MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 43 He clasped her waist, gritted his teeth and said: ...

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Chang Qi never expected that the lord spent a lot of trouble to show Lan Zao what the fastest sword in the world is.

Why are adults so boring.

Just for such a boring thing, he deceived Tianyan Immortal Venerable from Taihuazong.

Ao Jie's severed body quickly returned to its original state, spitting out the dragon's breath again to resist stubbornly.

Everyone gathered around the bow watching cautiously but with great interest, only Qing He sat beside Xiao Qi, snatched the knot from his hand, and said with a smile: "Call me, call me and I'll give you this back. "

Xiao Qi blinked her big eyes, reached out to reach for the knot, but he moved it away maliciously, and kept coaxing: "Hey, call me Dad."

Xiao Qi still couldn't grab the knot, watched eagerly, and was finally induced to open his mouth slowly.

The sword fairy in the sky staggered suddenly, then quickly stood firm, and condensed out the spirit sword. This time, he didn't give Ao Jie any chance to catch his breath, and smashed him into pieces, making him unable to revive again.

This is how a crisis is resolved.

The torrential rain gradually stopped, and the sea area returned to calm.

Qing He raised his eyes to glance at Tian Yan, and found that the other party was staring at him coldly, immediately stuffed the knot back into Xiao Qi's arms, and then walked quickly to Yun Ranran's side, without leaving even a single step.

Tian Yan gritted his teeth secretly, this **** actually wanted to take advantage of him just now, knowing that he was going to do something, he hid behind the little girl, shamelessly.

But Yun Ranran was very disturbed at the moment.

She didn't expect to see Tian Yan in this place, she wasn't ready yet, what would she do.

She can vaguely remember that when they met last time, she lied to him that she admired him.

Tian Yan put away his sword, jumped lightly, and landed on the boat.

He was wearing a black gown with delicate and slender cloud cranes embroidered on the bottom, with a narrow waist and broad shoulders, he was handsome and handsome.

It's just that those eyes are too indifferent, no one pays attention to them, and they usually look down on others.

The people around lowered their heads in awe, not daring to look directly at him.

Yun Ranran blinked and told herself not to be nervous, but she just didn't know what to say. When she was struggling, she saw the aloof sword fairy looking at her awkwardly, and asked coldly, "Did you see it?"

Did you see it?

Yun Ranran was confused, what did he see?

The sword fairy who looked down on the world pointed to the sea surface stained red with dragon blood, and looked at her calmly.

【Dragon, I can kill a dragon that big. 】

After he felt that his hint was obvious enough, he waited for the cheers of worship with a cold face.

The little girl went in without knowing it, and then looked into the sea. The sea was dyed a terrible crimson by Ao Jie's blood, and there were still red and white pieces of meat and bone foam floating there. She thought for a while, realized it, and turned pale. , tremblingly said: "Are you trying to say that disobedience means the same fate?"

Tian Yan was taken aback, his face darkened for a moment, he immediately grabbed the little girl's wrist, and pulled her to the stern of the boat where no one could see, then pinched her slender waist, hugged her, and at the girl's exclamation He made her sit on the edge of the boat, and then put his hands on her sides, trapping her in his arms.

Yun Ranran was frightened and did not dare to move.

Terrible, is this planning to kill her? No, she wanted to save herself, so she tried her best to smile, but her eyes still couldn't help trembling.

"I will be obedient, you give me another chance."

He couldn't help but ask, "Am I so scary?"

The little girl's face turned pale, and she said with fear in her eyes: "It's not scary, it's not scary at all."

Tianyan: ...

Toothache in anger, he clasped her waist, pressed her into his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "Hold me."

She was taken aback, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and clasped his waist bit by bit, embracing him vaguely, not daring to hold him tightly or let go, and then asked tentatively, "Do you think this will work?"

Tian Yan exploded in anger, he looked at her coldly, suddenly let go of the hand on her waist, then suppressed her spiritual power, stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, and pushed back gently.

Yun Ranran's pupils shrank, and her body involuntarily leaned back. It was terribly fatal. There was dragon blood in the water. I don't know how many big monsters it attracted. Wouldn't there be no bones left when it fell?

