MTL - Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment-Chapter 1595 【1595】Seattle shopping center is a sensation, the person in charge shows up!

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Ye Feng walked to the front of the exhibit reminded by Deepin Navigation.

It was a very delicate glass display case.

Thick bulletproof glass is arranged all around.

After the waitress came over, she obviously realized that Ye Feng might be interested in this thing, and immediately introduced, "Sir, you have a good eye."

"This "Bible" manuscript is the bedside book of the previous Pope of the Vatican. The legendary Pope spent decades of hard work, studying the annotations every day, and finally achieved such a manuscript."

"Although it is not as valuable as the rare books of the famous "Bible" in history, it has also set a high price of 1.79 million yuan in the auction house. Even several people from Sotheby's headquarters Top appraisers also commented that its value in the future must be immeasurable!"

"If you buy it, you can definitely treat it as a family heirloom, pass it down from generation to generation, and enjoy the appreciation..."

Ye Feng didn't react when he heard this.

But Zhuang Xiaoqiao at the side had a strange look in his eyes, and couldn't help but whispered to Ye Feng in Chinese, "The staff here, why do they have the smell of real estate sales?"

"I just saw that each of them has such a good temperament, I thought they were taking the high-level route."

"I didn't expect that as soon as I opened my mouth, I followed the domestic sales department."

Ye Feng smiled, "Don't worry about these details."

"Let's just focus on the collection itself."

"This thing is really valuable."

Then, he turned his gaze to the beautiful staff member, "That's all."

"I like this kind of thing with cultural connotations."

The beautiful staff member was still talking about introductions or sales.

Now when Ye Feng said that he wanted to win this, he probably didn't realize it all at once, and the sales lines were still flowing in his mouth.

It wasn't until a moment later that the brain came back to life, and I was taken aback.

Immediately, he hurriedly nodded and bowed, "Good sir."

"I'll contact the supervisor and go through the relevant procedures for you."

"please wait!"

Ye Feng didn't talk too much nonsense, nodded slightly at her, and then dragged Zhuang Xiaoqiao to continue wandering elsewhere.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was very surprised, "No, you really want to buy that?"

"The price of that thing is one and a half million dollars, which is equivalent to Chinese currency, and it's over ten thousand!"

"Do you have any special feelings for things like the Bible? I don't know Miss Li. Although the foreign beauty just now praised this thing, but I can tell that this "Bible" is hand-written. The manuscript was produced by a little-known pope in the Vatican, and in terms of collection value, it’s actually not too big…”

Ye Feng glanced at her, "Don't ask so many questions about adults."

"Furthermore, after hanging out with me for so long, when have you ever seen me lose money in collecting antiques?"

"Put your heart back in your stomach."

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard this, she probably felt that it made sense, so she stopped asking any more questions immediately.

But after being honest for a while, she suddenly realized something, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "Stinky Yefeng, who are you talking about?"

"Which eye of yours sees me smaller?"

"You are so young!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much, just glanced at her not-so-feminine features with his eyes.

Not too hurtful, but extremely insulting.

All of a sudden, Zhuang Xiaoqiao was furious.

She grabbed Ye Feng's hand and said angrily, "I'm not young at all."

"It's just that I have a small frame, and I'm petite, and I usually don't like being noticed by lsps, so I'm wrapped up on purpose!"

"If you don't believe me, try it!"

Ye Feng hurriedly broke free, glanced around, "It's not fun to try."

"It's a big crowd."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was still furious, "Anyway, I'm not young!"

"Don't treat me like a child in the future."

"Otherwise, be careful and I will bite you to death!"

As he said that, he flashed his little tiger teeth fiercely at Ye Feng.

"All right, all right, you're not young." Ye Feng didn't tease her anymore, "I won't call you a child anymore."

"Let's continue to pick out the collection."

"Hmph!" Zhuang Xiaoqiao stopped now, and turned her attention to the many collections in many Seattle shopping malls, "There are also antiques and cultural relics handed down from our Huaguo here, let's go over there and have a look."

"Maybe, we can bring back some precious cultural relics lost in the country."

Ye Feng is driving deep navigation.

Seeing that the deep navigation shows that there are indeed a few items in the direction Zhuang Xiaoqiao is pointing to, the value is higher than the price here, so I immediately followed her to go there.

After that, after scanning all those things and confirming that there is a relatively large arbitrage space between the purchase price and the sale price, he directly recruited the beautiful staff member just now, "The calligraphy and painting of Zhang Daqian, and That pair of Qi Baishi's paintings, that deep-sea night pearl, that rare copy of "Twenty-Four Histories" me get them all out."

"I want it all."

And at this time, the beautiful staff member was probably stunned again.

She stuttered a little, "Sir, are you, are you sure?"

"These things add up to a total price of more than 30 million dollars."

"Also, on our side, we only support full payment transactions. We do not accept all credit, installment and other transaction methods."

Even the guests who were selecting and visiting around looked over.

This is what Ye Feng wanted.

Seeing that her speech was not clear, she smiled immediately, "Ma'am, in Huaguo, your way of asking questions is no different from questioning customers."

"Holding, sorry, sir! I was just too surprised, absolutely nothing else!" The beautiful staff member must have been frightened when she heard this, and quickly bowed and apologized.

Then he spoke quickly, "I'll contact the supervisor above and ask her to come over and help you with the relevant procedures."

"Please in the VIP lounge area, I'll ask someone to prepare some drinks and snacks for you."

"Please wait."

After speaking, after taking Ye Feng and Zhuang Xiaoqiao to an extraordinarily luxurious rest area, he hurriedly reported to his boss.

Not as Ye Feng expected.

Not long after the two sat in the rest area and tasted the exquisite coffee and snacks here, there was a loud noise outside:

"My God, it's President Davis, the person in charge of our Seattle shopping center!"

"He actually came here this time!"

"It must be that he has also heard that a foreign tycoon has come to our collection area, and he came here to say hello and make friends with him, right? Every time there are customers who spend a lot of money in the mall, it seems that the Seattle mall will Pay extra attention to retain such high-quality customers!"

"It's 100% because of that foreign young man who spends money like water!"


Afterwards, a smiling, bloated figure in a suit and leather shoes led a group of people to the lounge of Ye Feng and Zhuang Xiaoqiao.