MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 39 The boy's black eyes were bright, with frivolity...

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Yun Ranran couldn't speak for a long time, Yun Jian, she actually heard Yun Jian's name here, since she left Lingshui Town, she never heard about him again.

There has always been a mystery about this young man. At that time, he had a problem with his skills and suddenly couldn't absorb spiritual power, so he died in Lingshui Town.

She's always wanted to find out why.

Moreover, although Xiao Jing said that the young man died in Lingshui Town, but she did not see the body, she still had small hopes that he did not die, but lived in some unknown place.

She really didn't expect to hear from him in this place, she was overjoyed and asked excitedly, "Have you seen him?"

Lu Xian was also excited: "Of course I have, that man, once I have seen it, I will never forget it."

Yun Ranran nodded again and again: "Yes, yes."

Qinghe coughed dissatisfiedly.

Xiao Qi simply glared at him angrily.

Not to be outdone, Yun Ranran stared back, and said viciously: "What are you looking at, let me reflect on it."

Xiao Qi was choked enough, Qing He became happy again.

What Yun Ranran thought was that every time he learned about Yun Jian's past, he would get a memory fragment. Although he didn't know what the use of that fragment was, it would not be a bad thing to collect all of them. Since he got news about him here, then There must be a way to understand that period of the past.

She remembered a crucial point, and asked, "When did you meet Yun Jian?"

Lu Xian thought about it carefully, and replied, "About ten years ago."

Yun Ranran was a little surprised, Yun Jian died in Lingshui Town more than ten years ago, if he died at that time, how could he appear in Longxiao Palace? Could it be that Yun Jian was not dead at that time? survived?

So she asked Lu Xian excitedly: "Can you tell me about what happened to Yun Jian at that time?"

Lu Xian said: "In fact, I don't have much contact with Senior Brother Yun. The one who has the most contact with him is Lanzao."

"If you want to know about the past, you can try to ask him. I don't know if he is willing to tell you."


Immediately, Yun Ranran's delicate but empty face appeared in front of her eyes. She looked out the window and found that twilight had already fallen.

If she remembers correctly, in half an hour, Lanzao will be locked on the tower and sing, this is her chance to get in touch with him, thinking of this, she bid farewell to Lu Xian, took Qinghe and Xiaoqi out of the restaurant , went directly to the central square.

It was dusk now, and clusters of night pearls had already lit up, and the central square was full of people, all waiting for the young singer.

Yun Ranran found a seat in front of a small shop selling peach wine, asked Qinghe and Xiao Qi to sit down with her, and bought three more glasses of peach wine, each filling a glass.

After a while, there was a slight light on the tower, and Yun Ranran looked up, and saw Ao Jie holding the chain around Lanzao's neck and leading him to the center of the tower.

Lan Zao had injuries on his body, and the injuries became more apparent because of his pale skin. He was wearing heavy chains on his wrists and neck, and the skin he touched was worn away, and bright red blood flowed down.

Ao Jie roughly grabbed the chains and buckled them one by one on the towers. He pushed him into the water tank and wanted him to return to his original body. He wanted him to remember his humble identity maliciously.

Pain appeared on the boy's obedient expression, but he still obediently transformed into a shark tail.

Ao Jie grabbed his hair, pulled him to the front, and said with a grinning smile: "Patience, there are still two days."

"For your mother, you have to please me well."

"Hope is near."

The boy's body trembled slightly, and he nodded obediently.

Ao Jie let go of him and left from the tower. The boy coughed out the blood from his throat and began to sing to the sea.

The moon floats above the sea, sprinkled with sparkling silver frost.

The boy's singing is like waves drifting to an unreachable distance.

Yun Ranran looked a little crazy.

Qing He said with a smile: "Junior Sister always picks up some cats and dogs to take home, why, Xiao Yuer also wants to take home?"

Yun Ranran complained a little: "I want to pick it up, but he won't come with me."

Xiao Qi said angrily, "Isn't it enough for you to have cats and dogs?"

Yun Ranran squinted at him, and said dissatisfiedly: "How is it enough? The cat is disobedient, always loses his temper, and throws other people's things. Look how good Xiao Yuer is."

Xiao Qi turned her face away, her face flushed with anger.

