MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 68 If he didn't make her cry today...

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The crescent moon is like a hook, hanging above the pitch-black sky.

Qing He was lying on the table in another courtyard, looking at the moon weakly.

Xiao Qi glanced at him in disgust, poured him a cup of tea anyway, pushed it in front of him, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Qing He managed to raise his fingers, took the tea into his palm, and said flirtatiously, "I've become a fairy."

Xiao Qi took a sip of tea and sprayed it, and said angrily, "Just you? Go to hell."

Qing Hepa opened the lid of the tea, stretched out his head and took a sip, with displeasure on his face, he pushed the tea away and stared at the young man: "It's too cold, I want it hot."

Xiao Qi was about to splash the tea on his face, annoyed, "Would you like to drink it?"

Qinghe continued to stare at him.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Qi stared back, but was defeated after a while, angrily poured him a cup of hot water, and stuffed it into his palm.

"Here, if your soul dares to hurt Ran Ran, you will die."

Qing He Leng trembled, took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then calmed down, and gave him a sideways glance: "It's because you are incapable, you can't even break a barrier."

Xiao Qi said: "You **** doesn't make any sense at all, you obviously locked the enchantment with your own soul division, you can't even open it yourself, and you're still relying on me."

Qing He was helpless: "My body is in Diyuan, Taihuazong, and his body is here. How can I be stronger than him? The stronger he is, the weaker I am. Look at my energy."

Xiao Qi looked at him speechlessly, what she said was so normal, it was actually just a head and an arm, returning to the body...

Qing He finished his cup of tea, looked at Xiao Qi: "You call Tian Yan, and cut down that enchantment."

Xiao Qi looked at him like a fool: "My body is similar to Wuxuan, so he is also helpless? Do you think he is not in a hurry? Ever since the barrier was sealed, he has been standing outside the barrier and never left. "

Qing He said: "You call the main body, can you two still break it?"

Xiao Qi said: "Why me? It's not easy for me to come out once. Didn't you say that Ran Ran is not in danger?"

Qing He said painfully: "Ran Ran is not in danger, I am the one in danger..."

Xiao Qi asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Qing He looked at him for a long time, holding back and refusing to speak.

Xiao Qi sneered and said, "It must be something shameful."

Qinghe thought of those things that the little girl once knew, and was in pain.

"Yes, it's embarrassing."

"At that time, I was the most arrogant and vulnerable, and I was wronged, and I also liked to find someone to complain about."

Xiao Qi taunted: "Aren't you ashamed now?"

Qing He ignored him, stood up staggeringly, walked to the edge of the cliff in the other courtyard, looked down, heartbroken: "Forget it, I don't want to live anymore."

Xiao Qi clapped her hands: "That's great, let's jump."

At this moment, Wuxuan came in from the door, and said solemnly: "Something happened in the barrier, and everyone who entered cannot be contacted."

Xiao Qi suddenly looked at Qing He.

Qing He came back from the edge of the cliff, and said indifferently: "Ran Ran is fine."

Wuxuan knew that if something happened, this guy could overthrow Xiaoyaozong. He could be so lazy, and most of the things could be controlled.

But there are more urgent matters right now.

"The smell of blood in the barrier is strong, most of the people who enter the barrier are dead, Shen Feng's daughter is also inside, Shen Feng has already gone crazy, and now he has sent a first-level alarm to the nearby sect. The people who came this time are all the powerful generation of the suzerain.”

Wuxuan looked at Qinghe and said, "It's all to suppress your soul."


[Thousand Cemetery·In Enchantment]

The flowers all over the yard swayed gently, and they were planted in a mess, but they were inexplicably warm.

Yun Ranran was held in Cang Jue's arms, secretly raised her head to look at his expression, and before she could see clearly, she was pushed into her arms by him.

Oh, don't let me see.

Must be shy.

After an unknown amount of time, Cang Jue finally let go of her, and the two of them sat in front of the garden, looking at the flowers in a trance,

Looking at the little yellow flower swaying from side to side, Yun Ranran remembered those scattered rumors.

The demon **** came to the world, slaughtered innocent monks bloodyly, no one survived in Baicao Village, and all the powerful monks from the major sects failed to escape. The twelve sects jointly issued arrest warrants and gathered all the strength of the twelve spiritual sects. After several years Besieging Cang Jue on the Taihua Sect, after a fierce battle, he finally succeeded in suppressing it.