Tears were about to come out of this shock, and immediately instinctively hugged the person in front of him, hugging him tightly, and even pressed his face against his chest.

The man looked down at the furry head that was arching over, and finally felt a little better.

The girl let go of her hand after hugging him for a while, and looked up at him, the tip of her nose and the corners of her eyes were still a little red, her little face twisted a bit, she held back for a while, but she couldn't help it, and asked politely: "Are you sick? ?”

His eyes sank.

She immediately squeezed out a smile, and changed her words: "I'm not sensible, I was so frightened that I kept my mouth shut just now, what I want to say is what else do you want?"

Tian Yan looked down at her, staring at her until he felt guilty, and then simply avoided his gaze, this guy really didn't tell the truth.

On the other hand, Xiao Qi can get her sincere treatment...

It's not that I never thought of telling her my identity, but now that I think about it, it's not very good to tell her...

The little girl was still looking at him anxiously.

He stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, and said in a low voice, "Little liar."

The little girl tried her best to hide the resentment in her eyes, and replied: "How could I lie to you, I dare not."

He raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you say that you longed for me day and night last time, and that I was in your dreams every night, why didn't I see it?"

Yun Ranran froze, how could this guy still remember this nonsense?

She tried her best: "I'm an introvert, I don't like to show it, I hide it in my heart."

Tianyan: ...

Do you take him for a fool? The disgust on his face could hardly be hidden.

He then said: "Then I'll give you some time, you show me."

The little girl looked at him blankly.

With his hands on her side, he leaned over to her, lowered his eyes to find her lips, got very close, and said softly, "You take the initiative to let me have a look."

He leaned over unexpectedly, Yun Ranran was taken aback, that magnified handsome face was indeed captivating, but his cold and murderous aura was like a sharp blade, which gave her a feeling that she would be killed if she kissed him illusion.

He couldn't help but backed away slightly, and forced himself to stop again.

Yun Ranran, this is the person you want to attack, don't let go of such a good opportunity, overcome your psychological fear, and kiss him.

So she closed her eyes, and wanted to kiss him cruelly, but her body was very honest, and she backed away involuntarily. She was so nervous that she forgot that she was sitting on the side of the boat, and even more forgot that her spiritual power was still suppressed by him. the difference.

This retreat was violent, and when he became unstable, he fell backwards and fell directly from the boat into the sea.

Tian Yan's face was as dark as ink when he saw this scene.

In order not to kiss him, she jumped into the sea...

I jumped into the sea...

jumped into the sea...

Seeing that the little girl was about to fall mercilessly into the deep sea, he managed to dodge and fish her back.

Yun Ranran knew that it was very embarrassing, so she carefully rolled out of his arms, lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, and after a while, she still wanted to round up, and said, "That..."

"Shut up."


Not far away, Qing He sat cross-legged on the deck, laughing to the point of tears.

Chang Qi didn't understand, and asked, "What happy things happened to your lord?"

Qing He couldn't help laughing: "He must be mad, hahaha."

Chang Qi asked, "Who is it?"

Qing He covered his stomach and couldn't help laughing: "I have to protect my junior sister so that I don't get beaten."

Changqi was confused and couldn't understand, so he saw someone coming back from the back of the wooden boat. He looked carefully and found that it was Tianyan Sword Immortal and Miss Yun.

He couldn't help muttering: "Sword Immortal looks so bad, why does the girl look a little uneasy."

The adult held back his laughter, and knocked him on the head: "Don't talk, he's in a bad mood right now, whoever provokes him will die."

Qing and Youyou stood up, walked in front of them, and dragged the nervous little girl to his side without any trace.

The little girl looked up at her blankly.

Qing He put his hand on top of her head, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile.

"Well done, Ran Ran."


When Ao Chen came, he saw the legendary sword fairy, his eyes were even colder than the one in the legend, making him feel that if he said a wrong word, blood would splatter on the spot.

Fortunately, he brought the treasure [Holy Spirit Wood], which was originally a consignment item from the auction house, but when he heard that the Sword Immortal wanted it, he didn't dare to delay, so he hurried over with it.

