MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 48 He held her in his arms, enjoying...

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"Sister...don't make a sound."

After the boy finished speaking, he leaned over and put his earlobe in his mouth.

Yun Ranran was caught off guard, her body was numb like an electric shock, the cabinet was really small, her hands were hanging by her sides, and she couldn't even reach out to push him away.

He bit her lightly or hard, making her legs go limp, and just when she was about to fall, she was wrapped around her waist.

He didn't let her go, his dark eyes were half-closed, and he looked carefully at her eyes that were slightly red from embarrassment. The little girl was hugged softly in his arms, and without any effort, those eyes were blurred. Gradually covered with a layer of water mist, the cheeks are also transparent red.

He chuckled wickedly in her ear: "So I like it so much."

Yun Ranran picked up her fragmented thoughts and whispered, "I, I didn't..."

The boy said bluntly, "Then why are you blushing?"

Yun Ranran finally regained consciousness at this moment, she lowered her voice to persuade: "Xiao Qi is obedient, don't make trouble."

Xiao Qi became angry because of these words, he said: "You think I'm making trouble?"

Yun Ranran looked at him eagerly and asked, "What else?"

"Otherwise?" The three words strongly stabbed Xiao Qi's self-esteem. His black eyes sank, and he bent over to her red lips. The little girl was startled, and finally stretched out her hand to push her. She was even more angry, and casually grabbed a piece of soft clothing from the closet, cut her hands behind her back, and quickly tied them up.

The little girl struggled for a long time, to no avail, angry and wronged.

Xiao Qi didn't care, he stretched out his hand to lift her face, forced her to get close to him, then bent down again, the little girl's eyelashes trembled, and she tried to hide aside, after this tugging, her collar was pulled a little The mouth opened, revealing a snow-white and slender neck.

A red plum on it is particularly conspicuous.

The boy paused, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

For a while, the wardrobe was like an ice cellar.

Yun Ranran woke up, and the moisture in his eyes froze.

The boy opposite had a gloomy face, his eyes covered with ice and snow.

She was inexplicably scared, and shrank back involuntarily. She also realized the red mark on her neck, and lowered her head guiltily, trying to cover it up.

The waist tightened, but the young man held her tightly, not letting her back down. Then the young man's fingertips landed on her chin, and he lifted it up forcefully, forcing her to reveal her fragile neck and the sinful red mark. .

She couldn't move, and couldn't escape, she felt his cold gaze fall down like a scrutiny.

He is carefully checking...

This thought made her very ashamed, and her body couldn't help trembling, but with him in his arms, she had no room to resist.

Just when she felt that she could no longer bear it, the boy's cold voice sounded: "Is there anything else?"

Anymore? You mean the bite mark? She couldn't help thinking of Riqing and biting her that day, and what else...

She blushed and said, "No, no more."

The young man stretched out his hand to cover the red mark, stroked it carefully, and asked, "Who is it? Those boys just now?"

Yun Ranran was a little annoyed by what he said, and she didn't play like that, so she said, "Of course not."

The boy looked into her eyes and asked word by word: "Then who is it?"

So who is it?

Yun Ranran was startled, but suddenly dared not say, if Xiao Qi knew about it, she would probably hack Qing He to death, but was it Qing He's fault? Didn't she run into other people's room in the middle of the night?

There are tears in my heart and eyes, what can I do, if I say that I fell by myself, I can't believe it...

Xiao Qi is not that stupid...

What to do?

She tried to get away with it, and said vaguely: "Bugs, bugs bite."

Xiao Qi looked at her with a sneer: "If you don't tell the truth, I'll open the cabinet door."

Yun Ranran was startled, and shook her head again and again, this guy is still binding her and messing up her clothes, and if she goes out with this appearance, let her face be ignored, that fairy-like character Wuxuan will definitely despise her.

She stared at him eagerly, begging silently to let it go.

Xiao Qi was unmoved, just looked at her coldly, and then made a gesture to push the cabinet door.

Yun Ranran hurriedly bumped his head at him, and said in a low voice, "Qinghe, it's Qinghe senior brother."