Because he was too afraid of his power, he was divided into pieces and suppressed in different sects.

Yun Ranran looked at Cang Jue, and suddenly took his hand.

"Cang Jue, let's go out together."

The man was startled, and smiled: "They all hate me to the bone, you protect me?"

The little girl blushed: "I don't have that ability, aren't you very good? Let's go while the barrier is loose."

Cang Jue hooked her neck, dragged her to her eyes, and said intentionally, "Oh, you didn't want to save me, but you wanted me to take you out. You can really talk. Little girls nowadays are so thick-skinned. "

Yun Ranran's cheeks were flushed by what he said, so she had no choice but to say: "That's the only way to go. The people who entered the barrier before are all dead. Xiaoyaozong will definitely find out and take measures soon. dangerous."

"You take me out first, after I go out, I will protect you."

Cang Jue pinched her cheek and smiled, "You sweet-talking little liar."

Yun Ranran also felt that she looked like... a little ashamed...

Cang Jue was amused by her, rubbed her hair, and said, "Let's go."

Yun Ranran nodded repeatedly.

Before leaving, Cang Jue looked down at the garden full of flowers again.

Yun Ranran said softly: "After I go out, I will plant another garden for you."

Cang Jue let out a "hmm", took her hand and went out the door.

The two walked along the empty long street all the way to the entrance, and soon came to the place where they entered at that time.

Yun Ranran briskly jumped down from the entrance of the village, but Cang Jue couldn't get down from the entrance.

He frowned slightly, condensed a blood-colored magic sword, walked towards the eye of the formation, slashed the sword, the ground shook, and Yun Ranran almost couldn't stand still.

After a stick of incense, the eyes finally shattered, and Cang Jue walked down from the entrance of the village.

The moment he walked out, the deserted village behind him was on the verge of collapse, and soon there was a sound of collapse, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

Yun Ranran grabbed his hand and ran towards the place where she fell.

When I ran there, I saw that the place was dark, it was just an ordinary deep pit, and there was no entrance at all.

She looked around anxiously, but Cang Jue grabbed her wrist and pulled her to sit beside her.

"I have unlocked the barrier, and someone will come soon."

He raised his head and looked at the dark top of his head: "I don't know, who will be there first."

He turned to look at the little girl and smiled: "If you really fight, you have to protect me."

Yun Ranran nodded guiltily.

The two of them just sat for a while, when the barrier suddenly trembled violently.

The two raised their heads and looked overhead.

The trembling became more and more intense, and the soil under his feet began to crack. Just when Yun Ranran felt that the barrier could no longer support it, a crack suddenly opened above his head.

The thin moonlight spilled down in an instant.

Yun Ranran raised her head and saw three concerned faces.

They are Wuxuan, Xiaoqi and Qinghe.

She wept with joy and waved desperately to the three of them.

Xiao Qi cheerfully waved at her, and Wu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Qing He glanced at the safe and sound little girl, and then looked at Cang Jue below.

Cang Jue also looked up at him, then opened his palm towards him, revealing a small yellow flower inside.


【Thousand Graveyards · Outside the Barrier】

A lot of people came from outside the barrier, and the water around the barrier was blocked.

All the powerful monks of the sect stood in front of the barrier, the atmosphere was dignified and desolate.

Shen Feng's eyes were red and his expression was haggard. The soul cards of everyone who had just entered the barrier had all been shattered, and his daughter died.

Cang Jue's remnant soul must have done it, he wanted to kill him to avenge his daughter.

Yun Ranran changed back into her own clothes, sat on the edge, and looked inside without feeling nervous.

On the left is Xiaoqi, on the right is Qinghe, and Wuxuan stands not far in front of them.

After being rescued by the three of them just now, Cang Jue bid farewell to her, saying that he had something important to do, that he would meet again, and that he would pay back the flowers she owed him later.

She was very reluctant, but she could only wave to him with tears in her eyes.

Not long after Cang Jue left, the Xiaoyao Sect recruited a large number of monks, and nervously came to the barrier of the Wan Cemetery.

Yun Ranran was worried that Cang Jue's affairs would be discovered, and said that she wanted to see the follow-up here.

The three of them stayed with her together.

