MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 73 Will you have someone else behind my back?

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The temperature in the room dropped to freezing point.

Yun Ranran was so nervous that she even forgot to breathe, and her fingertips involuntarily clenched the sheepskin book.

Through the huge wooden window, she saw a crescent moon hidden behind the dark clouds, faintly showing blood.

In my mind, I remembered what Jiang Yan said when I first entered the Eastern District.

[Today is the weakest time for Wu Nian, and also the most gentle time for Wu Nian. 】

Then she saw Wu Nian kill Ghost Joe and burn the entire East District...

But now that she has been with Wu Nian for five days, his tenderness has gradually faded, and his cuteness has gradually mixed into bottomless obsession.

After a while, the only warmth in him also dissipated.

Yun Ranran thought bitterly, it seems that the cold and cruel Great Demon King of the Eastern District has returned...

Now the red-clothed Buddha lazily leaned on the door frame, the bones on his body made the healing sound of "click" and "click", which was especially clear in the silent air, which made people nervous and frightened.

Yun Ranran stabilized her beating heart, and squeezed out a smile: "Yes, I am alone, do you have anyone else here?"

Wu Nian looked at her without saying a word, his gaze resting on her face calmly and tortured.

Believe it or not? Yun Ranran didn't know what to say, but she felt that if she said too much, she would lose her words, so she didn't say anything.

The room became cold again.

Just when she couldn't help but want to speak, Wu Nian smiled: "I thought something unclean got in."

Yun Ranran: ...

She adjusted her expression and tried to smile naturally: "I've always been alone."

Wu Nian raised her foot and walked towards her. Yun Ranran remembered that she was still standing behind the desk, and immediately went to him, stopped him from the desk, and looked away: "Ah, you are bleeding, I will wipe it for you." .”

She searched and found no veil, so she reached out to wipe the blood stains from the corners of his eyes.

He was so tall, she had to raise her head and stretch her hands to reach him.

Wu Nian smiled, clasped her waist and picked her up, and put her on the desk, now the height difference between the two of them was not much different.

He squeezed in front of her, put his hands on her side, bent down slightly, and brought his cheeks to her.

With a beautiful pale face, long and thick eyelashes covered docile and dark eyes, full of obstinate dependence.

As he got closer, the smell of blood mixed with the scent of sandalwood milk on his body rushed towards his face.

She stretched out her hand, and wiped off the blood beads on his face little by little. There were still many blood drops all the way down, along the white and thin neck and into the neckline. She only wiped the exposed part, intending to Withdraw your hand.

Wu Nian looked at her deeply, and said in a low voice, "Wipe it clean."

He was very good, his voice was soft and light, a little childish and coquettish, falling on her heart like a feather.

Can't say no.

She raised her hand to untie his neckline, and blushed as she untied it.

Wu Nian remained motionless to make it easier for her to move, but her eyes were fixed on her.

His eyes were hot and bold, and Yun Ranran's cheeks were hot when he looked at her.

After finally undoing the two buttons, she wiped her red fingertips on her white skirt, then condensed a little spiritual power, pulled his neckline, and wiped the sweat that had slipped into her chest. blood.

Start piping hot.

Look up at Wu Nian again.

The Buddha's breath, which had always been calm, began to become disordered, his fair cheeks flushed slightly, and his eyes were amazingly bright.

She flitted over quickly, scooping up the little bit of blood foam, and was about to retreat when he pressed her waist into his arms, and kissed her all at once.

She screamed in panic, and wanted to push him away, but her fingers pressed against his hot chest.

In the ear, I heard the suppressed low voice of the Buddha.

"do not move."

The tips of her ears were red, and she dared not move.

If you don't move, you will be given whatever you want.

When Wu Nian let go of her, no one knew how long it had passed.

As soon as Yun Ranran was free, she hurriedly withdrew her hand and held it tightly in front of her.

Only then did she remember that Jiang Yan was still under the table, and she wanted to change her life in the cultivation world again.

Wu Nian was very happy and asked, "What books have you read?"

Yun Ranran looked at the sheepskin scrolls spread out on the desk, and said deliberately: "They are all scriptures, and there are some ordinary exercises, which are extremely boring."

Wu Nian asked, "What do you want to see interesting?"

Yun Ranran tentatively asked, "Taboo or something?"

Wu Nian smiled: "What are you looking at?"

Yun Ranran felt that there was hope, and said, "Curiosity, do you have any? I don't want to learn, so I'll just take a look."