Xiao Qi was instantly annoyed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he pursed his thin lips, and was about to kick open the cabinet door, Yun Ranran's anxious eyes were red, and he said repeatedly: "Xiao Qi, don't, don't, no The matter of Guan Qing and senior brother is about me, me..."

Xiao Qi looked at her angrily.

Yun Ranran explained embarrassingly: "Because of my cultivation base growing too fast, I was backlashed by spiritual power, so I entered the wrong room in the middle of the night, and arrived at the room of Qing and senior brother. He used ice attribute exercises to relieve my pain. This bite mark, Accidentally..."

The young man narrowed his eyes, thinking of the red marks on Qinghe's neck and those specious words about the cat, he suddenly became angry and asked, "Where's the one on his neck?"

Yun Ranran smashed the jar and said, "I bit it."

Seeing that Xiao Qi's face was getting worse and worse, she was afraid that he would hack Qing He to death, so she hurriedly said: "It's all my fault anyway, it has nothing to do with Qing and Senior Brother, so don't trouble him."

While she was talking, someone grabbed her shoulders, and the collar was ripped apart as soon as it cooled down. It burst out in an instant.

It hurts so much, what sin did she do!

Xiao Qi also used ruthless strength, and she cried out in pain on the spot.

The half-grown boy couldn't understand his hatred, and even licked the blood bead after biting.

She was the most wronged in the world, and the tears fell involuntarily. The boy raised his fingertips and wiped them gently, then pulled off his collar, and leaned close to her lips.

His eyes were dark, and he was very serious: "I want one that won't fade, deeper than Qing and that."

She looked at him tearfully.

He pressed her small head, pressed her onto his shoulder, and coaxed, "Bite."

This guy was always messing around, and he was really tormenting him enough, so she was also annoyed, she bit on it viciously, blood beads gushed out in an instant, and she didn't care about the **** smell in her mouth, she continued to force herself.

The boy frowned slightly, but didn't move at all.

It took a long time before she let go, her red lips were stained by the blood, which was extraordinarily gorgeous.

The young man lowered his eyes and glanced, dissatisfied, and whispered: "It's too shallow, let's talk about it next time."

Yun Ranran was so angry that she was about to swear.

The young man barely calmed down after this. He rubbed her hair, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her to untie the clothes that were twisted into ropes around her wrists. Into the wrong room?"

The little girl was stuffed in his arms, exhausted both physically and mentally, and she said in a muffled voice: "My spiritual power is backlashing, my burned tendons burst, and I need people with ice-attribute skills to relieve it, so I went out to find someone, but I didn't expect to enter the wrong room. "

The young man paused with his fingertips suddenly, and asked, "Looking for someone? You said you entered the wrong room of Qinghe, that is, you didn't intend to find Qinghe, so who were you looking for?"

Yun Ranran instinctively sensed that something was wrong, so she put her head in his arms and refused to speak.

The boy stopped untying his hands, and his tone became colder: "Tell me, who were you looking for?"

Yun Ranran lowered her eyes, she was afraid and dared not speak.

The boy pressed her neck and made a gesture to open the cabinet door.

Yun Ranran really had no choice but to say: "Wuxuan Buddha."

The young man said indifferently: "In the middle of the night, when you are unconscious and unable to control yourself, you go to find Wuxuan?"

Yun Ranran argued: "He, he has a high cultivation level... He, he is the calmest..."

The young man sneered and said, "Yun Ranran, be honest, did you go to him because of these?"

Yun Ranran felt guilty, there are indeed some other factors, but these are the most important, so she bit the bullet and said: "Of course."

The boy sneered and said, "You really like him."

Yun Ranran was still about to say something to justify, but the wooden door of the room was pushed open in an instant, followed by her hearing familiar footsteps, and Hong Ling said: "You handsome Buddha, what do you need me to do?" ?”

Yun Ranran was startled when Wuxuan came, she immediately held her breath and concentrated, not daring to say a word.