The monks in front were arguing endlessly, but no one dared to ask people to go in to see it, so they unanimously decided to seal the barrier and completely kill Cang Jue's soul in the barrier.

A group of people set up formations, deduction deduction, busy in full swing.

Yun Ranran looked at it and thought it was quite lively.

Qing He sat lazily on the side, his eyes were hidden in the dark, no one could see his expression.

The corners of his lips curled slightly, and he spread out his palm, where a small yellow flower was lying.

He closed his eyes, and the flowers in that yard bloomed in his heart.


A group of children had been worried at home for several days, and they were overjoyed to see the four of them back.

Lu Xian and Gao Zhuo had bid farewell to everyone a few days ago and had already left. Xiao Jing, A Ding and Lan Zao rushed to Xiao Qi and stared at him eagerly.

Xiao Qi was horrified by the sight, and asked, "What are you three doing?"

Xiao Jing floated over and said, "Let's see if you are injured."

Xiao Qi was puzzled: "So concerned about what I do."

A Ding tugged at his sleeves, raised his dark eyes, and said coldly on his small face: "I don't know, I just want to care about you."

Xiao Qi raised her eyebrows: "Why, do you think I'm better than your Brother Yun?"

Lanzao: "No, Brother Yun is better."

Xiaoqi: "..."

These three nasty little devils!

Wuchang ran to his senior brother Wuxuan to inquire about his health.

Chang Qi stood behind the table and watched Qing He quietly, his eyeballs were about to pop out of shock.

The adult actually sat on the wicker chair, looked at a flower and smiled.

What's going on, my lord? What did he go through?

Is it because of the girl?

Little Jinlong's curious corners were bent, and his pair of black eyes looked very seriously.

When he followed the adults before, he noticed that he had a terrible tendency to self-destruct...

At that time in Jingyun City, when the lord killed Zhao Yuanyi and was chased by the pursuers, the girl turned around to save him, but he was able to grab the girl's hand, but finally let go.

He didn't know how adults felt when they stood in the shadow of swords and swords and looked at the girl, but he felt that adults were always betting on their lives.

The adult doesn't know what he has experienced, and he has an instinctive rejection of telling others to trust him and protect him.

He obviously didn't believe it, but when the girl said she would protect him, he was still tempted, and he didn't believe it.

The grown-up seems to hate himself who still looks forward to it, and always bets with all his eggs in one basket - if you don't come back to save me, I will die here.

When he was taken away by Haotian for interrogation, no one could see through the bewildering behavior of your lord.

Fortunately, the girl never disappoints.

He still remembers what the girl said in the dungeon, looking at the corpses all over the floor.

[Of course I believe you. 】

[Qing and Senior Brother are good people. 】

At that time, adults were violent, world-weary, and indifferent, but now they show such a smile...

Qinghe is merging with Cang Jue, and the memory of getting along with the little girl in the enchantment is also slowly merging and sharing. He looks at the flowers in his palm and feels particularly good.

At this moment, a burst of crying erupted from behind the chair, and looking up, it was the little golden dragon Changqi.

The child rubbed his eyes, and Longjiao collapsed from crying.

The blue veins on Qinghe's foreheads were throbbing, and he always felt that this guy must have imagined something strange again.

He held back his irritability and waved at the child, suppressing his temper and saying, "Come here."

Chang Qi wiped his eyes and walked over slowly.

He asked irritably, "What's the matter with you?"

Chang Qi said with red eyes: "My lord, I am happy for you."

"You have such a bad temper, I can't bear you much."

"My lord has actually made it this far, I'm so gratified."

"Don't be annoying, you should cherish the life in front of you."

Qinghe: ...


After returning from Xiaoyaozong, everyone was exhausted and had a good rest for a few days. Qing He was exhausted because of his integration with Cang Jue, so he never came out of the house.

Wuxuan got up one day and found a small bamboo basket in front of his door, inside were several fiery red fruits, each of them was very bright, he picked up the bamboo basket, looked around, and saw the little girl standing not far away Smile at him everywhere.

She sent it?

With a warm heart, he carefully took those few fruits back into the house.

In the afternoon, he was seriously copying scriptures in his room. Someone knocked on the window. When he opened it, he saw the pretty face of the little girl. She handed in a writing brush through the window and said, "I Seeing that you always copy the scriptures, that one is worn out, and I bought a new one for you."