Yun Ranran turned to look at the blue algae again.

Qing He drank the wine in his glass, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. If this happened, wouldn't he be a dog...

As soon as his mind moved, he met Shang Xiaoqi's cold gaze.

The boy said blankly: "You are a real dog."

Qinghe: ...

At this moment, the boy's singing stopped, and the originally quiet surroundings gradually returned to noise.

A gust of wind blew, and the girl's figure had disappeared in place.


Ao Jie had already left, the tower was clear and cold, only the mermaid boy stayed there as if suffering.

He was soaking in the dirty and cold water, drooping his eyelashes, just as usual, when he waited painfully for the dawn, suddenly there was a sigh beside him.

He turned his head and saw the little girl he had seen in the restaurant, she was sitting by the tower, dangling her calf.

She looked at him for a moment, then said with a smile, "Can I ask you about someone?"

He lowered his head again and made no reply.

Yun Ranran said casually: "Yun Jian, I want to ask you about Yun Jian, I heard that you have met him before."

The merman boy who had always been docile and numb suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her in surprise.

Seeing this look, Yun Ranran knew there was something to be done, and immediately asked: "Can you tell me about your past?"

Lanzao looked at her for a while, but did not answer, but asked another question: "What do you think of me?"

How is he?

Yun Ranran thought about it, cowardly, naive, and numb, there are obviously people who are willing to rescue, but they are unwilling to face it, in order to fulfill the unworthy agreement with her mother, she will bury herself and become a plaything.

Probably the kind of people she doesn't like.

But she didn't say it. She looked at his face and hesitated.

The merman boy seemed to see through her embarrassment, he smiled and said softly: "That's what he said."

Yun Ranran froze for a moment.

The juvenile's shark tail fiddled with the water, and the sound was particularly beautiful.

"When we first met, he said to me, you are so annoying."

"Cowardly, evasive, numb, I don't like you at all."

Ah, I didn't expect to hear this, Yun Ranran was a little embarrassed.

Lanzao shook his head, indicating that it was okay.

He looked up at the wide sea in the distance, and remembered the moment when he first met that person.

At that time, his mother had just passed away, and he was thrown into a seaside mine. He got a copper pick, worked day and night, had no food, no rest, was weak, and his skin was festered. Come to the mine to humiliate him and live a life worse than a dog.

All he wanted at that time was to die, and just as he was looking for a secluded place and was about to plunge a copper pick into his throat, he met the young man Yun Jian.

Yun Jian was a few years older than him, holding a dirty copper pickaxe, and caught a dusty net in his hand. When he passed by him, he asked in surprise, "Are you also here to catch fish?"

catch fish? In this precarious mine, is he still interested in catching fish?

He glared at him angrily: "I'm not!"

The boy scratched his hair and said with a smile, "Oh, do you want to go together?"

Who wants to catch fish with him in the dark, he is going to die, he is so angry that he sinks into the darkness, he doesn't want to say another word to this person.

Unexpectedly, he walked up without hesitation, grabbed his wrist, and dragged him out.

He became even angrier, and said angrily, "Don't meddle in your own business, I don't need you to meddle..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by him. He dragged him into the moonlight, and said with cold eyes: "Who cares about your life, but since you are planning to die, then do something good before you die."

He was startled, and the boy dragged him all the way to the beach, then pointed to the deep sea and said, "Are you a mermaid? The water quality must be good. Go down and catch some fish for me. If they don't give you food, I'll kill you." I'm so hungry I'm eating rocks."

He stared at him angrily.

The young man narrowed his eyes and said arrogantly: "Hurry up, you won't die if you don't catch a few fish. If you catch a few fish, you will be let go."

He was so angry that tears were about to fall out. Who is he? His life was too bitter. He was forced to fish in the sea when he was about to die. This seaside mine was sealed in an enchantment, and there were almost no fish. He had to fish when.

But he couldn't resist, the young man looked thin, but his strength was astonishing, he jumped into the water with red eyes, feeling aggrieved.

The boy set up a small wooden frame by the sea, afraid of being discovered, he didn't dare to light the fire, and waited for him with his cheeks propped up.

He searched desperately for an hour before catching a small fish, thin and slippery, he came out of the sea with the seaweed on his back, the boy laughed loudly.