When he came, the sea was still blood-red, he didn't dare to look at it, he didn't like patriarch Ao Jie, that man was domineering, and his rule was bloody, now that he is dead, he can take over the position of patriarch, whether he should say it or not, There is still joy.

He stood on the shore with his hands down, waiting respectfully.

The small wooden boat was rowing slowly towards the shore.

Yun Ranran stood at the bow of the boat, trying to look towards the shore, and really saw a blurry figure, Ting Qinghe said it was Ao Chen, the new patriarch of Longxiao Palace, such a figure was waiting respectfully on the shore The blessing of the sword fairy beside me.

Thinking of this, she carefully glanced at the man beside her. Since the incident of jumping into the sea just now, this guy has been depressed and frighteningly cold.

The boat gradually approached the shore, she jumped off the boat neatly, Ao Chen immediately came up to meet her, and directly opened the white jade box in the palm of her hand in front of her.

A piece of wood lay quietly inside, exuding a fragrance similar to Wuxuan's.

Ao Chen re-closed the box, handed it to her, and said, "Miss, do you know the secret of the Holy Spirit Wood?"

Yun Ranran was startled, not understanding, and asked, "What secret?"

Ao Chen said: "This holy spirit wood is not just a material for refining weapons, but also a key."

Yun Ranran came to his senses, and asked, "You mean he pointed to a secret place?"

Ao Chen nodded: "That's right, many people who come out of this secret realm return with a rewarding experience. It is said that there are no ferocious traps or monsters in this secret realm. In short, you will gain something if you enter."

"However, those who went in and came out all signed the soul contract, and were not allowed to tell the experience of the secret territory, so it was only speculated based on the few words of the people who came out."

Yun Ranran didn't expect such a good thing to happen, could it be the cave where some senior expert fell?

Ao Chen said: "According to the days, the opening time will only be three days later. If you don't dislike it, you can stay in my Longxiao Palace. After three days, follow the instructions to arrange the teleportation array, and you can directly teleport in."

Seeing Yun Ranran looking at him, Ao Chen hastily added: "With Lord Sword Immortal here, I will never lie to deceive the girl. What I say is true. There are people who have entered Dragon Cloud Palace. Since then, The cultivation base has skyrocketed, breaking through the bottleneck again and again."

Yun Ranran also saw Ao Chen's flattery, and would never lie to her at this juncture, and said: "You send the materials for arranging the teleportation array, as for staying overnight, there is no need."

Lanzao definitely didn't want to stay for a moment, she wanted to take him away as soon as possible.

Ao Chen nodded in agreement, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to prepare, but after a while, a small jade box was delivered, full of it, and when he handed it to Yun Ranran, he remembered another thing, and told him: "This key can only be sent to two people. Those with too many can’t get in.”

Two people?

Yun Ranran nodded to show that he knew, and returned to the boat with the holy spirit wood and the small jade box.

After she came back, she found out that Tian Yan had already returned to the Tai Hua Sect. She still didn't understand why he came, but the things she couldn't figure out were not important, so she simply didn't want to.

At that time, the breeze was warm and the stars were shining.

Lu Xian frantically sailed the boat, Xiao Jing and A Ding cleaned up the cabin, and Lan Zao washed a basket of fruits and vegetables with clean water.

Chang Qi was bored, crawled out of Qing He's sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "My lord, can I go with them..."

Qing He flicked his head, which was agreed.

He wanted to go happily, but he looked down at his worm's body, and looked at Qinghe eagerly.

Qing He stretched out his hand helplessly, and injected a ball of spiritual power into him, and the young man shed his skin and transformed into a handsome young man with two small golden horns on his head.

He was about to go out in joy, but was grabbed by Qing He, took out his clothes from the storage ring, and threw it at him without seeing.

"Put on your clothes first."

Chang Qi blushed, hid in the cabin with his clothes in his arms, changed quickly, and ran out blushing.

Everyone was startled when they saw him at first, but after they got to know him well, they all came to touch his horns. He had a good temper and let them touch him, and the teenagers quickly played together.

Yun Ranran sat on the deck with Qing and Xiao Qi to blow the air.

Yun Ranran coughed lightly, and said, "That..."

Both of them looked over.

