a smile:

"It's like this. Youmu found me yesterday and begged me to treat you. I thought he was pitiful, so I asked him to chop wood for me. If he can finish it, I will come to treat you. I didn't expect this child to have a backbone. Evening, so today I am here to fulfill my promise."

The woman felt a little relieved when she heard this, but she sat up reluctantly:

"Your doctor has worked hard. I blame my children for being ignorant and causing you trouble."

Although the woman's clothes are simple and her hair is messy, Ling Fei can still feel everyone's demeanor from her calm expression in dealing with others. He smiled:

"You're welcome. You have such a filial son. You educated him well. Okay, you rest, and I'll treat you."

As he spoke, he began to focus on the movement of the woman's whole body.

Suddenly a cold voice came from behind: "Are you really a doctor?"

Ling Fei didn't show surprise. From his perception, he knew that someone was coming behind him, and he replied without turning his head:


Youmu was also overjoyed when he saw the person coming, and called, "Sister."

But immediately his face changed drastically: "Sister, what are you doing? Don't!"

Hearing a whistling sound behind her, the girl tried her best to chop off Ling Fei's head with something.

But at the next moment, there was another bang, and there was only one weapon left in the girl's hand, and the object had been blown to the roof at some point, and was deeply immersed in it.

Youmu swallowed, looked at the ax that had sunk deep into the wall, and was shocked in his heart. He was not worried that Ling Fei would die, but he was afraid that his sister's behavior would anger the **** of death.

A moment of shock flashed in the weak woman's eyes, and then she coughed continuously.

Ling Fei took out a pill from his bosom and said: "This is a blood-enriching pill. Your body is very weak now. Even if I have the ability to reach the sky, I can't cure you when your body is so weak. Now you can only You can nourish your body first, the medicinal properties of the pill are very strong, and it is impossible to absorb it at once with your current constitution, so I suggest you divide the pill into four times and take it once a day, oh, of course, the premise is that you dare."

After finishing speaking, Ling Fei stood up, turned around and looked at the girl who shot at him just now, the girl in front of her had the same skinny face, if she didn't look carefully, she was no different from the kids in the slums, but the decisive shot just now proved her strength different.

Staring at Ling Fei with both eyes, he asked word by word:

"Do you still dare to say that you are just a doctor?"

Looking at the girl's clear eyes, without any sense of guilt, Ling Fei was very curious, if she was really killed by his ax just now, would she still be so indifferent.

"In fact, my mission here is to see a doctor for your mother, so judging from my purpose, I am indeed a doctor." Ling Fei said frankly.