MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 89 Who are you calling to spank? ...

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"Turn around and lie down!"

Yun Ranran raised her eyebrows, kicked Qinghe, and ordered loudly.

Qing He said yes, but his body didn't move for a long time.

Yun Ranran squatted down, patted his face, and said proudly: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up."

Qing He was furious with her anger, but he said what he said, and he couldn't go back on his words. His cheeks were slightly red and he said: "I see, don't rush."

Yun Ranran hummed: "If you don't hurry up, I will call Wuxuan and Xiaoqi here."

Qing said softly, "I didn't let others see me when I hit you."

Yun Ranran's eyes widened, and she said angrily, "Why not? Weren't Xiaoqi and Wuxuan here the first time?"

Thinking of that time, Qing He's fingers trembled in anger: "You call that beating?"

Yun Ranran chuckled, put his hand on his shoulder, and pushed him back: "Qing and Senior Brother, stop talking nonsense, are you capable?"

The little girl is like a bully, grinning from the corners of her mouth to her ears.

Qing He never imagined that he would have such a day. Thinking of him being so powerful, those who heard it changed their colors, and how many people knelt at their feet trembling and crying. Now, he is going to be raped by a little girl in broad daylight...

The words are still speaking...

Forget it, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, anyway, it is my little girl who makes her proud.

He really turned around, knelt down, put his hands on the ground, and said to her: "Hurry up."

Yun Ranran didn't expect Qing Hezhen to get down on the ground, giggling silly, she squatted in front of him, and poked his cheek: "The aura of body protection has been withdrawn."

Qinghe: ...

Yun Ranran said: "Brother's body-protecting aura, if I hit you, you won't feel any pain at all, and maybe I will hurt myself."

Qing He gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

As soon as his words fell, the spiritual shield covering his body was instantly retracted into his body.

Yun Ranran was worried, and said again: "Don't turn your face, don't let Qiu Hou settle accounts."

Qinghe: "Understood."

Yun Ranran was happy now, she stood up, walked around behind him, and then whispered in Qinghe's ear: "Senior brother, don't cry!"

Qing He thought, where can the little girl's palm hurt? Before she finished thinking about it, she saw that **** child condensed a thick and huge spiritual power... Paddle...

Like rowing a boat with a flat front end... oars...

extremely large and stout...

The little bastard...

Before he had time to speak, the oar greeted him vigorously, and the sharp pain came in an instant, he lost his balance, and threw himself into the green grass pile.


Yun Ranran took a careful look, and without helping, she threw the oar and ran away.

You can't be caught, you will be killed if you catch it.

Yun Ranran simply ran all the way back to the residence, Wuxuan was reading a book in the yard, he was dressed in frosty white monk clothes, and he was very relaxed under the blue sky.

The pink and white petals fluttered down, and his slender hands stretched out from the wide sleeves, pinched the booklet slightly, and lowered his eyes, focused and serious.

Yun Ranran looked left and right, moved a small bench in front of Wuxuan, and said with a smile: "Wuxuan, what are you looking at?"

Wuxuan put down the booklet, turned around to look at her, and smiled with crooked eyes: "The scriptures."

There was a little distance between the small bench and Wuxuan's rattan chair, Yun Ranran felt insecure, so she dragged the small bench and moved it to his side, until her small bench touched the legs of Wuxuan's rattan chair.

She sat side by side with Wuxuan, so close to each other, Wuxuan's frosty white sleeves fell to her lap, she grabbed the corners of the clothes, turned her upper body sideways, and put her head on the rattan chair of Wuxuan Putting his hand on, he was so obedient: "I want to listen too, can you read it to me?"

Wuxuan looked at the exceptionally well-behaved and cute little girl, his black eyes under the bushy eyelashes were full of smiles: "What are you doing?"

Yun Ranran said vaguely, "Nothing."

Wuxuan raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head: "Qinghe went out just now, why did you come back alone? What about him?"

Yun Ranran pretended to be stupid: "I don't know."

Wuxuan laughed: "Did you offend him?"