Yun Ranran considered it for a while, and said: "The Holy Spirit Wood can lead to a secret realm."

"It's not dangerous, it's quite safe, but... only two people can go in..."

The two of them were startled, and the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Xiao Qi said coldly: "You can go with him, I hope I will have my life to wait for you to come back."


Qing He said with a smile: "Junior Sister, go with Xiao Qi, anyway, I'm used to being left behind."


Yun Ranran had a headache, and said tentatively, "Why don't you two go..."

Both of them narrowed their eyes.

What else can I do? Yun Ranran is very distressed, and there is no danger and he can return with a full reward, so there is no reason to give up, right?

A Ding suddenly shouted: "What is that?"

Little Ading was playing with his older brothers on the side of the boat when he suddenly noticed a moving spot of light not far away. She was too small to see clearly, so Xiaojing let her ride on his neck, and Ading watched for a long time , Surprised: "It's a small boat."

Yun Ranran stood up and looked, and indeed saw a small boat in the vast ocean.

The boat was slender and long, and looked extremely fragile. Someone was standing on the bow, supporting an oil lamp.

He was tall and thin, and his frosty white monk clothes fluttered in the wind. He raised his head slightly in the sea breeze, revealing a breathtaking face.

Yun Ranran was startled, it was Wuxuan.

How could Wuxuan Buddha appear here?

She immediately waved to him and shouted: "Buddha son."

Wuxuan saw her, smiled, put down the oil lamp in his hand, returned to the cabin, picked up a figure, jumped lightly, and came on board the big boat.

After boarding the boat, he put down the figure in his arm, and that figure staggered to the side of the boat and vomited.

Yun Ranran took a closer look, he was a junior from the Wuxuan family, so he was seasick.

The little guy vomited so darkly that he sat limply on the ground after he vomited, his face pale and uncomfortable.

Yun Ranran went to the cabin to get a pot of water, and after letting him rinse his mouth, he spread out his palms and fed him a few plums, which made him feel better.

The little monk stammered and said, "Thank you, Miss Wuchang."

Yun Ranran almost laughed out loud: "Your name is Wuchang?"

The little monk nodded with a mournful face: "Brother took it."

How could he be given this name, Yun Ranran suppressed a smile and told Lanzao Fuwuchang to rest.

After she returned to the deck, she found Wuxuan waiting for her.

She subconsciously pulled down her sleeves and walked in front of him.

"How did the Buddha appear on this sea?"

Wuxuan said, "I came here specially to find you."

Yun Ranran was stunned, and asked, "Me? Why?"

Wuxuan said, "You have what I need."

Yun Ranran thought for a while, took out the holy spirit wood from the storage bag, and asked, "Could it be this?"

Wuxuan narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Yes, it is indeed this."

He paused for a moment before explaining, "It has the aura of my junior brother on it."


Wuxuanlue was silent, and said in a low voice: "More than ten years ago, I went down the mountain with a few juniors to practice together. After entering the world, they scattered, but after I returned to the sect, they never came back."

"I have searched for it many times but failed, and this matter has gradually become my demon. Therefore, I went down the mountain this time to find their traces."

"When I did the divination earlier, I figured out that the clue was in this direction, so I drove the boat with Wuchang. I didn't expect to meet a girl. As soon as I got closer, I realized that something with my junior brother's breath was on the girl."

"It turned out to be the piece of Holy Spirit wood."

Yun Ranran didn't expect such a reason, so he immediately took out the cut wood and said, "Buddha, just take it."

Wuxuan said: "How can I get the girl's things for nothing, I heard that this piece of Holy Spirit wood can enter the secret realm, maybe there are traces of my junior brother hidden in it, I wonder if the girl can take me into it together?"

ah this...

Yun Ranran thought of Qinghe and Xiaoqi, she didn't dare to agree casually, she was very straightforward when she sent them off just now, but she really didn't dare to choose casually...

Those two looked over from a distance, one was lazy and the other was cold, but the threat in their eyes was self-evident.

Yun Ranran showed a troubled expression.

Wuxuan turned around to take a look, and laughed out loud: "This holy spirit tree has the same root as mine, I can change my formation and bring the girl's two friends in together."

