MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ The enemy of Tekken (fourteen) flying up

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Lv Qingchen asked, while he said, while he was amazed and snarled, the problem was strange and strange, and everything that Gus could not understand was said.

Gus feared in his heart, and dared not take the initiative to ask this mysterious demons too much. He could see that the sky was getting darker and darker, and he could only walk deeper and shallower, and continued to go deep into the forest, seemingly nowhere to go.

"So, people in your world, do not do anything in the middle of the day, blindly study the boxing method, please the boxing gods?"

At this time, Lv Dengchen continued to smile and asked, "How can you "broken the void" and see the boxing god?"

This question, asked Gus heart.

Although he is naturally weak, it is a waste that is not used, but like all the teenagers in the world of boxing, he has done countless times in the world, punching the mountains and rivers, breaking the void, and being called by the boxing gods. He doesn’t want to, blurt out. : "If you want to break the void, you must first become a 'cash of the sky.'"

Gus told Lu Qingchen that the master of the world of boxing is divided into four realms, each with nine stars.

The first weight is the "Fist of the Earth". This master of the realm can tear the tiger and leopard, fight with the giant bear, and punch the skin with a thick and mammoth mammoth, and smash the skull and brains, the total star. The higher the level, the more you look at the mountains and rivers, the more you have no opponents. When you reach the realm of "Nine Stars", you will be able to intercept thousands of miles without any beasts. It is called the "King of Beasts".

Therefore, the fist of the earth is also called "the beast kingdom."

The second is the "Fighting of the Sea". The master of this realm, in addition to the invulnerability, power and endless power, the whole body can stimulate a powerful and powerful gas field to withstand the strong pressure from the outside world.

The strong man who cultivates the fist of the sea to the highest realm can walk into the sea step by step from the shore. By relying on the body and the gas field, the sea will be drained. Even if the whole person is swallowed by the sea, the body still maintains the diameter from two meters to one hundred. Bubbles of different sizes, when it comes to the "Nine Stars Ocean" realm, can even reach the seabed hundreds of meters and thousands of meters deep.

“My dad used to be the master of the ‘five-star ocean’.”

Gus is very proud to tell Lu Qingchen. "We don't rely on the sea in Chijin Town, but there is a big lake 'Magic Dragon Pool' in the vicinity of two or three hundred meters deep. It is surrounded by the most ferocious aquarium, even the fishing boats. I can bite off half a bit, but my father can get out of the east bank of the magic dragon pool, walk through the bottom of the two or three hundred meters deep, and then climb up from the west bank. During this period, I don’t know how many killing aquariums are killed. Water droplets, when you land ashore, the clothes are still dry, so this 'fighting of the ocean' is also called 'Haiwangjing', and when you become a nine-star ocean, it is the king of the deep sea!"

"so smart?"

Lv Qingchen exclaimed, but the words turned, but he said, "No wonder you don't believe that your father actually believed in the 'power of machinery and steam'!"

Gus was stunned for a moment.

"Don't be angry, make a joke with you."

Lv Qingchen laughed and said, "If the 'Tiequan Way' is really the most powerful force in the world, and your father is the master of the practice of iron fist to reach the five-star ocean, how can it be so stupid, break into the evil path? Also, maybe your father was deceived?"

"Yes, Dad must be deceived!"

The spirit of Gus was shocked, like a lighthouse in the dark, catching straw when drowning.

Although I escaped from Chijin Town with my sister, I was desperate, and my two brothers’ minds were completely different.

The purpose of my sister is to avenge my father.

Gus has to grieve for his father - he does not believe that Dad is such a loyal follower of the iron fist, will betrayed and fallen for no reason, but Dad, the most honest, most faithful, most reliable father in the world!

Dad can't be wrong.

Unless, the iron fist is wrong?

Gus's eyes widened and he didn't understand how this evil thought, like rotten cockroaches, got into his mind.

He trembled fiercely, instantly oozing a cold sweat from his back, holding his head, staring at the demon, and screaming, "You, what have you done to me!"

"I didn't do anything?"

Lv Qingchen was full of innocence, looking at Gus's expression, already understood most of the time, smiled a little, said, "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't be in front of the poor people in the dark, making a dazzling match, but I I also need this faint light to find the road ahead, what can I do? Sorry, I am really sorry, please continue to say, what is the realm behind 'Haiwangjing'?"

Gus set a certain god, took a deep breath and told the devil that it was "the king of heaven."

Gus did not know much about the kingdom.

Because this is close to the broken void, the unattainable realm, let alone the town of Chijin has not been a few thousand years, even the center of the boxing of the Yuanyuan City, it is also rare.

Gus only knows that the king of heaven is also called "the fist of the sky", and those who cultivate in this realm will fly.

In the beginning, it was just a void suspension, and it could rise to a few tens of meters and a few hundred meters.

The more you practice, the deeper you are, the more you can go to the wind, the speed is faster than the shocking bird, and even fly all the way to the sky.

As for the "broken land" higher than the king of heaven, Gus is even more unaware of it. It can only be told according to the old story, telling the devil that it is about to fly to the top of the sky, and to play a powerful force on the sky. The triumphant boxing method, if it is subtle enough to reach the level of the ancients, has the opportunity to get the boxing of the gods and enter another world, the higher level of the gods and devils, to enjoy the life of immortality and wonderful life.

"Another world? Hey, hey!"

The devil heard this and couldn't help but laugh.

"Why, do you think I am lying, is there a higher level of the gods and gods?"

Gus's face sank.

The teenager has had enough panic and humiliation today, and he decided to defend his faith.

"No, no, you misunderstood. I certainly believe that the ‘higher level of the gods and gods’ exists. In fact, I came from there.” Lu Xiaochen smiled.


Gus was surprised. "This is impossible, you are lying to me!"

"Of course someone is lying to you, but not me."

Lv Dengchen said, "You have said that it is a higher-level ‘God and Devil’ world. Since I am a demon, what is strange from here?”

Gus is a word.

He always thought there were two gods, one heaven, one hell.

The boxing **** naturally lives in paradise, and this embarrassing demon, of course, comes from hell.

But the demon's understanding of each other is definitely more than the mortal understanding of the demon, so it is not surprising that this demon knows something about heaven after breaking the void.

Gus glanced at the sister who walked silently in front and found that he was inside, and there was something uncontrollable. He knew that the other party was very likely to lie to him. He still swallowed and stammered and asked: "That Then, tell me what the gods and gods world looks like. Can mortals really break the void and go there?"

"God and the world..."

Lv Qingchen looked and was gradually dyed dark, but there was no half of the stars, as if the sky was sealed, muttering. "It is no different from here. There is no 'immortality', no more 'unbelievable', It’s not impossible for mortals to go, but it may not be in the way you think, and you may not be able to afford the cost of flying the world."