Later, when he saw the little fish with the thickness of a thumb in his palm, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The two were squatting on the beach bitterly. The young man looked at the small wooden frame he had built, with a sad face, and felt that he had made a big fuss. He took a small wooden stick, ignited it and inserted it into the sand, and then began to roast the small fish.

The big fish was grilled in a while, and it was quite fragrant. He sat next to the boy, drooling unsatisfactorily.

But the boy didn't have the slightest intention to share it with him. He hadn't eaten for many days, so he couldn't help but look at Xiaoyu.

The young man said indifferently: "You're going to die, it's a waste of food."

He was so annoyed that he got up to leave, but the young man grabbed him and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll give you half."

He took the half of the small fish without disappointment, suddenly felt very sad, tears fell down, and he couldn't get enough to eat, so what if he survived today?

He simply stopped eating, raised his hand and threw the small fish into the sand, got up to leave, but Yun Jian stopped him and asked, "What's wrong?"

He just said: "Don't worry about it."

Yun Jian picked up the half of the small fish from the sand, wiped it clean, and threw it into his mouth.

He said disgustedly: "You still eat it when it's so dirty."

The young man smiled and threw the small fish into his mouth, and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls: "How can you have strength if you don't eat enough?"

He sneered: "What do you have the strength to do? Dig more mines?"

The boy said with a mysterious smile: "Prison break!"

He was startled, then sneered and said, "Escape from prison? What are you doing? Do you know that the guards are Ao Jie's elite troops, and it is impossible to escape."

The young man said: "Always give it a try."

He sneered and said: "What's there to try? It will only be worse if you fail. They are so strong that they can't fight at all. Why ask for trouble."

The young man was startled, his gaze gradually turned cold.

He followed suit, staring at him blankly.

After a while, the young man laughed with a cold voice.

"You are so annoying, cowardly, evasive, numb, I don't like you at all."

Hearing this, his eyes turned red, and he said angrily, "I didn't want you to like it at first, but I said I didn't care about it. You dragged me here."

After he finished speaking, he was very angry, turned around and left.

A boy's sneering voice came from behind: "Coward."

He stopped in his tracks and gripped the copper pick in his hand tightly. He is not a coward, he has the belief that he must die, what a fart he knows!

The young man said slowly: "Those who want to die will be blackmailed by others, those who want to die still want half a small fish from other people's mouths, and those who want to die still talk so much nonsense?"

He froze.

The young man smiled and said, "Aren't you asking me for help?"

With a shock in his heart, tears couldn't help falling down, and he suppressed his crying and said, "I didn't."

The young man came over and said coldly: "You, dare not die or live, what is it if you are not a coward?"

He paused and smiled.

"You have to choose the same thing in life, right?"

Life is alive, always choose the same? He burst into tears, when did he have the right to choose?

He looked up at him, choked up and said, "Do you think I like myself?"

"I also hate myself for being cowardly and for not fighting, but what can I do? I'm afraid."

He opened his sleeves and trouser legs, and there were old scars all over his body, one by one.

"If you resist, you will be beaten, locked in a cage, starved for many days, and use all your strength to apologize, so that you can live carefully. How can I grow into a handsome adult?"

The young man was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "I will take you away, will you follow me?"

He was startled, and shook his head vigorously: "I can't get away, neither Ao Jie nor Ao Feng will let me go."

The boy asked again: "I will take you away, will you follow me?"

He didn't understand what was going on with him, and said angrily, "Why don't you understand other people's words, didn't I say that? I can't leave, they won't let me go..."

The boy interrupted him: "I'm asking you, what do you want."

He stared at him blankly. Since he was a child, no one had ever asked him what he wanted, because he was not cared about, so he never expected it.

What does he want?

Just thinking about it brought tears to his eyes.

Wiping his tears, he said, "I want to go to the other side of the sea to see."

"I want to live freely without living in a cage."

Yun Jian grabbed his shoulder and said seriously: "Let's break out of the prison together, I will take you where you want to go."

At that time, he was deeply moved, and felt that this guy was really a god, so he mustered all his life's courage and nodded.

It wasn't until later when discussing the plan that something was wrong.

