MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 79 helpless little poor

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Yun Ranran was furious.

These three guys can't help but say that they lied to her and told her to do such a shameful thing. Now that she has been exposed, they are still laughing at her, aren't they so bastards?

Thinking that she has so much experience in the world, why should she listen to the words of three idiots!

Her anxious eyes were red, and she hissed in a low voice: "Do you know the seriousness? The four of us are going to die together."

Those three finally held back their smiles, and Wuxuan finally became more obedient, he put his fist on his lips to cover up his smile, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Yun Ranran said in pain: "What's the use of being sorry, find a way."

She was collapsing here, but the Ghost Blade people behind her had completely lost their patience.

Not only did this woman ruin their plan, but she also went to the Ghost Control Sect to talk nonsense, and treated them like fools and talked so much nonsense, it was unbearable.

Just now, he had ordered someone to investigate thoroughly. There was no aura of Wu Nian near her. Even if Wu Nian did not dissipate, there must be very little strength left. Since she came to the Ghost Control Sect to seek death, don't blame them for being rude up.

Ghost Blade rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "Open the mountain protection array."

With a "buzzing sound", the entire Ghost Control School shook for a while, and the broken stones rustled down. Yun Ranran could hardly stand still, and was pulled into Qing He's arms. When she looked up, she saw the top of her head A black mist-like barrier was raised, above which there was the sound of ghost cries.

Ghost Blade on the opposite side has already summoned Ning Fei, and Ghost Core and Ghost Tong have also summoned their contractors.

They didn't push it too hard, they almost prepared for the battle with all their strength, they didn't underestimate the enemy just because she didn't have the aura of Wu Nian, but they all went out to solve this trouble in one fell swoop.

Yun Ranran is really helpless now, but the matter has come to this point, there is no way out.

She stepped forward from Qinghe's side, blocked the three of them behind her, and gritted her teeth: "I'm trying to delay the time, you guys find a way to leave..."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone pulled her collar into her arms and looked up, Xiao Qi.

With no fear in her eyes, Xiao Qi looked at her with a smile.

Yun Ranran: Ah, this little fool, he didn't even know when he was about to die...

She was just about to persuade Xiaoqi to back off, but the young man smiled: "What's the use of backing out now, I can only pretend to be brave.

"As soon as they scare you, back off, won't everyone know about it?"

Yun Ranran thought it was ridiculous, but these three guys were more serious than the other, and they should retreat, but the three of them wanted her to continue pretending, so she wavered back and forth between rationality and collapse, feeling that she couldn't bear it at all.

Xiao Qi said again: "How about this, if you pretend to use Wu Nian's power to strike a sword, they must be afraid to retreat, why don't we take the opportunity to escape?"

Yun Ranran asked uncertainly, "Is this really okay?"

Xiao Qi said: "This is the only way, right?"

Yun Ranran was in great pain: "But how powerful my sword energy is, I'm afraid I can't even break through this barrier."

Xiao Qi smiled: "Try it."

Yun Ranran looked at Qing and Wuxuan again, and Qing and Wuxuan said, "Go."

Yun Ranran: ...

The three guys said it lightly, but she was the only one suffering.

All three looked at her encouragingly.

At this moment, she felt ashamed and wished she could put on a bamboo hat, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward again.

Everyone in Ghost Blade looked at her indifferently, to see what nonsense she could say.

Yun Ranran was ashamed and collapsed, she simply condensed her spirit sword, and said shamefully: "Since you don't believe me, then don't blame me for being rude."

The spirit sword took shape suddenly, exuding bursts of cold air.

Yun Ranran clenched the long sword tightly, pointed at the crowd, and his spiritual pressure surged.

Ghost Blades:

【It seems a bit powerful...but it's nothing more than that...】

【Ning Fei Ghost King's spiritual pressure is terrifying...】

【Where does the confidence come from...】

Yun Ranran: Woo...I can't hold on anymore...The world is not worth it...

Ghost Blade didn't want to continue to quarrel with this nonsense woman, so he put the ghost flute to his lips on the spot, and blew the first note.

Ning Fei's eyes turned blood red in an instant, his body was filled with black mist, and he rushed towards her fiercely.

The suffocating spiritual pressure pressed towards her overwhelmingly, and the suppression of the high-ranking position made her hand holding the sword tremble.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and slash out the sword to see if I could resist it a little.