But careful...

Wuxuan looked at her, reached out to take the writing brush, and said with a smile, "It's just what I need."

The little girl left with a smile on her face.

As soon as she left, he put the writing brush in his palm and looked at it over and over again. Although it was not a rare thing, it was really comfortable to hold in his hand. Even the slightly forked nib made him feel very beautiful.

He immediately took the water, soaked the brush in it, twisted it carefully, and soaked it again.

At night, someone knocked on his window again. He opened the window and saw a little girl under the moonlight. Her nose and cheeks were still covered with flour, her sleeves were slightly rolled up, and she was holding a small and delicate box in her palm. The egg yolk cake was handed to him expectantly.

"For you to eat."

He looked at the flour stained on her face, rolled his eyes, and asked, "Did you make it specially for me?"

The little girl nodded: "Yes, see if it tastes good."

Wuxuan stretched out his hand to take it, he didn't know what kind of trick this little guy was up to, but even if he had a trick up his sleeve, and even made a snack to coax him, he was willing to be deceived by her.

I took one in my hand and took a bite. The bean paste and soft fillings in my mouth were very delicious.

He quickly ate one and said with a smile, "It's delicious."

The little girl's eyes lit up: "If you like it, I'll make it for you again."

The little girl is obedient and clever, and she can't help but be moved by those sweet words.

He waved to her from the window, and the little girl approached meekly, put her hands on the window sill, and raised her head to look at him.

He stretched out his hand to rub her hair, originally he just wanted to have a closer look at her, but now that she was looking at him so cutely, he couldn't help it.

He couldn't help but want to find out her true heart.

When the eyes were closed and opened again, the red Buddha lotus slowly bloomed.

He looked at her for a moment, sighed, he still didn't want to ask a question that would make him sad, so he just picked up a safe one, and only planned to ask this question.

"Is the egg yolk cake specially made for me?"

The little girl chuckled: "Where is it? I bought it from a restaurant on the street. How can I do this?"

"Sister Hongling said that you can only be sincere if you do it yourself, but I don't know how to do it. I just put some flour on my face, and you can't tell."

A smile froze on his face for a moment.

He suddenly remembered what happened in the morning, gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you buy the writing brush for me?"

The little girl said desperately: "Of course not. When I was shopping, a scholar bought too many and gave them away to everyone. I just asked for one."

"The fruit..."

The little girl said: "Oh, this one, there was an old woman who couldn't sell her fruit and was crying on the side of the street. I saw that she was pitiful, so I bought them all. I bought a basket. Xiaoqi, Qinghe and those Give it to the children."

Wuxuan: ...

It's really scumbag...

Pissed him off.


When Yun Ranran woke up, she found that she was standing outside Wuxuan's window. Fozi was still looking at her gently, but the smile was a little more unpredictable.

When she finished delivering the presents, she greeted him and turned to leave.

While walking, he took out his jade pendant.

"Has Wuxuan's favorability increased?"

Yupei felt slightly hot.

[It went up a lot just now, but now it's all gone. 】

Yun Ranran had a bitter face, and really didn't understand: "What's going on? Aren't you happy when you eat the egg yolk cake? Why did it disappear again? It's too difficult."

【I don't know, maybe he realized that you bought it, after all, he is Wuxuan. 】

【Why don't you really do it yourself? 】

Yun Ranran said in pain: "Okay, I can only try."

Ever since Yun Ranran came back from Xiaoyaozong, her sense of crisis has gradually increased.

Luo Yu didn't die in that situation, and it even brought her a plot kill, which made her very uneasy, so she was forced to speed up the pace of the attack.

With nothing to achieve, she can only choose Wuxuan, who is relatively good at strategy.

After asking sister Hongling, the answer I got was to moisten things silently, give some small gifts, make some snacks, and move Wuxuan with details.

So she practiced it earnestly, not to mention the effect was very good, Wuxuan's favorability has been rising, but who knows, just now, it's all gone again.

It was excruciatingly painful.


After finally merging with Cang Jue, Qing He finally stepped out of the yard. He stretched wearily, and walked slowly towards the rattan chair, when he suddenly heard a slight movement in the back kitchen.

At this time, there is no one else in the back kitchen except the little girl. She always likes to be busy with some weird things.

Qing He walked over slowly, and heard the little girl muttering alone.

