MTL - Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual-Chapter 28 Fucking married to a scumbag (28)

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Xia Changhan didn't react for a moment, raised his head, and stared at her blankly: "Ah."

Yuan Yan was a little embarrassed, and tucked her broken hair behind her ears, revealing the red tips of her ears, "Recently, I had a little conflict with my baby, and the baby has ignored me for several days. My homework is to play games, I want to ease the conflict with my baby and play games with him, but I know nine out of ten skills in games, so I want to find Dao Dao Xia."

Before Xia Changhan said anything, Gao Zijian became as excited as Erha, "Wei Weiwei, come on, Sister Yan, let Director Xia take us to pretend to be flying."

Xia Changhan: "..."

"I'll set you up."

The three of them had added friends to each other a long time ago. Gao Zijian created a small group and sent the team invitation to the group. The three of them got together to maintain peace.

Yuan Yan was slapped on her body with a frying pan at the beginning of the game, green blood started to appear on the screen, she was startled, and ran to the main road in a panic. Pat fell to the ground.

Xia Changhan raised the 98k and shot casually, blasting the pan's head.

Gao Zijian ran M416 to Yuan Yan's side with his back on his back, squatted down and began to pull her.

Yuan Yan was wriggling on the ground like a caterpillar, Gao Zijian couldn't pull her up even if he wanted to, "Sister Yan, stop crawling."

Yuan Yan stopped in the middle of the road, waiting for Gao Zijian.

The game consciousness of these two people is so low that it is outrageous, and they can still rescue them with poor operation skills, and pull people in the middle of the road. Isn't this clear that they are setting up live targets and giving away their heads?

Xia Changhan covered Gao Zijian's rescue all the way, and didn't continue to dig into the house to find supplies until Yuan Yan got up from the ground.

Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing throughout the whole process, Yuan Yan fell down again and again, and her death made the other two eye-opening and amazed. Gao Zijian worked tirelessly behind Yuan Yan's buttocks and pulled her. Finally, he was so proficient that he ran towards her when he heard the gunshots. Yuan Yan felt embarrassed, "Don't save me, you guys run first."

Gao Zijian was very loyal: "Then how can it be, if we come here with all our tails, we have to go out with all our tails."

Xia Changhan: "Where's your crayfish?"

Gao Zijian chuckled, Rainbow Fart opened his mouth and said, "The main reason is that Xia Dao is so good. I dared to squat here to save people with a big sniper pointing at the whole audience."

It's better to compare one dish, but two dishes can't be compared. It's more tiring to fight all the way to the finals than filming a half-morning scene.

She simply became meticulous, holding a sprayer, catching whoever was spraying whoever she was, and performing a showy operation, successfully ate chicken with two dishes, Gao Zijian's eyes stared like stars: "Director Xia, you are too good."

Xia Changhan put down his phone: "Stop blowing it up, save your strength to wake everyone up and continue filming."

The people on the crew were basically selected by Xia Changhan, and the filming was like a command, and the progress was very fast. The drama that was originally estimated to be filmed in ten months, according to the current process, can be filmed in eight months, plus three After a month of post-production and publicity, I will be able to meet with you basically a year later.

Halfway through the filming, Cao Feng stayed outside the crew again. He appeared so many times that even the reporters didn't bother to film.

This time he was holding ninety-nine blue enchantresses in his arms, the petals were azure blue, revealing a bit of mystery and strangeness, Xia Changhan thought to himself that it looks like a rose and is so expensive, what is there to look at.

She opened the card, and a faint scent of ink came to her nostrils.

System: "What is the fragrance of ink? This is clearly the card's scent of the blue enchantress."

Xia Changhan: "..."

Xia Changhan ignored the system and continued to look at the card. There were a few words written in blue-black ink on it. The handwriting was free and easy. Are you coming back for dinner tonight?

She found that Jian Yixian had become more and more down-to-earth since the two of them opened their hearts to each other.