The two cats looked at the dilapidated mine troop distribution map together.

Yun Jian pointed to the mark in the picture, and said seriously: "There are three guards here, I can't deal with them, we have to unite with other people in the mine."

He was a little confused, and turned to look at him: "You can't deal with the three? This is just an ordinary low-level monk."

Yun Jian scratched his head and said seriously, "I can't beat it."

He exploded, shaking his shoulders, and said angrily: "You can't beat three ordinary low-level monks, and you still have the nerve to say escape? Then how do you deal with Ao Jie and Ao Feng? Are you lying to me?"

Yun Jian murmured: "I didn't lie to you, I used to be the most powerful, not to mention Ao Jie, even the Ao family, I can chop with a sword, but now something went wrong and I can't use the sword."

His eyes were red with anger, he really believed in his evil, but he didn't expect this person to be a liar.

"You're talking nonsense, I don't believe you in vain."

The young man said helplessly: "I didn't lie to you, I, I died in a place called Lingshui Town before, but I don't know why I didn't die and came back to life."

"This matter is still a mystery, and I still don't know what's going on."

"After I came back to life, I found that there was a big problem with my exercises."

"If I use a sword, I will gradually lose myself, as if my human nature is swallowed by the sword, and I will become violent and bloodthirsty. I will kill each one I see."

"So I don't dare to do it anymore. I'm not bragging. I'm good at everything. If I were a bad guy, it would be as terrifying as destroying the world."

"I don't want to be the person I hate the most, so I can't take any chances, you know?"

He was so angry that his head hurt, and he said viciously: "I know a fart."

Yun Jian was not angry, and pointed to another place and said: "The keys of each prison are hidden here. It is a secret room under the sea. Only you can go down, so I'm counting on you."

After a little thought, he understood, and his voice was trembling: "So you took me, and you just want me to pick up the key for you?"

The boy didn't answer, looked at him for a moment, then asked with a smile, "So, do you agree?"

He can't speak, this man is a liar, he can't even beat ordinary monks, he just wants to trick him to help him get the key, after getting the key, he may just abandon him, after all, no one wants to face Ao Jie anger.

He hasn't been lied to...

The end was extremely tragic...

He looked at the distant sea level, which was boundless. He also secretly thought that if he could get out of this prison in his lifetime, he could live freely without being careful...

He clenched his fingers tightly, bit his lips until they turned white, and finally said, "Okay."

The boy rubbed his hair and smiled very gently: "I like you now."

He was slightly taken aback, and suddenly wanted to cry again. On the one hand, he felt that it was ridiculous for him to put all his eggs in one basket with a liar, and on the other hand, he felt that there was a liar. At least at this time, he felt that there was hope in life.

Later, Yun Jian really began to secretly cooperate with other people in the mine, complete the warning route, and secretly prepare sufficient weapons.

When he calculated the strength of troops carefully, he asked him why he worked so hard knowing that there was a huge difference between the enemy and ourselves?

At that time, he was holding the branch in his mouth, squinting at the parchment, and he replied, "Of course you have to work hard if you want to survive."

He asked again, but you can't even wield a sword anymore, you were so powerful before, would you be willing to be an ordinary person?

The boy smiled and said, ordinary people are also very nice.

He thought for a while and asked, how did you get caught in the seaside mine?

The young man was a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, I used to be nosy, I had many enemies, all of them hated me to the bone, and I stopped using the sword, so I was arrested...

He looked at Yun Jian in surprise, don't look at what he said lightly, if he is really as powerful as he said before, then his enemies are not simple people, once he loses his cultivation, what he faces is not as easy as death …

Those powerful monks have too many ways to torture people...

He couldn't help looking at him, the young man was sitting cross-legged, wrestling with the sheepskin, his brows were full of anger, wouldn't he be afraid?

Must be nonsense, right? Nobody has ever been in this situation with such ease...

Moreover, he also said that he uses the sword very powerfully, because he will become violent and bloodthirsty, so how can anyone do this? They were all caught in the seaside mine and escaped death, so they don't use swords?

Sure enough, he is a liar!

He looked at him silently for a moment, his eye circles suddenly turned red, a liar is a liar...

In this world, there was only this liar who said he would take him away.

