MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 607 worthless life

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To be precise, he was still a child, but about fourteen or fifteen years old, with dark skin and a thin body, but wearing disproportionately fat clothes. Although his mouth was tightly pursed, he couldn't hide the horror in his eyes.

"May I have your name?"

Ling Fei looked at the thin young man and asked casually.

"You...Youmu, my name is Youmu." The boy was obviously a little nervous.

Ling Fei nodded: "Well... tell me, you don't drink in there, what are you doing with us?"

Piccolo looked a little nervously at Tussel, seeing that his hands behind his back were not moving at all, so he arched his body and said with a smile:

"You two gentlemen, I knew from the way you shot Rom just now, that you must be arrogant people. I don't know, if I can provide some news about the nobles, can I also, hehe..."

Piccolo smiled flatteringly. Although he didn't finish his sentence, the meaning was obvious. Lingfei smiled, and casually threw a gold coin over and said with a smile:

"I just like to hear news from nobles. As long as it is true, I will never treat you badly."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Piccolo grabbed the gold coin tightly in his hand, with a look of ecstasy on his face, and maybe a little worried, he turned sideways, pointed the gold coin in his hand at the light coming through the window, and took a few glances.

How could his small movements escape the keen observation of the two venerable masters? Ling Fei even saw the corners of Tusr's eyes twitch twice, and he couldn't help smiling. He is different from Tusr, who is similar to a priest. You don’t have to worry about food and clothing, you just have to concentrate on cultivation. He has witnessed the death of his family members, and he has tried the simplicity of having nothing to eat. For such poor people, although they are powerful and even stingy, if they are not forced by life , who will become like this.

From this point of view, whether it is Rhea Continent or Arad, the poor are equally miserable, even his hometown where he was exiled...

Thinking of this, Ling Fei said quietly:

"Well, the gold coins have been confirmed to be correct, shouldn't it be time to tell the news?"

Piccolo showed embarrassment on his face, and immediately said with a smile:

"Actually, I was originally a bodyguard under the city lord's mansion. Don't look like I'm bulky, but I've actually reached the second-level mercenary!"

After speaking, Piccolo rolled up his sleeves to let Ling Fei see the logo of his mercenary union. Seeing Ling Fei's impatient expression, he hurriedly continued:

"On the day of the Guilou auction, because the number of participating nobles suddenly increased sharply, resulting in a shortage of manpower, the City Lord's Mansion ordered that each store send a few loyal guards to help. I was lucky enough to go to the Guilou. At first, at first They arranged me in the living room, but because I was so fierce that I frightened a few rich ladies, so I was driven to the backyard to take care of the nobles' carriage."

Speaking of this, Piccolo's dejected tone suddenly became excited:

"Unexpectedly, I saw Lord Van Helsing, the lord of the city, there. Later, before the auction ended, I saw two or three groups of people leaving early from the VIP passage. I'm sure they are the Hester family. The Ice Tribe, and the people of Pittsburgh."

Lingfei showed a thoughtful look, but Tusr said a little speechlessly:

"that's it?"

Piccolo shrank his neck, he was obviously afraid of Tussle, and said falteringly:

"I heard a conversation between a pair of old people. They looked very happy and smiling, but they were talking bad things about the city lord. Because of this, I have the deepest memory of that person. After doing the work at night, When I passed by the Alchemy Chamber of Commerce, I saw an airship taking off there, and the old couple was sitting on the airship."

Only then did Tusr's face soften a little, and he stopped talking. After a while, Ling Fei recovered from his thoughts, and he asked lightly:

"If this is the case, logically, you have never seen these nobles before, how did you know their identities?"

Piccolo smiled and said, "Hey, there's nothing joyful about it. We are poor people, so we are afraid of offending people. If we don't have the eyesight and offend someone who shouldn't be offended, we won't know how to die, so We have recognized all the clan crests of each family for a long time. Don’t forget, that’s where the carriages are parked. If the carriages of nobles ride, the clan crests of the families will be painted on them immediately. Oh yes, let’s talk about this, I suddenly thought of something."

Speaking of the carriage and the family emblem, Piccolo suddenly seemed to think of something and continued:

"Speaking of which, it's quite strange. When the lord of the city appeared, besides the carriage that his old man was riding in, there were two carriages behind him, one with the emblem of the Hester family, and the other, which seemed to be It's the Hastings family's..., yes, the Hastings family's Fire Emblem."

A gleam flashed in Tusr's eyes, and he looked at Ling Fei with deep At this time, Ling Fei also happened to look at Tusr, their eyes met, and they both showed serious expressions .

"Is there anything else?" Ling Fei continued to ask.

Piccolo scratched his head, finally shook his head and said:

"My lords, that's all I know."

"Well, let's go, remember, you have never seen us today."

Tussle waved his hand, said to Piccolo like chasing flies, and finally gave a special order.

Piccolo bowed his head and nodded: "The little one understands, the little one just came out to go to the latrine, and now I'm going back to continue drinking."

After speaking, he walked back into the hotel like a normal person.

"Old Tu, let me tell you, don't underestimate the power of the poor. No matter how small the power is, if it gathers together, it will be huge."

Ling Fei looked at Tusr and joked.

Tu Sier snorted coldly, and turned his gaze to the boy.

"So what news do you have to sell us?"

The boy was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "I don't sell news, I sell my life."

Ling Fei couldn't help laughing after hearing this:

"Boy, hurry home, your life is worthless."

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. The young man was in a hurry. He stretched out his thin arms as if to grab Ling Fei's clothes, but he was hit by an invisible force. The young man's body could not withstand the impact of gravity, and suddenly Those who were bounced back took several steps.

Lingfei glanced at Tusr meaningfully, and then continued to walk forward, but he heard the young man behind him panting and saying:

"I know people from your Kunier family, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that his neck had been tightly held by a hand, and a cold voice asked:

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