Wu Nian paused for a moment, then said softly after a while: "If you want to see it so much, I'll get it for you."

After he finished speaking, he left her, turned and walked to the bookcase in the back row.

Yun Ranran jumped off the desk and stood between him and Jiang Yan silently, watching his walking route carefully.

Fortunately, the back row of bookcases is on the left side, and nothing can be seen from Wu Nian's position, but after a while, he took out a stack of parchment scrolls, returned to Yun Ranran, and put the stack of parchment scrolls into her arms.

Yun Ranran stretched out her arms to hug her, she was quite heavy, she looked at the terrifying names such as [Soul Separation Dafa], [Borrowing Corpse Resurrection], [Blood Puppet], and felt that what she was looking for should be in there, she couldn't help but look a little serious.

Just as she was holding a large pile of parchments and studying them carefully, a flash of red suddenly flashed in her peripheral vision.

Looking up, he saw that Wu Nian had taken a book of scriptures and was going to the desk.

She was so frightened that she immediately shouted: "Wait..."

Wu Nian stopped near the desk, only one step away from going in.

Yun Ranran was away from the desk near the window at the moment, she looked at him nervously, she didn't know what to say for a moment, she pondered for a long time and said: "You come."

Wu Nian didn't understand what she meant, but she still walked towards her.

Yun Ranran looked at the door, and wanted to tell him to go out with him, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly bent down, hugged her horizontally in his arms, turned around and sat on the soft bed by the window.

Yun Ranran was still holding the parchment in his arms, and when he hugged him suddenly, he instinctively protected the scroll.

Wu Nian said: "I see, I will stay here with you, you see."

Yun Ranran: ...

Obviously he misunderstood, but she finally solved the current crisis, she stopped worrying about it, and even adjusted a comfortable posture, and began to study those books seriously.

The night outside the window is dense, and the crisp sound of wind chimes can be heard from time to time.

Nestled in Wu Nian's arms, Yun Ranran spread out the parchment scrolls one by one, and after scanning a few books, she stopped at a book called [Bloodthirsty Dafa].

The way of cultivation is to devour the spiritual pills of monks, or the blood containing spiritual power, and refine the spiritual power in it for personal use, so as to kill and prove the way, and the cultivation progresses rapidly.

The disadvantage is that if you kill evil too much, you will become more and more insane and uncontrollable.

In order to alleviate the depression in the heart, they will continue to commit suicide and vent by reshaping the body, but they will annihilate their emotions and humanity in repeated suicides, and gradually become indifferent and cruel, until they lose all emotions, and will never be loved again. Since then, it has become the supreme road.

ah this...

It's too similar to Wu Nian...

This guy must have practiced this technique, right?

She couldn't help but look up at him.

Wu Nian looked down at her.

She motioned him to look at the parchment in her palm, trying to read the clue from his expression.

As expected, he lowered his head, and she looked at him nervously and carefully, and after looking at him, she kissed him.

Yun Ranran: ...

She pushed him away and said angrily, "what are you doing?"

Wu Nian was wronged and wronged: "Didn't Master want me to kiss you?"

Yun Ranran was exasperated: "When am I?"

Wu Nian: "The master just kept looking at me and nodded at me..."

Yun Ranran: ...

Damn it! This guy with a head full of yellow trash!

Yun Ranran: "I haven't, don't let me think about it."

Wu Nian lowered the corners of her eyes in disappointment, and said "OK" weakly.

Yun Ranran saw that it was impossible to hint, so he changed his method and asked, "Have you practiced these taboo exercises?"

Wu Nian said: "I have practiced."

Yun Ranran asked, "Why practice?"

Wu Nian paused: "Because I'm not strong enough, I can't do many things, so I want to have more power, so I tried."

Yun Ranran pointed to the bloodthirsty Dafa, and asked, "What about this one?"

Wu Nian looked down at her fingertips, looked at her fingertips silently for a while, then shifted her gaze to her fair neck, and said softly after a long time: "I have practiced."

There was a slight desire in that voice, and his eyes were undisguised.

The look in this guy's eyes...the answer was absent-minded, he must be thinking of something weird...

Yun Ranran avoided his gaze and seriously considered his situation. If he continued to practice this bloodthirsty practice, sooner or later he would become a complete monster, and he had to find a way to persuade him.

Now that the crux has been found, she should not stay in such a dangerous place as the study, she said, "I'm sleepy, let's go."

Wu Nian didn't move, she glanced at him quietly, and was about to leave his embrace, but he grabbed her waist and held her down.