He was plain and a little touched.

The moonlight gradually faded into the clouds, Lanzao withdrew her gaze, and smiled slowly at the clouds.

Yun Ranran was engrossed in listening, and asked anxiously, "What happened next?"

Lanzao said: "Later, he led everyone to dig a secret passage from the bottom of the sea, and got water-repelling pills from somewhere, and actually led a group of people out of the cage."

"It turns out that he is really not a liar."

"Everyone happily fled by boat. He waved to me from a wooden bed and told me to go to the other side of the sea with him."

Lanzao lowered her eyes and said softly: "I wanted to leave too, but Ao Feng found me and said that as long as I am willing to stay, I will give my mother a title."

"Although she treats me badly, she is my mother after all. This is what she valued the most during her lifetime. I want to do it for her."

Yun Ranran asked: "What about Yun Jian? Does he agree with you to stay?"

Lanzao smiled wryly: "He disagrees, but this is my decision after all, and there is nothing he can do about it."

"Where did Yun Jian go after that?"

Lanzao looked at the sea and said softly: "I don't know, but he must have traveled far away. He said he wanted to see different scenery and meet someone special."

"A person like him must live in style somewhere, drinking the strongest wine, playing the fastest sword, and living the happiest life."

Yun Ranran also looked towards the sea, and couldn't help but think of that boy.

He more freely than anyone else, laugh more happily than anyone else...

Riding the horse to the end of the world, expressing gratitude and enmity, every scar is a moving story.


There are only sporadic pedestrians left in the central square, and the world gradually sinks into darkness.

Yun Ranran had left for a long time, but the mermaid boy was still locked on the tower.

He stared at the sea in ecstasy, and his eye circles turned red as he watched. The encounter with the boy was an unforgettable past in his life.

Back then, the waves were as gentle as they are today.


What he didn't expect was that Yun Jian actually completed his plan and successfully brought everyone out of the mine through the secret passage. He also carefully prepared a few boats, even considering the number.

He was very surprised, and really didn't understand why he could do such an incredible thing, he just smiled and said, with a small gain, it is natural to be cautious, follow me in the future, and I will teach you.

He thought he couldn't learn it, but following him made him very happy.

Everyone boarded the ship quickly and orderly, and when they were about to set sail, their deeds were revealed.

Someone couldn't help the temptation, betrayed everyone, and went to report the news. Ao Feng brought a large number of guards and monks to arrest them.

Ao Feng's body is a water dragon, with the power to manipulate sea water. For a while, the calm sea was turbulent, the clouds gradually gathered, the torrential rain poured down, and the violent sea wind blew from a distant place, sweeping everything.

The boat shook wildly, and the wooden bottom of the boat creaked and cracked.

Everyone on the boat began to panic, and some timid ones cried out in fear.

This is just Ao Feng, Ao Jie hasn't appeared yet...

Everyone will die.

He has not yet boarded the ship, looking at everything in front of him, desperate and terrified.

Standing on the edge of the boat, Yun Jian stretched out his hand to him in the rainstorm, and shouted, "Get on board."

His trembling hands and feet could not use any strength, but he rushed to the side of the boat with all his might.

Ao Feng had already chased after him, and behind him was a row of elite soldiers, each holding a halberd. When he raised his hand, the halberd formed an exquisite formation, and countless rainwater turned into water arrows and shot towards one of the small boats.

The water arrows were fast and sharp, and the small wooden boat was smashed into a sieve in an instant, and the small wooden boat collapsed into pieces in an instant.

It was still Yun Jian who had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and dragged the people on board into his own boat.

But everyone's faces turned pale. Ao Feng was telling them that everything was futile in the face of absolute power.

Ao Feng sneered, "Did you see that? Your life and death are just in my mind."

"But I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you a choice."

Everyone was drenched by the rain, and they all looked at him tremblingly.

Ao Feng pointed at the merman boy, and said with a smile: "Don't let him board the boat, leave in front of him, and I will let you go."

Blue Algae's face was as pale as paper for an instant.

He was standing by the side of the boat, and he could get on board with just one step. He tremblingly looked at the people on board. They were as fragile as duckweed in the storm, all of them were scarred and emaciated like sticks.