Wuxuan's voice quickly sounded outside the door: "I'm looking for a friend, she's a girl, about this tall, she's soft-tempered, innocent, she strayed into this place, I'm worried that she will be deceived, I don't know Miss Hongling Have you seen it?"

Hong Ling immediately said: "No, maybe Fozi misunderstood, she never came at all."

Wuxuan said: "It's also possible that there are so many people here. Although my friend is not afraid of strangers, he is shy. Maybe he is not here anymore. The little monk will go to another place to see. If there is much trouble, I will leave."

Hong Ling reluctantly said: "You don't want to sit still?"

Wuxuan said, "No need, little monk, I will take my leave."

Yun Ranran's heart in the cabinet reached her throat, as long as Wuxuan left, her ordeal would be over. In Wuxuan's heart, she was still the pure white and flawless cutie.

On the opposite side, Xiao Qi's face became more and more ugly.

She looked at him helplessly, and desperately squeezed out tears to beg him to stop making trouble and let her go this time.

At the moment when she was suffering, she finally heard the footsteps of Wuxuan leaving, she couldn't help shouting in her heart, go quickly, don't look back!

The moment Wuxuan was about to step out of the threshold, she was suddenly horrified to find that Xiao Qi on the other side evoked a chilling sneer.

Before she understood what he was going to do, he stretched out his arms and easily pushed open the cabinet door.

The light came in for a moment, illuminating her pale face. Just when she felt that the world was destroyed, the boy jumped out of the closet first, blocking her light.

She thought he was going to close the cupboard door for her, and just when she was feeling relieved, she saw the boy show a nasty smile at her, then quickly took off his coat, wrapped her in it, and then grabbed her by the shoulders, He hugged her horizontally in his arms.

It came out of the closet brightly.

For an instant she felt that she was dead.

But she didn't die, she still had to face this terrifying world, and then she belatedly realized that she couldn't see the outside world at all, she was tightly wrapped by Xiao Qi's coat, and was hugged horizontally by him In fact, no one knows who she is.

This discovery made her more painful.

Originally, it was nothing more than a broken jar, but now it is even more frightening, struggling frantically on the edge of exposure.

She couldn't see anything, she could only guess based on her voice, but it was too quiet right now, which made her involuntarily afraid.

After a while, she heard Xiao Qi say: "This is the girl I was looking for in Xiaoyao Pavilion. She has a delicate body and a soft waist. She was happy with me in that closet for a long time, but it's a pity that you interrupted her."

Wuxuan was silent for a moment before saying: "Sorry to bother you."

Xiao Qi hugged the person in her arms tighter, satisfied with her trembling, and said: "This girl is very interesting, do you want to see it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl in his arms trembled even more.

Wuxuan glanced over lightly, and said in a warm voice: "No need, I will take my leave, little monk."

Xiao Qi said coldly, "No."

Wuxuan saluted slightly, turned and left.

After Wuxuan's aura dissipated completely, Yun Ranran rolled down from Xiao Qi's arms, her hands were still tied, and finally got up, glared at Xiao Qi viciously, and leaned in front of Hong Ling, Hong Ling Ling suddenly understood, and immediately untied her wrist.

Yun Ranran took the untied clothes, threw at Xiao Qi angrily, yelled "Bastard", then turned around and ran out of the room, then went downstairs in a "peddling", and ran out of Xiaoyao Pavilion in one breath.

Naturally, Fozi was gone long ago, and she didn't know whether she wanted to meet or not when she ran out like this, her mood was very complicated and painful.

After running for a while, she still couldn't relieve the depression in her heart, and ran to the bridge again. She ran too fast and knocked down a person. She dragged him up guiltily, and found that it was a handsome young monk with red lips and white teeth. .

The little monk blinked his clear black eyes, but instead asked her with concern: "Miss, are you alright?"

Yun Ranran said again and again: "I'm fine, but are you injured?"

The little monk shook his head, he looked at Yun Ranran, and said softly: "I see that the girl has something on her mind, if the girl doesn't mind, you can talk to me."

Yun Ranran looked at him seriously for a while, and said what was in her heart with a bitter face: "I want... to live in a different interface."