Just when she was about to pour spiritual energy into the spirit sword, someone grabbed her hand, she looked up in surprise, it was Xiao Qi.

The young man looked down at her and smiled briskly: "Look ahead."

She froze for a moment, then her head was held down by the young man's other hand, and she turned forward, his crisp young voice rang in her ears.

"Concentrate on it, pour your spiritual energy."

The situation was urgent, and she didn't have time to think, so she instinctively followed his words and poured all her spiritual power into the spirit sword.

While infusing spiritual energy, she asked nervously, "Is it okay?"

The young man smiled and said nothing, wrapped her around his chest, held her hands in both hands, and set his gentle eyes on the top of her furry head.


She was so cute, she even asked him if he was okay...

He raised his face, eyes full of sharp sword intent.

There are thousands of miles in the mountains and rivers, no one can take him with a sword!

When mountains and seas are blocked, the mountains and seas will be leveled; if the world is surrounded, the world will be cut.

What is the mere ghost-controlling sect?

The boy rolled his eyes and whispered in her ear: "Sister, it's time to fuck."

Yun Ranran clenched the sword nervously, and then was held by the young man, and swung the sword forward with all his strength.

As soon as the sword was swung out, she didn't dare to look at it. She planned to pull Xiao Qi around and run away, but she was suddenly frightened by what happened in front of her.

Seeing that the sword slashed against the wind when it was swung out, forming a huge sword slash that pierced the sky, like a full moon, like a thunderbolt, rushing straight to the opposite side with an unstoppable force.

Ning Fei was the first among them, and was cut in half by the sword in an instant, but the power of the sword did not weaken at all, and he slashed forward destructively.

Face to face, beheaded the ghost king?

Yun Ranran's jaw was about to drop in shock...

What kind of miracle is this?

What surprised her was still behind, the sword's power remained undiminished, and she continued to rush forward, and soon rushed into the crowd of the Ghost Controlling Sect. In an instant, there were explosions and roars everywhere, and there were endless screams. Like wisps, the crowd scattered and fled in all directions, those who ran fast barely survived, and most of them died before they even escaped.

The ghost blade head was among them, and he was cut in the front by the sword, and his sinful life ended on the spot.

Yun Ranran couldn't recover.

This can't be her own cultivation, it's impossible for her to make such a powerful sword cut.

This is absolutely impossible!

Why? Xiao Qi just held her hand, could it be...

She turned her head to look at Xiao Qi in shock, only to find that Xiao Qi was even more shocked than she was.

The boy's eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

"Ran Ran is too powerful, isn't she?"

Yun Ranran:? ? ?

Xiao Qi said excitedly: "It turns out that Ran Ran is so powerful, why did she hide it from us?"

Yun Ranran was confused by him, huh? Could it be that the sword slash just now was not because of Xiao Qi?

But it couldn't be herself, she became more and more confused, and asked, "Isn't it you?"

Xiao Qi said: "How is it possible, don't you know what my strength is?"

Yun Ranran was stunned, as if it was... But, it couldn't be her...

Qing He walked up with a smile, and said with a suppressed smile, "Ran Ran, tell me, are you a genius?"

Yun Ranran was at a loss: "Huh?"

Qinghe was evil-hearted, and lied to the child without any psychological burden: "It's the kind of genius who is rare in a thousand years, the kind who can break through the bottleneck by drinking saliva and sleeping."

Yun Ranran's big eyes were full of doubts, and he said, "Impossible..."

Qing He pulled the little girl over and told her to look at the mess, and said, "Don't belittle yourself, if it wasn't so, how would you explain this?"

Yun Ranran glanced again, shocking.

Just now that sword almost flattened the mountain top of the Ghost Control Sect, and the mountain guard formation was easily split open like paper, not to mention the corpses lying all over the ground.

She furrowed her eyebrows deeply, yes, how should I explain it?

Could it be the spiritual power Wu Nian left for her? Or an inaction Buddha bone? Or is it Yun Jian's memory fragments from before? Could it be that every time she obtains memory fragments, she gains power against the sky, but she doesn't know it?

The little girl fell into a deep self-awareness trouble.

The three of them controlled their emotions and didn't laugh too loudly.

Wuxuan finally softened his heart: "It's almost done."

Qing He smiled: "How cute."

Xiao Qi cast a sideways glance at Wuxuan, then smiled, "I'm still mad at her for going out and fooling around with you for half a month."