They also looked at him, with pleading, resentment, anger, and intolerance in their eyes, all complex.

He remembered that the tall man leaning against the side of the boat hadn't seen his mother for decades, the reason why he escaped with him was to go back and see his mother..."

The thin woman next to her was tougher than a man. She said that her child was still young and needed her, and she must get out alive.

He has no mother, no one needs him, and it seems that it doesn't matter if he dies.

He was pale and shaky.

His outstretched hand is hanging in the air, and with a little more force, it can be clasped to the hull of the ship, but...

Curling her fingertips, she couldn't hold back the tears.

Anyway, I can't survive myself, it's better to let them...

At this moment, he heard a roar: "Get on board!"

As soon as he looked up, he saw the thin woman, who desperately waved at him, and shouted anxiously: "What are you doing in a daze, get on the boat, aren't you going to the other side of the sea? Hurry up!"

He was taken aback, tears bursting out of the embankment.

Immediately after, the tall man also shouted: "I am not a covetous person, get on the boat! Get on the boat!"

In this world, it turns out that there are still people who really care about him. He was crying so hard that when he raised his eyes, he met the young man with a wanton smile.

He stretched out his hand towards him vigorously and shouted: "Sanza, get on the boat!"

The hand pierced through the rain curtain and stopped in front of him, very close, so close that as long as he stretched out his hand, he could hold it tightly.

He wiped his eyes, and held the hand with all his strength, and then a strong force came, and he was dragged onto the boat.

Everything happened inconceivably fast, before he could react, his head was held down by a hand, and he rubbed it vigorously, he raised his head blankly, and met Yun Jian's gentle black eyes.

"Well done, Spirulina."

He looked at him tearfully.

The boy grinned, raised his finger and pointed forward.

"We, set sail."

He wiped away his tears and nodded vigorously.

Under the command of Yun Jian, the people on board began to get busy, and Yun Jian activated a protective formation around the hull, barely resisting Ao Feng's attack.

With the efforts of everyone, the boat finally set sail and moved to the depths of the sea.

The sea tonight is extremely violent, with lightning and thunder, and thick clouds pressing overhead, making people feel desperate.

He continuously sent his own weak spiritual power to the spirit stone to strengthen the protective shield.

He saw Yun Jian standing at the bow of the boat, the strong wind was blowing his clothes, but he was not afraid at all, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Blue algae, have you ever seen this kind of weather?"

He tremblingly said no.

The boy's black eyes were bright, with a frivolous smile.

"Then you have to take a good look, it will be very difficult to meet again in the future."

He didn't know why he could be so chic, but he was inexplicably infected by him, and he also became excited.

The boy raised his hand.

"Blue algae, look ahead, we have to go through this storm and go there."

He took a closer look in the direction he pointed, and found that there was also a ray of hope in the dark cloud-covered hell.

At the end of the dark clouds, there is a line of calm sea area, which is beyond the range of Ao Feng's influence.

There is a gentle moonlight, a calm sea and the other shore to go to.

As long as they can avoid Ao Feng's next attack, they should be able to enter there.

Ao Feng saw that this group of people failed to do what he wanted, so he was so angry that he set off to catch up with the boat. The boat was dark and tall. Compared with it, their boat was as small as an ant, as if it could be crushed easily.

He couldn't see the highest point even when he looked up, how to avoid it?

At this moment, the hull of the ship shook for a while, and there were crackling sounds everywhere.

It was originally densely packed under the hood of light arrows, the protective cover was overwhelmed and shattered in an instant, and those light arrows rushed into the crowd, everyone was **** and bloody, and the screams were endless.

He was also shot by an arrow, and his arm was almost blown off on the spot. He gritted his teeth and endured it, only to find in horror that many parts of the ship's plank had been blown through, and water had begun to seep.

He staggered to find a wooden board to block it, and bumped into the thin and small woman. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was holding a wooden board tightly in her hand, desperately nailing it to the leaking place, trembling while nailing it.

He stepped forward to hold her down, and she raised her head in a daze.

He remembered that this woman was the first to call her on board, if it wasn't for her...

Being forced into such a desperate situation right now, if he hadn't boarded the boat, they might have...