She suppressed her panic, pretended to be calm and said: "Stop making trouble, I'm sleepy, let's go."

Wu Nian looked at her calmly, and said, "Let's sleep in the study tonight."

Yun Ranran shivered, sleeping in the study, what are you kidding, Jiang Yan is still squatting under the table!

She immediately said: "I don't want to sleep here, it's not comfortable here."

Before she was a little fussy, Wu Nian followed her, but now, Wu Nian just looked at her calmly and said softly: "I can get whatever you want."

This guy suddenly became stubborn, so Yun Ranran had no choice but to say softly: "Why do you want to take it? I like the scenery of the pavilion. Why don't we sleep on it?"

She didn't hear Wu Nian's response after speaking for a long time, raised her head uneasily, and saw Wu Nian's slightly sunken eyes.

"It's so late at night, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Yun Ranran's liver trembled when she asked this question, she seemed to mean something, but also seemed to ask casually, she had no other choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Shall we go to the pavilion to talk?"

Wu Nian's pupils were gradually stained with gloom, and he looked at her coldly.

"Are you sincere in treating me?"

He's in a bad state...

Yun Ranran felt uneasy, but she could only say, "It's true."

Wu Nian: "Will you lie to me?"

Yun Ranran: "No."

Wu Nian: "Will you have someone else behind my back?"

This question was too sharp, Yun Ranran felt guilty, her tone was not as sharp as before, and said: "No."

After asking this question, Wu Nian stopped, he looked at her for a moment, then got up suddenly, took her hand and walked slowly to the desk.

At this sensitive place, Yun Ranran was naturally nervous.

Wu Nian stopped in front of the desk and asked softly, "It's been a whole night, do you really have nothing to say to me?"

Standing in front of the evidence, Yun Ranran was somewhat guilty, unable to speak for a long time, just when she gritted her teeth and was about to continue lying, Wuxuan pressed one hand on the desk, with a little force, the whole desk was overturned .

With a "bang", the desk smashed against the wall, knocked down a bookcase, and the sheepskin books fell to the ground with a clatter.

Amidst the chaos, Jiang Yan appeared in front of the two of them without any concealment.


【Ghost City·Red Moon Inn·Bieyuan】

A crescent moon hung above the dark clouds, and a thin light shone in the courtyard.

The white-clothed Buddha and the black-clothed boy were playing chess, and the other white-clothed boy was playing with those bright red lanterns.

The young man in white was Qing He, and he got tired of playing for a while. He tilted the lantern and watched the red candle inside igniting the lantern. From little by little, the flames burned into one piece, and when it was about to burn his fingers, He lost the lantern.

The broken lantern was quickly consumed by the fire, leaving only black dregs.

The children stood aside and didn't dare to say anything, but it was A-Ding who ran up to Xiao Qi, tugged at his sleeve, and asked, "Brother Xiao Qi, where's sister?"

Xiao Qi dropped a sunspot and said, "Sister went to play by herself."

A'Ding looked worriedly at the blazing East District, and said anxiously: "Brother Xiaoqi, my sister hasn't come back for several days, aren't you worried about her? Let's go find her together."

Xiao Qi glanced at Wuxuan, and said angrily: "I can't go, the karmic fire burns my soul, and I have a dead end to go in."

Wuxuan dropped a white piece: "Ran Ran is safe, let her play for a while."

Xiao Qi snorted coldly.

Qing He looked away from the burnt lantern, looked at Wuxuan, and said lazily: "Wuxuan, it's been so long, it's time for you to remember it, right?"

Wuxuan paused with his fingertips and remained silent.

Qing He raised his eyebrows: "Wu Xuan, what is your relationship with that Wu Nian?"

There is no mystery.

Qinghe said again: "What about He Wuwei, Wuwei, and ignorance?"

Wuxuan's fingers holding Heizi suddenly tightened.

Qing He said slowly: "Is it really your own junior that you've been looking for along the way?"

"Do these juniors of yours really exist?"

The sunspot in Wuxuan's palm suddenly turned into powder, he turned his face and looked at Qinghe coldly.

Qing He walked in front of him slowly, leaned over to look him in the eyes: "Wuxuan, Wuxuan."

"What you've been looking for all this time are nonexistent juniors..."

"Or those unbearable selves?"

Wuxuan's face turned pale in an instant.

Qing He mockingly said: "Wuxuan, you die again and again, and you die again and again, and you are still alive now, you..."

"Is it a human or a ghost?"