MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 55 my god

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It was very late at night, and the streets were still very lively.

Xiaoyao Pavilion is brightly lit, and ditties of silk and bamboo can be heard endlessly.

Yun Ranran was sitting in the lobby on the first floor, drinking with Hongling opposite.

Hong Ling glanced at the night, filled the little girl with wine, pushed it in front of her, and asked: "Why do you have time to find me? Do you have any new ideas?"

These words made Yun Ranran smart, and she waved her hands again and again: "No, no, I'm afraid I don't have this talent."

Hong Ling looked at her in surprise, the little girl was so beautiful, and she let go, it didn't make sense, so she asked, "What's the matter?"

Yun Ranran coughed lightly, and said annoyedly: "Sister, do you still remember the first time I came to you and said how to tease the abstinent Buddha? I followed what you said, and the result was fine. She was not moved at all. Kick me out of the room."

Hong Ling frowned, and said to herself: "It shouldn't be."

Yun Ranran frowned, and drank the wine in the glass: "It's just that I can't do it, you taught me, and I messed up."

Hong Ling raised her hand and asked the little girl to bring up a plate of salted peanuts and a plate of crispy dried fish, motioning for Yun Ranran to drink, and then said: "Maybe it's the powerful person you met, there is always a nemesis, skills This thing depends on who is using it."

Yun Ranran threw a small dried fish into her mouth, it was crispy and fragrant, she took a sip of the wine, and then talked.

"Since then, he became angry and didn't talk to me. When I approached, he became cold. I couldn't help it. I didn't want to be too hasty, so I ran to his door and told him that I would never disturb him again. This is a stopgap It’s a plan, I’ll think of a way when he’s not angry anymore.”

"Do you know what they say?"

"He didn't even open the door, so he said 'yes' to me behind the door panel, and then calmly copied the scriptures."

"That's really good concentration."

Hong Ling sighed with her, and asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

Yun Ranran peeled the peanuts, threw them into his mouth, and said after eating: "Don't get close, calm down, anyway, I still have the little brother who hooked up with me that day, but that little brother is too scary, I won't have the guts for a while Tell him to come out, I have to take it easy."

Hongling laughed "puchi": "You bastard, you will blush even if you hold your little hand innocently, why do you always do these dangerous actions?"

Yun Ranran said in embarrassment: "I don't want to be forced by life."

Rubbing the rim of the cup with her fingertips, Hong Ling asked her with a smile: "Life is forced? Is there nothing you like?"

Yun Ranran covered her head, and said: "Just getting along with them is enough to waste my brain. I don't have anything else to worry about."

She approached Hong Ling and said seriously: "If you get close to these people, if you are not careful, you will be killed."

Hongling immediately thought of the young man in white upstairs that day, the way that young man looked at the little girl made her feel terrified, as the little girl said, if he was not careful, he would be killed.

So she couldn't figure it out, and asked, "How dare you? How many people are you provoking at the same time?"

Yun Ranran was taken aback, held the wine glass tightly, and tentatively explained: "I'm not, is it well hidden?"

Hong Ling thought about it, and felt that this was the only reasonable explanation.

The table was full of peanut shells, and the dried fish was almost eaten, so Hong Ling asked the little girl to bring another bowl of warm milk, and put a spoon on it to feed the little girl opposite.

Yun Ranran drank it one mouthful at a time, the milk was stained on her lips, she didn't realize it, she only cared about her troubles, her big eyes were full of sadness.

Hong Ling smiled and said: "Buddha, some people do have excellent concentration, and there is no way to do it. Compared with humans, sometimes they are more like gods."

Upon hearing this, Yun Ranran pricked up her ears, and asked Hong Ling: "Sister, have you ever met a Buddha with extraordinary concentration?"

Hong Ling picked up the wine glass, raised her head, and drank all the wine in the glass. She looked at the flowing crowd outside the wooden window, a little lost in thought.

After a while, she turned her head to look at Yun Ranran, and said softly: "I have never met a Buddha with outstanding concentration."