He couldn't help crying, choked up and said, "I'm sorry."

The woman nailed the board desperately, looked at him with brown-black eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "No need to apologize, it's not your fault, we will definitely get out alive."

He had mixed feelings for a while, and was about to say something more, but he saw the always resolute woman showing a horrified expression.

A bright white light spot was reflected in those brown eyes, and then the light spot became bigger and bigger.

He was trembling with fright, and immediately turned his head to look, and fell to the ground in horror on the spot.

On the tall and majestic prow, hundreds of elites are arranging the halberds into a strange formation. Above the formation, the bright white lights are connected into pieces, condensing into a huge trident, and the thunder and wind are attached to it. , The power is so great that it almost tears the sky.

The white trident is constantly absorbing spiritual power, and it is still growing stronger.

What the **** is that!

He was trembling all over, unable to speak because of the trembling, the woman beside him finally showed a desperate expression, and tears rolled down his face.

Everyone on the boat saw this luminous and terrifying weapon, and they forgot what they were doing in fear.

Desperation spread on the ship, and some people couldn't help crying.

Ao Feng stood proudly at the front of the giant wheel, and said with a smirk, "People, you always have to pay for your wrong choices."

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the huge trident, and its tip was aimed straight at them. He had no doubt that if this thing hit it, the sea would be evaporated.

What to do, what to do, he wanted to calm down, but his tears were uncontrollable, if he hadn't boarded the boat just now...

So is it too late for him to disembark now?

If he goes to kneel and beg Ao Feng...

The ship shook extremely violently, and all the people in the boat were ups and downs. He used his hands and feet to grab the pillar beside him, and searched for Yun Jian's figure in the crowd.

Everyone is flustered, desperate, dead silent, that's not him, he must have a way, that person is always...

His pupils narrowed, and he finally found Yun Jian, who was stepping on the edge of the boat, got a whetstone from somewhere, and sharpened his sword in a serious manner.

What is he doing!

He was so angry that he forgot the pain, and shouted at him: "Don't you think it's too late now?"

The young man seriously sharpened the blade for a while, and then stood up. His index finger and **** touched the rainwater across the edge of the sword, and the light of the blade reflected on his sharp eyes.

The boy put the sword on his shoulder, and parted his mouth: "It's done."

He was so angry that he was speechless: "What is it?"

The young man raised his feet and walked towards the bow, he smiled and said, "I'll chop it up."

He closed his eyes in pain, it turned out that this guy was so chic because he was stupid...

With his level of cultivation and a broken sword, why should he chop that giant deep-sea ship, why should he fight against the trident...

He wanted to hold him back, but the young man walked extremely fast, he jumped onto the railing of the bow with a light leap.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on him.

At first I thought he would have something to do, but I didn't expect to be so nonsense. It's time like this, why...

That's simply not possible.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was going to drown everything.

Ao Feng saw that young man who didn't know how to live or die, and laughed so hard that he almost lost his breath. Where did the idiot come from, who actually wanted to shake the tree, dare to provoke him like this, he must let him know how powerful it is.

The trident was finally condensed, surrounded by purple thunder.

Ao Feng shouted loudly: "Let go."

With a deafening hum, the huge trident rushed towards the wobbly boat like destroying the world.

The momentum is huge, with the power of thunder.

The small wooden boat moved forward with difficulty, and almost shattered on the spot under the impact.

Everyone couldn't stand stably, fell to the ground one after another, hugged the things around them indiscriminately, and grabbed hold of them tightly.

The woman cried bitterly while pinching a small shoe, while the man held a wooden board and looked at the boat leaking everywhere, and found that there was no way to mend it, and shed tears in despair.

He forgot everything, just rushed towards the bow of the boat desperately, he wanted to pull the boy back, but the rain was slippery and the wind was blowing, he couldn't get close to him at all.

The moment he struggled to reach the bow, the trident finally arrived in front of him.

Everything seemed to stand still, and pain appeared on everyone's face.

It was an unshakable full moon, and everything it illuminated was wiped out.

He stretched out his hand in front of him, crying and calling out the boy's name.

Just when everything was quiet, amidst the pain and tears of everyone, the young man laughed.

"heard it."

"Don't be afraid, I chopped it off."

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy
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