In Liang De's words, it is a bit human.

Xia Changhan took the rose and called Jian Yixian, "Hey, Yixian, I saw the card you wrote."

Jian Yixian was in a meeting when she received the call. She pointed to the phone, smiled apologetically, and left the meeting room with the phone.

"Well, are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

Xia Changhan said deliberately: "The word back is not appropriate."

Jian Yixian: "Are you forcing a marriage?"

"I didn't!"

"You wait," Xia Changhan snorted, and found the little yellow text of "I Love Cult CP" from Weibo and read it word by word: "Jian Yixian sat up and down on Xia Changhan x, his eyes It seemed as if the spring water was about to drip down, suddenly, Xia Changhan flicked his wrist, and suddenly, Jian Yixian exclaimed: "My friend, slow down, I can't take it anymore. "

She originally thought that Jian Yixian would be shy, but Jian Yixian's deep and **** voice came from the other end of the phone: "Baby, I'm wet from what you read."

What the hell!

Uncle policeman, come here, someone is playing hooligans here!

In the evening, Jian Yixian came to pick up Xia Changhan, and Xia Changhan leaned on Jian Yixian like a cartilage: "Yixian, I want to eat wild mushrooms."

Jian Yixian rubbed Xia Changhan's mouth back and forth with his fingers: "How do you know the mushrooms bought in the kitchen today?"

Xia Changhan patted Jian Yixian's hand, and arched into her arms: "Because I'm amazing."

"Yes, yes, you are the best."

In fact, Xia Changhan wanted to eat mushrooms yesterday, so Jian Yixian specially arranged for someone to airlift the freshest wild mushrooms from Yunnan, and make them for her to eat at night.

Now in May, it is a good time to eat mushrooms.

Xia Changhan was very happy to eat. The mushrooms in May and June were tender and delicious, and she almost swallowed them on her tongue.

Jian Yixian doesn't like to eat mushrooms, so she put all of them in Xia Changhan's bowl.

Xia Changhan ate up every single one left.

After eating, the two of them took a walk in the garden. Originally, Xia Changhan didn't want to move, but Jian Yixian dragged him out.

"Eat so much recently, be careful to get fat."

Jian Yixian defeated Xia Changhan's laziness with one sentence, and she reluctantly walked around with her legs open.

She thought about it while walking, although Jian Yixian had a concerned expression when she said this, but when she agreed to come out for a walk, she clearly saw a successful smile flashing across Jian Yixian's face.

She stopped and asked, "Jian Yixian, are you thinking about something messy in your mind?"

Jian Yixian took her hand: "You are all in my mind."

Why does this sound so awkward.

Xia Changhan narrowed his eyes, twirling his chin with **** like Sherlock Holmes: "There is definitely a problem."

"Otherwise we'll go back."

Xia Changhan followed her back suspiciously, and when she got to the bedroom, she suddenly remembered that she had almost digested the dinner she ate at night.

While taking a bath, Jian Yixian finally showed her fox tail.

Xia Changhan looked at Jian Yixian dazed by the hot water: "Jian Yixian, why do you have a tail behind your butt?"

Jian Yixian thought she was referring to her discovery of her purpose, so she said, "My little dessert is so witty."

Xia Changhan was very curious about Jian Yixian's fox tail, so he ran behind her and reached out to pick it up, but she failed.

Xia Changhan didn't believe in evil, put one arm around Jian Yixian's waist, and waved the other hand wildly behind her, saying, "Where's the tail, where's the big fluffy tail."

Jian Yixian wondered why he got drunk without drinking.

Xia Changhan and Tail fought hard, circling around Jian Yixian, reaching out her hand from time to time to grab something, but every time she couldn't catch it, she murmured, "Let me look for it, Little Tail!" Where is it?"

Jian Yixian quickly turned around and grabbed Xia Changhan's wrist, pulling her up forcefully. The person in front of him had clear eyes and a natural expression, which made Jian Yixian feel that she did it on purpose.