Then she smiled in Yun Ranran's slightly disappointed eyes: "I have god."

Yun Ranran's eyes lit up instantly, and she asked excitedly, "Sister, what's your god's name?"

Hongling's eyes glowed, and she fell into a soft memory for a moment.

"My **** is Wuwen."

Hearing this name, Yun Ranran was very surprised, Wuwen? Just for this name, isn't this Wuxuan's third junior?

The reason why they didn't leave Xiaoyaotian was because Wuxuan sensed that apart from Wuwang, there was still the aura of a teacher and brother in Xiaoyaotian, and they didn't expect that they were right in front of them.

Yun Ranran urged, "Sister, tell me quickly."

Hong Ling said: "You know that I am a female cultivator of Hehuan Sect, right?"

Yun Ranran nodded, what this Xiaoyao Pavilion is doing is flesh and blood trading, and monks mainly go in and out, so most of the girls and brothers in the pavilion are monks of the Acacia Sect. It suits them however.

Hong Ling said softly: "Actually, it wasn't at the beginning. At the beginning, I was just an ordinary mortal. I lived in Liujia Village not far from Xiaoyaotian. I had parents, brothers and sisters. My life was very poor, but I could barely eat. full."

"But then a middle-aged male monk came to the village. He brought a lot of strange things and set up a stall in the open space in front of the village to sell them, attracting many people."

"Peach juice candies were also distributed to each child. Almost all the children in the village went, and I was no exception."

"That candy is very sweet. I have never eaten such delicious candy. It was so delicious that I was going crazy. I couldn't control myself. When it was dark, I ran to the middle-aged monk to ask for another one. It was only later that I found out that there were three or four little girls who went crazy together, we are not in the same grade, and I am the oldest, but I am only eight years old."

When Yun Ranran heard this, he naturally realized that there was something wrong with the sugar. The middle-aged male monk must have used sugar to control a group of little girls.

A middle-aged male monk used sugar to seduce some young girls in the middle of the night... You can guess the follow-up just by thinking about it, Yun Ranran's eyes sank, and his fingertips tightened suddenly.

Hong Ling glanced at her reassuringly: "You guessed it right, that **** is a scum who was expelled from the Hehuan Sect. He practiced evil skills, so he caught little girls to harvest yin and replenish yang. He was worried that he would attract monks from Xiaoyao Sect, so he used With the covert method of gluttony in candy, this candy will only be attracted to little girls who match his physique, and will be completely unable to control his behavior."

"But I didn't know that at the time."

"That night, he **** us one by one. It hurt so much. I was covered in blood. I was crying so hard. I begged him to let me go. He kept beating me and telling me that you were the one willing to be despicable. It was your own fault for coming to me for a piece of candy."

"He said that other children are not greedy, so stay at home well, because you are disobedient and bad children who came here to eat candy, so you should be punished."

"I'm so young, I don't understand anything, I just hate myself for being greedy."

"The next day, all the little girls who went with me died, and I was the only one who survived."

"When I was alone, he was very angry and vented all his anger on me. While torturing me, he gave me candy. I have never felt that candy is so disgusting."

"I was crying to go home, and he smiled and said, you did a good job this morning, I will take you home."

"He changed me into new clothes, wiped the blood off my face and literally took me home."

"I'm the fourth child in my family. My parents are so busy trying to survive that they don't realize that I'm not coming home all night."

Hong Ling looked at Yun Ranran, was silent for a moment, and said in a relaxed tone: "He bought me from my parents."

Yun Ranran's hand holding the wine glass trembled.

Hong Ling continued: "It was a very simple process. He just bought me new clothes and wiped off the blood on my face, but the bruises and redness were still on my body, and my eyes were still swollen from his beating. Can't open it."

"He said to my parents, sell this child to me, and I will give you three taels of silver. You see, I bought her new clothes, and I will take good care of her."

"My parents took a look at their brothers and sisters, and then accepted the money, saying that it was a waste of money for you to buy new clothes for her."