Yun Ranran was overjoyed: "That would be great, thank you Buddha."


Three days later, Yun Ranran left Xiaojing and Ading on the boat, and Chang Qi also volunteered to stay. Yun Ranran told them to take care of the boat and sail well.

And she took Qinghe, Xiaoqi and Wuxuan into the cabin, where a small teleportation array had already been set up, and the runes on the teleportation array flickered, echoing the runes on the holy spirit wood.

According to the time told by Ao Chen, Yun Ranran stepped on the teleportation array with everyone.

The holy spirit wood in his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and then the four people who were teleporting disappeared in the teleportation array in an instant.

It went dark, but soon lit up again.

The breeze was blowing her hair, and the noisy sound gradually reached her ears. Yun Ranran opened her eyes and saw that she was stepping on a gray brick. When she looked up, she found that she was standing in a city full of people. middle.

The scale of the city is small, with a wide long street and bright shops. On both sides of the long street, there are many temporary vendors carrying burdens. The baskets are full of fruits and vegetables, which look like water.

Pedestrians are bustling and bustling on the long street.

Yun Ranran looked up at the city gate, on which the words [Yongning City] were written in red paint.

Where is Yongning City? She had never heard of it.

Is this sending them to the city of this world? Why not a secret realm?

As she was thinking about it, she saw Qinghe stepping out and walked up to a mother and daughter who were shopping for vegetables. The woman was picking vegetables in front of the vendor, and the little girl was following behind the woman holding a candy stick.

Qing He squatted down and snatched the candy from the child.

Yun Ranran was dumbfounded.

Qing He looked at the child carefully, returned the candy stick in his hand to her, and said to Yun Ranran with a smile, "She's not crying."

Yun Ranran was taken aback, that's right, the first reaction of a child being robbed of something must be to cry, even if he didn't cry, there must be other reactions, but the child was in a daze, making no movement at all, indeed weird.

Wuxuan said calmly: "This is not the present world, we have entered the secret realm, this city is real, but it is a city in the secret realm."

Xiaoqi: The little girl is so far away from me...

Qing He touched the child's head and said with a smile, "You can touch it, and it doesn't have a strange smell. It might be some kind of puppet."

Wuxuan stepped forward, carefully looked at the faces of the woman and the vendor, and said: "The child was stopped by Qing He, but the woman was still shopping for vegetables, and she was not affected at all, and the vendor did not have any abnormalities, as if he could not sense our presence. Existence, are all the people in the city puppets?"

Xiaoqi: Why don't you hold my hand...

Qing He walked back again: "I guess, someone should be manipulating something behind the scenes."

Wuxuan said: "If it is really manipulation, then these people must be doing things according to the established schedule, maybe there will be changes after a while."

Xiaoqi: It's not important... I just want to hold hands...

Because of the tense atmosphere, Yun Ranran didn't notice Xiao Qi's eyes, but was amazed at the weird scene in front of her.

Qinghe and Wuxuan have a good understanding of the situation just like that.

In front of her is a quaint city, where countless pedestrians are living a lively life, some of them are shopping for vegetables, some are drinking tea in a teahouse, but no one is surprised by their arrival, even if they forcibly block passers-by from walking, they will Bypass without any response.

Just when Yun Ranran was in a daze, a heavy bell suddenly rang in his ears, one sound at a time, twelve times in a row.

There was a commotion in the crowd on the street, everyone was talking and running towards the cross square ahead.

Countless people passed by her excitedly, chanting a few words, which she heard clearly.

[The trial has begun, go and see it. 】

Trial started? trial? Judge what?

Just when she wanted to follow, a white light flashed beside her, and several figures suddenly appeared.

Three men and two women, all young men, dressed in light gray gowns with a delicate array embroidered with gold thread on the chest.

When one of the young men saw Yun Ranran and the others, he sneered, "What kind of trash is going to share the pie."

Wuxuan silently raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled more and more gently.

Xiao Qi held down the scabbard with her fingertips, and temporarily put aside the holding hands.

Qing He leaned lazily on the branch behind him, and asked with a smile, "Little brother, what's your name?"

He paused, and smiled more cordially: "How many people are there in the family?"

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