Yun Ranran pursed her lips, thought for a long time, and felt that she couldn't hide it from Wuxuan, so she said "hmm".

Wuxuan saw her tugging at the corners of his clothes, looking insecure, so he suppressed a smile and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Yun Ranran said seriously: "You have to protect me, I've provoked quite a lot."

Wuxuan said: "It's nothing."

Wuxuan felt so secure, Yun Ranran really nestled next to him and listened to him recite scriptures.

Wuxuan's voice is very nice, it is the transparency of a young man after going through vicissitudes, it is the broken ice on Chunri Creek.

He spoke eloquently, and every sound was intoxicating.

Yun Ranran couldn't help being deeply involved, until the young man in white limped into the courtyard with a dark handsome face.

The little girl's hand holding the corner of her clothes tightened with a "swish".

Wu Xuan almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

But Qinghe's appearance is really weird, he has already fused two souls, it is rare to be able to hurt him like this, he coughed lightly, and asked: "What did you do?"

Qing He glared at him viciously, and said to Yun Ran Ran: "Come here."

Yun Ranran straightened her back and resisted: "I don't, I'm listening to Wuxuan chanting."

Qing He supported his waist and gritted his teeth: "Are you coming here by yourself, or am I going to invite you?"

Yun Ranran hid beside Wuxuan, Wuxuan protected him by his side, and smiled: "Don't bully the children."

Yun Ranran poked his head out from behind Wuxuan, provocatively: "Slightly slightly."

Qing He said with itchy teeth, "Don't come out."

Yun Ranran was protected by Wuxuan, she was bold, and laughed.

Footsteps came from the side yard, Yun Ranran raised his head to look over, and saw Xiao Qi walking out with Lan Zao and Qin Ziqi.

Qin Ziqi stayed with Lanzao for two days, and his condition has improved a lot. In addition, Xiaoqi and Xiaoyang have no oppressive force, and he seems to be full of energy.

But now when he entered the courtyard and saw Qing He, he began to tremble again.

Xiao Qi briskly walked to the stone table, picked a fruit from the wooden basket on the table, it was red and crisp, took a bite, the juice was sweet, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Qing He, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? "

Qinghe kept silent with a dark face.

Xiao Qi walked over curiously, looked up and down around him, and then said in surprise: "Why are you supporting your waist, this posture... Did someone spank you?"

Qinghe paused, and the spiritual pressure around him exploded in an instant...

Qin Ziqi wailed and ran out.


Qin Ziqi ran away without a trace when he went out, Yun Ranran looked around along the long street, and found Qin Ziqi who was in a state of despair not far from the teahouse.

Several children were surrounding him, smiling and throwing things at him. He shrank his neck and avoided helplessly.

Yun Ranran stepped forward and shooed the children away, and walked to Qin Ziqi's side. When Qin Ziqi saw that it was her, he felt less shy.

Yun Ranran dragged Qin Ziqi to the teahouse, ordered a pot of hot tea, filled a cup and stuffed it into his palm.

Qin Ziqi held the teacup and looked down, curled up in the shadow cast by the branches behind him.

The storyteller was telling repeated stories again, it was the little general she had just heard.

Qin Ziqi raised his head suddenly, and looked at the storyteller blankly.

Yun Ranran asked, "Do you recognize this little general?"

Qin Ziqi listened carefully, and turned his face after a long time. His eyes were red, he lowered his head, tears fell into the tea bowl, and he said softly, "It seems a little familiar."

The storyteller was spitting and talking about the little general being rescued, his body was shattered and his muscles and bones were broken.

Yun Ranran's eyes could not help but fall on Qin Ziqi's body opposite him. His skin was intact except for some minor scars, but his wrists were bruised and his bones were weak... She couldn't help but think of the sentence that the muscles and bones were broken...

Qin Ziqi was very concerned about the story of the little general. Although he stopped looking at the stage, his hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, and tears fell down uncontrollably, falling on the table and in the tea bowl.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ranran had an answer ready to come out...

Qin Ziqi...little general...

Suddenly there was a sound of laughter from behind, someone came over and said mockingly: "What kind of trash, you are crying here after listening to a book, you are dying of laughter."