Hong Ling stopped, holding the wine glass with her fingertips trembling slightly.

"I think this must be my punishment for gluttony."

"I thought that punishment was my next ordeal."

"I realized later that the real punishment was that no one loved me at all."

"When my parents gave up on me, I felt that everything was destroyed. I cried so hard that I said he beat me, and I was covered in blood. I was in so much pain. Don't betray me, my parents, but they never looked back. .”

"I thought the monk drew amulets on me to confuse their vision, but the monk told me that he didn't do anything. If you don't believe me, go to the river to see for yourself. I didn't dare to go."

Hong Ling picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine for herself, and continued after a long time: "Later, I was taken back to his lair by that monk, a dirty and disgusting place."

"I was there for ten dark years."

"I am dirty, vulgar, inferior, and useless. I have been raised by him for most of my life, and I have grown into a cowardly and disgusting monster."

"He would give me candy every time he and I practice double cultivation. He likes to humiliate me and make me remember the dirtiest moment in my life."

"At that time, I always felt that I was that eight-year-old girl, fearful and unable to resist."

"Later, he was backlashed by the magic power and died one morning."

"The scary thing is that I neither cheered nor panicked. I just stared at him numbly."

"Before he died, he said to me, what will you do when I die? How will you live?"

"He pointed at my neck and chest. Your chains go deep into the marrow. You are a dirty monster. No one will love you. You will suffer 10,000 times more than you are now."

Hong Ling stopped again, she looked at Yun Ranran who had finished drinking the milk, the little girl had her head buried in her arms, and she knew she was crying without looking.

This kid is too soft-hearted.

Hong Ling couldn't help but wanted to reach out and rub her head, but when she was about to touch her head, she hesitated and stopped in the air.

The little girl obviously didn't look up, but suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed her wrist, and pressed it **** her head.

Hong Ling was stunned, her eye circles were also red even though she was used to wind and waves.

She slowed down and continued talking.

"I walked out of that dark place, my clothes were clean, but I was full of holes and my body was broken. I obviously hate that thing, but if I don't do it, I will go crazy."

"I live like a walking dead. I suppress the pain and longing in my heart. Everyone can see my filth at a glance. They look at me with vigilance and disgust."

"I lived alone like that, and from the age of eight to eighteen, I got worse."

"Later, I settled down in a village I passed by. Although no one wanted to contact me and warned their children not to approach me, at least they didn't drive me out."

"I settled down and tried to live like a normal person, but the good times didn't last long. A few days later, some demons broke into the village. They burned, killed and looted, doing everything."

"I saw them drag the little girl into the tent and the past came back like a nightmare."

"In my whole life, I have lived a dirtier life than anyone else. I don't know anything, but that thing, although I hate it, is deeply rooted in my bones."

"I rushed into the tent and dragged all the little girls out."

Hongling stopped again.

Yun Ranran lowered her head and tugged at her hand.

Hong Ling rubbed her hair comfortingly, and after a long pause, she continued.

"When I was rescued by the monks of Xiaoyaotian, there was almost no good skin on my whole body. I was in a coma for a long time, and when I woke up, it was dark outside the window."

"I sat up and found that I was in my own home. I don't know how long I have been in a coma. I only know that my body hurts so much that it is about to burst."

"I gradually recovered from my injuries. At the beginning, everyone was very friendly to me, but then I heard a lot of ugly words."

"She can do that kind of monster, but it's too lewd and slutty."

"Should we go to her at night? That kind of woman must be waiting with the door open."

"I think she just wanted it at the time, didn't she rush into the tent by herself?"

"She glanced at my husband, she must be trying to seduce him."

"This woman is disgusting, why don't we drive her out."

"Those words burned me, and I didn't dare to go out at all. I locked myself in the room for a long time, and finally opened the door until I couldn't stand the hunger."

"When I opened the door, I found it was snowing."

"There is a vast whiteness between the sky and the earth."

"Snowflakes are falling gently, covering all the haze under you."