Little monk: ...


The long street in Xiaoyaotian was as bright as day, and Yun Ranran and the young monk walked along the long street.

The little monk was about sixteen or seventeen, with fair skin, dark eyes, a little shy, and cute.

Yun Ranran vomited bitterness with him all the way.

"I can't do anything. I can't do anything well. I started to get better, but I was completely ruined by myself."

"My brother is getting more and more rebellious. I don't know who he learned from, and I can't teach him well."

"My senior brother is as fragile physically as mentally, and I accidentally hurt him."

"The only one who is gentle, I have shown him the most unbearable side."

"I'm so miserable."

The little monk listened patiently, his serious appearance made it easy to let go of his guard.

After listening to it, he persuaded: "The girl is not as bad as she said, no matter how bad things are, they will pass."

Yun Ranran felt better, and she looked at the little monk apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, I made you listen to my bitterness."

The little monk smiled and said, "Listening to the girl speaks makes me very happy."

Also too good at talking, Yun Ranran asked, "What's your name?"

The little monk replied: "There is nothing wrong."


Yun Ranran was taken aback, inaction, inaction, inaction?

Could this little monk be Wuxuan's lost junior brother? She immediately asked, "Are you from the Bodhi School?"

The little monk shook his head and said, "No, I was ordained in a small temple."

no? Unwilling to give up, Yun Ranran asked again: "Can you recognize Wuxuan Buddha?"

The little monk shook his head again: "I don't know."

The younger brother who really didn't seem to be Wuxuan, so she thought of Wuxuan again, and the scene he saw just now, embarrassment rushed to her forehead, she shook her head, suppressing all distracting thoughts.

She asked again: "Then what are you doing in Xiaoyaotian?"

The little monk said seriously: "I'm here to find someone."

Yun Ranran asked, "Who?"

The little monk frowned, and said with a bitter face: "Actually... I don't remember clearly..."

"He seems to be a general and he doesn't seem to be. I seem to have an agreement with him."

"He said that when the flowers bloom in the coming year, drink with me under the peach blossom tree."

This is too vague, Yun Ranran said: "There are too many peach blossom trees, where can I find them? What's the name of that person?"

The little monk frowned, and said: "I don't remember, actually... I don't even know if there is such a person, I just dreamed about this person for several days in a row."

Yun Ranran: ...

She said: "Is it a dream? Maybe you misremembered."

The little monk said: "I don't know, but I think he should exist, I will look for it."

Yun Ranran said: "Why don't you go and ask where there is a peach forest in Xiaoyaotian, maybe you can find some clues."

The little monk's eyes lit up, and he said immediately: "It makes sense, I'll go right away, thank you girl."

Yun Ranran waved to him, and the little monk walked happily through the night, and soon disappeared at the end of the long street.

Yun Ranran, who was left behind, calmed down, and the melancholy and pain that had just disappeared surrounded her again.

She leaned slumped against the tree trunk beside her, watching the people coming and going with dull eyes.

How can she always screw things up...

Luo Yu must have successfully captured many people now, right? She has never been able to learn her efficiency and skills. After struggling for so long, she just met Wuxuan, but Wuxuan...

Wuxuan is so smart, he must have recognized her just now, right?

It's all over.

He was only kind, so he didn't expose her, but he must despise her in his heart...

A person like him who is as clear as the wind and the moon must not want to get close to her anymore, right?

When she thought of this, she felt sad and crouched under the tree covering her face in pain.

At this moment, she heard a gentle voice.

"Why are you here alone?"

The voice was too familiar and gentle, it was Wuxuan, she didn't dare to look up for a moment, afraid that she would not be able to speak in the face of his questioning, so she covered her face and didn't move.

There was a gust of wind in my ears, followed by the rustling sound of cloth rubbing against each other. Fozi enveloped her with the scent of milk. He seemed to follow her and squatted down, followed by a gentle touch and warmth from the top of his head. , was his hand, and then the hair was gently rubbed.

She heard his gentle and concerned voice: "what's the matter?"