Qin Ziqi's pupils shrank, and he instinctively held back his tears.

A few young people were smiling, and when someone reached out and grabbed his shoulder, Qin Ziqi stood up and backed away in fear, and was about to kneel when his knees were bent.

The knee was hooked by a spirit sword.

He glanced around and met the little girl's clear eyes.

"I don't know what you've been through, and why you became what you are today."

"But from now on, let me protect your last dignity."

He was stunned, and the tears couldn't help falling.

The little girl stretched out her hand to lift him up, and pressed him on the bench. As soon as she lifted the spirit sword, she simply and beautifully pointed at the throat of the nearest young man.

The spirit sword was sharp, and the cold air was pressing, and a thin line of blood soon appeared on the young man's throat.

The young man's face turned pale with fright, tears welled up in an instant, and he cried and begged for mercy.

Yun Ranran yelled and rolled away, and those young people scrambled away.

Yun Ranran sat down again, the tea was still boiling hot.

Qin Ziqi sat awkwardly, looked up at her cautiously, hesitated and said: "I can't control it, I'm afraid."

Yun Ranran understood that she was telling herself why he was so cowardly and timid when things happened, so she asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Qin Ziqi said: "I don't remember, but I'm afraid, I can't face it, I can't be strong, it seems that I can only escape all this by begging for mercy."

Looking at his handsome face, Yun Ranran remembered that Mr. Storyteller said that he was captured by the enemy and suffered torture. Was it because the endless torture at that time completely defeated him?

So what does he have to do with the Exiled Lands?

At this moment, Qin Ziqi suddenly stood up and said to Yun Ranran, "Go to the land of exile."

Yun Ranran looked at him in surprise, but he turned around a few times like a headless chicken, and then ran forward in a staggering manner.

Yun Ranran had no choice but to follow.

Qin Ziqi moved forward like this, and finally came to the land of exile. He stood in front of the huge iron chain of the island, wanting to go in, but dared not.

Yun Ranran walked to his side and asked, "What did you think of?"

Qin Ziqi covered his head and said in pain: "I did think of something, but I can't remember it clearly."

"It seems that something important is missing inside, I want to go in and get it."

Qin Ziqi was about to walk on the iron chain when he suddenly became dazed again and stopped on the iron chain.

If it is true what Lin Qingyou said, Qin Ziqi came out of the land of exile, then his memory should have been erased, so he can't remember anything, but just now he ran here desperately and wanted to go in again, it seems It was the erased memory that recovered somewhat, but at this moment he began to be at a loss again, it should be that the memory was erased again.

Yun Ranran looked at the island opposite the iron chain, feeling a little apprehensive.

Qing and senior brother had told her more than once not to enter the Land of Exile, Wuxuan also told her several times, and Xiaoqi also said the same, just take a look, don't go in rashly.

If she goes in, even if she can come out alive, she will have to face the wrath of the three of them.

never mind…

Or take the long view.

At this moment, the jade pendant on her neck became slightly hot.

[The Land of Exile is the key point of the mission, if you miss it, you will have no chance to enter. 】

[Now that there are cracks in Qin Ziqi's memory fragments, I can use Qin Ziqi's memory fragments to send you in. 】

[However, his spiritual power is weak, and he only has one chance. Do you want to enter? 】

Yun Ranran didn't expect Yupei to help at this time, it was unbelievable, she asked: "Does it have to be now?"

【His memory is being erased, and after it is completely erased, he will no longer be able to use it. If you go in directly, you will die without life. 】

Yun Ranran: "Then what if we use his memory fragments?"

[Nine deaths. 】

Yun Ranran: ...

What's the difference? Pooh!

Yun Ranran: "Can I go back and discuss it with the adults at home?"

【No time, do you want to enter? The countdown starts, three, two...]


Yun Ranran looked at the bewildered Qin Ziqi, then at the huge island in the distance, and finally his eyes fell on the jade pendant...

Gritting your teeth, begging for wealth and wealth!

Immediately replied: "Enter."

When her eyes went dark, she completely lost consciousness.

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