"I originally wanted to live until the beginning of spring next year, but the snow is so beautiful, I don't think I deserve it."

"So I walked out of the door and walked on the road with snowflakes. I heard the sound of countless doors closing, and saw countless pairs of eyes looking over from behind the wooden windows."

"I climbed all the way to the tallest sentry tower in the village. I sat on the edge of the watchtower and started to cry without knowing it."

"This snowflake is too clean. People like me are not worthy of it."

"The cold wind made me shiver. I looked at the cold stone bricks under my feet, covered with a thin layer of snowflakes."

"When I was young, I used to accompany my parents to worship the gods, and the gods were high above me. I once secretly put the half-eaten bread on the altar."

"I thought, if there is a God in this world, can he hear my prayer?"

"I clasped my hands together and burst into tears."

"God, if you can hear, can you help me?"

"I beg you to save me."

"Help me."

"But even so, apart from the boundless snow in the sky and the earth, there is only the cry of my gradual collapse."

"I also want to live, to be loved, to be a normal person."

"But I can't help it."

"I think, even if there are gods in this world, they will never be redeemed if they are as filthy as me."

"I took a leap and jumped off the high sentry tower."

"My painful cries are mixed with the wind, and my dirty body will eventually rot in the mud. My life is all in vain."

"Just when I was about to hit the ground, I heard a faint Sanskrit sound, and a piece of frosty white monk's robe appeared in my sight, which was cleaner than snow."

"The severe pain did not come, and I fell into a warm embrace."

"Someone caught me."

"I looked at him with tears in my eyes, and I met a pair of compassionate and gentle eyes. I am a Buddha."

"He said, I heard your cry, if you have any grievances, can you tell me?"

"At that moment, I couldn't cry."

Hongling stopped because she saw the little girl raised her head, her eyes were red, she had obviously been crying for a long time, she asked in a nasal voice, "Did he appear? Your god?"

Hong Ling smiled and nodded: "Yes, my god."

Yun Ranran asked, "What happened next?"

Hong Ling's eyes softened, and her red lips raised slightly.

"On a snowy day, I met him. He caught me who was desperate and fell from the building. I asked him why he appeared, and he said he heard my cry."

"Later he invited me to go with him, and I went on the road with him in a daze. People like me are always seen through at a glance, and they point and point at me a lot. Piggybacked on."

"Obviously I have nothing with him, but just because I'm with him, even treating him has become such an unsightly thing. I feel extremely uncomfortable. People like me will only bring him misfortune."

"Later when I went out again, I wore a cloak and a bamboo hat, desperately trying to cover myself.

"But he took off all those things and told me that it is my blessing to have a girl like you walking with me."

"I think he must be lying to me, just wanting me not to be so sad."

"But I found out later that he really thought so. He never underestimated me, and treated me with extra respect."

"No matter what others think of me, the me in his eyes is always shining."

"He gave me a lot of courage."

"Until the Hehuan poison in my body broke out and I couldn't control myself. I didn't dare to blaspheme the god-like Buddha, and I didn't want him to see me in a mess, so I ran out and found a little boy to solve it. .”

"But what about after that? I will still have endless seizures, and I will only fall into the abyss again and again."

"If such a person knew about my dirty past, would he still treat me like that?"

"The fear of losing made me go crazy again. I took a dagger and cut my wrist like crazy. He rushed in and snatched my knife."

"I can't look at him, I can't hold back the tears, this is the only one who is willing to be close to me, but I completely screwed up..."

"But he said, it's not your fault, don't punish yourself."

"I didn't expect him to say such a thing at all, so I burst into tears on the spot."

Hong Ling paused, then said with a smile: "I was crying so hard at that time, and I can still remember his appearance when he said this."

"Since that time, I have gradually improved, and I no longer go crazy easily. He told me that such a thing is not dirty, and I will definitely meet someone who makes me feel happy in the future."

"He is a calm and composed person wherever he goes. He doesn't care about other people's eyes. He even led me to learn from him."