Yun Ranran fell into a conflict and couldn't hear what the three of them were saying at all. After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that there was really no reasonable explanation. Only now, Xiao Qi's surprised expression was more real than hers, so he definitely didn't know.

Then, remove all impossibilities, and there is only one truth...

She turned to the three of them, and said mysteriously: "I just thought about it carefully..."

The three of them looked at her one after another.

Yun Ranran clenched her fist nervously.

"It's possible what Qing and senior brother said, but I'm afraid...he's really a genius..."

The three of them were startled, and each of them had a hard time holding back their smiles.

Qing He nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid there is no other explanation except this, it's amazing, Ran Ran."

Yun Ranran blushed: "Where is it, so-so."

Xiao Qi said: "Ran Ran, don't be modest, it's too powerful."

Yun Ranran: "Xiao Qi, practice hard, even the holidays are not impossible."

Xiao Qi stared at her in a daze, couldn't help reaching out to rub her hair, laughing so much that her stomach hurts: "Yes, then you can teach me from now on, okay?"

Yun Ranran felt that her talent came from the jade pendant, and it was impossible for Xiao Qi to have such an adventure, and she didn't want to delay him, so she said earnestly: "Xiao Qi, people are different, you can't reach me. It's normal to be tall, but you can still shine in your life."

Xiao Qi laughed and tears almost came out.

Wuxuan couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Ran Ran, don't you still have business to do?"

Yun Ranran said "Yes", since she didn't have to run away, she could just go to the forbidden area, and she had to find a disciple from the Ghost Control Sect to lead the way.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement among the lying down people of the Ghost Controlling Sect. Yun Ranran turned his head to look, and saw Ghost Core clutching his waist and abdomen and crawling up, with blood between his fingers.

Isn't this a coincidence?

She immediately walked in front of Ghost Core, who had lost a lot of blood and his face was pale. When he saw her coming, he backed away in fright and almost fell to the ground.

Yun Ranran reached out to support her, took out a hemostatic medicine from his pocket and fed it to her, Gui Xin didn't dare not take it, and swallowed the medicine in fear.

Yun Ranran didn't talk too much to her, and only said: "Take me to the forbidden area."

Hearing this, Ghost Core looked at her in horror and shook his head repeatedly.

Yun Ranran sighed: "I'll go in, and I don't want you to go in. What are you afraid of, just walk me to the door."

Ghost Core spoke with difficulty: "What are you doing there? Our Ghost Control Sect has suppressed Cang Jue for many years, except for maintaining the enchantment, we never get close at all. If you get close, you will be unlucky, don't you know?"

Yun Ranran said: "I don't know, isn't Cang Jue pretty good?"

Guixin looked at her like a monster, and said, "Are you crazy? Don't you know what that person did? How many people were killed by the twelve sects?"

Yun Ranran said: "You lead the way first."

Guixin has seen how powerful she is, and she can form a bond with Wu Nian, and she can level the ghost sect with a single sword, so she dared not say "no", so she had to limp and lead the way.

Yun Ranran asked as he walked: "It's strange to say, you Ghost-Controlling Sect dared to play Wu Nian's idea, why didn't you play Cang Jue's idea?"

"If you really want to talk about it, isn't he a ghost? How could you give up on him?"

Ghost Core shivered and said, "We're not crazy..."

"The reason why we dare to fight Wu Nian is that he is too kind, extradited all the spells to himself, and went crazy. It was an uncontrollable madness, and no matter how crazy he was, he didn't want to hurt innocent people, so he trapped himself to death. In the Eastern District, he is principled and reasonable."

"But Cang Jue... is a complete lunatic."

"The monks who have strayed into the barrier these years have all died without leaving any scum."

"This man doesn't care about anyone at all, he will kill everyone who gets close to him."

"How dare we get close to him, as long as he doesn't get out of trouble, we will be thankful."

Yun Ranran thought, Cang Jue should have become like this after being completely disappointed in human nature that time.

While speaking, everyone arrived at the entrance of the forbidden area. The forbidden area is in a row of bamboo forests. As long as they pass through the neat bamboo forest in front of them, they will enter the barrier, and Cang Jue's soul is in it.

Gui Xin swept across the forbidden area in fear, and said with Yun Ranran: "We usually go to this position at most, and it will be dangerous to go in again. I advise you to forget it, don't risk your life in vain."

Yun Ranran glanced at her, and she immediately said: "I know I didn't respect you earlier, but I really didn't lie to you this time, and I'm not worried about you, I'm just worried that if that person comes out, our Ghost Controlling Sect will have to do it too." It's over."

