MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 601 hideout guy

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"Evidence? Isn't that obvious? The old picture said it so clearly, you still don't give up? Contra is obviously on Van Helsing's side, so when I was disrespectful to the city lord, only Contra rushed out. And later, when Contra suffered such a big loss, only the head of Hester stepped forward to help, and the others stood aside all the time, indifferent. Just imagine, if Kusca or Bull suffered such a big loss, Are his brothers so calm? The only explanation is that they are not powerful people at all."

Lingfei took over what Tusr had said, and added a detailed explanation, and finally said with a sullen expression:

"Moreover, I can tell you exactly that there are four families that formed the alliance that annexed your Kunier family."

Tusle was startled. With his ability, he could only see that half of the other party was not of the same mind, so he made such a guess, but Ling Fei dared to directly assert that they were four forces, which of course felt a little incredible.

Fortunately, the doubts in his heart were first asked by another person, which made him not lose his composure.

"Why are you so sure?" Mo Ni finally couldn't keep calm.

"It's very simple. I won't mention the three heads of the Contra and Hester families. Among the remaining four, three of them practice the pure fire system. Only the last guy who hides his head and shows his tail is practicing What they are using is water-based exercises, water and fire are incompatible, so naturally they can't be together all the way, and with their attitude towards Contra, isn't this a clear thing?"

Fire element technique? Water system skills?

As the hidden forces gradually jumped out from behind the scenes, even the pure-hearted Emma realized the seriousness of the matter, and consciously chose to shut up.

Speaking of which, this girl was supposed to go back to report the letter with Bull, but after leaving the Turtle Tower, he found an excuse and secretly left the sight of Bull and Kuska. Maybe Bull was anxious to report back, but this girl succeeded. She escaped, and then hid in the carriage early. When Mo Ni and the others returned to the carriage, they found her existence. Although they wanted to scold her a few times, they knew that she was worried about themselves, so they still didn't scold her.

Although Emma is young, she still has color after all, so at this time, she is like a doll, curled up in Moni's arms obediently, without saying a word.

Mo Ni only felt that her mind was a little messed up. The sudden appearance of so much information had already overwhelmed him. She hugged Emma blankly and fell silent.

Suddenly, there was a powerful galloping sound from behind the carriage, mixed with shouting and cursing, when the galloping sound passed the carriage, without warning, the spirit horned beast in front of the carriage suddenly let out a roar , Then the carriage shook for a while, and then I heard the coachman hurriedly shouting and reining in the horse. After a while, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Emma wanted to poke her head out to have a look, but was hugged tightly by Mo Ni, so she had to stay in the car obediently.

Tussle frowned, and asked outside the car: "What happened outside?"

The coachman hurriedly replied, "Reporting to the elders, some people rushed in the road, I wanted to slow down and let them pass, but I didn't expect them to overtake them directly, and suddenly whipped the spirit horned beast, but the spirit horned beast went crazy, I can't Don't force the brakes."

Hearing the coachman's report, Tusr opened a corner of the window in displeasure, wanting to see what happened. Then, the smoke and dust billowed ahead, and the galloping carriage had long since disappeared.

Reluctantly lowering the car window, he sighed and said softly:

"It seems that this city of Pau is getting more and more uneven, let's continue on the road."


Ling Fei suddenly yelled, retracted from the other side of the car window, and said with a strange expression, "Huh? It seems to be destined!"

In front of an ordinary hotel that couldn't be more ordinary, both Mo Ni and Tussle looked at Ling Fei with questioning eyes. Obviously, they didn't know what kind of nerves this guy was having, and suddenly said that he was taking the initiative, and put several people together Pull down.

"Don't you think this place looks familiar?"

Ling Fei came to his senses, the laziness in the car just now was swept away, he ignored the contempt of the other three people, and walked into the hotel with a big swagger.

"Hey, Ling Fei, you haven't told us yet, why are you here?"

Mo Ni was still worried about the future of the family, how could she be in the mood to go crazy with him.

Ling Fei waved at her indifferently: "Come in quickly, maybe you can find the answer you need to know here."

"Find the answer I want to know?" Mo Ni glanced at the old hotel again, and finally stepped in.

", I don't know how many of you are eating or staying...Um, why are you?"

The shopkeeper, who had been smiling just now, froze the smile on his face, and looked at the people in front of him with a surprised expression.

Moni and Tusle also showed surprised expressions. They rubbed their eyes and finally made sure that they were not dazzled.

Ling Fei smiled and hugged the shopkeeper's shoulders, like an old friend for many years, hooked his shoulders and smiled and said:

"Haha, the shopkeeper still remembers me, come on, do the math, it's been a long time, and today our carriage suddenly arrived at the door of your shop and I was shocked. Do you think it's fate? So I decided to come to the shopkeeper Let's chat."

The shopkeeper's expression was a bit unnatural, there was no logic at all, the carriage was frightened in front of my shop, did he think of me? To shamelessly call this fate, this is too ridiculous!

Looking at the backs of the two, Mo Ni and Tu Sier looked at each other, as if they saw hope in each other's eyes.

Maybe, we can really get some news from here!

"Mr. Lingfei, I never expected that after you were picked up by the eldest lady of the Kunier family, you would still think of me, a little shopkeeper. What an honor?"

After everyone was seated, the young shopkeeper took the initiative to change the topic.

Ling Fei laughed for a while, then suddenly his face turned cold, and he said to a certain empty place in the room:

"That guy who hides his head and shows his tail over there, I give you two choices, either get out or die!"

Tussle seemed to hear it with his brows slightly closed, observing the boss in front of him, while Mo Ni looked curiously at what Ling Fei was looking at, but there was nothing unusual there, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

But the next moment, a sinister voice sounded in the hall.