"He gave me enough equality and respect to allow me to reshape myself in the shortest possible time."

"I was very reluctant to let him go that day. I don't know if we will meet again in the future."

"But I know that he is my god, but not my own god."

It has been a blessing in my life to be able to travel with him. "

After Hong Ling finished speaking, as if thinking of that person, the corners of her lips rose slightly.

Yun Ranran asked: "Then did you meet again later?"

Hong Ling regretted: "No."

Yun Ranran's jade pendant was slightly hot, so she took it out to have a look.

[Obtain Unknown Memory Fragment One—Boundless]

[Please make persistent efforts. 】

Yun Ranran stared at the fragment for a moment, then there was something else? Maybe there are people who have met Wuwen in this happy day, and they will look for it tomorrow, thinking about it, and stuffing the jade pendant back into the neckline.

Hong Ling said with a smile: "Later, I found out that I had spiritual power due to the poison of acacia, so I formally joined the Acacia sect. Brothers and sisters were more dissolute than one another, and I was completely cured."

Yun Ranran was amused by her.

Hongling propped her cheeks and said: "Don't say it, Wuwen is the Buddha with the best concentration I have ever seen. At that time, I was suffering from acacia poisoning. You also know that my skin is not bad, but he didn't do anything about it. move."

"There is no fluctuation, and this matter somewhat frustrates me."

"Later I was relieved, because after that we met Fairy Tianxiang from Tianxiang Sect and Fairy Misty from Yueshang Pavilion. They were both stunning fairies. After chasing him all the way, they all wanted to be his confidante, but he ignored them Make sense."

"You know what he said? He said to me, I just want to protect the girl's kindness."

Hongling laughed "puchi".

"At that time, I began to feel sorry for the two fairies. Wuwen has no desires and no desires for beauty. I think no one in this world can impress him."

Yun Ranran was not convinced, she thought to herself: "Wuxuan is the one who is the most ascetic. No one can really impress that guy, but they are both brothers of the same school. I guess these two guys are evenly matched."

Hong Ling said: "I really want to know, what kind of girl is able to impress Wu Wen? Would a person like him also be saddened by love?"

Yun Ranran said depressedly: "Anyway, it can't be me."

Hong Ling laughed out loud.

After chatting with Hongling for so long, eating and drinking, it was almost dawn, so she planned to go back.

After leaving Xiaoyao Pavilion, she stretched her waist, walked to the porridge shop, bought a few bowls of red bean porridge, and ordered some steamed buns.

Then I carried it danglingly and walked into the house.

As soon as he arrived at the house, he saw Wuxuan sitting alone in the courtyard, playing chess with himself, holding a black chess piece with his fingertips, and it has not yet dropped.

This sudden encounter, the finger froze in the air.

Seeing him, Yun Ranran inexplicably thought of the ignorance of the ascetic.

Then she suddenly remembered her promise, hid the things in her hands behind her back, avoided his sight, and went to Xiaoqi's room.

Wuxuan's black eyes looked at the dangling steamed stuffed bun and red bean porridge behind her, his expression dimmed again.

After a while, Xiao Qi escaped from the room, saying repeatedly: "I don't want to eat this bun, it's not good."

Yun Ranran reached out and grabbed his collar, and threatened viciously: "I bought everything, give it to me."

Xiao Qi broke free from her hand and ran outside, when she ran to Wuxuan, she threw the soft white bun and said, "Help, eat it for me."

The soft bun fell on the board with a "click", he stared at it for a long time, and finally moved his fingertips lightly.

A figure quickly passed by his eyes, reached out and grabbed the bun, took it and left.

Wuxuan: ...

That figure was Yun Ranran, she was about to be **** off by Xiao Qi, and she threw it to Wuxuan. Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise he would be angry again!

Xiaoqi, this guy!

She didn't dare to look back at Wuxuan, so she ran out the door to look for Xiao Qi.

Wuxuan's palms tightened suddenly, staring at the disrupted chessboard, his mood was in a mess.

some people... none...

Read The Duke's Passion