Yun Ranran looked at the bamboo forest and asked: "You said that no one dared to approach this enchantment, so has he stayed in it all these years by himself?"

Guixin said: "That's for sure, we have set up an enchantment around this forbidden area, not to mention people, even birds can't fly in."

Yun Ranran recalled the time when he met Cang Jue in Xiaoyaozong. At that time, he lived alone in the house in the barren village that had been suffering for ten years, guarding the flowers that would not bloom every day. No one, There was nothing but an endless black mist.

The abyss of their Taihua sect is also dark and dark all the year round, the same is true for the lower part of the ghost control sect, right?

She felt sore, and asked, "Is there nothing under your barrier?"

Ghost Core said: "Of course, what else can suppress the enchantment? Of course it is chains, stones, blood, bones and other evil things that prevent him from escaping."

"If I remember correctly, he should be trapped in the most vulnerable moment in his memory, so as to ensure that he has no ability to escape."

The most fragile moment in memory?

Yun Ranran was taken aback, could it be when he was abandoned when he was eight years old?

She squeezed slightly harder in the hand holding the ghost core, and the painful ghost screamed, and then she reacted and let go of her hand.

Ghost Core rubbed his wrist and stepped back timidly.

Yun Ranran didn't want to wait any longer, even if this Cang Jue didn't know her, she wanted to go down quickly.

She glanced back at the three adults and said, "I'm going."

Xiao Qi: "Go early and come back early."

Wuxuan: "Don't stay too long."

Qing He smiled: "Don't listen to them, just have fun."

Yun Ranran gave a "hmm" and walked towards the entrance of the bamboo forest.

The sense of repulsion from the enchantment hit her face. She stepped on the key to enter according to the method told by the ghost core, and soon the bamboo forest in front of her eyes became illusory. The line of sight is completely blocked.

She looked back, and Qing and the three of them had disappeared, and she should have entered the enchantment.

There was black mist and cold air everywhere, and it was really dark here, and I couldn't see anything clearly. The cold wind came from nowhere, making her hair stand on end.

It was very quiet in the enchantment, she groped forward, she thought that since Cang Jue was trapped at the most vulnerable moment, there should be a house like Xiaoyaozong here.

She couldn't see clearly, so she had to use her hands to **** to the sides. Except for the sound of the wind, there was really nothing here.

There are still moonlight and deserted villages in Xiaoyao Zongwan Cemetery, but here it is so dead and silent.

It hurt her to think of him in such a place.

She pushed forward little by little, and she didn't know how far she had traveled, when suddenly a strong smell of blood came from her nose, her heart jumped, and Cang Jue was very likely to be here.

She reached out to touch it tremblingly, her fingertips were wet and sticky, it was blood...

there must be something here...

She stretched out her hand again, and this time she really touched a skinny body without the slightest bit of heat. This...could it be...

She tried her best to push away the black mist with her hands, trying to see clearly in front of her eyes, at this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and there was really a shallow light in front of her eyes, she immediately looked in the direction of her fingers, and at this glance, she was stunned Living.

The eye circles suddenly turned red.

It was a deserted house in front of her, and the yard was full of weeds, exactly like the one she had seen in the Wan Cemetery.

And right in the middle of the courtyard, a child was nailed to a huge sword with a blood-red iron chain. The sword was stained red with blood, and lingered with a scarlet evil spirit.

The child's limbs were pierced by chains, and he was firmly nailed to the giant sword. His body was **** and he was holding a handful of flower seeds in his palm.

His eyes were closed tightly, his lips and face were pale, his expression was terrified and restless, and he didn't know if he was still conscious.

Yun Ranran burst into tears, she carefully stretched out her hand to the chain, trying to untie it, but as soon as she touched it, the child frowned and let out a cry of pain, while the place that was locked by the chain slowly moved. Bleeding slowly.

He's still conscious...

Yun Ranran felt distressed, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Under the pain here, the child slowly opened his eyes, gasped and said, "It hurts so much."

He is so young, he has to suffer this kind of suffering, Yun Ranran felt really uncomfortable, tears kept falling down uncontrollably, and said: "How can I save you? How can I untie this chain?"

The child looked at her suspiciously, and waited for a long time before speaking again: "No one comes here, am I dreaming?"

Yun Ranran said: "It's not a dream, it's real, I'm here to save you, tell me, how can I untie this chain?"