"I did it myself, he will like it, right?"

"It seems that he is a little weak recently, it is always right to pay more attention to him."

Qing He was taken aback, seeing him a little weak recently? Is this talking about yourself? Is she cooking for herself?

My heart warmed up.

He leaned against the door panel outside the kitchen and looked in quietly.

The little girl was kneading the dough earnestly, her clothes and face were covered with flour, she muttered while looking at a piece of paper full of words, it should be a recipe.

Learning while doing?

This is also... so touching...

She is so serious and cute, and the way she mutters about how difficult it is makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Qing He stood in the shadow outside the door, feeling like his heart was about to melt.

The little girl was tossing the eggs there, tossing and tossing to make a mess, then put a pile of materials aside, and started tossing again.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, she finally came up with some decent things, put them in an ugly stove, and started to bake them.

He just stood outside the door and watched silently, the corners of his mouth raised more and more as he watched.

I don't know how long it took to bake, but finally it was ready. She got up and turned off the fire, and took out the snacks she made. They were still ugly. She didn't even see them, but she still put them all in the snack box.

She murmured worriedly: "Will you dislike look so ugly..."

Qing He thought outside the door, no, how could he be disgusted, it's too late to be happy...

The little girl tidied up, took the food box and walked out of the kitchen.

Qinghe hurried her to leave first, and had to wait for her in the room.

He went back to his room, guessing that she was coming soon, so he kept looking at the door, but he waited and waited for her and didn't come, so he couldn't help being surprised.

He simply got up and opened the door, and the little girl's figure flashed in front of his eyes, and he saw her walking quickly past his room with a food box, and went straight to Wuxuan's room.

It was actually made for Wuxuan, not for him?

somewhat disappointed...


Yun Ranran was carrying the ugly food box, thinking that she was full of sincerity this time, and hoped that Wuxuan would like it.

She stood in front of his window again, knocked on his window, the window was opened soon, and Wuxuan's handsome and gentle face appeared.

She quickly picked up the food box, handed it to Wuxuan, and said: "I specially made this for you, try it?"

The gentle Buddha saw the four big characters "Xiaoyao Restaurant" engraved on the food box naked and naked, and felt like a knife piercing his heart for a moment.

Lie to him again!

He resisted the urge to bring her in to educate her, and gritted his teeth: "I'm not hungry, you can take it back."



In fact, she just tasted it, ugly is ugly, but it is really delicious.

So she struggled hard and said, "Why don't you try one?"

Wuxuan smiled: "No need, I'm not hungry."

After eating a soft nail, Yun Ranran was very depressed, holding the food box, she didn't know what to do for a while.

Wuxuan didn't close the window, but went to copy the scriptures. He made it clear that he didn't want to talk to her, and she didn't want to disturb her, so he turned and left silently.

As I walked, I thought, it took so long to do everything, it’s a pity that it’s useless, this strategy can’t work, isn’t there another one…

Thinking of this, she silently took out the communication jade slip.


Qing He silently followed behind Yun Ranran and heard it clearly.

The little girl made it with her own hands, but this guy Wuxuan didn't want it, he really doesn't know what to do.

Then I heard the little girl muttering something like "do everything, don't waste it".

Just when I was feeling strange, Yu Jian of the messenger felt a little hot.

Open it and see that it was from a little girl.

[Can we meet by the river tonight? 】

Why did you ask [Cang Jin] at this time?

He was surprised, but still replied [OK].

After a while, he met the little girl by the river as [Cang Jin].

The little girl was a little nervous every time she saw him, she ran up to him and stood still, her little face flushed.

What is she looking for herself for?

While he was thinking about it, he saw the little girl handing him the food box, looking at him nervously and shyly, and said softly: "I made this specially for you, try it and see if it tastes good."

Qing He, who was wearing a ghost face, looked exactly the same, and just handed Wuxuan the food box, lost in thought.

The little girl said in a reckless manner: "It doesn't look good, but it's delicious. I only learned it today, just to make it for you."

Qinghe's forehead was throbbing with blue veins.

The little girl is a little shy, her eyes are clear, she is really cute as hell.

Qing He suddenly reached out and pressed her against the railing beside her.

Squinting his eyes, this scumbag is clearly a liar.

If he doesn't bully her to the point of crying today, he will write the words "qing" and "he" backwards.

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