MTL - Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment-Chapter 1666 【1666】In terms of playing, it has to be from your big city

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"You have already won this competition in advance, and I will study the resource allocation quota for the coming year with the elders of the family later." Anjou Taylor then conveyed another message.

Anjou Prince was very excited after hearing this, "Good father, I will definitely make good use of this family resource."

Immediately, the two chatted for a few more words, and each hung up the phone.

Anru Prince put down his phone and rushed to the bedroom excitedly, wanting to share the good news with Ye Feng.

But when she opened the bedroom door and saw that he was still sleeping soundly, she had no choice but to give up the idea.

"Ye Feng, thank you."

She stood in the doorway with a grateful look on her face.

Since meeting Ye Feng, she found that her luck is getting stronger and stronger.

First, he helped Sotheby's Auction House win more than 10 billion precious antiques, which helped Sotheby's raise a large amount of sales all at once, and instantly secured the position of vice president of Sotheby's Auction House.

Then, today she led her to perform such a magical operation that could shake the financial world...

How should I repay him?

Anjou Prince bit her lower lip, as if she had made up her mind, she slowly exited the bedroom.

When Ye Feng woke up, it was already around 9 o'clock in the morning.

He got up and walked out of the bedroom, but he didn't find Anjou Prince.


He called out, but no one answered.

He searched around again, but there were no balconies or kitchens.

He came to the bathroom door again and knocked on the closed door, "Prince, are you inside?"

Still no one answered.

This immediately made him puzzled, where did he go this early in the morning?

Did you go out to exercise?

Are you too energetic?

He shook his head, pushed open the bathroom door and walked in.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person petrified on the spot.

The washroom and bathroom of Anjou Prince's house are connected together, the outside is the washroom, and the inside is the bathroom.

In her bathroom, there is also a bathtub.

At this time, Anjou Prince was lying in the bathtub, covered by white bubbles, only his head and half of his fragrant shoulders were exposed.

Her hair was casually coiled behind and inserted with a chopstick, looking a little free and unrestrained.

"Yeah... sorry, I'm here to pee, I... I didn't know you were in there..."

Ye Feng was a little flustered, although he really wanted to get out immediately, but his legs didn't work.

On the other hand, Anjou Prince didn't show any signs of panic on his face. Instead, he looked at him with a smile, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Ye Feng shook his head hastily, "I... am I afraid? I'm an old man, what should I be afraid of?"

"Gentleman?" Anjou Princeton was amused by the word for a moment, she looked so pretty when she smiled.

Ye Feng's eyes were straightened.

Of course, it's not just the eyes that are straight...

The bathtub is white, and the bubbles are white, but they are not as white as her skin.

That kind of white is breathtakingly white.

"Ye Feng, do I look good?" Anru Prince did not drive Ye Feng out, but asked inexplicably.

"It's pretty." Ye Feng felt that she asked a superfluous question.

"Then do you think I'm prettier, or Wonder Woman?" Anjou Prince asked another question.

"Of course it is... you look good."

Although Ye Feng felt that the two of them were equal, but at this time, do you still need to hesitate about this kind of question?

"Tch, the words are insincere." Anjou Prince said coquettishly, which was full of charm.

Immediately, she asked another question that left Ye Feng speechless.

"Then you want it with her?"

"I don't want to." Ye Feng immediately shook his head in denial.

"Really? I don't believe it. She is so beautiful. Countless men in our Empire on which the Sun Never Sets and the United States have always regarded her as a fantasy target. How could you have no idea?" Anru Prince obviously didn't believe his nonsense .

"..." Ye Feng was a little speechless.

However, after being speechless for a moment, he discovered that beside the bathtub where Anjou Prince was taking a bath, there was a complete set of exquisite Wonder Woman cosplayer costume.

His expression changed immediately, "Why are you asking this?"

"Because, I can play Wonder Woman." Anjou Prince said, standing up directly from the bathtub.

Then, in front of Ye Feng, he wiped his body clean, put on a whole set of Wonder Woman cosplay, and raised his eyebrows at him provocatively.

Ye Feng immediately understood what she meant.

"I have to say, it's still your big cities who know how to play."

Saying that, he walked over quickly, carried him out of the bathroom, and threw him directly onto the big bed in the bedroom.

Anjou Prince was a little flustered, and immediately wanted to get under the quilt.

A pretty face instantly turned red up to the ears, even the neck of the goose was red.

"Aren't you quite bold just now? Why are you being cowardly now?" Ye Feng felt more and more excited.

"You...what do you want?...I...I...I'm Wonder Woman!"

Anjou Prince is actually acting.

While hiding under the quilt, he looked a little nervous and shy, and at the same time, his posture was inexplicably noble.

This feeling of melting ice and fire...

Ye Feng couldn't stand it for an instant, and rushed straight away!


This time, probably both of them were too excited.

In addition, Ye Feng has an amazing physique.

The two of them were completely in the dark for an unknown period of time.

When the two of them finished fighting, fell asleep again, and opened their eyes again, it was already night again.

When he woke up again, seeing Anjou Prince's beautiful face and figure, and thinking of the scene of her playing Wonder Woman before, Ye Feng was a little impulsive at first, and was going to have another in-depth exchange.

At this time, the atmosphere was ruined by a phone call.

He took out his mobile phone angrily, and was about to curse.

But when he saw that the caller ID was "Semiya", he had no choice but to hold back his anger.

"Hey, Semiya, what's the matter?" He answered the phone while playing with Anjou Prince.

"Boss, one of my exclusive informants has received an important message." Semiya whispered something on the phone, obviously afraid that others would hear it.

Ye Feng immediately sat up straight, "Exclusive informant? Important information? What's the situation?"

"It's a **** market businessman whose life was saved by me before..." Semiya briefly introduced the situation of the exclusive informant, "He has been helping me collect some Jerry Bruns family members in the black market in private. The news of the antiques spread."

"He called me today and said that he had received an anonymous entrustment, asking him to go to a place to pick up a piece of goods for a customer at twelve o'clock tonight."

"The commission given by the anonymous entrustment is very high. According to his calculations based on the commission, the value of the item received by the connector is at least 500 million or more."

"So just gave me a call to see if it would be of any use to me."

Read The Duke's Passion