Jian Yixian decided to punish her a little.

The best punishment is for her to cry and call her mother.

Jian Yixian did what he said, and as expected, Xia Changhan called his mother all night.

The next day after Xia Changhan woke up, her voice was hoarse. She kicked Jian Yixian angrily. Just as she was about to kick again, Jian Yixian was woken up by her kick. She opened her eyes and held Xia Changhan's hand. Grabbing Xi Lingling's ankle, pulled her in front of her, and kissed her fair instep: "It doesn't stop in the morning."

Xia Changhan was disgusted: "Hey, you're so disgusting."

"Disgusting is also dear you."

As he spoke, he climbed up to the level with Xia Changhan, holding Xia Changhan's face and was about to kiss him.

Jian Yixian actually tried to kiss her with the mouth that just kissed her foot!

She turned over in a hurry, rolled out from under Jian Yixian, and slid to the ground. She scrambled and ran out, but was caught by Jian Yixian and wrapped in her arms. Before she could kiss her, Xia Changhan quickly stretched out her hand to hold her Her mouth: "Don't kiss me without brushing your teeth."

Jian Yixian got up angrily and brushed her teeth.

After brushing his teeth, he caught Xia Changhan and pressed him on the bed for a deep kiss. Xia Changhan almost lost oxygen when he kissed him.

After the two had breakfast, Jian Yixian sent her to the set, and on the way Xia Changhan complained to the system: "Jian Yixian is too beastly!"

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen," the system kept saying, like Ziwei, that I didn't listen.

Xia Changhan: "Are you crazy?"

System: "You are engaging in pornography, I don't listen to it, if I do, I will go to the AI ​​center to receive an education comparable to torture."

Xia Changhan: "I haven't said it yet!"

The system can't wait to grow an ear and then cover it tightly: "No, I won't listen, I won't listen, I don't want to continue education, from now on we'll talk above the neck."

Xia Changhan looked at the system with pity. This poor little man must have been tortured so badly that he was on the verge of becoming nervous.

Cao Feng didn't send roses over today, Gao Zijian was quite curious: "Director Xia, Special Assistant Cao didn't come today."

Xia Changhan: "Do you miss him?"

Gao Zijian: "My old man, what do you want him to do? I remember that Tezhu Cao used to send you roses regardless of the weather."

Xia Changhan: "You old man is quite gossip."

Gao Zijian: "..."

Cao Tezhu, who was being talked about by Gao Zijian, was standing in Jian Yixian's office with his head down.

The low air pressure in the office was driving him crazy.

The news that he gave roses for the first time was passed on to Jian Yixian's ears by someone with a heart. Jian Yixian was furious, vinegar jars were poured all over the floor, and the sour smell was soaring.

Jian Yixian said coldly: "Why didn't you tell me the first time there was such news."

Cao Feng said in his heart, how dare I, if I tell you, you won't eat me.

Jian Yixian also felt that she was asking a stupid question, but she couldn't help it. She undid the discipline button angrily, and threw the phone on the table: "Now people all over the world think that you are having an affair with her."

As soon as Cao Feng thought it was over, Mr. Jian said this as if he had given Mrs. Jian a cuckold, and he quickly explained: "Mr. Jian, I have nothing to do with Ms. Xia, and I haven't even touched the corner of her clothes! "

Jian Yixian's brows and eyes were full of anger: "I know," she just couldn't bear it.

Cautiously, Cao Feng raised his head and took a peek at Jian Yixian, and said, "Mr. Jian...Why don't you just make an official announcement?"


People in Yunnan should know the stalk of fungus poisoning hahaha.

Bai Youyou X Jiang Nan doesn't have many people who like it, so I will mention them separately as a side story, and I will indicate in the title when the time comes, if you like it, you can buy it, if you don't like it, just skip it, it won't affect the reading.