The child lowered his eyes and said softly: "It's useless, you can't untie it, don't bother."

Yun Ranran: "No, don't be afraid, I will definitely rescue you, I will find a way."

The child looked at her in surprise, then closed his eyes and opened them again, saying: "It must be a dream, it must be a dream."

This look is so distressing, she wiped her tears, and wanted to try to inject spiritual power into the chain, she looked at the child, and comforted: "Be patient."

The child bit his lip and nodded obediently.

Yun Ranran grabbed the chain and injected a little spiritual power into it, but as soon as the spiritual power entered, the chain tightened suddenly, and the child immediately cried out in pain, blood gushed out from his whole body.

Yun Ranran immediately withdrew the chain, and the chain stopped. The child was covered in blood, and it looked even worse than before.

Yun Ranran felt guilty, and when she was about to say something, a voice came from behind her: "Who is it?"

Yun Ranran was startled, turned her head and saw a middle-aged man looking at her angrily.

What's this? Didn't it mean that there is no one else in the enchantment? How is this going?

The middle-aged man said angrily, "What are you doing? Who allowed you to touch the chain?"

Yun Ranran thought, is this man a guard? Maybe it was a guard that had transformed from the enchantment for a long time, she condensed the spirit sword and said, "Why, you want to stop me?"

The middle-aged man said speechlessly: "Of course I will stop you. Are you crazy to save this kind of person?"

Yun Ranran: "What happened to him? He obviously did nothing wrong, why can't I save him?"

The middle-aged man's eyes widened in an instant, and he said: "He did nothing wrong? He killed so many people, his crime is unforgivable, you hurry up, I can't let you save him."

Yun Ranran's eyes were red with anger: "One or two said that he killed so many people, but who knows why he went crazy, I must take Cang Jue away today."

After she said this, the middle-aged man was stunned, and then broke out in cold sweat, ran up to her trembling, and said nervously: "Little girl, you, you, how dare you call that You don’t want me to ask you to give me the title of a lord, please, please do me a favor and stop talking nonsense, okay?”

Yun Ranran was confused by what he said, and asked: "What are you talking about? Isn't that behind me Cang Jue? Wasn't he nailed to death by you on the giant sword? What are you pretending?"

The middle-aged man was about to cry, he said: "You little girl, why are you talking nonsense, how could it be that adult on this huge sword, this guy is murderous and angered him, so he was locked here to be tortured. "

Yun Ranran became even more confused: "What are you talking about?"

The middle-aged man finally understood, and asked, "Are you new here?"

Yun Ranran didn't understand what he meant by being a newcomer, thinking that it was indeed her first time here, so she simply nodded.

The middle-aged man said: "You said it earlier, really, come with me."

After he finished speaking, he led the way, and Yun Ranran followed him in a daze.

After walking like this for a while, the middle-aged man said "here we are" and motioned her to go forward.

Yun Ranran took a step forward.

There was a sudden change in front of my eyes.

The black mist receded in an instant, and there was a sudden noise in the ear.

In front of him was a vast and endless sea, a black river of forgetfulness.

On the river stood a vast and majestic city, and countless red palace lanterns were hung on the city, illuminating the world in black and red.

Countless ghosts gather in the center of the city from all directions, and the shouts of vendors can be heard endlessly, making it extremely lively.

Yun Ranran's jaw almost dropped in shock.

The middle-aged man whispered in her ear.

"You must never call that lord by his name again, you will die."

Yun Ranran couldn't react, and asked him in a daze: "Where is that adult now?"

The middle-aged man thought for a while: "That adult has a lot of hobbies. He listens to music and dances on weekdays. He also likes to go boating on the lake. Sometimes he even plays two games in the casino. At this moment it should be..."

He suddenly raised his head and pointed at the tall buildings in the city.

"At this moment, I should be drinking and watching the moon on the tall building."

Yun Ranran raised her eyes and saw a peerless beauty in red, lying drunk on a tall building. His slender, white arms protruded out of the fence, and he was holding a wine jar to pour himself wine.

Isn't that soul-stirring face the eighteen-year-old Cang Jue!

She asked the middle-aged man beside her with a pale face: "You keep saying that you are a lord, who is he?"

The middle-aged man fears and worships: "It's the ghost of our Wangchuan."

Yun Ranran: ...

What about the poor little one? What about being suppressed and helpless?

She is going to cry.

Read The Duke's Passion