The tip of her nose was sore, she couldn't speak, she couldn't speak clearly, she was in a mess.

She doesn't want to face it anymore. From yesterday to today, she has received countless questions, and each sentence has made her bear too much. She feels that it is very hard.

She is very happy that Wuxuan is here, but when she thinks of him, she will be like Xiaoqi and Qinghe again, asking her what you were doing just now, why are you in the closet with him, why are you in Xiaoyao Pavilion? What's with the red mark on your neck, who bit it?

Thinking of this, she was exhausted physically and mentally. If she didn't answer, she couldn't make it through. She replied that Wuxuan would definitely not be happy, even if it didn't matter, she would never have a good impression of her again.

Forget it, let it be destroyed, she is tired, she doesn't want to talk, she deserves to be alone, she deserves to die under Luo Yu's sword of fate.

just let her...

Then she heard a chuckle: "It's not your fault, what are you sad about?"

She was startled, what did Wuxuan say?

She let go of her hand and raised her head in a daze.

Wuxuan's eyes curved slightly: "It's not a big deal, don't take it to heart."

She looked at him blankly: "You just... you know it's me..."

Wuxuan nodded: "I know."

She was so sad that she wanted to bury herself back again.

Wuxuan smiled and said: "Look how beautiful the moonlight is tonight, would you like to go shopping on the long street with me?"

Yun Ranran was stunned, he already knew, why didn't he question her...

Wuxuan said warmly: "Although I don't quite understand what happened, but getting along with the two of them is always more difficult than others, how can I force it on you."

Yun Ranran couldn't understand.

Wuxuan stood up, pulled her up too, and said with a smile, "I won't change my view of people just because of some trivial things."

He paused, and added: "What's more, it's a good girl like you."

Yun Ranran understood this sentence, her heart felt hot, he was comforting her.

He didn't blame her for what happened just now, he even spoke for her...

How can there be such a person...

Wuxuan spread out his palm towards her, a few sweet plums appeared in front of his eyes, he handed them to her, and said: "If the child is unhappy, just eat some sweet ones."

She said in a muffled voice, "I'm not a child..."

Wuxuan chuckled lightly: "Why not?"

She was a little embarrassed by his smile, looked down at the plump plums, then reached out and twirled one, put it in her mouth, it was sweet.

She felt that these plums were as sweet as Wuxuan, and as soon as her heart relaxed, the depression gradually dissipated.

Wuxuan took her little hand, gave her the remaining few, and then said: "Go to the busiest place and have a look."

Yun Ranran nodded vigorously, and followed him obediently.

He was tall, she stood beside him, just touching his chin, she quietly looked at him, and when she was fascinated, he suddenly looked sideways and caught her straight, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

He laughed too, bought a bunch of candied haws from a vendor on the side, and handed them to her.

At the same time, the young man in white had just stepped out of the casino gate, and the young man in black walked out of Xiaoyao Pavilion.

I don't know when, but also walked on the long street.

Wuxuan lightly glanced at the figures of the two people not far away, his eyes sank slightly.

The night wind is blowing, blowing the branches, countless petals and green leaves fluttering and falling.

Yun Ranran was still competing with the candied hawthorn, the hawthorn was too big, she took a lot of effort to bite off one and put it in her mouth.

Suddenly there was a shallow laughter in her ear, she was startled, and saw the handsome Buddha suddenly leaned over, approached her lips, and asked softly, "Can I have a taste?"

Before Yun Ranran could react, her neck was held down by the man's warm fingertips, and suddenly she pulled towards him with force, his beautiful face suddenly enlarged, and the blood in her body froze, and then she felt his tenderness. Feather-like eyelashes brushed her cheek lightly, and then the hawthorn in his mouth was nimbly taken away by him.

There was a long wind blowing in her ears, and the streets were full of people. At this moment, butterflies were flying in her heart.

Wuxuan looked at the stiff little girl, stretched out his hand to shuffle her hair, then looked into her eyes, and swallowed the hawthorn.

The little girl blushed for a moment.

He smiled softly, "It's very sweet."